俄陨石事件持续发酵,俄宇航局正式递交20亿美元反陨石系 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/26 16:24:27
俄罗斯陨石袭击事件持续发酵。美国国家航空航天局专家根据最新数据对周五在车里雅宾斯克地区坠落的陨石的各项数据做出调整,得出结论称,陨石比之前估算的结果大得多,由它引起的爆炸威力较此前认为的大得多,相当于1945年广岛原子弹爆炸威力的30倍。 陨石直径不是15米,而是17米,重达1万吨(此前的计算结果为7000吨)。




Russia to spend billions on asteroid defense

Published: 19 February, 2013, 02:22

Moscow believes an operable national defense against threats from outer space can be built within 10 years’ time. The 500-kiloton explosion of a space bolide above the Urals region has sped-up allocation of some $2 billion to prevent future threats.

Russian scientists have presented a federal program designed to counteract space threats. Elaborated by the Institute of Astronomy at Russia’s Academy of Sciences and the Central Engineering Research Institute, Russia’s leading space industry enterprise, the program has already been approved by Roskosmos, the national space agency.

The program has nothing to do with Hollywood sci-fi movie scenarios; no lasers, annihilators or Bruce Willis drilling a huge peace of rock rushing towards Earth.

The system will consist of a network of robotic telescopes monitoring space around our planet, some of them delivered to orbit, others operating from the surface.

Destruction of an asteroid in emergency cases may be performed by a rocket with a powerful megaton-class thermonuclear warhead. If the threat is detected early, more advanced means of changing an asteroid’s orbit may be considered.

The program costing 58 billion rubles (over $1.9 billion) has already been handed over to the head of Russia’s defense industry, Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin who is expected to present it to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Lidia Rykhlova from the Institute of Astronomy (RAS) who presented the project, reported that Russia will need to modernize and fully computerize the 60 cm lens telescopes it already has. Several larger telescopes with 2 meter lens will have to be additionally installed.

Rykhlova announced that an analytical center will be created to collect the data from various sources and analyze it in real time mode.

However, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has denied reports about the Russian government’s intentions to spend 58 billion rubles on asteroid defense system.

Professor of the Moscow State University, head of the laboratory for space monitoring Vladimir Lipunov told Interfax news agency that it will take about two years to modernize all Russia’s existing nine telescopes with the diameter of the lens of 40 centimeters and unite them into one network. A network of larger telescopes across the globe could be ready in five years.

“It will cost a mere trifle. What [Russian billionaire] Roman Abramovich paid for Chelsea [football club] would cover all the costs of the project,” Lipunov said.

According to Forbes during the eight years of owning Chelsea Abramovich spent $1.3 billion on the football club.

Lipunov stressed that tracking and forecasting space threats is more real and efficient than engaging air defense systems to deal with meteorites in the atmosphere, as people could be evacuated from an impact zone in advance.
Asteroid threat is growing by the year

“There are a lot of asteroids orbitingclose to Earth and every year up to 1,000 more are being discovered,” Lidia Rykhlova said, specifying that three years ago the number of known asteroids passing close to our planet was about 7,000 and now their number has grown up to around 9,400.

Most of the relatively large asteroids, with a diameter of one kilometer and larger are already known.

“We know about 90 per cent of kilometer-class asteroids, their orbits are well known and predictable. As for the smaller 40-50 meter ones – we still have insufficient observation apparatus. The more we observe – the more of them we find,” Rykhlova acknowledged.

If the space object is discovered beforehand, at least a month prior to possible collision with Earth, there is time to find out its size and consider various measures of its elimination.

The execution of a really complicated operation will require at least a year, Rykhlova pointed out.

“Therefore our emergency aid is a rocket with a nuclear warhead,” she concluded.


