印度国防部将印军油料额度砍掉40%,以应付卢比大幅贬值 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 17:34:49

卢比是今年至今亚洲表现最差的货币之一,自从5月以来,卢比兑美元的汇率已经下跌12%。较2011年6月贬值了38%。由于印度巨大的经常帐赤字,新兴市场资本外逃的担忧对卢比的冲击尤为强烈。截至3月这一财年,印度经常帐赤字占GDP的比重达到4.8% 。



Defence Ministry diktat on cutting fuel use by 40% stumps armed forces

NEW DELHI: The defence ministry has asked the armed forces to reduce fuel use by 20-40% as the sharp increase in prices has upset budget calculations, leaving soldiers, commanders and analysts bewildered and worried about the country's overall defence preparedness.

Pilots are wondering if they should fly fighter jets with half-full tanks while the army is struggling to find ways to economise on crucial movement of men and material across rough terrain or to cut the use of diesel in lighting up camps and barracks in remote areas along the 15,000-km international border, where many stretches are not connected to the electricity grid.

Official sources said the supplies and transport directorate under the defence ministry recently wrote to defence commands, saying allocation of various fuels would be cut by 20-40% in the current fiscal, depending on specific requirements and unique needs of the army, navy and air force. Rising electricity tariff across the nation too has inflated expenditure on large cantonments and defence establishments.

International crude prices, which have risen 8% in the past week, as well as the depreciating rupee, which is sinking to record lows, have made diesel for bulk buyers nearly 20% costlier than the state-set rates for motorists. While state transport undertakings have happily switched to petrol pumps, the defence forces have no such option.

Experts are worried. "As it is, the frequency of core-level exercises has come down due to limited fuel. Mechanised exercises of defence forces are becoming expensive. If fuel prices go up further, there will be more limitations in training our armed forces," said Lieutenant General (retd) Prakash Katoch, who has co-authored the book India's Special Forces.

Defence forces, among the biggest fuel consumers in India, spent over Rs 7,000 crore on petroleum products in 2012-13. This includes Rs 4,090 crore spent by the air force and Rs 1,661 crore by the navy, according to Laxman Behera, research fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA).

The defence budget for 2013-14 rose barely 5.3% to Rs 2,03,672 crore, compared with the 17.6% expansion in the previous budget. Behera terms this growth as negative in view of rising fuel prices and inflation.

Air Commodore (retd) Jasjit Singh, director-general of the Centre for Air Power Studies, questioned the wisdom of cutting fuel supply. "It is possible for private airlines to save fuel by managing routes efficiently. But you cannot fly combat aircraft with half-full tanks. I am not aware on what basis the instructions have been given to reduce fuel consumption. I don't know how to save ATF in training. Movement of all supplies requires fuel. What we need is more efficient vehicles. However, changing your fleet also involves a huge cost," Singh said. He said inadequate fuel may hit peacetime activities such as training and overall preparedness.

Oil industry executives said prices had been adjusted in line with market trends. "In the past six to eight weeks, with the weakening of the rupee against the dollar and firming up of crude oil prices, the difference between retail and bulk diesel price has gone up by over 9 per litre. With diesel price rising for institutional consumers, state transport undertakings are purchasing fuel from our retail network resulting in a 60% drop in our bulk trade," said N Srikumar, executive director of IOCBSE 0.97 %. The state-run company meets most of the petroleum product needs of defence forces. Defence personnel said the forces were doing their best to save on costs. "In the past five years, prices of diesel and LPG have gone up by 20-25% and 150-300%, respectively. The quantities of fuel allotted to the commands are enhanced or reduced based on the change in prices. However, austerity measures have been instituted to save revenue expenditure as fuel prices are going up. Energy conservation is something all of us are seized of and we are trying to save costs," said a defence ministry official, who did not want to be identified. He said the ministry has not sought any relief from the ministries of finance and petroleum.

Sources said the annual allocation of jet fuel will be reduced by 20% of the average consumption last year while petrol and diesel supplies will be reduced even more.

