中国军队呈现出友好的一面,以缓和紧张的局势(龙腾)含 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 11:50:30
原文地址: ... down-120046821.html
原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:猫记

    中国临潼(路透社报道)—— 周一,伴随着握手及微笑,中国军队罕见的向记者开放了一个秘密基地,最大程度展现其友好的一面,以缓解日益增加的其他亚洲国家对于中国的战略意图。中国通过爆出一些新的军事装备向世界展示了她的军事野心,从2011年早些时候的中国的第一架隐形飞机的试飞到其羽翼未丰的航空母舰的下水——这两种技术的发展均需要通过多年的时间得以实现。这些举措伴随着中国越来越多、大胆的,在东海及南海的领土要求,挑动着亚洲及美国的神经。
原文地址: ... down-120046821.html
原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:猫记

    中国临潼(路透社报道)—— 周一,伴随着握手及微笑,中国军队罕见的向记者开放了一个秘密基地,最大程度展现其友好的一面,以缓解日益增加的其他亚洲国家对于中国的战略意图。中国通过爆出一些新的军事装备向世界展示了她的军事野心,从2011年早些时候的中国的第一架隐形飞机的试飞到其羽翼未丰的航空母舰的下水——这两种技术的发展均需要通过多年的时间得以实现。这些举措伴随着中国越来越多、大胆的,在东海及南海的领土要求,挑动着亚洲及美国的神经。


James 16 hours ago Report Abuse
Their military industrial complex is aboutas peace loving as ours is.


Larry 16 hours ago Report Abuse
There is no money in peace.


James • 16 hours ago Report Abuse
If you compare the two nations, the US has been far more aggressive than China.


Jose S • 15 hours ago Report Abuse
On what basis?


Mr. Reality • 15 hours ago Report Abuse
James, please give us some facts before you make another bulls(hit)statement. Also, go screw yourself.


Ex Serving • 14 hours ago Report Abuse
@Mr. how many countries do you see China's armyin, Now how many do you see of the American military. You do the math


Mike • 13 hours ago Report Abuse
@Ex Serving the U.S.has been invited to all the countries they are in except Afghanistan.And they were harboring U.S.attackers. Did Tibet invite China? I thinknot. Try using your brain and not emotion for your thinking.


Ex Serving • 13 hours ago Report Abuse
@Mike, what about Iraq


Mike • 12 hours ago Report Abuse
@Ex Seving, what about Iraq? the U.S. is no longer in Iraq. I could say the same thingabout Germany and Poland, Austria, and quite a few othercountries.
The reasons behind the Iraq invasionwere many. To include Kurdish genocide, planned and attempted assassinations ofa Ex-president (Bush Sr in Kuwait).Perceived WMDs and 2 wars and invasions of neighbors by Saddam. The guy was outof control and very much insane. And his removal has provided a power vacuumwhich is an excellent ground for Sunnis and Shiites to concentrate killing oneanother, a much better prospect than exporting terrorism worldwide. It forcesthem to use resources which otherwise could be used overseas.


Clear • 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Mikey, is your last name Dell? Thosecountry invited US in? Tell the Millions in Vietnam that are still sufferingthe effects of Agent Orange! Tell the millions that disappeared during thebombing by US in the Middle East! Those bombsleave No ash, no bones, no counting of the death. They just vanished!


Mike • 12 hours ago Report Abuse
I tell you children what. I will live in myworld of reality, where everyone is not sane, and dose not share the samestandards of morality and where people degrade others religions and call theminfidels and attacks others for Religion, resources and real estate whereeveryone dose not share the ideology. And you live in your pretend world whereeveryone is loving, equal and fair and we can see who gets disappointed first.


Ho 1 day ago 2 2
Dear Jose S, on thebasis that only the USAis involved in wars outside its borders . USAhad troops stationed all over the world and Chinaand Russiado not. USA had 11 aircraft carrier sailing near to almost every country whileChina created a lot of hoo hahs just by trying out a junked aircraft carrier(It does not even has a working carrier). What to know more reasons?

