PG-16版暴力粗口屎盆子-【雅虎】徐才厚Popular Now无筛 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 16:55:56


看到某些评论兴奋的人(找到组织了)建议考虑在CD兴奋的后果,楼主也许帮你了{:soso_e128:} 。



NO_AFFILIATION July 1, 2014 1:1AM
The U.S. Congress was very successful in dealing with corruption in government; they just legalized it and blessed by the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Congress is for sale and members spend half their time in office looking for donors to keep them in office.
DANB4444 June 30, 2014 11:11PM
This anti-corruption campaign is all for show. The unelected leaders of the CCP know their power is illegitimate. They just hope to calm growing discontent among the Chinese masses at the privilege and luxury CCP leaders enjoy.
-------------CBS 结束----------------------------------


PedroHanson 17 hours ago 0 0
The more government control over everyone's lives, the more corruption there will be. There needs to be a balance, where government exists to prevent violence and fraud and theft. Many people want government to be their agent of theft, to take some people's wealth and have government redistribute it. Classic communism/socialism. This is what the USA will look like if Democrats keep dragging us down into their socialist utopia. A few very rich corrupt leaders and the rest of us, tax slaves for the government owned by the rich, but preaching Marxist ideology for the ignorant, brainwashed masses.

Nathan 21 hours ago 1 10
There are corruption everywhere, but with the communist China where the power is absolute, corruption is a way of life. Absolute power corrupt absolutely!

The people in power there can't be voted out, don't feel public pressure. They only give themselves more power, not less. So they will steal, lie, cheat when they have their chances and continue to corrupt as much as they can.

Once a while, they will sacrifice a guy or two for public showing so other will think they're fighting corruption, But only their sheep would believe them.

Ashley C 20 hours ago 1 6
All governments have some form of corruption. How they deal with it is different wherever you go. Some countries kill their leadership in revolution. Some re-elect new leaders and throw the old ones in jail. Some change the government in some way to try something new. And some just do not care at all and let the people suffer. But they all have one thing in common. Citizens can be very angry. Put lots of angry people in a tiny room with just one politician and watch the fun. So can you blame China for cleaning house? It sure is funny how a communist country can set a precedent on corruption. But corrupt people never liked each other anyway. They are always thinking of ways to get rid of the competition. Stealing from the public is ok with these guys, just do not steal from each other.
Some day politics will die. The good of the people will be fostered by representatives in government that are benevolent. We will some day laugh, at the days of years past, of words like embezzling, bribes, extortion, and plain old greed. I sure hope I am alive when that happens, but I will not be holding my breath.


Roland 1 day ago 1 14
Corruption will still be a problem in China for quite some time. Low level corruption (money for favors) does and always has existed in countries where general quality of life isnt high enough. It deosnt matter on politics or anything, its just a mentality issue. Like driving in China - people cant drive for shiz. Why? Well because a driving culture inst established yet, its the first generation to drive, everyone cares for himself and f the rest. Same with corruption.
Eventually it will pass on to a legal high level corruption when all businessmen finally get into the government and the public reaches a state of political apathy and economic sufficiency. Then they with change the word "corruption" with "sponsoring" or "lobbying", like in America, and say there is no corruption and that politicians representing their own interests (or those of certain corporations) rather than those of the public is normal and "democratic".
My estimate is that China at this rate will take another 15 to 20 years to reach that point.

Frank Morris, John Anglin, And Clarence Anglin 1 day ago 1 12
Pure show. Great book called "The Party" by Richard McGregor. Gives you all the ins and outs of the secret world of china's communist rulers. There is an anti-graft committee that investigates these things. However, it is not independent of the Party itself. In order to investigate someone, the committee must get permission from the person of rank ABOVE the one being investigated. So in other words, to investigate the police chief, you need the mayors approval. To investigate the mayor, you need the Governors approval. To investigate the Governor, you need someone at the federal level's approval. In this way, the Senior leaders live completely above the law. NO ONE from the inner circle of 9, including Xi Jinping, can be investigated unless they order an investigation on themselves. So for those of you saying they wish they had the same in the US, no you don't.

At least in the US, the opposition party can speak out. Boehner is suing Obama for christs sake. If he did that in China, Boehner would disappear and never be seen again. Anyway, good book to read. Well-researched. Check it out.

