
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 06:53:14
The Changhe Aircraft WZ-10 attack helicopter is based on a Russian design commissioned by the Chinese, Kamov's chief design engineer says.

In 1995, Kamov developed a preliminary design in the 6t weight class under a contract with the Chinese government, says Sergey Mikheev, Kamov's chief design engineer, speaking at the Heli-Expo trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

"Due to understandable reasons, this information was kept secret," he says.

The Project 941 design was not based on any Soviet-era attack helicopter project and was strictly designed for China's unique requirements, Mikheev says. "They gave us the desired weight, we discussed preliminary performance parameters, then we signed a contract and we fulfilled the contract," he says.

After Kamov completed the design, the Russian design bureau verified the design via testing. Kamov then delivered the design to China and the Project 941 concept was accepted by that country's government for further development, he says. Kamov did not participate in any further developmental work on the WZ-10, he insists.

Thereafter, to the country's credit, Mikheev says, the Chinese handled the rest of the developmental work. That includes the developmental prototypes and the operational aircraft that is currently in production for the Chinese military.

"So I wish success to the helicopter," Mikheev says.

Mikheev would not comment on the WZ-10's performance. "That is a question for the Chinese," he says. "I know what I have done."

Sergei Mikheyev, General Designer of the Kamov Design Bureau, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Hero of the Russian Federation dropped the proverbial bombshell at Heli-Expo here in Las Vegas this afternoon.  Mikheyev told an astonished crowd that China's Z-10/WZ-10 attack helicopter was actually designed in great secrecy under contract for China by Kamov. Dubbed Project 941, Initially the concept was designed in 1995 and developed by China into the WZ-10/Z-10.










谢尔盖.米赫耶夫,(卡莫夫设计局总设计师,俄罗斯联邦 科学与英雄的俄罗斯科学院院士)在拉斯维加斯的直升机博览会的下午丢下一个重磅新闻炸弹。Mikheev告诉惊讶不已的人群,中国的武直-10攻击直升机Z-10 ,实际上是在极其保密的情况下由中国与卡莫夫设计局签订合同而设计的。这个项目被称为941工程,最初的概念设计和开发是在1995年,并由中国继续发展为WZ-10 / Z-10。





毛子说的很清楚,这个设计方案是以中方提出要求来作的,不是苏方的要求,而且从图上来看作得相当到位了,连吹风都吹过了,这可不是 简单的“咨询一下方案”。。。
(The Project 941 design was not based on any Soviet-era attack helicopter project and was strictly designed for China's unique requirements)
我一向认为找毛子设计并没有什么丢脸的,兔子有钱没时间,而且人才与技术储备不足的情况下,引进毛子的设计 是个 多快好省 的法子,这种事,强悍如美帝,也是常常作的(比如AV8),不明白有些ID为什么会自卑到听不得任何一点“全国产”。。。我个人认为这种心态是典型的小农心态。。。典型的阿Q心态

3. Z10与941不一样,是采纳多方意见设计的产物

从毛子的941与Z10的相似度来看。。所谓的“多方意见”比较搞笑,Z10外形相对941 更传统更保守了。。“采纳多方意见”不如说是“受限于TG的多方限制”
有消息称是由于 当时的卡局要价太高,当时兔子吃定了毛子经济困难时期,所以甩了卡局(所以卡局总师非常不爽非常郁闷非常酸地来了一句:Thereafter, to the country's credit...So I wish success to the helicopter)
但是。。从综合情况来看,兔子的Z10的发展,也和当年的 舰载局域防空一样,过于乐观了,所以花了N多年的时光。。

4. 毛子想借Z10上脸,想打击Z10的出口

至于 出口。。。拜托。。Z10只是摆出来秀一下,以配合共军近年来的军事透明化的大无畏精神。。。想要出口,是天大的笑话,产能还不够喂饱共军。。。

5. PUPU说了:坚决不信,所以我也坚决不信

如果你是想要进BBS来 拜大神,瞎起哄,等爆料。。哥劝你一句:这是军坛,不是什么白痴级的歌迷会。。。这是军迷的地方,要有自己的判断,要有自我学习的要求,要有求是的精神。。

The Changhe Aircraft WZ-10 attack helicopter is based on a Russian design commissioned by the Chinese, Kamov's chief design engineer says.

