【翻译】《外交家》 中国进行高超声速导弹载具试验 附 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 14:46:06

China Tests Hypersonic Missile Vehicle


Last week, the Chinese military successfully concluded the first test flight of a hypersonic missile vehicle, according to U.S. defense officials at the Pentagon. The hypersonic missile is intended to deliver warheads through U.S. missile defenses, according to The Free Beacon.


The hypersonic missile could be a major milestone for China as it modernizes its military technology for strategic nuclear and conventional military purposes. Citing U.S. officials, The Free Beacon reports that “the new hypersonic vehicle was detected traveling at extremely high speeds during the flight test over China.”


According to reports, the hypersonic vehicle is designed to detach from one of China’s existing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) at a near-space altitude and then accelerate to speeds 10 times the speed of sound during its descent towards its target.


The Free Beacon’s report cites Mark Stokes, a former U.S. Air Force officer familiar with China’s strategic weapons systems, who claims that China is working on two such hypersonic flight vehicle programs, both intended for long-range strategic use. The report also claims that “China is also developing a hypersonic, scramjet-powered vehicle that can take off independently or be launched from a bomber.”

自由灯塔的报道引用熟知中国战略武器系统的前美空军军官Mark Stokes的话,他声称中国正在推进两种高超声速飞行器的研发计划,二者都旨在实现远距离的战略用途。报道还称“中国还在发展一种基于超燃冲压发动机的高超声速飞行器,它可以独立地或是从轰炸机上发射。”

Stokes’ analysis ultimately concludes that the hypersonic missiles could pose a formidable challenge to U.S. missile defense systems which include “long-range interceptors, medium-range sea and land-based interceptors, and interceptors designed to hit incoming missiles closer to targets.”


Hypersonic missile technology is currently a topic of much research and development  in the United States, Russia, China, and India. Currently, the title of the fastest cruise missile in the world is held by the Russo-Indian jointly developed BrahMos cruise missile. The technology offers several advantages over conventional or supersonic missiles, namely rapid payload delivery, improved survivability against missile defense systems, and precision targeting.


Hypersonic speeds are technically defined to fall between the range of Mach 5 and Mach 10 – 3,840 miles per hour and 7,680 miles per hour.

While the United States is developing hypersonic missiles as well – both surface and air-launched variants – much of its attention has been focused on the prompt global strike system, which would allow the U.S. to use a conventional strike to hit any target globally within an hour. The prompt global strike technology repurposes strategic nuclear ICBMs with conventional explosive warheads, but raises issues of target ambiguity and increases the odds of a nuclear miscalculation since an ICBM launch would be perceived to be carrying a nuclear warhead. Recently, reports emerged that U.S. prompt global strike weapons prompted Russia to reinvest in Soviet-era rail-launched ICBMs. The Chinese missile test appears to be an attempt by China to pursue a prompt global strike-like capability.
与此同时,美国也在研制若干高超音速导弹,包括了路基海基和空基型号,主要目的就在于发展全球快速打击系统(prompt global strike system PGSS),这一系统能够使得美国在一小时内对全球任意地点的目标实施精确常规打击。PGSS技术将带核弹头的洲际导弹换上常规弹头,而这也引发了新的问题,如目标定位的模糊和引发核误判的几率上升等,因为发射的洲际导弹通常会被认为是携带了核弹头。近期出现的一些报道称,美国的全球快速打击系统,刺激了俄国重新发展其源自苏联时代的铁路机动发射洲际导弹。而中国的这次导弹试射,似乎也是寻求具备类似的全球即时打击能力的一次尝试。


average chinese
January 14, 2014 at 05:50

“According to reports, the hypersonic vehicle is designed to detach from one of China’s existing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) at a near-space altitude and then accelerate to speeds 10 times the speed of sound during its descent towards its target.”

are you sure the piece that is falling at Mach-10 is not a piece of Chinese junk metal falling off its antique ICBM and accelerated to Mach-10 simply by the gravity? last time I checked, are not Chinese supposedly only capable of stealing, designing and making junks that will either fall apart or simply will not work/takeoff?

jokes aside — let us get serious for some strategies talk —

In this generation, we must establish a 3 way nuclear parity and MAD among China, Russia and America, asap, for the sake of our children and for the survival of human race on this earth in this century. A 3 way triangular MAD is naturally, inherently and mathematically more stable than a two way MAD between America and Russia. Can you find a single stable geometric solid or shape that is less than 3 sided?


