
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 19:50:31
Justin Carter, the Texasteen jailed over a sarcastic Facebook comment, is reportedly on suicide watch.
"He's very depressed, very scared, and ... concerned that he's not goingto get out," Carter's father, Jack, said in an interview with CNN Tuesday."He's pretty much lost all hope.“
Carter, 19, was arrested in February of this year following an argument he hadon Facebook regarding "League of Legends," an online video game.
"[S]omeone had said something to the effect of 'Oh you're insane, you'recrazy, you're messed up in the head,’" Jack recalled to ABC affiliate KVUEin an earlier interview. "To which [Justin] replied 'Oh yeah, I'm realmessed up in the head, I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eattheir still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were 'lol and jk' [allsic]."
Despite the teen's insistence of "lol" and "jk" -- internetshorthand for "laughing out loud" and "just kidding,"respectively -- a woman who came across the comment on Facebook failed to seethe humor. She alerted police after realizing Carter lived near an elementaryschool. On February 13, a judge authorized a search warrant. A warrant forCarter's arrest came one week later, reports WPTV.
Given recent school-related violence, the threat was taken seriously, meaningCarter has been charged with making a "terroristic threat," a felonythat carries up to an eight-year prison sentence. His bail: $500,000, reportsNPR, an amount his family can't pay, thus keeping him behind bars.
"Without getting into the really nasty details, he's had concussions,black eyes, moved four times from base for his own protection," Jackelaborated on Justin's current condition in jail. "He's been put insolitary confinement, nude, for days on end because he's depressed. All of thisis extremely traumatic to this kid. This is a horrible experience."

Justin Carter,一名德州小伙由于在Facebook上发表了一条恐吓言论而入狱,据传这位小伙在狱中自杀。
尽管这小伙子坚持这只是个玩笑—“lol”和“jk”都是网络词汇,分别表示“laughing out loud”(大笑)和“just kidding”(只是玩笑)--但是,当一位不明真相的女士看到这条评论时,她似乎没能理解这种幽默.当她了解到Carter家隔壁真的有个小学学校时,她当时就报警了。最终Carter于2月13被告知他已遭逮捕。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:林夕之 转载请注明出处
论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-214141-1-1.htmlAll the horror movie producers should be jailedtoo. They can write and produce such horrible things but a 19 year old is putin jail over a sarcastic comment? Whoa..


This is ridiculous. Let this poor kid go.Everyone on social media makes sarcastic comments like these, sometimes eventhreats. Are we going to arrest everyone?? It is the Internet!


All because of some offended female whocouldn't take a joke.


He absolutely should not be in jail.... hang onkid...


This is disgusting. The worst part is it is notall that unusual. And as long as prosecutors have absolute immunity, it willkeep happening over and over again.


So who decided that the extrajudicialpunishment calculated to make the kid as suicidal as possible was a good idea?


Honestly--he should not spend eight years inJail BUT these types of threats are not okay to make and are never funny, Theboy should poor judgement. After incidents like the Sandy Shook Shootingleaving so many dead its not okay to suggest you will be going to a school andshooting it up. How is anyone suppose to know you are kidding? What if thecomment was ignored and he went and shot up a school? People do need to learnthat it is not okay and I can guarantee he wont be joking about it anymore.

老实说—他不应被关八年,但是,这种恐吓不但影响恶劣,也很无聊。这个小鬼大概是个判断力低下的家伙。例如制造了大量死伤的sandy hock小学枪击案,在这么多恶性枪击案发生后,还暗示自己将前往小学校园进行枪击,这种行为的影响很很糟糕。你怎么能保证每个人都能理解你是在开玩笑呢?再说了,万一这评论被忽视,然后这小子真的去枪击了怎么办。人们做什么事之前应该好好想想,不过我估计他再也不会开这种玩笑了。

Of course they are notfunny, but poor judgement shouldn't land someone in jail..


This society is crumbling down. They want verystrict, even severe law and order so that millions of our citizens are sittingin prison and now they are going after the kids. Since prisons are now for-profitof their cronies, this makes perfect sense I suppose.


