
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 23:09:38

信息部部长、缅总统发言人U Ye Htut告诉记者,政府想查出现在果敢的中国少数民族人是如何进行军火、食物采购的。
U Ye Htut部长在与包括中国外交特使在内的外国外交团结束吹风会后,在缅甸仰光的和平中心表态道:“缅甸负责保卫边境,但边境不能只是由我国一方单独地进行保卫。中国也需要与缅方一同合作,来保护边境。”
U Ye Htut 称:“如果中方不能保卫边境,则还会再有炮弹落入(中国境内的)。中国应该对此区域实施保护,以避免果敢叛军占领边境区域。”
U Ye Htut部长的这番表态,是针对5月14日缅甸炮弹落入中国境内,导致五名中国公民受伤的事件;中方怀疑炮弹是由缅甸政府军投扔的。缅方同意对该事件展开调查。在3月份的边境战斗中,缅甸政府军机(投扔炮弹)造成五名中国公民死亡;对此,中方曾在当月警告缅方,其将采取“坚决果断措施”。
2月初,掸邦的果敢区域爆发战争;战火不断攀升,现已波及到靠近中国云南省的边境山头。缅方外交官称,U Ye Htut的评论暗示缅方担心中方为保证地区利益,正在违犯中方所制定的不干涉政策,跨境支援缅甸民族民主同盟军(MNDAA)。
该报道亦提醒读者注意, 美方曾于2005年以“贩卖海洛因和冰毒”为由起诉八名佤邦军领导。

Myanmar yesterday signalled its growing frustration with China over the border war in the Kokang region by calling on its neighbour to strengthen controls along the rugged frontier to prevent infiltration by insurgents.

Tatmadaw shells hit a hilltop held by Kokang rebels close to the border with China last week. Photo: Ministry of Information
U Ye Htut, information minister and presidential spokesperson, told reporters that the government wanted to know how the ethnic Chinese rebels in Kokang were sourcing weapons and food supplies.

“Myanmar protects the border but our country can’t do it alone. China also needs to protect the border together with Myanmar,” the minister said after briefing foreign diplomats, including Chinese envoys, at the Myanmar Peace Center in Yangon.

“If China doesn’t, then it can happen again that shells fall [across the border]. China should protect the area so that Kokang rebels do not occupy the border,” U Ye Htut said.

The minister was referring to an incident on May 14 when five civilians inside China were wounded by artillery fire that Beijing suspects came from the Tatmadaw. Myanmar has agreed to investigate the incident. China warned Myanmar in March that it could face “resolute and decisive measures” after a Tatmadaw aircraft killed five Chinese villagers in a cross-border strike.

Fighting that began in Kokang in Shan State in early February has recently intensified along hills close to the border with China’s Yunnan province. Diplomats said U Ye Htut’s comments reflected Myanmar’s concerns that the ethnic Chinese insurgents of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) were being aided across the border, possibly by local interests acting against the official policy of non-interference set by Beijing.

A source close to the MNDAA said the group’s fighters remained inside Myanmar and it was not sourcing food and weapons from China. The source said MNDAA forces did not enter Chinese territory and would be arrested if they did.

But the official Global New Light of Myanmar yesterday accused the Kokang rebels and their allies of using vast stockpiles of narcotics to pay the medical expenses of wounded fighters treated in a Chinese hospital in the border town of Nansan. Drugs were also sold to pay compensation for mercenaries killed in battle, the newspaper said.

The article’s main focus of attack, however, was the United Wa State Army (UWSA). An ally of the Kokang forces, the UWSA is the most powerful armed ethnic group in Myanmar with a reported 30,000 fighters and an economy closely integrated with Yunnan province.

Readers were reminded that eight UWSA leaders were indicted in the US in 2005 on heroin and methamphetamine trafficking charges.

The article carried distinctly anti-Chinese overtones with the author, believed to be writing under a pen name, noting that ethnic Chinese were occupying official posts in the Wa self-administered border zone, where “local culture is being swallowed and overwhelmed by the Chinese one”.

“Official language is Chinese and circulating money is Chinese renminbi while local dialect and literature are also becoming Chinese. Now is the time to monitor if they are all real ethnic Wa tribesmen or if they are Chinese people pretending to be Wa,” the article said.

The UWSA hosted a conference of select armed ethnic leaders in its border enclave of Pangkham in the first week of May, ostensibly to discuss the draft nationwide ceasefire accord signed by government representatives and negotiators for 16 armed groups on March 31.

The meeting ended with a communiqué reiterating UWSA demands for a separate state and for the inclusion of the Kokang groups in the nationwide ceasefire accord. Responding to the Wa demands for a separate state, the newspaper said it could be assumed that the UWSA was “willing to engage a military challenge”.

The source close to the MNDAA said fighting in Kokang had subsided yesterday. However, the Tatmadaw’s claim to have captured the Point 2202 hill post on May 14 after intense battles was disputed by the Ta’ang National Liberation Army, which is allied to the MNDAA. The group said its forces were still on the hill.