It is very un-natural, inherently less prone to world peace, to have a two way MAD between US and Russia and it is absolutely abhorible and unthinkable for human race to allow any one single country to dominate militarily.

With 3 way nuclear MAD, no single country among the 3 will ever try to start a war with the other or try to dominate any one of the other two militarily, because the end result will be the two fighting the war will be mutually assuredly destroyed, and the 3rd one left standing will dominate the world; so in game theory, we will have a 3 way lasting peace and equilibrium.

回average chinese

MAD deterence already exists between USA and China, Russia and China and USA and Russia.

What matters is how a country exploits other opportunities while not DIRECTLY engaging with other superpowers.


回average chinese

ah duh, what was that you’re saying? can you give the cliff note version?


January 14, 2014 at 06:13

China is in clear and present danger posted by the significant threats from the US. China should massively pour money into its defense.

China has to be clear that the US can maintain its lead only because it has the powerful military and its world-reserve currency. The two are supported synergistically. Once China can break one of the two factors, the US will decline…


Environmental remediation, reducing pollution, shrinking the wealth gap (a problem in every society), IP law reform and stopping SOE support to the detriment of small/medium businesses, shadow banking reforms, and working out compromises with China’s neighbors to develop and share resources is what the CCP should be doing.

One wonders if the CCP will kick off a “foreign adventure” (AKA “wag the dog”) with one if its neighbors to rally the populace, if the internal pressures become too much in the coming years.



made in china = cheap and crappy


@G.H. Except that China will continuously and rapidly improve over the years. Fortunes often changes.

You were probably too young then to know that soon after WW2, Japan made electric bulbs were the joke of the day as it will definitely blow within 2 weeks of use.

In the mid 40′s, 50′s and 60′s, only UK’s GEC bulbs and products eg radios and fridges or Philips products (generally European products) were considered reliable. British brands like Hercules & Raleigh bicycles or Norton or Triumph motor bikes (or the Italian Ducatis) were the preferred brands. Whereas the Yamahas or Suzukis were problematic.

在40、50、60年代中,只有通用电气的灯泡和其他电子制品如收音机和冰箱,或是飞利浦的产品(大部分欧洲货)被认为是可靠的。英国的Hercules & Raleigh自行车,或是Norton 和Triumph牌的摩托车(或是意大利的Ducatis)是人们喜欢的品牌。当时雅马哈和铃木还是问题多多。

Ha..during my very early years in school, we often make jokes about some of our teachers who owned Toyota cars. When the Toyota car paintwork faded, we could literally see the green “Milo” brandmarks surfaced, as the body were often made from MILO scrap tin metals. Many of their bodyshells completely rusted after just a few years. True…I am not joking.

European brands like Austins, Prefects, Mini-Cooper, Landrovers, Mini Minors, Volvos, Alpha Romeos etc were the leading reliable brands.

However, the Japanese has come a long way and today their Toyotas, Hondas, Yamahas, Sonys, Matsushitas etc are the world’s top brands. Top quality and reliable.

Today ?….Fast upcoming and giving the Japanese a run for their money are the South Koreans with their LGs, Samsungs, Hyundais, Kias, etc.

Within the next 20 to 30 years, do you think the Chinese will have a fair chance of emulating the same success ?

欧洲的牌子,例如Austins, Prefects, 迷你库柏, 路虎, Mini Minors, 沃尔沃, 阿尔法罗密欧等等,都是排在榜首的人们信赖的品牌。

Japanese products were called 东洋货 which is synonymous to copycat, cheap, crappy, flimsy, unreliable, ugly, lousy imitator, …

you yanks failed twice with HTV-2. LOL the Chinese, on the other hand, is 1 for 1, or 100% success rate. LOL so what does that say about made in usa?