(作者真多,连书都搬出来了)纯粹的作秀。看看伟大的著作“The Party“,(某某写的),让你们见识下中国政党的秘密。中国有反腐委员会,专门调查这种事。但是,这个委员会是隶属于政党本身的。为了调查某些人,委员会必须得到更高一层的允许,举例说你想调查警察局长,你需要市长的允许,你要调查市长,需要。。。。。。(一串例子)所以说高层是完全凌驾在法律之上,9个委员,包括Xi,是不会被调查的,除非他们允许调查自己,所以那些说美国也应该这么做的人,不,你不会喜欢的。(又举了个例子,那人反正楼主也不熟悉,略了,太长了)

dante 1 day ago 2 33
No single Politician is not corrupted in the world. that is the very reason they join the politics from the beginning, not serving the people, but trying to enrich themselves and their friends. how much it takes to be elected as a politician in the US, not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands and millions more finance campaign dollars contributed by special lobby groups, Unions, and others. Once politician got elected, he or she has to give back favors to those financed backers with government project, jobs, and other lucrative laws and regulations that would allows their contributors with more perks and so forth.


Max 1 day ago 2 135
The day we start cracking down on our politicians, we will be left with no US Congress.


Eletric 1 day ago 2 9
America needs to do the same, but the old saying goes Money Rules The World. if u have enough money u can pretty much get away with anything including murder and molesting little kids. politicians favors who ever contributes the most money to they campaign, judges play politics an bribes, hell u aint even gotta live in America and can control what happens in it by buying out the people who run it.

the problem with the world is that it is ran by leaders who are power hungry and money greedy and only worried about themselves then the people of they country. which is why nowadays u can never count on justice which leads to many people to take matters into they own hands


John 17 hours ago 0 2
Can you imagine if the Obama regime was held to just a tenth of scrutiny as their Chinese counterparts are? 90% of them! including Obama, would be in prison.


m 1 day ago 0 12
There is a saying ... "A robber hates his fellow robber".

Investigate the lifestyle and riches of all of China's leaders to know the ugly truth about corruption in this dirty country.


Anne 18 hours ago 0 0
In China, anyone who is rich, powerful or knows someone powerful is corrupted. It is quite simple to figure this out, they are communist, they were dirt poor not that long ago..all of a sudden, they all become multi-millionaire. Where did the money come from? Xi Ping should also drag these Chinese living overseas back to China for prosecution.
在中国,凡是有点头脸的都是腐败的。想想就明白(真的不明白),这些人不久前还是泥腿子,突然间就成土豪了,钱是从哪里来的?Xi Ping (名字都不对啊)应该把所有海外的腐败分子都抓回去关局子。

The Real Mad Dog 19 hours ago 0 0
It's a communist country. It's based on taking from hard workers and giving to lesser workers so everyone is equal. That, to me, is corruption.

Petedds 21 hours ago 0 1
Death Penalty!

Ken 19 hours ago 0 0
BIG DEAL, Corruption is the norm in China. This is a typical cultural revolution witch hunt and lets see if he gets executed as usual..

J. Hughes 22 hours ago 0 3
Will Yahoo report me to the Chinese government? Oh well, so be it.

TELLINGTHETRUTH 19 hours ago 0 0
I wish someone anyone with power would do the same here,and get rid of the corrupt politician's . Right on China for standing up against corruption within.

dHb 1 day ago 0 2
Communism is supposed to make everyone equal but in actual practice it is no different from any other political trend - corruption is rampant everywhere.

Pappy jo 19 hours ago 0 0
Time for us to "crack down on our government corruption as well. Break the "machine" if you want government to be as "honest" as it can be. Vote out all incumbents, vote in term limits, lets clean house and start fresh.

mugsy 1 day ago 0 3
This a ploy of the Chinese president to get rid of people who thinks is a hindrance to his power.

hector m 1 day ago 0 2
This is one topic WE THE PEOPLE of all political affiliation can attest to that we also should weed out the corrupt in Washington DC!


看到某些评论兴奋的人(找到组织了)建议考虑在CD兴奋的后果,楼主也许帮你了{:soso_e128:} 。



NO_AFFILIATION July 1, 2014 1:1AM
The U.S. Congress was very successful in dealing with corruption in government; they just legalized it and blessed by the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Congress is for sale and members spend half their time in office looking for donors to keep them in office.
DANB4444 June 30, 2014 11:11PM
This anti-corruption campaign is all for show. The unelected leaders of the CCP know their power is illegitimate. They just hope to calm growing discontent among the Chinese masses at the privilege and luxury CCP leaders enjoy.
-------------CBS 结束----------------------------------


PedroHanson 17 hours ago 0 0
The more government control over everyone's lives, the more corruption there will be. There needs to be a balance, where government exists to prevent violence and fraud and theft. Many people want government to be their agent of theft, to take some people's wealth and have government redistribute it. Classic communism/socialism. This is what the USA will look like if Democrats keep dragging us down into their socialist utopia. A few very rich corrupt leaders and the rest of us, tax slaves for the government owned by the rich, but preaching Marxist ideology for the ignorant, brainwashed masses.