"You cannot cut salary, LPG consumption to feed personnel and certain other operations in defence activities. Hence, decision-makers prefer to control spend on energy first, when they have to reduce revenue expenditure. However, cutting down energy consumption hits your defence preparedness as soldiers are less mobile and not very well-trained, especially in case of air force and navy, where one must gain experience of a certain numbers hours of flying and sailing every year," said Behera of IDSA.


卢比是今年至今亚洲表现最差的货币之一,自从5月以来,卢比兑美元的汇率已经下跌12%。较2011年6月贬值了38%。由于印度巨大的经常帐赤字,新兴市场资本外逃的担忧对卢比的冲击尤为强烈。截至3月这一财年,印度经常帐赤字占GDP的比重达到4.8% 。



Defence Ministry diktat on cutting fuel use by 40% stumps armed forces

NEW DELHI: The defence ministry has asked the armed forces to reduce fuel use by 20-40% as the sharp increase in prices has upset budget calculations, leaving soldiers, commanders and analysts bewildered and worried about the country's overall defence preparedness.

Pilots are wondering if they should fly fighter jets with half-full tanks while the army is struggling to find ways to economise on crucial movement of men and material across rough terrain or to cut the use of diesel in lighting up camps and barracks in remote areas along the 15,000-km international border, where many stretches are not connected to the electricity grid.

Official sources said the supplies and transport directorate under the defence ministry recently wrote to defence commands, saying allocation of various fuels would be cut by 20-40% in the current fiscal, depending on specific requirements and unique needs of the army, navy and air force. Rising electricity tariff across the nation too has inflated expenditure on large cantonments and defence establishments.

International crude prices, which have risen 8% in the past week, as well as the depreciating rupee, which is sinking to record lows, have made diesel for bulk buyers nearly 20% costlier than the state-set rates for motorists. While state transport undertakings have happily switched to petrol pumps, the defence forces have no such option.

Experts are worried. "As it is, the frequency of core-level exercises has come down due to limited fuel. Mechanised exercises of defence forces are becoming expensive. If fuel prices go up further, there will be more limitations in training our armed forces," said Lieutenant General (retd) Prakash Katoch, who has co-authored the book India's Special Forces.

Defence forces, among the biggest fuel consumers in India, spent over Rs 7,000 crore on petroleum products in 2012-13. This includes Rs 4,090 crore spent by the air force and Rs 1,661 crore by the navy, according to Laxman Behera, research fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA).

The defence budget for 2013-14 rose barely 5.3% to Rs 2,03,672 crore, compared with the 17.6% expansion in the previous budget. Behera terms this growth as negative in view of rising fuel prices and inflation.

Air Commodore (retd) Jasjit Singh, director-general of the Centre for Air Power Studies, questioned the wisdom of cutting fuel supply. "It is possible for private airlines to save fuel by managing routes efficiently. But you cannot fly combat aircraft with half-full tanks. I am not aware on what basis the instructions have been given to reduce fuel consumption. I don't know how to save ATF in training. Movement of all supplies requires fuel. What we need is more efficient vehicles. However, changing your fleet also involves a huge cost," Singh said. He said inadequate fuel may hit peacetime activities such as training and overall preparedness.

Oil industry executives said prices had been adjusted in line with market trends. "In the past six to eight weeks, with the weakening of the rupee against the dollar and firming up of crude oil prices, the difference between retail and bulk diesel price has gone up by over 9 per litre. With diesel price rising for institutional consumers, state transport undertakings are purchasing fuel from our retail network resulting in a 60% drop in our bulk trade," said N Srikumar, executive director of IOCBSE 0.97 %. The state-run company meets most of the petroleum product needs of defence forces. Defence personnel said the forces were doing their best to save on costs. "In the past five years, prices of diesel and LPG have gone up by 20-25% and 150-300%, respectively. The quantities of fuel allotted to the commands are enhanced or reduced based on the change in prices. However, austerity measures have been instituted to save revenue expenditure as fuel prices are going up. Energy conservation is something all of us are seized of and we are trying to save costs," said a defence ministry official, who did not want to be identified. He said the ministry has not sought any relief from the ministries of finance and petroleum.