January 14, 2014 at 08:31

Hypersonic delivery systems are unlikely to be used against other great powers simply because they are capable of responding in kind and because of the chances of a miscalculation. Countries without the ability to respond are going to be the likeliest targets.


admiral cheng(感觉是个伪装中国人的高级黑)
January 14, 2014 at 13:20

Comrade TDog, there is absolutely no reason to be modest. Our latest weapons and technologies has put us a few steps ahead of the USA. Today as we speak we can certainly bring to USA to its knees if war breaks out. In reality we can hit the USA at will while preventing the imperialist to do the same on us.
Economically the need us more than we need them and now even militarily we are superior to them only thing is they have more weapons than us but soon we will able to overtake them even on those conventional weapons.

Tit for Tat

Since you have taken the title ‘admiral’, and assuming you are not an imposter, what are your thoughts about your South West neighbour India? Do you want to bring it down to its knees over Arunachal and Ladakh? Remember, they also have this hypersonic technology in the name of Shourya and K-4 as ballistic missiles and soon to be Brahmos version 2 as cruise missile…..Who knows, 75% of your naval fleet may get submerged in East and South China seas even before they leave the harbour incase you decide to up the ante in Arunachal/Sikkim/Uttarakhand/Ladakh……

January 14, 2014 at 17:26

Poor Midshipman Cheng, I think you’ve lost to many brain cells due to air and water pollution.

Only armchair strategists think that taking on the most advanced and veteran military of any time period is a simple endeavor to be undertaken with green troops and sailors using unproven weapons in development as their best weapons, with a military still trying to catch up in an unending cycle that reminds me of Sisyphaeus.


Here’s Reality since I actually can make some valid guesses as to the response to the fielding of this weapon. Any ICBM launch whether conventional or nuclear, would have to be treated like they were nukes, meaning both the US and Russians will have their nuclear triads waiting for the word that the world’s gonna end.

So, yes: only China is dumb enough, desperate enough, and/or arrogant enough to think they can field ICBMs against conventional forces without risking all out Armageddon for everyone.

In reality: if/when this missile is ready (if its successful; not every weapons platform is as good as a mfg. would have you believe) it’ll be about the same time that US jets and ships start fielding viable defensive lasers paired with next gen sensors.

Unless China can somehow accelerate a missile to a respectable fraction of c, hypersonic missiles won’t matter as they’ll be defeated by weapons delivered at the speed of light (only 186,000 miles per second). These lasers will be slewed and targeted using mesh networks of next gen sensors.


Whichwaydidhegogeorge? China’s testing is a real thing, but your wishful thinking as a counter measure is kind of dumb and desperate, and/or arrogant/ignorant.

Have you heard of fuzzy ion emitter that will render next gen sensors totally disorientated?

I am not too sure, Admiral Cheng.

The US armed forces and their highly sophisticated weapons are tested and proven compared to China’s.

I would prefer caution and worst case scenario for China when dealing with the military might of USA.

Better outcome is to negotiate relentlessly for peace, harmony and sharing for the sake of humankind.



Dick C and George Jr. are still looking for the Weapons Of Mass Destruction in Iraq.


China’s hypersonic missile is putting 大日本 in grave danger, 米国will not defend us when the crunch comes, 米国 is making our大日本defenseless against China’s hypersonic missile, therefore米国 is our大日本 biggest enemy, they occupy our land and suppress our capability to defend ourselves. Nippon must build a strong military to kick the米国人 out of rising sun land.

another byproduct of incompetent us foreign policy…


MAD do exist but one day, the world will experience nuclear carnage not intentionally but unintentionally, more likely as a result of broken, miscommunication and a trigger happy nuke commander.
A mis-step in the chain of command will end it all and led to EOL and the extinction of humanity……all because of our folly trying to tame the power of the atom.
In fact, I gives mankind another decade of existence.
Good night.

thrung suc phang

this was made just because of simple purpose only..to use as an offensive material to invade east asia and west philippine sea. here in vietnam we can match that mongoloid missile with our sam russian made


Can these be used to hit aircraft carriers?


China is becoming increasingly bellicose but they are still nothing compared to blood thirsty Americans. How they don’t destroy the world. Calm down guys.


