
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 08:49:25
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com  

Texas lawmaker under fire for Facebook post on Muslim Capitol Day


A newly elected Texas state lawmaker is under fire for a divisive Facebook post asking Muslim visitors attending an event at the state capitol in Austin to pledge allegiance to the United States.


The event, Texas Muslim Capitol Day, was organized by the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.


"Today is Texas Muslim Capital [sic] Day in Austin," Molly White, a House Republican, wrote on her Facebook page Thursday. "The House is in recess until Monday. Most Members including myself are back in District. I did leave an Israeli flag on the reception desk in my office with instructions to staff to ask representatives from the Muslim community to renounce Islamic terrorist groups and publicly announce allegiance to America and our laws. We will see how long they stay in my office."

“今天奥斯丁要举办德州穆斯林国会节”这名叫Molly White的众议院共和党成员,周四在她的非死不可主页上写道“众议院要放假到周一,大多数人包括我都各回各区了,我留了面以色列旗在我办公室的接待台上,还交代工作人员,请来自各大穆斯林社区的代表们坚决与伊斯兰恐怖分子划清关系,并且公开宣示效忠美国,尊重美国法律。我们很快就会看到他们会在我办公室里呆多久。”


The post followed a similar Facebook message that was posted along with a report from the "Right Wing News" website about a Dallas community creating a voluntary shariah court to dispense Islamic justice.


"Remember, in the Koran, it is ok to lie for the purpose of advancing Islam," she wrote. "Texans must never allow fringe groups of people to come here so that they can advance their own culture instead of becoming an American and assimilating into the American way of life. That, I can assure is not the intent of most Muslims who move to America."


The posts drew immediate criticism from many Facebook users.


"You can't seriously be this clueless," Fatima Ahmed wrote. "Not very 'Christian' of you. We should organize a group to come visit you and shower you with love in return for your hate. That's would Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) would do. But what would you know about that. #Islamophobia #Bigotry #MollyWhite #TAKEONHATE."

“你不能这么无知”Fatima Ahmed 写道“做基督徒也不是你这样的,我们应该组团去看望你,给你展示下什么叫以德报怨。那才是耶稣(愿他安息)所提倡的。但你丫怎么会懂。”

"Just like the extremist groups hiding under the Muslim label, it looks like we've got an extremist here hiding under the label of Christianity," Kelly Pfeiffer wrote.


"Next can you ask all white people visiting the capitol [to] denounce the KKK?" Laura Wright asked. "When you do, please ask your staff to make a youtube video! I’d watch it!"

“下一步你是不是要叫所有游览众议院的白人去声讨3K党?”Laura Wright问道“你要是这么做了,麻烦让你的员工发个youtube视频,我会去围观的!”

"I came here to call you a bigot, but I see everyone else beat me to it," John Glover wrote.

“本来专门过来叫你一声偏执鬼,但是看到别人都骂得比我狠。”John Glover说。

"This is a gross misuse of a political office," James Propes wrote.

“简直是滥用政治处的职权”James Propes 说。

But White, a 56-year-old anti-abortion conservative from Belton, Texas, dismissed the criticism.


"I do not apologize for my comments above," she wrote. "If you love America, obey our laws and condemn Islamic terrorism then I embrace you as a fellow American. If not, then I do not."


White did not immediately respond to a request seeking further comment.


In response, CAIR sent a letter to Texas House speaker Joe Straus asking if White had violated any House rules in discriminating "against certain religious minorities trying to meet with her or her staff."

作为回应,CAIR发了封信给德州众议院发言人Joe Straus,质问White“对准备会见她或其员工的少数派宗教人士采取敌对态度”的行为是否已经违反了德州众议院规定。

"Are House members prohibited from making constituents take oaths before meeting with their elected representatives or house staff?" the letter asked.


White's comments come after the deadly terror attacks in France carried out by Muslim extremists earlier this month.


Anti-Islam protesters at Texas Muslim Capitol Day screaming "go home!" and "Mohammad is dead!"


Thursday's event drew several dozen protesters, who gathered outside the Texas state capitol holding signs ("Radical Islam Is the New Nazi," one read) and shouting "Go home!"


The annual gathering of Texas Muslims began in 2003. Organizers told the Texas Tribune that this the first year there have been protests

这个每年一度的德州穆斯林集会是从2003年开始的,主办者们告诉德州论坛报这是第一次遭遇抗议。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com  

Texas lawmaker under fire for Facebook post on Muslim Capitol Day


A newly elected Texas state lawmaker is under fire for a divisive Facebook post asking Muslim visitors attending an event at the state capitol in Austin to pledge allegiance to the United States.


The event, Texas Muslim Capitol Day, was organized by the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.