亲爱的Jose S,比较的依据是,只有美国卷入了境外战争。美国在全世界驻军,而中国和俄罗斯并没有在海外驻军。美国有11艘航空母舰,且这些航空母舰几乎游荡在每个国家的周围,而中国仅仅尝试使用一个被废弃了的航母就引来一片惊呼声(中国甚至没有一个正常使用中的航空母舰)。知道更多的原因么?

Mr. Reality 1 day ago 3 3
@Ex, Tibet... explain China's presence there. How aboutthe flair-ups along the border with Russia in the 70's and 80's?Explain that. How about their aggressiveness (and periodic war) with Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan,The Philippines, India, Vietnam.Basically any country that borders them and doesn't have a tyrant (I exclude Burma as thisperson is there at their behest). Perhaps you should get caught up on currentaffairs. Or maybe just quit blaming the USA for everything you see wrong inthe world.


thomasv 1 day ago 1 1
Chinese Gov. & their people will neverbe able to clean their, 65 years ago, history at no matter what they do.Chinese, now, spend lot & lot of $ to get US militia equipment, tech.. Theymay cowardly win their war toward little neighbors as Philippine, Vietnam, Laosso fort, but they will never be able to compare to American; since a big body,but cowardice in mind, will never become a little hero as Japan! So, how tocompare to U.S..American's philosophy conquered the world more than our Dollar!

Timur 21 hours ago 2 0
China atthis point chose to grow by peaceful means. China has a choice, because for thesame amount of money growing by peaceful means can harvest greater benefits.But when push comes to shove, Chinacan chose to militarize and be a bully like the US.


Vladimir Putin 18 hours ago 0 1
China had wars with Vietnam,after ours.. so ... just saying. they've had wars too lol


Bronc Buster • 14 hours ago Report Abuse
With all the interest on the money weborrowed from China,this is American tax dollars at work.


Early Cuyler • 11 hours ago Report Abuse
Less than 10% of US debt is owed to the Chinese.Many simple minded folks like you are not well informed on... -anything.


Robert • 9 hours ago Report Abuse
I'm going to Walmart, do you needanything...?


Mr. Gray • 8 hours ago Report Abuse
why don't you americans jusdefault on thepayments. What are the Chinese gonna do?


Ionescu • 2 hours 4 minutes ago Report Abuse
@Mr Gray And what do you think is going tohappen when you do that? No one will trust the US dollar,oil and otherresources will be bought using other currencies and your money will beworthless.Think before you open your mouth.


Darren • 15 hours ago Report Abuse
They dont make military bases to just plantflowers and be pretty . .


American • 14 hours ago Report Abuse
military for bombing arabs women andchildren?


Ho • 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Fully agree with you Darren. I guess it isthe same with USA'smilitary.


Guppy • 4 hours ago Report Abuse
Military bases and their activities lead tothe eventual planting of flowers and installation of cemeteries on enemyterritories.


Michael • 24 minutes ago Report Abuse
Guppy, I suppose you think all the moneyspent on defeating the Nazi, Pol Pot, Stalin, and the rest was just wasted.Good luck to you should you need help.


Gregory • 15 hours ago Report Abuse
PR or just plain old Propaganda! You be thejudge!


American • 14 hours ago Report Abuse
they should do some demo by bombing thearabs women and children


Ho • 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Propaganda of course and so is the USA pentagon.Same #$%$ in different cans man!! Military Industrial complexes rule the worldman!!


Robert • 16 hours ago Report Abuse
@thegreat, whilst China and Russia eyeother warily, they are both deeply suspicious of American moves in the Pacificand both have a shared mutual interest in resisting American attempts toencircle them.


Billybob • 16 hours ago Report Abuse
You really are a moron aren't you.


Joe • 16 hours ago Report Abuse
@billybob, you are a hick so that makes youinfinitely more moronic. Stupid hick,go back to screwing your goats idiot.


Willard • 15 hours ago Report Abuse
Billybob, you are the moron. You are easilybrainwashed. The reason is because you don't have a brain. Your comment aboutgoats shows your intelligence. You have heard things about country people whoyou call "hicks" and you don't know what you are talking about. Manymore terrible things happen in the big cities than in small towns. Just becausethere are more murders in a large city than in the small town, am I supposed tothink everyone in a city is a murderer? Need I say more? You and others likeyou need to wake up.


