
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 16:08:11
<a href="http://pakistanidefenceforum.com/index.php?showtopic=54771">http://pakistanidefenceforum.com/index.php?showtopic=54771</a>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-30 16:43:34编辑过]
<p>Good idea,...at least on paper.<br/>Moving the main landing gears entails major redesign of the lower portion of central fuselage, the undercarriage, the mainwheel bay/housing and the load bearing structural frames of the wing roots. The relocation will undoubtly affect the center of gravity and flight characteristics of the plane. While the alternation may gain some room for a small internal weapon bay, the two mainwheel wells on wings will surely take up precious room which is where fuel tanks are. For a plane the size of JF-17, the trade-off may not be advantageous.<br/></p><p>好主意,不过纸上谈兵。</p><p>移动着陆装置不可避免的要重新设计机身的下部、起落架、主轮胎仓和位于机翼根部的着陆轴承结构框架。这将毫无疑问的影响到飞机的中心和飞行特性。一个替代方案是得到一个小的武器隔仓,位于机翼的轮子将占用宝贵的用于放燃料的空间。对于像FC-1这样的小飞机来说,这样的改动并不一定的有利的。(这段看得比较晕,估计会有不少的错误)</p><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
<p>Still, the idea can be explored. Even a 2,000 lb internal weapons bay would be beneficial. The real issue is the re-location of the main landing gears if such a move was made. The A-5C rarely carries an internal weapons load, &amp; if so, usually in very small quantities. I'd say that LGBs &amp; possibly JDAMs could be used initially instead of relying on sheer loads (in any case, accuracy is more important) but the FC-1 could in theory use internal loads for A2A weapons.</p><p>即便如此,这个方案也是可以研究一下的。即使是一个2000lb 的武器隔仓也是有用的。真正的问题是要重新设计着陆系统。A-5C就很少带内置的武器,即便带,也是很少的数量。我想说LGBs 或是 JDAMs应该会被最先替代全开放的装载方式,在某些时候精确度更重要。但理论上FC-1可以使用内置武器藏装载A2A武器。(这一段也够晕)<br/><br/>For now, the FC-1 suffices. Great to see 04 flying!</p><p>现在FC-1够用了,很高兴它飞了。</p><p><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p>
<div class="postcolor" id="post-757802">haha,this flight is a mile stone case.new avionic make this fighter be a good weapon platform, dsi make it more light,now it is a really fighter aircraft.</div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor">哈哈,这是个里程碑。新的航电设备让它成为一个很好的武器平台,DSI让它更轻。现在它是个真正的战斗机。</div><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
<div class="postcolor" id="post-757804">Wow. Looks great. DSI is a hot new tech for light fighters nowadays. Hope production will start soon!</div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor">我靠,真牛。DSI是当今轻型战机的热门新技术。希望尽快开工生产!</div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor">I am sure Jf-17 will be flying on MAr 23rd Parade (Insha Allah)<br/><br/>This test was for avionics( i guesS)................... SO whats next????<br/></div><p><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p><p>我确定它会出现在MAr 23rd 阅兵式中。</p><p>这次测试是为了检测航电设备么?那下一个会是什么?<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p>
<p>DSI = Divertless Supersonic Intake. It basically omits the need for plumpeting air flow vessels &amp; allows for smoother airflow. This saves some weight &amp; reduces maintance slightly.</p><p>这段在说DSI的用处,相信不如各位前辈们讲解的精确,小弟就不翻了(其实是因为太外行,怕犯错了挨砖头[em04][em04][em04])。</p>
<p>TOPGUN JF 17 is supposed to be medium tech with low price and you are talking about stuff that is now being used in F 22 and other expensive projects.<br/></p><p>FC-1应该是中等技术较低价格。你说的那个东东是被用在F22和比F22更贵的飞机上的工程。</p><p></p><p>Anway people are saying that JF 17 Pt # 4 is packing almost full avionics and ECM suite. It is also expected to test real weapons as it has all the stuff installed for launching these missiles.</p><p>无论如何,人们都在说FC-1 04号是整合完整航电设备的电子对抗设备的版本。我们同样期待能测试一下它的真实武器性能,因为它已经安装了发射导弹的所有设备。<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p>
<p>感谢<font face="Verdana" color="#61b713"><strong>cbw99</strong><font color="#000000">兄的翻译</font></font></p>