WOW- you're right. I forgot about all the forprofit prisons. I wonder if he is in one?


Meanwhile, they openly say that the verypowerful must be above the law... very openly say that they can't jail say theHSBC people because they can cause trouble if they are punished and that willnever do. One person cited the Nixon pardon by Ford as the beginning of the"powerful people are above the law because it's easier" opinionbecoming openly respectable.


The jail he is in is like gitmo, only in texas
Watch this vid to find out more.


Can anyone thank the administration forexpanding the NDAA? Look up Chris Hedges on the topic. As well as Of course themost famous case of this type of behavior. Brandon Raub and the RutherfordInstitute.

有谁会去感谢全国地区检察官协会的这种,出于扩张自身影响的管理呢?去看看那条关于Chris Hedges的头条吧。还有那些比较出名的相关新闻,比如Brandon Raub和Rutherford Institute。

(译注:Brandon Raub,前美军海军陆战队士兵,因在Facebook发表反政府论而被捕。相关:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/20 ... ined_n_1817484.html。Rutherford Institute,美国一个公民自由人权保护协会。相关:https://www.rutherford.org/about/

They did the same thing to Branden Raub. TheRutherford Institute has been working on this issue for well over a year now.

他们对Brandon Raub做了同样的事,Rutherford Institute为了处理这件事已经花了一年多时间了。

We do not have free speech anymore, God bless America.


You are right. And no common sense, either!


Sure we do. Ask him. He said what he wanted tosay. It was cute.


I do hope he is able to sue all theirresponsible parties here. The prosecutor & sheriff need to be recalled orat least voted out of office for this travesty.


say thank you NDAA


...and that stupid woman too.


This pretty much happened to me yesterday.
Keizer Police woke me up, told me how someonetold them I was making anti-government, mass shooting threats online. Whilesimultaneously telling me they read them themselves, and knew I didn't threatenanyone. But they felt they had to harass me anyway.
Because someone I don't even know decidedtheir military training as a cannon crewman... Taught them the inner works ofthe human mind, and labeled me a threat!
This country is circling the drain. Itsturning into prove yourself innocent, not prove them guilty.


Why is no one in the news pointing out onebig question, in fact the first question that came to my mind--- HOW did thewoman know (ahem, "realize" as they put it in this story) that thiskid lives near an elementary school? Addresses are not public on facebook,therefore she would have to do some digging to find out where this kid lives...To me, that means she had it out for this kid. Who was she? Just some randomperson? Was she "friends" with the kid on Facebook?
I've had to explain to people (especiallyon HP) what "LOL" and "JK" mean, as well as the definitionsof words like "sarcasm" and "irony" and "joke"and "humor"... some people are just too serious to be on theinternet. It's wrong for this teen to be in jail over something that is A)obviously facetious and B) covered under freedom of speech.
But then again, vampires and zombies areall the rage right now... he may be a ZIT (zombie in training) muahahahahah! JK


actually I agree with almost all of which youmentioned..except covered under free speech ...I agree it sounds as though theboy was kidding...and I am not saying otherwise...my point to you is thatthreatening to harm people is not a freedom anyone in america enjoys...thatpart of free speech is a myth...if you tell someone you want to kill them in athreatening way and a witness is there or a police official you could becharged with a felony depending on which state you live in...I mean threateningfolks is not cool
back to this boy...notice how the articlefails to mention what they turned up in the search? they requested a warrantand then arrested him after the alleged search...I assume they found more thanan lol and a jk message


you are wrong. there was a case here in Ohio that went to thesupreme Court, which ruled in 1969 that the government cannot punishinflammatory speech, unless that speech is directly linked to incitement orcauses incitement. Soooooo, what school got shot up and the shooter atechildren's hearts? NONE. Violation of 1st Amendment rights of this kid. Is thisNazi Germany?In a free society you have to allow stupid remarks as much as smart ones, muchas our corporate and government masters do not like it. IT'S THE LAW. If anyonecan't tell the difference between sarcasm and genuine threat, they should notbe in law enforcement.