俄罗斯陨石袭击事件持续发酵。美国国家航空航天局专家根据最新数据对周五在车里雅宾斯克地区坠落的陨石的各项数据做出调整,得出结论称,陨石比之前估算的结果大得多,由它引起的爆炸威力较此前认为的大得多,相当于1945年广岛原子弹爆炸威力的30倍。 陨石直径不是15米,而是17米,重达1万吨(此前的计算结果为7000吨)。




Russia to spend billions on asteroid defense

Published: 19 February, 2013, 02:22

Moscow believes an operable national defense against threats from outer space can be built within 10 years’ time. The 500-kiloton explosion of a space bolide above the Urals region has sped-up allocation of some $2 billion to prevent future threats.

Russian scientists have presented a federal program designed to counteract space threats. Elaborated by the Institute of Astronomy at Russia’s Academy of Sciences and the Central Engineering Research Institute, Russia’s leading space industry enterprise, the program has already been approved by Roskosmos, the national space agency.

The program has nothing to do with Hollywood sci-fi movie scenarios; no lasers, annihilators or Bruce Willis drilling a huge peace of rock rushing towards Earth.

The system will consist of a network of robotic telescopes monitoring space around our planet, some of them delivered to orbit, others operating from the surface.

Destruction of an asteroid in emergency cases may be performed by a rocket with a powerful megaton-class thermonuclear warhead. If the threat is detected early, more advanced means of changing an asteroid’s orbit may be considered.

The program costing 58 billion rubles (over $1.9 billion) has already been handed over to the head of Russia’s defense industry, Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin who is expected to present it to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Lidia Rykhlova from the Institute of Astronomy (RAS) who presented the project, reported that Russia will need to modernize and fully computerize the 60 cm lens telescopes it already has. Several larger telescopes with 2 meter lens will have to be additionally installed.

Rykhlova announced that an analytical center will be created to collect the data from various sources and analyze it in real time mode.

However, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has denied reports about the Russian government’s intentions to spend 58 billion rubles on asteroid defense system.

Professor of the Moscow State University, head of the laboratory for space monitoring Vladimir Lipunov told Interfax news agency that it will take about two years to modernize all Russia’s existing nine telescopes with the diameter of the lens of 40 centimeters and unite them into one network. A network of larger telescopes across the globe could be ready in five years.

“It will cost a mere trifle. What [Russian billionaire] Roman Abramovich paid for Chelsea [football club] would cover all the costs of the project,” Lipunov said.

According to Forbes during the eight years of owning Chelsea Abramovich spent $1.3 billion on the football club.

Lipunov stressed that tracking and forecasting space threats is more real and efficient than engaging air defense systems to deal with meteorites in the atmosphere, as people could be evacuated from an impact zone in advance.
Asteroid threat is growing by the year

“There are a lot of asteroids orbitingclose to Earth and every year up to 1,000 more are being discovered,” Lidia Rykhlova said, specifying that three years ago the number of known asteroids passing close to our planet was about 7,000 and now their number has grown up to around 9,400.

Most of the relatively large asteroids, with a diameter of one kilometer and larger are already known.

“We know about 90 per cent of kilometer-class asteroids, their orbits are well known and predictable. As for the smaller 40-50 meter ones – we still have insufficient observation apparatus. The more we observe – the more of them we find,” Rykhlova acknowledged.

If the space object is discovered beforehand, at least a month prior to possible collision with Earth, there is time to find out its size and consider various measures of its elimination.

The execution of a really complicated operation will require at least a year, Rykhlova pointed out.

“Therefore our emergency aid is a rocket with a nuclear warhead,” she concluded.



robinzhao_2008 发表于 2013-2-20 07:53
少卿 发表于 2013-2-20 08:14
直径17米,比巡航导弹打多了,看视频,红外辐射那么显著,应该比导弹容易发现的多,如果说熊的航空兵一点 ...