Last May US successfully tested her X-51 hyper-sonic Wave Rider. This gave US the ability to strike any place on earth within one hour. The X-51 was said to have a speed of Mach 5.1. The Chinese vehicle has a speed of Mach 10.
The significant of this test by China is that, now, both US and China are able to strike at each other with deadly long range conventional weapons without crossing the nuclear threshold.


Very much expected.

Cruise missiles have gone obsolete as hypersonic cruise missiles will take their place. This obviously is non nuclear weapons.

WMD is the name of the game. Who can produce the fastest, deadliest and cheapest really quickly? That nation will dominate the world.

China has the shortest time from design to deployment. Russia must be worried more than USA. Unless Russia actually plans using nukes in warfare it should seriously consider developing more conventional WMDs.

The healthy competition between Russia and China has created a new world order.



China is catching up, Russia almost caught up whilst US to make sure they don’t catch up. So who is to be blamed for all these weapons of increasing mass destruction??

Robert Shan Pubes

There is nothing that special about this weapon. It is just a quasi-ballistic missile and with its extremely high speed and depressed trajectory it is much harder to intercept. The U.S. has had this technology for ages, the Russians have the Iskander Missile which travels in excess of mach 5 and the Indians have their Shourya and k-4 missiles which travel at mach 7.5 and they are similar boost glide hyper sonic vehicle. This isn’t that alarming of news however, we need to be investing much more in our own hyper sonic and scram jet programs, but under Obama this seems less and less likely



How about everyone take a deep breath… 1 test flight doesn’t make a weapon system… surely the launching anything on an ICBM vehicle is idiocy, Who would know what the payload was,? All you could do was assume the worse… I doubt this ever becomes a deployable reality.



China’s rise as a credible counter to the US led western power block … is a blessing for the mankind … and a Russia-China-India led block would lead the world towards a more secure, sane and stable human civilization on earth … !! … those pursuing a culture of unnatural and outrageous, consumption based economy, of greed and short term profits, would eventually lose their sanity, and end into the pages of history …



The 2013 BBC worldwide pool list US as the no.1 threat to world peace.



China Tests Hypersonic Missile Vehicle


Last week, the Chinese military successfully concluded the first test flight of a hypersonic missile vehicle, according to U.S. defense officials at the Pentagon. The hypersonic missile is intended to deliver warheads through U.S. missile defenses, according to The Free Beacon.


The hypersonic missile could be a major milestone for China as it modernizes its military technology for strategic nuclear and conventional military purposes. Citing U.S. officials, The Free Beacon reports that “the new hypersonic vehicle was detected traveling at extremely high speeds during the flight test over China.”


According to reports, the hypersonic vehicle is designed to detach from one of China’s existing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) at a near-space altitude and then accelerate to speeds 10 times the speed of sound during its descent towards its target.


The Free Beacon’s report cites Mark Stokes, a former U.S. Air Force officer familiar with China’s strategic weapons systems, who claims that China is working on two such hypersonic flight vehicle programs, both intended for long-range strategic use. The report also claims that “China is also developing a hypersonic, scramjet-powered vehicle that can take off independently or be launched from a bomber.”

自由灯塔的报道引用熟知中国战略武器系统的前美空军军官Mark Stokes的话,他声称中国正在推进两种高超声速飞行器的研发计划,二者都旨在实现远距离的战略用途。报道还称“中国还在发展一种基于超燃冲压发动机的高超声速飞行器,它可以独立地或是从轰炸机上发射。”

Stokes’ analysis ultimately concludes that the hypersonic missiles could pose a formidable challenge to U.S. missile defense systems which include “long-range interceptors, medium-range sea and land-based interceptors, and interceptors designed to hit incoming missiles closer to targets.”


Hypersonic missile technology is currently a topic of much research and development  in the United States, Russia, China, and India. Currently, the title of the fastest cruise missile in the world is held by the Russo-Indian jointly developed BrahMos cruise missile. The technology offers several advantages over conventional or supersonic missiles, namely rapid payload delivery, improved survivability against missile defense systems, and precision targeting.


Hypersonic speeds are technically defined to fall between the range of Mach 5 and Mach 10 – 3,840 miles per hour and 7,680 miles per hour.

