匿名黑客组织截获电邮证明乌克兰反对派,北约,CIA,东 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 06:32:06

The Hacktivist Group Anonymous Ukraine has been able to hack the e-mail accounts of the Udar Party as well as the electronic correspondence of the deputy head of the Ukrainian nationalist party, The Stepan Bandera Trident, one Andrey Tarasenko.

Anonymous Ukraine released an e-mail between Tarasenko and the Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Aslan Omer Qirimli in which he asks for more powerful weapons, information on the location weapons caches in Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol, Sevastopol and Yalta. The e-mail released by Anonymous Ukraine is dated January 28, 2014 so its operational value is questionable but it does show the true nature of the “peaceful demonstrators” on the Maidan and in Ukraine. Anonymous Ukraine has also hacked the e-mails of NATO offices and bodies in Ukraine and those of several US officials operating in Ukraine with more releases soon to appear on the internet, according to sources in Anonymous.
The e-mail between Tarasenko has been independently verified and appears authentic. It has not been translated into English as of publication so this is the first. The original was in Russian with some grammar errors. Unlike Klitschko who speaks English and German as well as Ukrainian and Russia, Tarasenko appears to speak only Russian and Ukrainian.

Text with comments:
"Everything is going according to plan. We are ready to proceed to the second part of the play.”
He referenced the “play” and the “plan” this provides further evidence of the staged and controlled nature of the coup in Ukraine.
“As agreed last week, my guys together with our brothers from the "Carpathian Sich" and UNA-UNSO are ready at first command to take the instruments where they are needed.”
The Carpathian Sich is apparently a new formation that little is known about but the UNA-UNSO is a neo-nazi [sic] nationalist organization, like most “Defense Leagues” and stands for the Ukrainian National Assembly - Ukrainian National Defense. The “instruments” is obviously a reference to weapons and the other “tools” the armed neo-nazis are using to overthrow the government and terrorize the Ukrainian people.
“From you we only need you to identify the coordinates of the caches in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Kerch, Feodosia and Yalta and the times we are to meet.”
This is an important sentence because it shows the compartmentalized nature of the command structure and the cells. Obviously the members are well-trained and judging by their infiltration of the security services and their ties to foreign intelligence and financial sources, as well as public meetings with US officials and intercepted communications there again appears to be the hand of CIA planners at work, however US/NATO/CIA have been extremely careful in covering their tracks, choosing to use German, Turkish and other intermediaries to control their agents in Ukraine.
“Yes, there is one more request. There is a lot of game, we need more hunting gear, helmets and sticks. Do not forget the soda in glass bottles, as well as fuel for them. Also, more gas masks and first aid supplies would not hurt.”
Referring to police and security forces as “game”, as if they are animals, shows how the neo-nazis have dehumanized their targets, also clear from the way they are killing police and beating them to death with steel pipes in the street. His reference to “soda” or “carbonated fluid” is not clear but the follwng request “fuel” might indicate a chemical weapon of some sort, active when mixed.
“I understand that our Turkish friends and have already done a lot, but you know me - I never ask for anything extra.”
The Turkish connection is the most complex but Crimea has long established Turkish- Islamist underground consisting of Crimean Tatars and surprisingly, according to sources, Uighurs from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The Crimean Tatar groups have long been preparing for the proclamation of an independent state and pursue conflicting goals from the Ukrainian Nationalist. However they are united against one enemy which they must both neutralize, namely the Russian-speaking population of the peninsula. The fact that he says “you know me” shows that they have “worked” together before.
“The game was not easy to scare off and the Molotov cocktails do not work on them. We need something more serious. I hope you understand me.”
Again calling the police and law enforcement “game” is chilling and his call for something more serious is obviously a reference to either heavier weapons or possibly some sort of homemade or other “chemical weapon” as I stated earlier.
“As for the money, do not worry: everything will be in the best possible form, but at a later date. In the end, you know that if we are successful you will get a lot more."
This sentence appears to show that money has already changed hands but that currently the neo-nazis may be short of funds. Saying the “best form” apparently implies that there are several methods of payment acceptable but one is preferred. The fact that they will pay much more later shows they have already agreed on a sum but that they will pay more.

The Hacktivist Group Anonymous Ukraine has been able to hack the e-mail accounts of the Udar Party as well as the electronic correspondence of the deputy head of the Ukrainian nationalist party, The Stepan Bandera Trident, one Andrey Tarasenko.

Anonymous Ukraine released an e-mail between Tarasenko and the Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Aslan Omer Qirimli in which he asks for more powerful weapons, information on the location weapons caches in Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol, Sevastopol and Yalta. The e-mail released by Anonymous Ukraine is dated January 28, 2014 so its operational value is questionable but it does show the true nature of the “peaceful demonstrators” on the Maidan and in Ukraine. Anonymous Ukraine has also hacked the e-mails of NATO offices and bodies in Ukraine and those of several US officials operating in Ukraine with more releases soon to appear on the internet, according to sources in Anonymous.
The e-mail between Tarasenko has been independently verified and appears authentic. It has not been translated into English as of publication so this is the first. The original was in Russian with some grammar errors. Unlike Klitschko who speaks English and German as well as Ukrainian and Russia, Tarasenko appears to speak only Russian and Ukrainian.

