美国以导弹防御协议借口涉入中日岛屿争端(转自米尔网论 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 07:35:37
译文来源: http://rt.com/news/china-japan-war-panetta-290/comments/
A territorial dispute between China and Japan could spark a “violent conflict,” US Defense Secretary LeonPanetta said. The US also inked a missile defense deal with Tokyo likelyto anger Beijing, while mass anti-Japanese protests grip China."I am concerned that when these countries engage in provocations of one kind or another over these various islands, that it raises the possibility that a misjudgment on oneside or the other could result in violence, and could result in conflict," Panetta said.He also warned that Beijing and Tokyo should put an end to provocations or risk a “potentially expanding” conflict. Following the diplomatic meeting with Panetta, Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba said that Washington had agreed that the Senkaku islands, claimed by both Japan and China, are covered by a US-Japan security treaty. In the 1960 treaty, the US committed to aid the Japanese in the event of an attack onthe nation’s territory."I did not bring up the topic today, but it is mutually understood between Japan and the United States that [the islands] are covered by the treaty," Gemba said after the meeting on Monday. Washington previously claimed that the US would not take sides in the territorial dispute over the archipelago in the East China Sea.The US also signed an agreement with Japan on Monday to build a second missile defense radar installation on Japanese territory, aimed at countering North Korea. China may view the move as a provocation. The Senkaku islands – known as Diaoyu to the Chinese – areuninhabited, but are believed to contain rich mineral deposits and are located on important shipping lanes.Violent protests rocked China after Japan announced last week that it had purchased three of the islands from a private owner.  In the latest bout of demonstrations, anti-Japanese activists attacked Panasonic factories in the eastern city of Quingdao. Protesters burned Japanese flags and targeted Japanese-made cars.In response to the wave of unrest, Panasonic temporarily ceased operations in China. In addition, Canon announced that it would suspend operations for employees’ safety. Toyota Motor Corp also said that it was affected by the anti-Japanese unrest, citing a suspected arson attack on one of its factories in the eastern Shandong province.With tensions between Beijing and Tokyo on the rise, Steven Clemons, editor-at-large of The Atlantic, says the two nations are probing the other's weaknesses.
“It is really about China testing the United States and its alliance with Japan,” he told RT, adding that he expects the skirmishes to continue for a long time.“What we are seeingtoday is a snapshot of what we are going to see for the next decade – or more.”With both sides showing signs of strength, it may turn into an arms race, where each side tries to meet the military capabilities of the other, Clemons warns.‘A decade of stagnation’In a worrying escalationof the standoff around 1000 Chinese fishing boats are heading to waters near the disputed Senaku Islands, the state –run China National Radio reported, in what may be an additional counter measure over the Japanese nationalization of the isles. The 1000 fishing boats may be joined by six Chinese surveillance ships, which have been stationed nearby since Friday. On Monday, the Chinese government threatened that Japan could suffer from another “lost decade” if relations between the two countries deteriorate further."How could be it be that Japan wants another lost decade, and could even be prepared to go back by two decades," state newspaper the People's Daily said in a front-page article. China "has always been extremely cautious about playing the economic card," it said. The paper claimed that China was prepared to “take up the battle,” should tensions persist.James Corbett, an independent journalist based in Japan, said that the Japanese government’s move to sign a missile defense deal with the US will have “a very destabilizing effect on the region.”James Corbett,“It’s destined to inflame tensions even further,” Corbett said. He dismissed US claims that the new missile defense radar is aimed at countering a North Korean threat as, “silly as saying that the missile defense shield going up in Europe is not aimed at Russia.”Corbett described the “diplomatic scuffle” over the islands as relatively recent, stemmingfrom the deposits of natural gas and oil believed to be near to the islands.“For an awfully long time these islands were claimed by Japan and no one really cared about it in the region,” Corbett said.Peter Jennings (unregistered) September。 I am sure the pizza delivery man will do all he can to fan the flames between these countries.When the Japanese people find out that their nuclear plants were sold defective safety equipment by the US and Israel, they will have a different opinion.Awareness (unregistered) September 。Dear BELOVED Ones JAPAN and CHINA "This Awareness indicates that the concern of this Awareness is NOT to see entities searching out and getting vengeanceon all who have trespassed against them, but rather that entities CEASE and DESIST on all levels in present and future times the perpetration of violence on one another, REGARDLESSof the motive-the PAST IS GONE, and wherein entities dig into the past for excuses to perpetrate violence upon another in the present or future time, this will only create CONTINUANCE of violence upon this plane ETERNALLY until this concept is CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD, recognized and the process of seeking vengeance is DROPPED." By Cosmic Awareness (GREAT SPIRIT)  LOVE, Oneness, LAUGHTER and The LIGHT of God Almighty, ALL That IS, GREAT SPIRIT, GREAT SPIRIT Kihnu (unregistered) September 。America's motto: never let a conflict go to waste.America will take advantage of every opportunity to further her imperial aspirations.