<p>Especially to Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "Whatever a Muslim or Muslimah do, may they excel in it" so let's excel &amp; set the standard!</p><p>特别是对穆沙拉夫,先知Muhammad 曾说过:“无论穆斯林或穆沙拉夫做什么,他们都会胜过其他人”。让我们插上军旗并取得胜利吧。<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p>
<p>hi, while viewing this pic, i saw this thing on its spin.if i m not wrong its similar to wat Pakistani F-6 and Su-25 have on their spins for ECM or is it some sensor attached to it for the collection of data?it was kinda disappointing to me(if its the 1st case) as i thought that china had figured out to put in in its tail for better efficiency.anyone with more knowledge please explain what happend, will be thankful<br/>in the end let me congrat all my Pakistaniz and chineese bros on the 1st successful flight of 4th prototype of jf-17.inshallah with the induction and production of jf-17 in our airforce we will learn alot and then get to produce far better and superior aircrafts in future.<br/>Long Live Pakistan</p><p>通过看图片,我发现有些东西在他的Spins上(这里Spins指什么东西我就不知道了)。无过我没错的话,他就像是F-6和Su-25的Spins上带着的电子对抗用途的装置,或是有没有传感器连在它上面以便收集数据? 我对此有一些失望,因为我觉得中国已经领会到把它放在尾部会有更好的效果,请高手帮忙解释一下到底发生了什么?</p><p>最后让我们在FC-1成功首飞的时刻,庆祝所有的巴基斯坦和中国兄弟。通过在我们的空军里学习和生产FC-1,我们会学到很多东西,然后生产出更好更先进的超级战机。<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p>
<p>will we see a prototype 05 before the year is out?</p><p>我们会在今年见到05号机么?</p><p></p><p>isnt the 4th prototype the last prototype of jf-17 before the start of serial production?</p><p>04号机是不是在正式投产之前的最后一个原型机?<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p>
<div class="postcolor" id="post-758053">congradulation to all pakistanese and all muslim</div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor">恭喜所有的巴基斯坦人和所有的穆斯林</div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor">The some new reports that reported test flight of 04 also suggested that China is all set for serial production so i dont think there is going to be a 05. However once serial production commences and time goes by we will surely see gradual upgrades in the following.<br/></div><div class="postcolor">最新的报告说对04号的测试暗示中国已经对开工生产准备就绪。所以我觉得不会有05号了。无论如何,一旦生产线投产,随着时间的推移,我们一定会看到逐渐升级的产品。</div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor">Avionics. thanks to open architecture I am sure they will keep improving. We might have gone for current chinese radars but if a cheap and viable AESA option comes along (Vixen) then maybe that one or if China succesfully comes up with aesa version for klj-3 . I just saw a magzine front page in chinese posted as an image that shows the advanced J-10 with KLJ-2000 (AESA??). So i wouldnt put it beyond chinese.<br/></div><div class="postcolor">航电设备,感谢开放的架构。我敢保证他们会不断更新。我们可能已经深入研究了当前的中国雷达,但如果有一个便宜的并且可行的AESA选择出现的话,那可能就是它了,或者中国成功地追赶上了klj-3的aesa版本。我刚看了一个中国杂志的封皮,贴出了一张J-10 和KLJ-2000 在一起的照片。(最后一句没理解他要说什么)</div><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
<div class="postcolor" id="post-758053">congradulation to all pakistanese and all muslim</div><div class="postcolor">&nbsp;</div><div class="postcolor">恭喜所有的巴基斯坦人和所有的穆斯林</div><div class="postcolor">&nbsp;</div><div class="postcolor">The some new reports that reported test flight of 04 also suggested that China is all set for serial production so i dont think there is going to be a 05. However once serial production commences and time goes by we will surely see gradual upgrades in the following.<br/></div><div class="postcolor">最新的报告说对04号的测试暗示中国已经对开工生产准备就绪。所以我觉得不会有05号了。无论如何,一旦生产线投产,随着时间的推移,我们一定会看到逐渐升级的产品。</div><div class="postcolor">&nbsp;</div><div class="postcolor">&nbsp;</div><div class="postcolor">Avionics. thanks to open architecture I am sure they will keep improving. We might have gone for current chinese radars but if a cheap and viable AESA option comes along (Vixen) then maybe that one or if China succesfully comes up with aesa version for klj-3 . I just saw a magzine front page in chinese posted as an image that shows the advanced J-10 with KLJ-2000 (AESA??). So i wouldnt put it beyond chinese.<br/></div><div class="postcolor">航电设备,感谢开放的架构。我敢保证他们会不断更新。我们可能已经深入研究了当前的中国雷达,但如果有一个便宜的并且可行的AESA选择出现的话,那可能就是它了,或者中国成功地追赶上了klj-3的aesa版本。我刚看了一个中国杂志的封皮,贴出了一张J-10 和KLJ-2000 在一起的照片。(最后一句没理解他要说什么)</div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-30 21:13:49编辑过]