In 1995, Kamov developed a preliminary design in the 6t weight class under a contract with the Chinese government, says Sergey Mikheev, Kamov's chief design engineer, speaking at the Heli-Expo trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

"Due to understandable reasons, this information was kept secret," he says.

The Project 941 design was not based on any Soviet-era attack helicopter project and was strictly designed for China's unique requirements, Mikheev says. "They gave us the desired weight, we discussed preliminary performance parameters, then we signed a contract and we fulfilled the contract," he says.

After Kamov completed the design, the Russian design bureau verified the design via testing. Kamov then delivered the design to China and the Project 941 concept was accepted by that country's government for further development, he says. Kamov did not participate in any further developmental work on the WZ-10, he insists.

Thereafter, to the country's credit, Mikheev says, the Chinese handled the rest of the developmental work. That includes the developmental prototypes and the operational aircraft that is currently in production for the Chinese military.

"So I wish success to the helicopter," Mikheev says.

Mikheev would not comment on the WZ-10's performance. "That is a question for the Chinese," he says. "I know what I have done."

Sergei Mikheyev, General Designer of the Kamov Design Bureau, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Hero of the Russian Federation dropped the proverbial bombshell at Heli-Expo here in Las Vegas this afternoon.  Mikheyev told an astonished crowd that China's Z-10/WZ-10 attack helicopter was actually designed in great secrecy under contract for China by Kamov. Dubbed Project 941, Initially the concept was designed in 1995 and developed by China into the WZ-10/Z-10.










谢尔盖.米赫耶夫,(卡莫夫设计局总设计师,俄罗斯联邦 科学与英雄的俄罗斯科学院院士)在拉斯维加斯的直升机博览会的下午丢下一个重磅新闻炸弹。Mikheev告诉惊讶不已的人群,中国的武直-10攻击直升机Z-10 ,实际上是在极其保密的情况下由中国与卡莫夫设计局签订合同而设计的。这个项目被称为941工程,最初的概念设计和开发是在1995年,并由中国继续发展为WZ-10 / Z-10。





毛子说的很清楚,这个设计方案是以中方提出要求来作的,不是苏方的要求,而且从图上来看作得相当到位了,连吹风都吹过了,这可不是 简单的“咨询一下方案”。。。
(The Project 941 design was not based on any Soviet-era attack helicopter project and was strictly designed for China's unique requirements)
我一向认为找毛子设计并没有什么丢脸的,兔子有钱没时间,而且人才与技术储备不足的情况下,引进毛子的设计 是个 多快好省 的法子,这种事,强悍如美帝,也是常常作的(比如AV8),不明白有些ID为什么会自卑到听不得任何一点“全国产”。。。我个人认为这种心态是典型的小农心态。。。典型的阿Q心态

3. Z10与941不一样,是采纳多方意见设计的产物

从毛子的941与Z10的相似度来看。。所谓的“多方意见”比较搞笑,Z10外形相对941 更传统更保守了。。“采纳多方意见”不如说是“受限于TG的多方限制”
有消息称是由于 当时的卡局要价太高,当时兔子吃定了毛子经济困难时期,所以甩了卡局(所以卡局总师非常不爽非常郁闷非常酸地来了一句:Thereafter, to the country's credit...So I wish success to the helicopter)
但是。。从综合情况来看,兔子的Z10的发展,也和当年的 舰载局域防空一样,过于乐观了,所以花了N多年的时光。。

4. 毛子想借Z10上脸,想打击Z10的出口

至于 出口。。。拜托。。Z10只是摆出来秀一下,以配合共军近年来的军事透明化的大无畏精神。。。想要出口,是天大的笑话,产能还不够喂饱共军。。。

5. PUPU说了:坚决不信,所以我也坚决不信

如果你是想要进BBS来 拜大神,瞎起哄,等爆料。。哥劝你一句:这是军坛,不是什么白痴级的歌迷会。。。这是军迷的地方,要有自己的判断,要有自我学习的要求,要有求是的精神。。

炒作这样的事情有意思吗?  英雄莫问出处……
断翼の背影 发表于 2013-3-8 10:49
炒作这样的事情有意思吗?  英雄莫问出处……
这倒不算是炒作。。因为卡局的总师是在扯完事后随口 爆料的。。



至于 很多ID的无法接受。。。这个。。。属于。。。