While the United States is developing hypersonic missiles as well – both surface and air-launched variants – much of its attention has been focused on the prompt global strike system, which would allow the U.S. to use a conventional strike to hit any target globally within an hour. The prompt global strike technology repurposes strategic nuclear ICBMs with conventional explosive warheads, but raises issues of target ambiguity and increases the odds of a nuclear miscalculation since an ICBM launch would be perceived to be carrying a nuclear warhead. Recently, reports emerged that U.S. prompt global strike weapons prompted Russia to reinvest in Soviet-era rail-launched ICBMs. The Chinese missile test appears to be an attempt by China to pursue a prompt global strike-like capability.
与此同时,美国也在研制若干高超音速导弹,包括了路基海基和空基型号,主要目的就在于发展全球快速打击系统(prompt global strike system PGSS),这一系统能够使得美国在一小时内对全球任意地点的目标实施精确常规打击。PGSS技术将带核弹头的洲际导弹换上常规弹头,而这也引发了新的问题,如目标定位的模糊和引发核误判的几率上升等,因为发射的洲际导弹通常会被认为是携带了核弹头。近期出现的一些报道称,美国的全球快速打击系统,刺激了俄国重新发展其源自苏联时代的铁路机动发射洲际导弹。而中国的这次导弹试射,似乎也是寻求具备类似的全球即时打击能力的一次尝试。


average chinese
January 14, 2014 at 05:50

“According to reports, the hypersonic vehicle is designed to detach from one of China’s existing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) at a near-space altitude and then accelerate to speeds 10 times the speed of sound during its descent towards its target.”

are you sure the piece that is falling at Mach-10 is not a piece of Chinese junk metal falling off its antique ICBM and accelerated to Mach-10 simply by the gravity? last time I checked, are not Chinese supposedly only capable of stealing, designing and making junks that will either fall apart or simply will not work/takeoff?

jokes aside — let us get serious for some strategies talk —

In this generation, we must establish a 3 way nuclear parity and MAD among China, Russia and America, asap, for the sake of our children and for the survival of human race on this earth in this century. A 3 way triangular MAD is naturally, inherently and mathematically more stable than a two way MAD between America and Russia. Can you find a single stable geometric solid or shape that is less than 3 sided?


It is very un-natural, inherently less prone to world peace, to have a two way MAD between US and Russia and it is absolutely abhorible and unthinkable for human race to allow any one single country to dominate militarily.

With 3 way nuclear MAD, no single country among the 3 will ever try to start a war with the other or try to dominate any one of the other two militarily, because the end result will be the two fighting the war will be mutually assuredly destroyed, and the 3rd one left standing will dominate the world; so in game theory, we will have a 3 way lasting peace and equilibrium.

回average chinese

MAD deterence already exists between USA and China, Russia and China and USA and Russia.

What matters is how a country exploits other opportunities while not DIRECTLY engaging with other superpowers.


回average chinese

ah duh, what was that you’re saying? can you give the cliff note version?


January 14, 2014 at 06:13

China is in clear and present danger posted by the significant threats from the US. China should massively pour money into its defense.

China has to be clear that the US can maintain its lead only because it has the powerful military and its world-reserve currency. The two are supported synergistically. Once China can break one of the two factors, the US will decline…


Environmental remediation, reducing pollution, shrinking the wealth gap (a problem in every society), IP law reform and stopping SOE support to the detriment of small/medium businesses, shadow banking reforms, and working out compromises with China’s neighbors to develop and share resources is what the CCP should be doing.

One wonders if the CCP will kick off a “foreign adventure” (AKA “wag the dog”) with one if its neighbors to rally the populace, if the internal pressures become too much in the coming years.



made in china = cheap and crappy


@G.H. Except that China will continuously and rapidly improve over the years. Fortunes often changes.

You were probably too young then to know that soon after WW2, Japan made electric bulbs were the joke of the day as it will definitely blow within 2 weeks of use.

In the mid 40′s, 50′s and 60′s, only UK’s GEC bulbs and products eg radios and fridges or Philips products (generally European products) were considered reliable. British brands like Hercules & Raleigh bicycles or Norton or Triumph motor bikes (or the Italian Ducatis) were the preferred brands. Whereas the Yamahas or Suzukis were problematic.