哈罗哈 发表于 2013-2-20 08:17
20亿美刀搞反陨石系统?先以小金额骗立项吧!再说什么对陨石搞软杀伤,这个我没明白。难过是希拉里的巧实力 ...

robinzhao_2008 发表于 2013-2-20 07:53
预警了 只是认为它会在大气层内解体 结果石头比预测的大了点 还有大部分没烧完 就落了下来
kamitengo 发表于 2013-2-20 07:55
莫谈国事 发表于 2013-2-20 08:21
这个现在国际上有各种技术了,最先进的一种方式是发个卫星绕着小行星转,利用万有引力慢慢地改变其轨道 ...

少卿 发表于 2013-2-20 08:31
这个17米,质量1万吨,用万有引力,那得卫星质量多大啊,应该是想小卫星附着到大卫星上那样,发射航天器, ...

少卿 发表于 2013-2-20 08:31
这个17米,质量1万吨,用万有引力,那得卫星质量多大啊,应该是想小卫星附着到大卫星上那样,发射航天器, ...

直径17米,比巡航导弹打多了,看视频,红外辐射那么显著,应该比导弹容易发现的多,如果说熊的航空兵一点 ...
wszaa 发表于 2013-2-20 08:25
不对 是挂牛头卖马肉
少卿 发表于 2013-2-20 08:31
这个17米,质量1万吨,用万有引力,那得卫星质量多大啊,应该是想小卫星附着到大卫星上那样,发射航天器, ...

莫谈国事 发表于 2013-2-20 08:46
毛子地大物博 我们竟然还敢吹自己地大物博 打脸啊
莫谈国事 发表于 2013-2-20 08:37
按装喷射器太复杂了,因为小行星表面成分未知,成功率也不高。如果时间充裕的话,目前用卫星去绕是最好 ...

zlbgod 发表于 2013-2-20 08:39
毛子就吹吧,哪来的钱  毛子的民用工业一塌糊涂,央视新闻视频显示,毛子用装载机清理陨石造成的垃圾,装载 ...
由此可见 如果没有那个神秘小光球  击穿陨石 导致其 落地之前解体, 破坏还要大得多?
才25亿?  三哥要买一个吗?


popcorn234 发表于 2013-2-20 08:03
毛子的民用工业一塌糊涂,央视新闻视频显示,毛子用装载机清理陨石造成的垃圾,装载 ...
莫谈国事 发表于 2013-2-20 08:37
按装喷射器太复杂了,因为小行星表面成分未知,成功率也不高。如果时间充裕的话,目前用卫星去绕是最好 ...
东方亮 发表于 2013-2-20 10:12
我一直就主张大国必须研究和建立反导和反彗星陨石的能力。假象不具备这种能力,而当敌国探测到己方不会被毁 ...
popcorn234 发表于 2013-2-20 08:03
毛子的民用工业一塌糊涂,央视新闻视频显示,毛子用装载机清理陨石造成的垃圾,装载 ...

leekkeek 发表于 2013-2-20 09:12
第二,其实,就连这可陨石 ...
少卿 发表于 2013-2-20 08:14
直径17米,比巡航导弹打多了,看视频,红外辐射那么显著,应该比导弹容易发现的多,如果说熊的航空兵一点 ...
wszaa 发表于 2013-2-20 09:08
毛子地大物博 我们竟然还敢吹自己地大物博 打脸啊
LantianYY 发表于 2013-2-21 07:20
废话,地大物博也是相对于世界上其他大多数国家来说的,怎么样不服?还有,劝你赶紧把“啊”前面两个字修 ...
wszaa 发表于 2013-2-20 09:08
毛子地大物博 我们竟然还敢吹自己地大物博 打脸啊
广东的大海 发表于 2013-2-21 09:31
我们缺铜 这是事实 悲剧的是 铜的用量太大了 当然银子也缺 西伯利亚啥都有 那里火山群多的很
wszaa 发表于 2013-2-21 09:53
我们缺铜 这是事实 悲剧的是 铜的用量太大了 当然银子也缺 西伯利亚啥都有 那里火山群多的很