        译文:中日之间的领土纷争很可能会引发一场“暴力冲突”,美国国防部长利昂·帕内塔这样描述道。美国与日本东京签署了一项导弹防御协议,此举很可能会激怒北京,尤其在中国大规模反日声潮正旺时。“我担心,当一个国家对另一个国家的领土岛屿进行挑衅时,政府头脑发热而做出错误判断,很可能还会导致暴力事件,并可能导致冲突”。帕内塔说道。他同时还警告北京和东京政府,应当停止一切挑衅行为或是任何“可能扩大”的冲突。随着和帕内塔(Panetta)的外交会议,日本外相玄叶光一郎宣称华盛顿已经同意尖阁列岛,同时被中日宣称拥有主权的岛屿,属于美日安保条约范围。在1960年签订的条约中, 美国承诺在日本本土受到攻击时提供援助。“我并没有提出今天的主题,这是美国和日本在条约范围内互助的解释”。玄叶光一郎星期一在会议后表示。华盛顿先前表示美国不会在钓鱼岛争端中采取立场。星期一,美国还和日本签署了一项协议,建造第二个导弹防御雷达安装在日本领,旨在打击朝鲜。中国可能认为此举是一种挑衅。尖阁列岛——中国人称钓鱼岛——是无人的,但是被认为含有丰富的矿藏,并位于重要的航道上。在日本上个星期宣布它已经从私人岛主手中购买了三个岛后,中国爆发了暴力抗议。在新一轮表威中,反日积极分子袭击了位于东部城市青岛的松下工厂。表威者焚烧了日本国旗并攻击了日产汽车。松下暂时停止了在中国的业务以响应这波动荡 。此外,佳能宣布将为了员工的安全暂停运营。丰田汽车公司也表示受到了反日骚乱的影响,引用了其在东部山东省一家工厂的涉嫌纵火案。北京和东京的紧张气氛不断上升,史蒂文·克莱蒙斯-大西洋月刊的总编,表示两个国家都在试探彼此的弱点。“这就是中国在试探美国及其与日本的结盟关系,”他告诉RT,并补充说预计冲突将持续很长时间。“我们今天所看到的是我们接下来十年会一直看到或更多。”两边都展示了各自的实力,这可能会演变成军备竞赛,两边都试图看到彼此的军事实力,Clemons提醒道。“一个十年的停滞” 在僵持不断升级的情况下,大约1000艘中国渔船驶向了尖阁列岛附近海域,中国国家电台报道,这是对日本将岛屿国有化的另一个对抗措施。这1000艘渔船可能将加入六艘中国已经在星期五驻扎在附近的监测船。星期一,中国政府威胁说,如果两国关系进一步恶化的话,日本将遭受到另一个“失去的十年”。“日本怎么会想要另一个失去的十年,甚至准备后退二十年?”国有报纸人民日报在头版文章中说。中国“一直非常谨慎地打经济牌,”它说。该报声明中国已经准备好要“进行战斗”了,紧张将持续。一名在日本的独立记者,说日本政府与美国签署导弹防御协议的举动将“对该地区产生一个非常不稳定的作用”。我相信送披萨的人(美国人)会尽他所能在这些国家之间火上浇油(煽风点火)。当日本人发现他们的核电站安着美国和以色列人卖的有缺陷的安全设备时,他们会有不同的意见。亲爱的挚爱的日本和中国,“这个意识表明它关心的不是看到实体寻找并报复那些曾经侵犯他们的实体,而是实体现在及未来停止在所有层面上对另一个实体犯罪,不论动机是什么——过去已经过去了,实体现在或未来挖掘过去作为借口来对别国施暴,这只会给这个星球带来持续的暴力,直到这个概念被清晰地理解、认可以及寻求复仇的过程被放下。”通过宇宙意识(伟大的灵魂)爱、统一、笑声和全能真主之光。这一切都是伟大的精神,伟大的灵魂;美国的座右铭:永远不浪费任何冲突。美国将利用每一个机会来实现自己的帝国愿望。(待续)
转自米尔http://bbs.mier123.com/viewthread.php?tid=595824&pid=2027981&page=1&extra=#pid2027981译文来源: http://rt.com/news/china-japan-war-panetta-290/comments/
A territorial dispute between China and Japan could spark a “violent conflict,” US Defense Secretary LeonPanetta said. The US also inked a missile defense deal with Tokyo likelyto anger Beijing, while mass anti-Japanese protests grip China."I am concerned that when these countries engage in provocations of one kind or another over these various islands, that it raises the possibility that a misjudgment on oneside or the other could result in violence, and could result in conflict," Panetta said.He also warned that Beijing and Tokyo should put an end to provocations or risk a “potentially expanding” conflict. Following the diplomatic meeting with Panetta, Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba said that Washington had agreed that the Senkaku islands, claimed by both Japan and China, are covered by a US-Japan security treaty. In the 1960 treaty, the US committed to aid the Japanese in the event of an attack onthe nation’s territory."I did not bring up the topic today, but it is mutually understood between Japan and the United States that [the islands] are covered by the treaty," Gemba said after the meeting on Monday. Washington previously claimed that the US would not take sides in the territorial dispute over the archipelago in the East China Sea.The US also signed an agreement with Japan on Monday to build a second missile defense radar installation on Japanese territory, aimed at countering North Korea. China may view the move as a provocation. The Senkaku islands – known as Diaoyu to the Chinese – areuninhabited, but are believed to contain rich mineral deposits and are located on important shipping lanes.Violent protests rocked China after Japan announced last week that it had purchased three of the islands from a private owner.  In the latest bout of demonstrations, anti-Japanese activists attacked Panasonic factories in the eastern city of Quingdao. Protesters burned Japanese flags and targeted Japanese-made cars.In response to the wave of unrest, Panasonic temporarily ceased operations in China. In addition, Canon announced that it would suspend operations for employees’ safety. Toyota Motor Corp also said that it was affected by the anti-Japanese unrest, citing a suspected arson attack on one of its factories in the eastern Shandong province.With tensions between Beijing and Tokyo on the rise, Steven Clemons, editor-at-large of The Atlantic, says the two nations are probing the other's weaknesses.