Sam • 15 hours ago Report Abuse
@Robert, We already had China and Russia encircled. Just look at thebases we have in the pacific.


Robert • 15 hours ago Report Abuse
@Sam, but now the Russians and Chinese havetheir nuke subs parked off American coastlines too.


Ho • 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Hi Robert, yours is a sensible analysis. Itis mutual distrust. USA'smilitary is no saint either.


Ho • 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Sam, you are right but it does not matter these days with the change inwar paradigm. Intercontinental missiles with multiple reentry nuclear war headsmakes these bases just expensive muscle flexing toys. That is why USA spendsitself into debt. If you read the book "The rise and fall of the greatpowers" by Paul Kennedy you will understand. Nevermind Russia and China spending themselves on military into debt,worry about USAif you are an American

Sam,你是对的,但随着当今战争模式的改变,这都不是问题了。负载多枚核弹头的洲际导弹使得这些基地变得了昂贵的、用来秀肌肉的玩具。这就是为什么美国负债累累的原因。如果你读了Paul Kennedy 写的“大国的兴衰”这本书,你就会明白了。不要介意中国与俄罗斯举债以用于军费开支,如果你是个美国人的话,就担心下美国吧。

Darren • 15 hours ago Report Abuse
China isgoing to rule the world . . because america care about nothing butsports and drinking and drugs and anything that the black people are doing . .and then wonder why this country is going down hill . . you cant beat china andrussiawith getto way of thinking . . wise up america . . like right now americais more worried about making wheather or not to make pot smoking legal . . justwhat americaneeds something to make them even more stupider than they already are . . americais going to fall its just a matter of time . . fools.

Sam 2 days ago 6 17
We should export the same problems we haveto China.Send our blacks and latinos to live there.


Troy Tempest 2 days ago 0 5
The whole world is going to fall and it isjust a matter of time.


Gregory 2 days ago 3 10
Darren: When you learn how to spell andthink in English, come back and post an intelligent comment. You are making thesame stupid mistake that many foreign countries have made about America, you donot understand it. Don't for one minute think that your logic and understandingwill lead to an American downfall, because you will fine out the hard way thatyou were wrong, dead wrong!


Robert 2 days ago 1 8
When you have a chance I'd love to see thedetails and logistics of how Chinais going to rule the world...especially since no one has ever done it, it's gotto be a doozie of a plan.


jason 2 days ago 9 5
We didnt invent drugs nd drinking thewhites did! You guys used it to trick the indians t of their lad remember .Then the white mans disease killed off the rest. Then you guys enslaved theblack men to do the dirty work (labor) of developing the land. You guys createdthis, get over it. You guys forced japan to open their closed country tocapitalism.


Ex serving 1 day ago 3 4
China doesn't have to invade the states, it already owns large swaths ofthe land in the US


Office 1 day ago 4 3
@Gregory, its "find out" not"fine out" ;) learn to spell

Gregory,是“find out”,不是“fine out”,学习一下拼写哟

Richard 1 day ago 1 8
TO China: We are sending you ALSharpton and Dennis Rodman, and you can keep them. Our gift of peace to you.

致中国:我们给你们送来了ALSharpton和Dennis Rodman,你们可以留着他们。这是我们送给你们的和平礼物。

Jack Mann 1 day ago 1 4
@Jason,"we" didn't force Japanto open it's markets. THEY attacked Pearl Harbor,the Allies defeated them. If Japanhad been left like East Germany, they'd still be sponging money offthe West to make ends meet. The Marshall Plan ( If memory serves me correct )envisioned strong economies in the conquered countries, like Japan and allied West Germany. The Soviets, on theother hand, bled East Germany dry. So, before you go spouting offon a subject you know little about, read a few books first Jason. Any otherinsignificant rants you want to spew out??


Michael 1 day ago 3 3
Chinacannot rule the world because their declining birth rates are going to halvethe population in a generation. No way any country or civilization can go from1 billion to 500 Million without serious problems. The One Child policy doomedthem.