Justin Carter, the Texasteen jailed over a sarcastic Facebook comment, is reportedly on suicide watch.
"He's very depressed, very scared, and ... concerned that he's not goingto get out," Carter's father, Jack, said in an interview with CNN Tuesday."He's pretty much lost all hope.“
Carter, 19, was arrested in February of this year following an argument he hadon Facebook regarding "League of Legends," an online video game.
"[S]omeone had said something to the effect of 'Oh you're insane, you'recrazy, you're messed up in the head,’" Jack recalled to ABC affiliate KVUEin an earlier interview. "To which [Justin] replied 'Oh yeah, I'm realmessed up in the head, I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eattheir still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were 'lol and jk' [allsic]."
Despite the teen's insistence of "lol" and "jk" -- internetshorthand for "laughing out loud" and "just kidding,"respectively -- a woman who came across the comment on Facebook failed to seethe humor. She alerted police after realizing Carter lived near an elementaryschool. On February 13, a judge authorized a search warrant. A warrant forCarter's arrest came one week later, reports WPTV.
Given recent school-related violence, the threat was taken seriously, meaningCarter has been charged with making a "terroristic threat," a felonythat carries up to an eight-year prison sentence. His bail: $500,000, reportsNPR, an amount his family can't pay, thus keeping him behind bars.
"Without getting into the really nasty details, he's had concussions,black eyes, moved four times from base for his own protection," Jackelaborated on Justin's current condition in jail. "He's been put insolitary confinement, nude, for days on end because he's depressed. All of thisis extremely traumatic to this kid. This is a horrible experience."

Justin Carter,一名德州小伙由于在Facebook上发表了一条恐吓言论而入狱,据传这位小伙在狱中自杀。
尽管这小伙子坚持这只是个玩笑—“lol”和“jk”都是网络词汇,分别表示“laughing out loud”(大笑)和“just kidding”(只是玩笑)--但是,当一位不明真相的女士看到这条评论时,她似乎没能理解这种幽默.当她了解到Carter家隔壁真的有个小学学校时,她当时就报警了。最终Carter于2月13被告知他已遭逮捕。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:林夕之 转载请注明出处
论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-214141-1-1.htmlAll the horror movie producers should be jailedtoo. They can write and produce such horrible things but a 19 year old is putin jail over a sarcastic comment? Whoa..


This is ridiculous. Let this poor kid go.Everyone on social media makes sarcastic comments like these, sometimes eventhreats. Are we going to arrest everyone?? It is the Internet!


All because of some offended female whocouldn't take a joke.


He absolutely should not be in jail.... hang onkid...


This is disgusting. The worst part is it is notall that unusual. And as long as prosecutors have absolute immunity, it willkeep happening over and over again.


So who decided that the extrajudicialpunishment calculated to make the kid as suicidal as possible was a good idea?


Honestly--he should not spend eight years inJail BUT these types of threats are not okay to make and are never funny, Theboy should poor judgement. After incidents like the Sandy Shook Shootingleaving so many dead its not okay to suggest you will be going to a school andshooting it up. How is anyone suppose to know you are kidding? What if thecomment was ignored and he went and shot up a school? People do need to learnthat it is not okay and I can guarantee he wont be joking about it anymore.

老实说—他不应被关八年,但是,这种恐吓不但影响恶劣,也很无聊。这个小鬼大概是个判断力低下的家伙。例如制造了大量死伤的sandy hock小学枪击案,在这么多恶性枪击案发生后,还暗示自己将前往小学校园进行枪击,这种行为的影响很很糟糕。你怎么能保证每个人都能理解你是在开玩笑呢?再说了,万一这评论被忽视,然后这小子真的去枪击了怎么办。人们做什么事之前应该好好想想,不过我估计他再也不会开这种玩笑了。

Of course they are notfunny, but poor judgement shouldn't land someone in jail..


This society is crumbling down. They want verystrict, even severe law and order so that millions of our citizens are sittingin prison and now they are going after the kids. Since prisons are now for-profitof their cronies, this makes perfect sense I suppose.