“It is really about China testing the United States and its alliance with Japan,” he told RT, adding that he expects the skirmishes to continue for a long time.“What we are seeingtoday is a snapshot of what we are going to see for the next decade – or more.”With both sides showing signs of strength, it may turn into an arms race, where each side tries to meet the military capabilities of the other, Clemons warns.‘A decade of stagnation’In a worrying escalationof the standoff around 1000 Chinese fishing boats are heading to waters near the disputed Senaku Islands, the state –run China National Radio reported, in what may be an additional counter measure over the Japanese nationalization of the isles. The 1000 fishing boats may be joined by six Chinese surveillance ships, which have been stationed nearby since Friday. On Monday, the Chinese government threatened that Japan could suffer from another “lost decade” if relations between the two countries deteriorate further."How could be it be that Japan wants another lost decade, and could even be prepared to go back by two decades," state newspaper the People's Daily said in a front-page article. China "has always been extremely cautious about playing the economic card," it said. The paper claimed that China was prepared to “take up the battle,” should tensions persist.James Corbett, an independent journalist based in Japan, said that the Japanese government’s move to sign a missile defense deal with the US will have “a very destabilizing effect on the region.”James Corbett,“It’s destined to inflame tensions even further,” Corbett said. He dismissed US claims that the new missile defense radar is aimed at countering a North Korean threat as, “silly as saying that the missile defense shield going up in Europe is not aimed at Russia.”Corbett described the “diplomatic scuffle” over the islands as relatively recent, stemmingfrom the deposits of natural gas and oil believed to be near to the islands.“For an awfully long time these islands were claimed by Japan and no one really cared about it in the region,” Corbett said.Peter Jennings (unregistered) September。 I am sure the pizza delivery man will do all he can to fan the flames between these countries.When the Japanese people find out that their nuclear plants were sold defective safety equipment by the US and Israel, they will have a different opinion.Awareness (unregistered) September 。Dear BELOVED Ones JAPAN and CHINA "This Awareness indicates that the concern of this Awareness is NOT to see entities searching out and getting vengeanceon all who have trespassed against them, but rather that entities CEASE and DESIST on all levels in present and future times the perpetration of violence on one another, REGARDLESSof the motive-the PAST IS GONE, and wherein entities dig into the past for excuses to perpetrate violence upon another in the present or future time, this will only create CONTINUANCE of violence upon this plane ETERNALLY until this concept is CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD, recognized and the process of seeking vengeance is DROPPED." By Cosmic Awareness (GREAT SPIRIT)  LOVE, Oneness, LAUGHTER and The LIGHT of God Almighty, ALL That IS, GREAT SPIRIT, GREAT SPIRIT Kihnu (unregistered) September 。America's motto: never let a conflict go to waste.America will take advantage of every opportunity to further her imperial aspirations.