Donald 1 day ago 1 2
They could reverse the policy tomorrow ifthey thought it would benefit them. China could also implement anaggressive three child minimum policy if they really wanted to. That issomething the USor European countries would be incapable of.


Michael 1 day ago 0 1
"They could reverse the policytomorrow"
Not sure you understand how humanprocreation works, but if they reversed the policy today the effects would notkick in for 20 to 30 years.


Sam 1 day ago 1 0
@office and all that comment on Englishlanguage,
The fact that most Americans cannot writewith perfect grammar, tells us there is something wrong with our language, notthe person. The civilization or those people that invented that language shouldbe ashamed. Think about how clumsy English is...with tenses, singular/plural,linking verbs...etc. Go fix you English first BEFORE scolding others.


Steven 1 day ago 0 2
@jack Mann it wasAdmiral Matthew Perry's fleet that opened an isolationist Japan, in themid 19th century to trade. Big guns can bully a small country. Japan awakenedto the realization that they couldn't defend themselves and that anyone couldhave an empire. So Japanemulated the British empire and started aprogram of conquest and military industrialization. Pearl Harbor was the endresult of opening of Japanese ports to US commerce

Jack Mann,敲开封闭的日本大门的是19世纪中期,为进行贸易的海军上将马修佩里的舰队。大炮可以欺负一个小国家。日本人清醒过来,认识到,他们不能保护自己且任何人都可以建立一个帝国。因此,所以日本人效仿大英帝国,开始了征服之旅和军事工业化。珍珠港是日本朝美国贸易开放港口的最终结果。

Arby 1 day ago 1 0
You are RACIST.


Ho 1 day ago 0 1
LOL. You guys are always China this and China that. Do you think Chinesegive a hoot? Who wants to rule America?You guys just think that Chinese are crazy about ruling the USA. With allthe problems USAhas plus the fact that they have enough problems of their own, it is betterthat countries do not interfere with each other. Instead of always thinkingthat China is an enemy(painted by the USAmilitary industrial complex to justify spending your tax money) think again. China did not bomb Pearl Harbor. During WWII Chinafought with the allied forces in the Burmaand Thailandtheater (remember the flying tigers?) Better to start making love (or trade)instead of trying to justify wars. Never learn lessons from Vietnam, Iraqand Afghanistaneh?


ionescu 1 day ago 2 0
@Michael Theyare already thinking about abolishing the one child policy because of an agingpopulation. As for your estimate about halving the population in 25 years, isit something based on research, facts , or is it something you just thought ofand said to yourself "quickly, I must write this down!!".

Michael 他们正由于人口老龄化而考虑废除独生子女政策。至于你估计的,在未来的25年里,中国人口将减半,是基于研究结果、事实,还是一些你自己想出来的,然后对自己说“快快快,我必须把它写下来!!”

Sam 15 hours ago 0 0
@Ho, well said!


Doc LeDuc 1 day ago 17 27
Yep, China has such a long history ofpeace. It they want a "piece", however, they've also historically proventhat they'll shatter the "peace" with a total surprise blitz fromhell! Maybe the writing on the wall that's showing through the quick white-washjob the press got should be read clearly this time around.


Joe 2 days ago 4 10
The US is the least peaceful nation onEarth. There is no money to be made with peace.


Robert 2 days ago 2 9
Huh? Bizarre reading of history there. China's militaryhistory is 99% defending themselves from invaders, including us. I'm presumingyour shattering of peace is the Korean War?


Clear 1 day ago 2 6
Doc? Your PHD in history is from...?


Baronet 1 day ago 0 0
Historically speaking when China is being ruled by the Han ethnic majority,the focus would turn inward, Song, Ming, however when China is being ruled by the people of Steppesfrom the North, Yuan (Mongol) and Qing (Jurchin) China would go into expansion mode.As far as recent history goes: Chinese government is better at killing its ownpeople while the military operation against foreign power remains relativelysmall in scale: Sino-Indian border clash, Sino-Russian border clash andSino-Vietnamese clash were three conflicts involving post-WW2 China.

Ho 1 day ago 1 0
Interesting. Can you give me an examplethat Chinadid a blitz ?


Timur 1 day ago 2 4
China isprepared but refused to be psyched into a war. The turtle and the hare.