Nathan 21 hours ago 1 10
There are corruption everywhere, but with the communist China where the power is absolute, corruption is a way of life. Absolute power corrupt absolutely!

The people in power there can't be voted out, don't feel public pressure. They only give themselves more power, not less. So they will steal, lie, cheat when they have their chances and continue to corrupt as much as they can.

Once a while, they will sacrifice a guy or two for public showing so other will think they're fighting corruption, But only their sheep would believe them.

Ashley C 20 hours ago 1 6
All governments have some form of corruption. How they deal with it is different wherever you go. Some countries kill their leadership in revolution. Some re-elect new leaders and throw the old ones in jail. Some change the government in some way to try something new. And some just do not care at all and let the people suffer. But they all have one thing in common. Citizens can be very angry. Put lots of angry people in a tiny room with just one politician and watch the fun. So can you blame China for cleaning house? It sure is funny how a communist country can set a precedent on corruption. But corrupt people never liked each other anyway. They are always thinking of ways to get rid of the competition. Stealing from the public is ok with these guys, just do not steal from each other.
Some day politics will die. The good of the people will be fostered by representatives in government that are benevolent. We will some day laugh, at the days of years past, of words like embezzling, bribes, extortion, and plain old greed. I sure hope I am alive when that happens, but I will not be holding my breath.


Roland 1 day ago 1 14
Corruption will still be a problem in China for quite some time. Low level corruption (money for favors) does and always has existed in countries where general quality of life isnt high enough. It deosnt matter on politics or anything, its just a mentality issue. Like driving in China - people cant drive for shiz. Why? Well because a driving culture inst established yet, its the first generation to drive, everyone cares for himself and f the rest. Same with corruption.
Eventually it will pass on to a legal high level corruption when all businessmen finally get into the government and the public reaches a state of political apathy and economic sufficiency. Then they with change the word "corruption" with "sponsoring" or "lobbying", like in America, and say there is no corruption and that politicians representing their own interests (or those of certain corporations) rather than those of the public is normal and "democratic".
My estimate is that China at this rate will take another 15 to 20 years to reach that point.

Frank Morris, John Anglin, And Clarence Anglin 1 day ago 1 12
Pure show. Great book called "The Party" by Richard McGregor. Gives you all the ins and outs of the secret world of china's communist rulers. There is an anti-graft committee that investigates these things. However, it is not independent of the Party itself. In order to investigate someone, the committee must get permission from the person of rank ABOVE the one being investigated. So in other words, to investigate the police chief, you need the mayors approval. To investigate the mayor, you need the Governors approval. To investigate the Governor, you need someone at the federal level's approval. In this way, the Senior leaders live completely above the law. NO ONE from the inner circle of 9, including Xi Jinping, can be investigated unless they order an investigation on themselves. So for those of you saying they wish they had the same in the US, no you don't.

At least in the US, the opposition party can speak out. Boehner is suing Obama for christs sake. If he did that in China, Boehner would disappear and never be seen again. Anyway, good book to read. Well-researched. Check it out.

(作者真多,连书都搬出来了)纯粹的作秀。看看伟大的著作“The Party“,(某某写的),让你们见识下中国政党的秘密。中国有反腐委员会,专门调查这种事。但是,这个委员会是隶属于政党本身的。为了调查某些人,委员会必须得到更高一层的允许,举例说你想调查警察局长,你需要市长的允许,你要调查市长,需要。。。。。。(一串例子)所以说高层是完全凌驾在法律之上,9个委员,包括Xi,是不会被调查的,除非他们允许调查自己,所以那些说美国也应该这么做的人,不,你不会喜欢的。(又举了个例子,那人反正楼主也不熟悉,略了,太长了)

dante 1 day ago 2 33
No single Politician is not corrupted in the world. that is the very reason they join the politics from the beginning, not serving the people, but trying to enrich themselves and their friends. how much it takes to be elected as a politician in the US, not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands and millions more finance campaign dollars contributed by special lobby groups, Unions, and others. Once politician got elected, he or she has to give back favors to those financed backers with government project, jobs, and other lucrative laws and regulations that would allows their contributors with more perks and so forth.