信息部部长、缅总统发言人U Ye Htut告诉记者,政府想查出现在果敢的中国少数民族人是如何进行军火、食物采购的。
U Ye Htut部长在与包括中国外交特使在内的外国外交团结束吹风会后,在缅甸仰光的和平中心表态道:“缅甸负责保卫边境,但边境不能只是由我国一方单独地进行保卫。中国也需要与缅方一同合作,来保护边境。”
U Ye Htut 称:“如果中方不能保卫边境,则还会再有炮弹落入(中国境内的)。中国应该对此区域实施保护,以避免果敢叛军占领边境区域。”
U Ye Htut部长的这番表态,是针对5月14日缅甸炮弹落入中国境内,导致五名中国公民受伤的事件;中方怀疑炮弹是由缅甸政府军投扔的。缅方同意对该事件展开调查。在3月份的边境战斗中,缅甸政府军机(投扔炮弹)造成五名中国公民死亡;对此,中方曾在当月警告缅方,其将采取“坚决果断措施”。
2月初,掸邦的果敢区域爆发战争;战火不断攀升,现已波及到靠近中国云南省的边境山头。缅方外交官称,U Ye Htut的评论暗示缅方担心中方为保证地区利益,正在违犯中方所制定的不干涉政策,跨境支援缅甸民族民主同盟军(MNDAA)。
该报道亦提醒读者注意, 美方曾于2005年以“贩卖海洛因和冰毒”为由起诉八名佤邦军领导。

Myanmar yesterday signalled its growing frustration with China over the border war in the Kokang region by calling on its neighbour to strengthen controls along the rugged frontier to prevent infiltration by insurgents.

Tatmadaw shells hit a hilltop held by Kokang rebels close to the border with China last week. Photo: Ministry of Information
U Ye Htut, information minister and presidential spokesperson, told reporters that the government wanted to know how the ethnic Chinese rebels in Kokang were sourcing weapons and food supplies.

“Myanmar protects the border but our country can’t do it alone. China also needs to protect the border together with Myanmar,” the minister said after briefing foreign diplomats, including Chinese envoys, at the Myanmar Peace Center in Yangon.

“If China doesn’t, then it can happen again that shells fall [across the border]. China should protect the area so that Kokang rebels do not occupy the border,” U Ye Htut said.

The minister was referring to an incident on May 14 when five civilians inside China were wounded by artillery fire that Beijing suspects came from the Tatmadaw. Myanmar has agreed to investigate the incident. China warned Myanmar in March that it could face “resolute and decisive measures” after a Tatmadaw aircraft killed five Chinese villagers in a cross-border strike.

Fighting that began in Kokang in Shan State in early February has recently intensified along hills close to the border with China’s Yunnan province. Diplomats said U Ye Htut’s comments reflected Myanmar’s concerns that the ethnic Chinese insurgents of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) were being aided across the border, possibly by local interests acting against the official policy of non-interference set by Beijing.

A source close to the MNDAA said the group’s fighters remained inside Myanmar and it was not sourcing food and weapons from China. The source said MNDAA forces did not enter Chinese territory and would be arrested if they did.

But the official Global New Light of Myanmar yesterday accused the Kokang rebels and their allies of using vast stockpiles of narcotics to pay the medical expenses of wounded fighters treated in a Chinese hospital in the border town of Nansan. Drugs were also sold to pay compensation for mercenaries killed in battle, the newspaper said.

The article’s main focus of attack, however, was the United Wa State Army (UWSA). An ally of the Kokang forces, the UWSA is the most powerful armed ethnic group in Myanmar with a reported 30,000 fighters and an economy closely integrated with Yunnan province.

Readers were reminded that eight UWSA leaders were indicted in the US in 2005 on heroin and methamphetamine trafficking charges.

The article carried distinctly anti-Chinese overtones with the author, believed to be writing under a pen name, noting that ethnic Chinese were occupying official posts in the Wa self-administered border zone, where “local culture is being swallowed and overwhelmed by the Chinese one”.

“Official language is Chinese and circulating money is Chinese renminbi while local dialect and literature are also becoming Chinese. Now is the time to monitor if they are all real ethnic Wa tribesmen or if they are Chinese people pretending to be Wa,” the article said.

The UWSA hosted a conference of select armed ethnic leaders in its border enclave of Pangkham in the first week of May, ostensibly to discuss the draft nationwide ceasefire accord signed by government representatives and negotiators for 16 armed groups on March 31.

The meeting ended with a communiqué reiterating UWSA demands for a separate state and for the inclusion of the Kokang groups in the nationwide ceasefire accord. Responding to the Wa demands for a separate state, the newspaper said it could be assumed that the UWSA was “willing to engage a military challenge”.

The source close to the MNDAA said fighting in Kokang had subsided yesterday. However, the Tatmadaw’s claim to have captured the Point 2202 hill post on May 14 after intense battles was disputed by the Ta’ang National Liberation Army, which is allied to the MNDAA. The group said its forces were still on the hill.

缅甸的政策就是分化瓦解 各个击破,老缅是不会仅仅满足于一个小小果敢的,当然佤邦他也吃不下,但是就怕撺掇中国对佤邦釜底抽薪。
缅甸的政策就是分化瓦解 各个击破,老缅是不会仅仅满足于一个小小果敢的,当然佤邦他也吃不下,但是就怕撺 ...
和平与战争 发表于 2015-5-25 14:08
如果缅甸完成了统一跟越南会是一个套路,首先要做的就是通过排华凝聚缅族对军政府的凝聚力,然后投向西方争取卖一个好价格,西方也需要缅甸牵制中国  所以有一天军政府跟美国狼狈为奸也不需要奇怪。


迟早的  也必然来
大红一师262626 发表于 2015-5-25 14:21
如果缅甸完成了统一跟越南会是一个套路,首先要做的就是通过排华凝聚缅族对军政府的凝聚力,然后投向西方 ...