"Today is Texas Muslim Capital [sic] Day in Austin," Molly White, a House Republican, wrote on her Facebook page Thursday. "The House is in recess until Monday. Most Members including myself are back in District. I did leave an Israeli flag on the reception desk in my office with instructions to staff to ask representatives from the Muslim community to renounce Islamic terrorist groups and publicly announce allegiance to America and our laws. We will see how long they stay in my office."

“今天奥斯丁要举办德州穆斯林国会节”这名叫Molly White的众议院共和党成员,周四在她的非死不可主页上写道“众议院要放假到周一,大多数人包括我都各回各区了,我留了面以色列旗在我办公室的接待台上,还交代工作人员,请来自各大穆斯林社区的代表们坚决与伊斯兰恐怖分子划清关系,并且公开宣示效忠美国,尊重美国法律。我们很快就会看到他们会在我办公室里呆多久。”


The post followed a similar Facebook message that was posted along with a report from the "Right Wing News" website about a Dallas community creating a voluntary shariah court to dispense Islamic justice.


"Remember, in the Koran, it is ok to lie for the purpose of advancing Islam," she wrote. "Texans must never allow fringe groups of people to come here so that they can advance their own culture instead of becoming an American and assimilating into the American way of life. That, I can assure is not the intent of most Muslims who move to America."


The posts drew immediate criticism from many Facebook users.


"You can't seriously be this clueless," Fatima Ahmed wrote. "Not very 'Christian' of you. We should organize a group to come visit you and shower you with love in return for your hate. That's would Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) would do. But what would you know about that. #Islamophobia #Bigotry #MollyWhite #TAKEONHATE."

“你不能这么无知”Fatima Ahmed 写道“做基督徒也不是你这样的,我们应该组团去看望你,给你展示下什么叫以德报怨。那才是耶稣(愿他安息)所提倡的。但你丫怎么会懂。”

"Just like the extremist groups hiding under the Muslim label, it looks like we've got an extremist here hiding under the label of Christianity," Kelly Pfeiffer wrote.


"Next can you ask all white people visiting the capitol [to] denounce the KKK?" Laura Wright asked. "When you do, please ask your staff to make a youtube video! I’d watch it!"

“下一步你是不是要叫所有游览众议院的白人去声讨3K党?”Laura Wright问道“你要是这么做了,麻烦让你的员工发个youtube视频,我会去围观的!”

"I came here to call you a bigot, but I see everyone else beat me to it," John Glover wrote.

“本来专门过来叫你一声偏执鬼,但是看到别人都骂得比我狠。”John Glover说。

"This is a gross misuse of a political office," James Propes wrote.

“简直是滥用政治处的职权”James Propes 说。

But White, a 56-year-old anti-abortion conservative from Belton, Texas, dismissed the criticism.


"I do not apologize for my comments above," she wrote. "If you love America, obey our laws and condemn Islamic terrorism then I embrace you as a fellow American. If not, then I do not."


White did not immediately respond to a request seeking further comment.


In response, CAIR sent a letter to Texas House speaker Joe Straus asking if White had violated any House rules in discriminating "against certain religious minorities trying to meet with her or her staff."

作为回应,CAIR发了封信给德州众议院发言人Joe Straus,质问White“对准备会见她或其员工的少数派宗教人士采取敌对态度”的行为是否已经违反了德州众议院规定。

"Are House members prohibited from making constituents take oaths before meeting with their elected representatives or house staff?" the letter asked.


White's comments come after the deadly terror attacks in France carried out by Muslim extremists earlier this month.


Anti-Islam protesters at Texas Muslim Capitol Day screaming "go home!" and "Mohammad is dead!"


Thursday's event drew several dozen protesters, who gathered outside the Texas state capitol holding signs ("Radical Islam Is the New Nazi," one read) and shouting "Go home!"


The annual gathering of Texas Muslims began in 2003. Organizers told the Texas Tribune that this the first year there have been protests



克罗地亚狂想曲 发表于 2015-2-2 15:11
我所在的州现在看着还行,要是被民主党继续祸害下去 ...
逸仙润之尊仲尼 发表于 2015-2-2 19:36
逸仙润之尊仲尼 发表于 2015-2-2 19:36
逸仙润之尊仲尼 发表于 2015-2-2 19:36
美国可是核武库最大国。 再说懒汉多了肯定加大掠夺力度  对世界不是好事
jttono1 发表于 2015-2-3 05:44
美国可是核武库最大国。 再说懒汉多了肯定加大掠夺力度  对世界不是好事
克罗地亚狂想曲 发表于 2015-2-2 15:11
我所在的州现在看着还行,要是被民主党继续祸害下去 ...
麻袋1980 发表于 2015-2-2 15:11
2012918 发表于 2015-2-4 01:07
好吧  我大山东德州扒鸡V587