Timur 1 day ago 1 0
Chinawill not wage an offensive war now. It costs too much and the outcome isunclear. She is winning the peace and refused to be psyched by the US to get intoan offensive war. In a defensive war she will win.


River 1 day ago 0 0
China may be in a defensive war with the US, but she won't be with theneighbors.


Timur 1 day ago 0 0
River: Because of US involvement, to beoffensive with the neighbors means to be offensive to the US.


Thegreat 2 days ago 21 24
Russia is not fooled by Chinaor the aggression of US. Kremlin is watching!


Scotty 2 days ago 0 2


Jack Mann 2 days ago 0 1
David, village idiot I'd assume?


Jack Mann 2 days ago 0 0
@Thegreat, what "aggression" doyou speak of? Bet we could dig up far more instances of Chinese"aggression" in the area compared to your interpretation of US aggression.And as far as Russiais concerned, they're a has-been.


Ho 1 day ago 0 0
USA, Russia and China are allwatching one another - and so are all countries doing the same. It is the nameof the game man!


Mums 2 days ago 19 10
Our future masters..................


Ex serving 2 days ago 1 1
lol they are already masters of manyAmericans. Just look at who owns their businesses XD


JR 1 day ago 0 0
Speak for yourself.


Ho 1 day ago 0 1
They have more sense than to be master of USA. They willhave to foot the bills of what USAowes the world. Lol, that will be the height of stupidity and I am sure theChinese are not that dumb.


julius 2 days ago 15 7
communist china is the worlds' enemy. thisevil country must be stopped.


American 2 days ago 0 6
that why their twins tower were leveled


Semellyecoli2 2 days ago 9 7
Beware USA !!! Chinawants the return of it's Island of Taiwan(formerly Formosa) stolen from the then weak Chinawith the help of the USAat the end of WW II !! And the return of the oil rich islands south of Japan that were stolen from the then weak China!! The Chinaof today is the new all powerful tough kid on the block !! China is not one ofthe Third World Banana Boat Republics like Cuba,Grenada,Panama,Central Americancountries,Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya,other African nations,etc !! Today's ChineseDragon spits fire !!


Hoang 2 days ago 6 1
Paper dragon don't spit fire. Japan, South Koreaand Singaporeare the real dragons of the East. Copy cat only copied and make fake stuffs,not another 1000 years!


chris 2 days ago 0 12
The Military and economic rise of China isbut inevitable in order to bring about the global balance of power, It is onlyChina which can fill the vacuum left after the collapse of the Soviet Empire.Since the end of the cold war the USA has become an international bullywith no respect for the rule of law.


T.. 2 days ago 8 40
Peace loving? Me think not.


Troy 2 days ago 0 8
There is no peace loving country in thisworld.


Ho 1 day ago 0 7
To condemn China alone is just biasness. USA spends onarms annually more than 30 countries combined, and is the only country nowinvolved in wars far away from its borders. Its press keeps bashing China and Russia. It accuses others ofinternet spying whereas it is the biggest spy in the internet world (Snowdenexposed it although all along only the Americans are brainwashed to think thatonly others spy). Its policy of encircling Russiaand Chinais an openly declared official policy. Any thinking Americans will not besurprised that China and Russia arearming themselves. Defense is not the only prerogative of USA.


Sharon 1day ago 0 1
This is one American who isn't brainwashedinto believing that only other countries spy. I also notice the bias of othercountries thinking!


Asten 1 day ago 0 1
Whatever goes on, comes around


Sharon 1 day ago 1 0
@ Asten... YES it does! :)


Lance 2 days ago 0 9
How many Chinese soldiers are stationedoversea? And how many American soldiers are stationed oversea? I thought so.


No justice 12 hours ago 0 0

Clint 2 days ago 1 12
Americans can judge China all they want but normally you don't see Chinain everyone else's business like we are.


lavu 2 days ago 0 7
US spend much more for military...on thecontrary China didn't attackother countries as Iraq,Libya, Afghanistan,Vietnam.....