在40、50、60年代中,只有通用电气的灯泡和其他电子制品如收音机和冰箱,或是飞利浦的产品(大部分欧洲货)被认为是可靠的。英国的Hercules & Raleigh自行车,或是Norton 和Triumph牌的摩托车(或是意大利的Ducatis)是人们喜欢的品牌。当时雅马哈和铃木还是问题多多。

Ha..during my very early years in school, we often make jokes about some of our teachers who owned Toyota cars. When the Toyota car paintwork faded, we could literally see the green “Milo” brandmarks surfaced, as the body were often made from MILO scrap tin metals. Many of their bodyshells completely rusted after just a few years. True…I am not joking.

European brands like Austins, Prefects, Mini-Cooper, Landrovers, Mini Minors, Volvos, Alpha Romeos etc were the leading reliable brands.

However, the Japanese has come a long way and today their Toyotas, Hondas, Yamahas, Sonys, Matsushitas etc are the world’s top brands. Top quality and reliable.

Today ?….Fast upcoming and giving the Japanese a run for their money are the South Koreans with their LGs, Samsungs, Hyundais, Kias, etc.

Within the next 20 to 30 years, do you think the Chinese will have a fair chance of emulating the same success ?

欧洲的牌子,例如Austins, Prefects, 迷你库柏, 路虎, Mini Minors, 沃尔沃, 阿尔法罗密欧等等,都是排在榜首的人们信赖的品牌。

Japanese products were called 东洋货 which is synonymous to copycat, cheap, crappy, flimsy, unreliable, ugly, lousy imitator, …

you yanks failed twice with HTV-2. LOL the Chinese, on the other hand, is 1 for 1, or 100% success rate. LOL so what does that say about made in usa?

January 14, 2014 at 08:31

Hypersonic delivery systems are unlikely to be used against other great powers simply because they are capable of responding in kind and because of the chances of a miscalculation. Countries without the ability to respond are going to be the likeliest targets.


admiral cheng(感觉是个伪装中国人的高级黑)
January 14, 2014 at 13:20

Comrade TDog, there is absolutely no reason to be modest. Our latest weapons and technologies has put us a few steps ahead of the USA. Today as we speak we can certainly bring to USA to its knees if war breaks out. In reality we can hit the USA at will while preventing the imperialist to do the same on us.
Economically the need us more than we need them and now even militarily we are superior to them only thing is they have more weapons than us but soon we will able to overtake them even on those conventional weapons.

Tit for Tat

Since you have taken the title ‘admiral’, and assuming you are not an imposter, what are your thoughts about your South West neighbour India? Do you want to bring it down to its knees over Arunachal and Ladakh? Remember, they also have this hypersonic technology in the name of Shourya and K-4 as ballistic missiles and soon to be Brahmos version 2 as cruise missile…..Who knows, 75% of your naval fleet may get submerged in East and South China seas even before they leave the harbour incase you decide to up the ante in Arunachal/Sikkim/Uttarakhand/Ladakh……

January 14, 2014 at 17:26

Poor Midshipman Cheng, I think you’ve lost to many brain cells due to air and water pollution.

Only armchair strategists think that taking on the most advanced and veteran military of any time period is a simple endeavor to be undertaken with green troops and sailors using unproven weapons in development as their best weapons, with a military still trying to catch up in an unending cycle that reminds me of Sisyphaeus.


Here’s Reality since I actually can make some valid guesses as to the response to the fielding of this weapon. Any ICBM launch whether conventional or nuclear, would have to be treated like they were nukes, meaning both the US and Russians will have their nuclear triads waiting for the word that the world’s gonna end.

So, yes: only China is dumb enough, desperate enough, and/or arrogant enough to think they can field ICBMs against conventional forces without risking all out Armageddon for everyone.

In reality: if/when this missile is ready (if its successful; not every weapons platform is as good as a mfg. would have you believe) it’ll be about the same time that US jets and ships start fielding viable defensive lasers paired with next gen sensors.

Unless China can somehow accelerate a missile to a respectable fraction of c, hypersonic missiles won’t matter as they’ll be defeated by weapons delivered at the speed of light (only 186,000 miles per second). These lasers will be slewed and targeted using mesh networks of next gen sensors.