Max 1 day ago 2 135
The day we start cracking down on our politicians, we will be left with no US Congress.


Eletric 1 day ago 2 9
America needs to do the same, but the old saying goes Money Rules The World. if u have enough money u can pretty much get away with anything including murder and molesting little kids. politicians favors who ever contributes the most money to they campaign, judges play politics an bribes, hell u aint even gotta live in America and can control what happens in it by buying out the people who run it.

the problem with the world is that it is ran by leaders who are power hungry and money greedy and only worried about themselves then the people of they country. which is why nowadays u can never count on justice which leads to many people to take matters into they own hands


John 17 hours ago 0 2
Can you imagine if the Obama regime was held to just a tenth of scrutiny as their Chinese counterparts are? 90% of them! including Obama, would be in prison.


m 1 day ago 0 12
There is a saying ... "A robber hates his fellow robber".

Investigate the lifestyle and riches of all of China's leaders to know the ugly truth about corruption in this dirty country.


Anne 18 hours ago 0 0
In China, anyone who is rich, powerful or knows someone powerful is corrupted. It is quite simple to figure this out, they are communist, they were dirt poor not that long ago..all of a sudden, they all become multi-millionaire. Where did the money come from? Xi Ping should also drag these Chinese living overseas back to China for prosecution.
在中国,凡是有点头脸的都是腐败的。想想就明白(真的不明白),这些人不久前还是泥腿子,突然间就成土豪了,钱是从哪里来的?Xi Ping (名字都不对啊)应该把所有海外的腐败分子都抓回去关局子。

The Real Mad Dog 19 hours ago 0 0
It's a communist country. It's based on taking from hard workers and giving to lesser workers so everyone is equal. That, to me, is corruption.

Petedds 21 hours ago 0 1
Death Penalty!

Ken 19 hours ago 0 0
BIG DEAL, Corruption is the norm in China. This is a typical cultural revolution witch hunt and lets see if he gets executed as usual..

J. Hughes 22 hours ago 0 3
Will Yahoo report me to the Chinese government? Oh well, so be it.

TELLINGTHETRUTH 19 hours ago 0 0
I wish someone anyone with power would do the same here,and get rid of the corrupt politician's . Right on China for standing up against corruption within.

dHb 1 day ago 0 2
Communism is supposed to make everyone equal but in actual practice it is no different from any other political trend - corruption is rampant everywhere.

Pappy jo 19 hours ago 0 0
Time for us to "crack down on our government corruption as well. Break the "machine" if you want government to be as "honest" as it can be. Vote out all incumbents, vote in term limits, lets clean house and start fresh.

mugsy 1 day ago 0 3
This a ploy of the Chinese president to get rid of people who thinks is a hindrance to his power.

hector m 1 day ago 0 2
This is one topic WE THE PEOPLE of all political affiliation can attest to that we also should weed out the corrupt in Washington DC!
5000年的治国经验得失,岂非2  300年的能理解?
平头老百姓有功夫发这种长篇大论? 哪个才是群众的声音这都分不出来 就这智商了怪不得整天被忽悠


我也支持土共,不过体制改革是 ...

老船家 发表于 2014-7-2 11:48


刺桐花开 发表于 2014-7-2 11:49
华盛顿红军 发表于 2014-7-2 11:55

网络这个林子大了,不管哪个国 ...
和平与战争 发表于 2014-7-2 11:51
5000年的治国经验得失,岂非2  300年的能理解?
美国立国思想直接来自启蒙运动法国三巨头,吸取了当时欧洲甚至全世界最先进的政治理论,比法国还先走了一 ...
美国立国思想直接来自启蒙运动法国三巨头,吸取了当时欧洲甚至全世界最先进的政治理论,比法国还先走了一 ...
mopfish 发表于 2014-7-2 11:50
和平与战争 发表于 2014-7-2 11:51
lz的这些评论恐怕也不是全部的吧 各家观点 看看就好 有则改之无则加勉嘛
前天青瓷13 发表于 2014-7-2 12:03
勇敢的米哈伊 发表于 2014-7-2 12:05
美国立国思想直接来自启蒙运动法国三巨头,吸取了当时欧洲甚至全世界最先进的政治理论,比法国还先走了一 ...