No justice 12 hours ago 0 0


John 1 day ago 1 5
I totally agree with China building up it's military.They should increase their military spending about 10 times to match USA militaryspending, increase their air and sea capability and have superiority over allother warring nations combined. They get no recognition or respect for anythingthey have done ( just like a bad marriage ) so they might as well build up tothe point that if Japan or the USA attacks them again, they can blow theattacking countries / forces right off the face of the earth. Hopefully shutthe racists up for good.


James C 2 days ago 18 40
Chinawill shake your hand while hiding the dagger they are going to implant in yourback in the other hand


Troy 2 days ago 2 3
you don't need to know, because everycountry does that!


Shane 2 days ago 6 6
.Maybe you should read a history booksometime. In the World Wars the Japanese tortured and destroyed Chinese. The US beat the hell out of Japan. Guesshow Chinarepayed us??? By sending their fighters against the US in the Korean war. So yes. Chinacan go to hell....back stabbing ingrates.


Shane 2 days ago 1 4
I have read my history. I havel also servedin the United StatesMarines.. I have been deeply involved in the military intel side. Let me assureyou. The chinese are no where near surpassed the U.S. I agree that they haveprogressed but they are no where near the U.S. militarily. China has yet to spend the money that the U.S. has on itsmilitary. You have been greatly misinformed sir.


Luis Mur 2 days ago 2 6
Shane, you got your facts all mixed up. TheUS helped the Kuomintang,Nationalists, call them what you may, who then lost the civil war to theCommunists, and it was the communists who helped out North Korea. So, from their pointof view, they were just repaying the US in their same coin. Before,during and after the Korean War, the Kuomintang Chinese were regularly bombing Shanghai, Fuzhou and othercoastal cities from Taiwan,using USA-supplied B-25s and P-51s at first, F-86s later on. And I'm notdefending the Chinese communists, unlike any of you, I actually live in Chinaand I know what they've done and what they still do to their own people, butyou seriously need to read some history and get your facts right.

Shane,你把事实全搞乱了。美国帮助的是国名党、民族主义者,不知道你怎么称呼他们,他们在内战中败给了中共,而帮助北朝鲜的是中共。因此,从他们自己的角度来看,他们对美国只是以牙还牙。在朝鲜战争的前期、发生中以及之后,国民党使用美国最开始提供的B-25s 和P-51s ,以及后来提供的F-86s,对上海、福州和其他沿海城市进行定期轰炸。我不是在替中共说话,不像你们,我实际上住在中国且我知道他们曾经或仍旧在怎么对待她的人民,但是说真的,你需要读读历史书,搞清楚事实。

Shane 2 days ago 4 3
The only reason that China has superiority over Japan is the fact that they were wiped out bythe United States.If it was not for the U.S., China would bespeaking Japanese right now. Japanis only as strong as we allow them to be. Let me remind you ....the US still occupies Japan.


Shane 2 days ago 2 0
Luis Mur....I have read my history. Japan threatened the entirity of China, not justone specific group. Japanwanted to exterminate China.They can come up with whatever excuse they want. But the United Statesis the last country they should have went against. Just saying

Luis Mur。。我已经读了我的历史书。日本对全中国造成威胁,而不是中国的某个党派。日本想要消灭中国。他们能找到他们想要的任何借口。但是美国应该是他们选择攻击的最后一个国家。就是这么一说。

James C 1 day ago 0 0
@MrG......I lived in China for 5 years so yes I do know


Luis Mur 1 day ago 0 0
Shane, the Communists never cared one bitif the Japanese invaded China,they actually, but secretly, welcomed it, since the Kuomintang was about towipe them out before the Marco Polo Bridgeincident. The Communists did not do one bit of fighting against the Japanese,even if they now claim the opposite, and, upon Japanese surrender, they strucka deal with the Japanese army to take over their positions and equipment.Again, they are very hush-hush about that now, but there is enough evidence togo around, and enough written about it, outside China of course. Also, if the USA had not helped the Kuomintang, there wouldhave been much more of Chinato be "liberated" by the Soviet Army and the Chinese Civil War wouldhave been much shorter and easier.
I don't think you understand thatCommunists everywhere are completely oblivious to concepts such as "nationalinterest", they will happily give away half their country to a foreignpower if that helps them take over the other half. The Russian Bolshevikssigned away half their country to Germany, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk1918, just so they'd have a free hand with the Whites, and the French CommunistParty forbade its members to engage in the Resistance against the Germans in1940-41, while the Soviet-German Pact was in force. Of course, they changedtack after the German invasion of the Soviet Union,and claimed they had resisted the Nazis all along but that's another thing theCommunists are great at, propaganda. Just two examples, but there are manymore. A Communist mind does not wok like yours or mine, everything and anythingthat furthers the goals of the Communist Party is to be pursued no matter whatelse. As you can see, I'm in no way defending the Communists, I'm just makingthe point that just about the only thing the Chinese Communists cannot beaccused by the USA is ingratitude.