Sources said the annual allocation of jet fuel will be reduced by 20% of the average consumption last year while petrol and diesel supplies will be reduced even more.

"You cannot cut salary, LPG consumption to feed personnel and certain other operations in defence activities. Hence, decision-makers prefer to control spend on energy first, when they have to reduce revenue expenditure. However, cutting down energy consumption hits your defence preparedness as soldiers are less mobile and not very well-trained, especially in case of air force and navy, where one must gain experience of a certain numbers hours of flying and sailing every year," said Behera of IDSA.



freemailman 发表于 2013-7-10 14:08
我忽然想起来。。。三锅和公鸡国那126架阵风的项目去年都发中标通知书了。。。咋现在商务合同流程还没走完 ...

freemailman 发表于 2013-7-10 14:08
我忽然想起来。。。三锅和公鸡国那126架阵风的项目去年都发中标通知书了。。。咋现在商务合同流程还没走完 ...

freemailman 发表于 2013-7-10 14:08
我忽然想起来。。。三锅和公鸡国那126架阵风的项目去年都发中标通知书了。。。咋现在商务合同流程还没走完 ...
签名。。。 好基友啊
freemailman 发表于 2013-7-10 14:08
我忽然想起来。。。三锅和公鸡国那126架阵风的项目去年都发中标通知书了。。。咋现在商务合同流程还没走完 ...
逆天笑 发表于 2013-7-10 14:13
油都不够烧了,哪有钱买,怎么也要国防预算宽裕些吧,反正也是印度空军自己招标的性质,不是国家政府间 ...
freemailman 发表于 2013-7-10 14:08
我忽然想起来。。。三锅和公鸡国那126架阵风的项目去年都发中标通知书了。。。咋现在商务合同流程还没走完 ...
loong5 发表于 2013-7-10 14:22
最怕等下 再穷不能穷边境  再苦不能苦装备  


俄罗斯世界武器贸易分析中心新闻处指出,印度财政部拖延划拨一些武器采购项目的资金,结果引发连锁反应,对其后的武器装备采购招标产生了消极影响。由于优先采购方向不确定,致使几乎所有新型武器系统和军事装备采购项目全部迟滞。1月初,印度财政部消息人士就曾向《印度时报》披露称,宏观经济指标恶化迫使印度政府削减国防预算,使本财年(将于3月31日结束)国防部采购预算比此前计划的150亿美元减少18亿美元,降幅15%,导致原定的126架法国 “阵风”歼击机、197架轻型侦察直升机、6架多用途运输加油机、145门155毫米口径M-777轻型榴弹炮采购项目迟滞。印度国防部希望能在3月31日之前签订这些合同,但是来自印军领导层的最新消息表明,政府削减预算的决定基本上使这种希望成为泡影,因为一旦签订正式协议必须预支15%的合同款项。



孤独记忆守望者 发表于 2013-7-10 14:37
最怕等下 再穷不能穷边境  再苦不能苦装备
xiaotian2 发表于 2013-7-10 14:31
nhgime 发表于 2013-7-10 15:10
战魂01 发表于 2013-7-10 14:19
三哥快买阵风啊,我还要看放烟花来自: Android客户端
战魂01 发表于 2013-7-10 14:19

红袖男是谁来自: Android客户端
本州岛岛主 发表于 2013-7-10 15:19
导致原定的126架法国 “阵风”歼击机、197架轻型侦察直升机、6架多用途运输加油机、145门155毫米口径M-777轻型榴弹炮采购项目迟滞。印度国防部希望能在3月31日之前签订这些合同,但是来自印军领导层的最新消息表明,政府削减预算的决定基本上使这种希望成为泡影,因为一旦签订正式协议必须预支15%的合同款项。