<p>谢谢<strong><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713">cbw99<font color="#000000">,我在JC上看到一些,但没有你转的那么多。看来你也是个老潜水员啊,再次感谢!</font></font></strong></p>[em07]
<p>怎么会这样呢?</p><p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713">cbw99加油啊</font></strong></p>
<font color="#000000">谢谢<strong><font face="Verdana">cbw99~~~~~~~~</font></strong></font>
<p>Lastly, i would use of more composites to shave off more weight that would make place for more internal fuel (longer range or longer loiter time or both). But then this would make this jet similar to performance in F-16s and J-10 so i woudlnt expect it to be too drastic so as to keep the price low and keep the sphere of capabilities within medium to low.<br/></p><p>最后,我希望使用更多的复合材料来减重,以便装在更多的燃油。但这样就会让它的表现更接近F16s和J-10,所以我也不希望它变得太强劲以便于保持较低的价格和中低档次的性能。</p>
<p>ECCM is on top of the tail. The one on spine is for communication and the one under the nose is to send data from censors to the ground stations. Every batch will have some sort of improvement over the prior batch and since it is <u>our</u> plane we dont need anyone's permission to modify or upgrade it. :-)</p><p>ECM是在尾部的上端。脊背上的那个东东是通讯用的,在飞机最前端的那个东东是传感器发送数据给地面站的装置。每一批产品都会有一些改进,并且因为这是我们的飞机,所以我们在修改和升级它的时候不需要得到任何其他人的许可。<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></p>
<p>Yes, there is a 05. It will be the last prototype build specifically for long term structural fatigue tests. Just like 02, 05 will never leave the testing facility, but it contributions are as important as that of 01, 03 and 04. <br/></p><p>是的,05号是存在的。它是用来做静力试验的原型机,就像02号一样。它永远不会离开测试厂房,但他的贡献像03号和04号一样重要。</p>
<div class="postcolor" id="post-758126">So, PAC will be able to make JF-17 airframes, and get radars and electronics etc. delivered from CAC in "knocked-down" kits, right?<br/><br/>This is just for China's national security in case any other country that uses JF-17 should ever use the plane against China.<br/><br/>Right?</div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor">这样的话,PAC将有能力生产FC-1机身,然后从CAC得到安装了锁死功能模块雷达和电子设备。对么?</div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor">这只是为了中国自身的安全以防万一其他国家使用FC-1对抗中国。</div>
<p>The JF-17 will be under license production in Pakistan with PAC, not all of the components will be built in Pakistan - i.e engine. From 2010 PAC is expecting to roll out 20-25 aircraft a year - all of which will be delivered to PAF; if we get deliveries from CAC as well, the PAF should have 150 JF-17s by 2015.</p><p>PAC将在生产许可的限制下制造FC-1,但不是所有的组件都可以在巴基斯坦生产,不如发动机。从2010年开始,希望PAC能每年生产20到25架并交付使用。如果我们同时得到CAC交付的飞机,那PAF将在2015年拥有150架。</p>
<div class="postcolor" id="post-758154">I never said that DSI is expensive technology; i was reffering to other technologies that people here want in JF 17 which are only found in high end 4th gernation or 5th gernation aircrafts like AESA etc.</div><div class="postcolor"></div><div class="postcolor">我从没说过DSI是个很贵的高科技东东,我只是提到了一些其他的在四代机以上的高级战机上才会出现的并且这个论坛的人们希望FC-1拥有的技术。</div><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
<p>Recently I see the JF-17 04 movie on PTV World, Its really Excellent.</p><p>现在PTV World上看到FC-1 04号试飞的视频,是真的,太好了。</p>
<p>I hope that the PAF is ready to induct the type quickly. I wonder when the two-seater trainer version will be ready. It would be needed to facilitate training.</p><p>我希望PAF能尽快做好开工生产的准备。我想知道双座的教练机何时可用。这是非常需要的。</p>
<p>Let's not be forgetting our Chinese comrades who made it possible!</p><p>让我们不要忘记是我们的中国朋友让它变成的现实。</p>