WOW- you're right. I forgot about all the forprofit prisons. I wonder if he is in one?


Meanwhile, they openly say that the verypowerful must be above the law... very openly say that they can't jail say theHSBC people because they can cause trouble if they are punished and that willnever do. One person cited the Nixon pardon by Ford as the beginning of the"powerful people are above the law because it's easier" opinionbecoming openly respectable.


The jail he is in is like gitmo, only in texas
Watch this vid to find out more.


Can anyone thank the administration forexpanding the NDAA? Look up Chris Hedges on the topic. As well as Of course themost famous case of this type of behavior. Brandon Raub and the RutherfordInstitute.

有谁会去感谢全国地区检察官协会的这种,出于扩张自身影响的管理呢?去看看那条关于Chris Hedges的头条吧。还有那些比较出名的相关新闻,比如Brandon Raub和Rutherford Institute。

(译注:Brandon Raub,前美军海军陆战队士兵,因在Facebook发表反政府论而被捕。相关:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/20 ... ined_n_1817484.html。Rutherford Institute,美国一个公民自由人权保护协会。相关:https://www.rutherford.org/about/)

They did the same thing to Branden Raub. TheRutherford Institute has been working on this issue for well over a year now.

他们对Brandon Raub做了同样的事,Rutherford Institute为了处理这件事已经花了一年多时间了。

We do not have free speech anymore, God bless America.


You are right. And no common sense, either!


Sure we do. Ask him. He said what he wanted tosay. It was cute.


I do hope he is able to sue all theirresponsible parties here. The prosecutor & sheriff need to be recalled orat least voted out of office for this travesty.


say thank you NDAA


...and that stupid woman too.


This pretty much happened to me yesterday.
Keizer Police woke me up, told me how someonetold them I was making anti-government, mass shooting threats online. Whilesimultaneously telling me they read them themselves, and knew I didn't threatenanyone. But they felt they had to harass me anyway.
Because someone I don't even know decidedtheir military training as a cannon crewman... Taught them the inner works ofthe human mind, and labeled me a threat!
This country is circling the drain. Itsturning into prove yourself innocent, not prove them guilty.


Why is no one in the news pointing out onebig question, in fact the first question that came to my mind--- HOW did thewoman know (ahem, "realize" as they put it in this story) that thiskid lives near an elementary school? Addresses are not public on facebook,therefore she would have to do some digging to find out where this kid lives...To me, that means she had it out for this kid. Who was she? Just some randomperson? Was she "friends" with the kid on Facebook?
I've had to explain to people (especiallyon HP) what "LOL" and "JK" mean, as well as the definitionsof words like "sarcasm" and "irony" and "joke"and "humor"... some people are just too serious to be on theinternet. It's wrong for this teen to be in jail over something that is A)obviously facetious and B) covered under freedom of speech.
But then again, vampires and zombies areall the rage right now... he may be a ZIT (zombie in training) muahahahahah! JK


actually I agree with almost all of which youmentioned..except covered under free speech ...I agree it sounds as though theboy was kidding...and I am not saying otherwise...my point to you is thatthreatening to harm people is not a freedom anyone in america enjoys...thatpart of free speech is a myth...if you tell someone you want to kill them in athreatening way and a witness is there or a police official you could becharged with a felony depending on which state you live in...I mean threateningfolks is not cool
back to this boy...notice how the articlefails to mention what they turned up in the search? they requested a warrantand then arrested him after the alleged search...I assume they found more thanan lol and a jk message


you are wrong. there was a case here in Ohio that went to thesupreme Court, which ruled in 1969 that the government cannot punishinflammatory speech, unless that speech is directly linked to incitement orcauses incitement. Soooooo, what school got shot up and the shooter atechildren's hearts? NONE. Violation of 1st Amendment rights of this kid. Is thisNazi Germany?In a free society you have to allow stupid remarks as much as smart ones, muchas our corporate and government masters do not like it. IT'S THE LAW. If anyonecan't tell the difference between sarcasm and genuine threat, they should notbe in law enforcement.