gage 2 days ago 0 5
I believe we, Americaand the EU, could learn from Chinaas to how they handle the western front of their country.

我相信我们,美国及欧盟, 可以向中国学习,学习他们如何处理他们面前的西方国家。

John 1 day ago 1 3
For all the racists here, the sickest jokeis the USA ( the biggest terrorist ) pretending to fight terrorism, like abully telling everyone not to bully them, extremists trying to stamp outextremists, murders telling everyone they will be tough on killers. How can theracist, extremist USAever stamp out anything except innocent civilians and common sense when they somuch love to kill people in foreign countries as well as at home, no matterwhat or who, the killing MUST continue.
--- It is maybe the worlds' hope that Chinacan develop superior weapons that if ever the USA directly or indirectlyattacks China, China can land enough nuclear bombs on America to annihilate theracists once and for all and the USA's world ( ALL POWERFUL ) hopes for ever.
-- Till then the USAalready has spys and mercenaries working in China and many other countries tostir up trouble and just itching to get into another war so more Americantroops can die and they can slaughter more people.


Bigred 1 day ago 0 0
john (jn)
1. A toilet.
2. A man who is a prostitute's customer.

1、 你是个满嘴喷粪的粪坑
2、 你是个嫖客。

BirdWatcher 2 days ago 2 7
All of our past and present US presidents were wrong: it is not so muchabout the Soviet Union or Russiathat we have to worry about, IT IS CHINA that we definitely have to worryabout. I hope the future USpresident takes a good note of it before he or she run for president in 2016.


American 1 day ago 1 0
everything is relative ussr defeated by capitalist usa, and usa lost to china the ultracapitalist . they steal , cheat, copy .


DesertGI 2 days ago 1 6
Just remember, the Japanese ambassador wasin the White House with peace medals, as they were attacking Pearl Harbor.


Benski 2 days ago 11 15
Communists loves propaganda! Chinagovernment loves to bully their neighbors. Don't get fooled. Stop buying Chinaproducts so jobs come back here.

Frank 2 days ago 0 9
Communists = Socialists. Obama = Socialist.
The United States has been a military"bully" of sorts for over a decade now. How would you classify us?


Sam 2 days ago 1 6
Yes, please stop buying Made in China products,I dare you; I double dare you. Please do it now!!!!


American 1 day ago 1 2
worse come to worst white american just goback owning black american slaves. purchase your black slave in usaprisons


Carl 1 day ago 3 1
@ American - no offense, but the idea thatany incarcerated black male knows an honest day's work is laughable. If youwant to go back to slavery, get Chinese slaves; many Chinese farmers spendtheir days bent-double over rice paddies and would probably enjoy the change.You could even argue the Chinese don't even have their freedom to lose,anyways...


Benski 1 day ago 1 0
@Frank, we are in the path to be poor(mismanage economy) thereby dependent to our government. You are right, we arein the path to socialism. I disagree on US military "bully", withoutthem, there's no world order.


American 23 hours ago 0 1
too bad the chinese slaves were shippedback to china and make their nation strong, all that left is cripple master onfood stamps. LOL


Algae 2 days ago 2 7
For 200+ some years since we have USA, is there ADAY that this country is not at war? Huh...


Singh 1 day ago 0 2
Next super power is China and it's will be sooner thanyou think. With their growing economy and all the jobs from US moving to China they aresure to rule the world in the next few years to come. China will be able to establish a base in Latin America and even close to US shores and US willjust have to take it and watch it happen. Reason is we gave too much away to China andwasted billions on wars where it left our military broke.