Whichwaydidhegogeorge? China’s testing is a real thing, but your wishful thinking as a counter measure is kind of dumb and desperate, and/or arrogant/ignorant.

Have you heard of fuzzy ion emitter that will render next gen sensors totally disorientated?

I am not too sure, Admiral Cheng.

The US armed forces and their highly sophisticated weapons are tested and proven compared to China’s.

I would prefer caution and worst case scenario for China when dealing with the military might of USA.

Better outcome is to negotiate relentlessly for peace, harmony and sharing for the sake of humankind.



Dick C and George Jr. are still looking for the Weapons Of Mass Destruction in Iraq.


China’s hypersonic missile is putting 大日本 in grave danger, 米国will not defend us when the crunch comes, 米国 is making our大日本defenseless against China’s hypersonic missile, therefore米国 is our大日本 biggest enemy, they occupy our land and suppress our capability to defend ourselves. Nippon must build a strong military to kick the米国人 out of rising sun land.

another byproduct of incompetent us foreign policy…


MAD do exist but one day, the world will experience nuclear carnage not intentionally but unintentionally, more likely as a result of broken, miscommunication and a trigger happy nuke commander.
A mis-step in the chain of command will end it all and led to EOL and the extinction of humanity……all because of our folly trying to tame the power of the atom.
In fact, I gives mankind another decade of existence.
Good night.

thrung suc phang

this was made just because of simple purpose only..to use as an offensive material to invade east asia and west philippine sea. here in vietnam we can match that mongoloid missile with our sam russian made


Can these be used to hit aircraft carriers?


China is becoming increasingly bellicose but they are still nothing compared to blood thirsty Americans. How they don’t destroy the world. Calm down guys.


Last May US successfully tested her X-51 hyper-sonic Wave Rider. This gave US the ability to strike any place on earth within one hour. The X-51 was said to have a speed of Mach 5.1. The Chinese vehicle has a speed of Mach 10.
The significant of this test by China is that, now, both US and China are able to strike at each other with deadly long range conventional weapons without crossing the nuclear threshold.


Very much expected.

Cruise missiles have gone obsolete as hypersonic cruise missiles will take their place. This obviously is non nuclear weapons.

WMD is the name of the game. Who can produce the fastest, deadliest and cheapest really quickly? That nation will dominate the world.

China has the shortest time from design to deployment. Russia must be worried more than USA. Unless Russia actually plans using nukes in warfare it should seriously consider developing more conventional WMDs.

The healthy competition between Russia and China has created a new world order.



China is catching up, Russia almost caught up whilst US to make sure they don’t catch up. So who is to be blamed for all these weapons of increasing mass destruction??

Robert Shan Pubes

There is nothing that special about this weapon. It is just a quasi-ballistic missile and with its extremely high speed and depressed trajectory it is much harder to intercept. The U.S. has had this technology for ages, the Russians have the Iskander Missile which travels in excess of mach 5 and the Indians have their Shourya and k-4 missiles which travel at mach 7.5 and they are similar boost glide hyper sonic vehicle. This isn’t that alarming of news however, we need to be investing much more in our own hyper sonic and scram jet programs, but under Obama this seems less and less likely



How about everyone take a deep breath… 1 test flight doesn’t make a weapon system… surely the launching anything on an ICBM vehicle is idiocy, Who would know what the payload was,? All you could do was assume the worse… I doubt this ever becomes a deployable reality.



China’s rise as a credible counter to the US led western power block … is a blessing for the mankind … and a Russia-China-India led block would lead the world towards a more secure, sane and stable human civilization on earth … !! … those pursuing a culture of unnatural and outrageous, consumption based economy, of greed and short term profits, would eventually lose their sanity, and end into the pages of history …



The 2013 BBC worldwide pool list US as the no.1 threat to world peace.


风舞雪飘零 发表于 2014-1-15 20:13




matrix2388 发表于 2014-1-15 20:54
就是这个也叫“萨尤尔亚”全长10米,直径0.5米,重约6吨,是种射程700公里的短程弹道导弹,是印度K15 ...
轩辕夏禹剑 发表于 2014-1-15 20:33