Text with comments:
"Everything is going according to plan. We are ready to proceed to the second part of the play.”
He referenced the “play” and the “plan” this provides further evidence of the staged and controlled nature of the coup in Ukraine.
“As agreed last week, my guys together with our brothers from the "Carpathian Sich" and UNA-UNSO are ready at first command to take the instruments where they are needed.”
The Carpathian Sich is apparently a new formation that little is known about but the UNA-UNSO is a neo-nazi [sic] nationalist organization, like most “Defense Leagues” and stands for the Ukrainian National Assembly - Ukrainian National Defense. The “instruments” is obviously a reference to weapons and the other “tools” the armed neo-nazis are using to overthrow the government and terrorize the Ukrainian people.
“From you we only need you to identify the coordinates of the caches in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Kerch, Feodosia and Yalta and the times we are to meet.”
This is an important sentence because it shows the compartmentalized nature of the command structure and the cells. Obviously the members are well-trained and judging by their infiltration of the security services and their ties to foreign intelligence and financial sources, as well as public meetings with US officials and intercepted communications there again appears to be the hand of CIA planners at work, however US/NATO/CIA have been extremely careful in covering their tracks, choosing to use German, Turkish and other intermediaries to control their agents in Ukraine.
“Yes, there is one more request. There is a lot of game, we need more hunting gear, helmets and sticks. Do not forget the soda in glass bottles, as well as fuel for them. Also, more gas masks and first aid supplies would not hurt.”
Referring to police and security forces as “game”, as if they are animals, shows how the neo-nazis have dehumanized their targets, also clear from the way they are killing police and beating them to death with steel pipes in the street. His reference to “soda” or “carbonated fluid” is not clear but the follwng request “fuel” might indicate a chemical weapon of some sort, active when mixed.
“I understand that our Turkish friends and have already done a lot, but you know me - I never ask for anything extra.”
The Turkish connection is the most complex but Crimea has long established Turkish- Islamist underground consisting of Crimean Tatars and surprisingly, according to sources, Uighurs from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The Crimean Tatar groups have long been preparing for the proclamation of an independent state and pursue conflicting goals from the Ukrainian Nationalist. However they are united against one enemy which they must both neutralize, namely the Russian-speaking population of the peninsula. The fact that he says “you know me” shows that they have “worked” together before.
“The game was not easy to scare off and the Molotov cocktails do not work on them. We need something more serious. I hope you understand me.”
Again calling the police and law enforcement “game” is chilling and his call for something more serious is obviously a reference to either heavier weapons or possibly some sort of homemade or other “chemical weapon” as I stated earlier.
“As for the money, do not worry: everything will be in the best possible form, but at a later date. In the end, you know that if we are successful you will get a lot more."
This sentence appears to show that money has already changed hands but that currently the neo-nazis may be short of funds. Saying the “best form” apparently implies that there are several methods of payment acceptable but one is preferred. The fact that they will pay much more later shows they have already agreed on a sum but that they will pay more.
匿名发表的塔拉先科和乌克兰的克里米亚鞑靼人的阿斯兰Omer qirimli,他要求更强大的武器理事会副主席之间的电子邮件,在刻赤,位置的武器库信息奥多西亚,辛菲罗波尔,塞瓦斯托波尔和雅尔塔。通过匿名的乌克兰公布的电子邮件的日期是2014年1月28日,其业务价值是值得怀疑的但它显示的“在广场和乌克兰的和平示威者的真面目”。匿名的乌克兰也被北约办公室和机构在乌克兰和其他美国官员在乌克兰经营有更多版本很快出现在互联网上的电子邮件,根据源的匿名。
美帝就是 嗯恶魔,CIA就是  恶魔的爪牙




feiwangye 发表于 2014-3-2 09:35



ocean_hercules 发表于 2014-3-2 09:49

ocean_hercules 发表于 2014-3-2 09:49

Maadi 发表于 2014-3-2 10:00



ocean_hercules 发表于 2014-3-2 09:49
呵呵  呵呵  呵呵   。。。你是真不知道还是真不知道  还是真不知道?   疆独 藏独  那帮玩意头头都在那最多?钱哪来的?  明摆着你看不见? 奥巴驴刚刚见完那个藏独老癞皮狗你看不见? 热by还有那帮垃圾都在那jjyy你看不见?  就美利坚支持的  我就说怎么样?  
逸仙润之孔仲尼 发表于 2014-3-2 10:11
呵呵  呵呵  呵呵   。。。你是真不知道还是真不知道  还是真不知道?   疆独 藏独  那帮玩意头头都在那 ...



ocean_hercules 发表于 2014-3-2 10:05

不管是不是谣言   昆明事件 啊美利坚 欧萌都脱不了干系   
ocean_hercules 发表于 2014-3-2 10:16

有些东西真的不是你们想象的那么简单  你让我拿证据的话  对不起   我不想丢饭碗   
说实话,要说乌克兰反对派和东突分别和欧洲,CIA有联系,那是必然的,非要说乌反和东突有直接联系,我觉得 ...
有些东西真的不是你们想象的那么简单  你让我拿证据的话  对不起   我不想丢饭碗
ocean_hercules 发表于 2014-3-2 09:49
这么大的 “如果” 两个字没看到吗??? 还是根本就不看????
ocean_hercules 发表于 2014-3-2 10:16








起个破名想半年 发表于 2014-3-2 10:38

Aotobus 发表于 2014-3-2 10:33
不不不,美国和达赖老喇嘛的证据有官方新闻稿为证,豆奶和美国有联系也是有新闻稿的,人民日报和美国的都 ...
上午紧急会已经开了  内部通报的东西  比新闻上的更。。。。唉   
什么匿名黑客啊 就是斯诺登
basin 发表于 2014-3-2 10:21
说实话,要说乌克兰反对派和东突分别和欧洲,CIA有联系,那是必然的,非要说乌反和东突有直接联系,我觉得 ...
上午紧急会已经开了  内部通报的东西  比新闻上的更。。。。唉