Timur 1 day ago 0 0
Do a good job on the economy, the rest isBS, for both US and China.


harold 2 days ago 0 4
one can only hope that china speaks thetruth of the matter


Neeman 2 days ago 1 5
There was a time everyone was afraid that Japan will overtake the U.S. Same oldsong.


Skeptic 2 days ago 8 8
China hasnot fought a real war since the Korean War. Their bureaucrats are corrupt. So,chances are the money they supposedly invested in military ended up in theircomrades' pocket.


Gerald 2 days ago 0 5
Skeptic - You have forgotten about theactions against Indiaduring 1962. Search out references on the Sino-Indian War.


skeptical 2 days ago 4 6
Skeptic: You forgot the Sino-Vietnamese warof 1979. There were nearly a million soldiers involved, and to prove yourpoint, the Chinese got thumped by the Vietnamese.


Sdas 2 days ago 2 6
@Skeptical Chinawon that war, and won back disputed border territories with Vietnam and for a period of 10 years occupiedwell beyond the disputed areas, nothing Vietnam could do about that tillthe whole army unit pulled out.


skeptical 2 days ago 1 2
The casualty rate on both sides tells thestory. Here is what a historian had to say:
Gerald Segal, in his 1985 book DefendingChina, concluded that China's 1979 war against Vietnam was a complete failure:"China failed to force a Vietnamese withdrawal from [Cambodia], failed toend border clashes, failed to cast doubt on the strength of the Soviet power,failed to dispel the image of China as a paper tiger, and failed to draw theUnited States into an anti-Soviet coalition."

Gerald Segal在其1985年所写的《保卫中国》一书中曾说道,1979年中国的对越反击战完全失败了:中国没能强迫越南从柬埔寨撤军,没能结束边境冲突,没能质疑苏联的权力,没能消除中国的纸老虎形象,没能把美国拉入反苏同盟。

Sdas 2 days ago 1 6
Skeptical If you talk about casualties thenChina won the war, if you talk about border dispute, China won the war, if youtalk about continued growth in military and political strength, China won thewar, China came out of the war with no consequences but martyrs which will beremembered forever. Results matters, Vietnam lost entire villages andlost some lands, that's all.


Hoang 2 days ago 4 1
Skeptical: Well said.
Sdas: Some villages and some land due to VCcorruptions, big deal? 1.4 billion vs. 75 million? Vietnamis still standing as of today while #$%$ stole lands and sea around smallcountries in SE Asia, counterfeit and fakeproducts. Shame on East Asian sick men, no balls!

Skeptical: 说得好
Sdas: 一些村庄和土地是因为越共的腐败。14亿VS7500万?直到今天越南仍挺直腰杆站着,而中国还在从东南亚的小国家手里窃取土地和领海,制造假冒伪劣产品。真替这些东亚病夫感到羞愧,没有种的家伙们!

skeptical 1 day ago 2 0
Sdas: If you talk about casualties, theVietnamese won as they killed several Chinese for every one of their dead. I amneither Chinese or Vietnamese, but the facts are the facts.


Roger Collado Mendaros 2 days ago 14 17
Watch your back when dealing with ChinaGovernment. It's in the culture for generations.


Jut 1 day ago 0 3
And racism is in American Culture forgenerations too. You're point?


Roger Collado Mendaros 1 day ago 1 0
In the U.S.A, you get the very extreme leftand the very extreme right information equally, that is why I knew what's goingon. In China,you will only get what the media wants you to know. That makes the entirepopulation become very uninformed. As far as talents, your population arereally smart and I am impressed. China even outsmart the U.S inmoney management.


Delightful 2 days ago 0 2
it's difficult to believe that the regionis called the china sea and yet supposedly nothing should belong to china.history showed that japan invaded china twice, so not much credibility shouldbe given to them (japan) that anything belongs to them. and the Philippines is usa puppet. the usa wants china to have nothing.they just want china to make all American companies number one in sales. here'ssome advice to china: get your citizens to buy your own stuff and stop makingAmerican and Japanese companies rich. and then let's see how hostile thesecountries will be towards you.