        译文:中日之间的领土纷争很可能会引发一场“暴力冲突”,美国国防部长利昂·帕内塔这样描述道。美国与日本东京签署了一项导弹防御协议,此举很可能会激怒北京,尤其在中国大规模反日声潮正旺时。“我担心,当一个国家对另一个国家的领土岛屿进行挑衅时,政府头脑发热而做出错误判断,很可能还会导致暴力事件,并可能导致冲突”。帕内塔说道。他同时还警告北京和东京政府,应当停止一切挑衅行为或是任何“可能扩大”的冲突。随着和帕内塔(Panetta)的外交会议,日本外相玄叶光一郎宣称华盛顿已经同意尖阁列岛,同时被中日宣称拥有主权的岛屿,属于美日安保条约范围。在1960年签订的条约中, 美国承诺在日本本土受到攻击时提供援助。“我并没有提出今天的主题,这是美国和日本在条约范围内互助的解释”。玄叶光一郎星期一在会议后表示。华盛顿先前表示美国不会在钓鱼岛争端中采取立场。星期一,美国还和日本签署了一项协议,建造第二个导弹防御雷达安装在日本领,旨在打击朝鲜。中国可能认为此举是一种挑衅。尖阁列岛——中国人称钓鱼岛——是无人的,但是被认为含有丰富的矿藏,并位于重要的航道上。在日本上个星期宣布它已经从私人岛主手中购买了三个岛后,中国爆发了暴力抗议。在新一轮表威中,反日积极分子袭击了位于东部城市青岛的松下工厂。表威者焚烧了日本国旗并攻击了日产汽车。松下暂时停止了在中国的业务以响应这波动荡 。此外,佳能宣布将为了员工的安全暂停运营。丰田汽车公司也表示受到了反日骚乱的影响,引用了其在东部山东省一家工厂的涉嫌纵火案。北京和东京的紧张气氛不断上升,史蒂文·克莱蒙斯-大西洋月刊的总编,表示两个国家都在试探彼此的弱点。“这就是中国在试探美国及其与日本的结盟关系,”他告诉RT,并补充说预计冲突将持续很长时间。“我们今天所看到的是我们接下来十年会一直看到或更多。”两边都展示了各自的实力,这可能会演变成军备竞赛,两边都试图看到彼此的军事实力,Clemons提醒道。“一个十年的停滞” 在僵持不断升级的情况下,大约1000艘中国渔船驶向了尖阁列岛附近海域,中国国家电台报道,这是对日本将岛屿国有化的另一个对抗措施。这1000艘渔船可能将加入六艘中国已经在星期五驻扎在附近的监测船。星期一,中国政府威胁说,如果两国关系进一步恶化的话,日本将遭受到另一个“失去的十年”。“日本怎么会想要另一个失去的十年,甚至准备后退二十年?”国有报纸人民日报在头版文章中说。中国“一直非常谨慎地打经济牌,”它说。该报声明中国已经准备好要“进行战斗”了,紧张将持续。一名在日本的独立记者,说日本政府与美国签署导弹防御协议的举动将“对该地区产生一个非常不稳定的作用”。我相信送披萨的人(美国人)会尽他所能在这些国家之间火上浇油(煽风点火)。当日本人发现他们的核电站安着美国和以色列人卖的有缺陷的安全设备时,他们会有不同的意见。亲爱的挚爱的日本和中国,“这个意识表明它关心的不是看到实体寻找并报复那些曾经侵犯他们的实体,而是实体现在及未来停止在所有层面上对另一个实体犯罪,不论动机是什么——过去已经过去了,实体现在或未来挖掘过去作为借口来对别国施暴,这只会给这个星球带来持续的暴力,直到这个概念被清晰地理解、认可以及寻求复仇的过程被放下。”通过宇宙意识(伟大的灵魂)爱、统一、笑声和全能真主之光。这一切都是伟大的精神,伟大的灵魂;美国的座右铭:永远不浪费任何冲突。美国将利用每一个机会来实现自己的帝国愿望。(待续)