
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/07 05:24:01


  CAMP RIPPER, AL ASAD, Iraq - An M1A1 Abrams tank with Company A, 1st Tank Battalion, Regimental Combat Team-2 fires its 120mm main gun during a range here.   Submitting Unit: 2nd Marine Division
 An M-1A Abrams tank attached to 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, tank fires its destructive cannon into the city of Fallujah during Operation Al Fajr. The blast lights up the night sky revealing the Marines taking cover near by.
  美陆战队图 伊拉克法鲁贾(Fallujah), 2004-11-15
  050319-F-9629D-114 Rodriguez Live Fire Complex, Republic of Korea (Mar. 19, 2005) - U.S. Army Soldiers, assigned to the 1st Squadron, 1st Calvary Regiment, fire the cannon from a M1A1 Abrams main battle tank during a live fire exercise at Rodriguez Live Fire Complex, Republic of Korea.
  U.S. Air Force photo2010年3月25日


  CAMP RIPPER, AL ASAD, Iraq - An M1A1 Abrams tank with Company A, 1st Tank Battalion, Regimental Combat Team-2 fires its 120mm main gun during a range here.   Submitting Unit: 2nd Marine Division
 An M-1A Abrams tank attached to 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, tank fires its destructive cannon into the city of Fallujah during Operation Al Fajr. The blast lights up the night sky revealing the Marines taking cover near by.
  美陆战队图 伊拉克法鲁贾(Fallujah), 2004-11-15
  050319-F-9629D-114 Rodriguez Live Fire Complex, Republic of Korea (Mar. 19, 2005) - U.S. Army Soldiers, assigned to the 1st Squadron, 1st Calvary Regiment, fire the cannon from a M1A1 Abrams main battle tank during a live fire exercise at Rodriguez Live Fire Complex, Republic of Korea.
  U.S. Air Force photo

 050124-M-8479B-004 Najaf Province, Iraq (Jan. 24, 2005) - Marines from Tank Platoon, Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable), fire their M1A1 Abrams tank main gun in the western desert of Najaf Province, Iraq, during a training exercise. The Marine tank crewmembers train monthly to remain proficient with the M1A1 tank. U.S. Marine Corps photo
  美陆战队图 2005-1-24 伊拉克 Najaf 省 - 训练演习...  

  031214-N-3236B-020 Central Command Area of Responsibly (Dec. 14, 2003) -- Marines from the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (13th MEU) Tank Platoon BLT 1/1 stationed at Twentynine Palms, Calif., fire the M-A1 Abrams tank during a live fire training exercise.
  U.S. Navy photo
  美国海军图 2003-12-14 陆战队在加利福尼亚 Twentynine Palms 实弹演习

 CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq (Nov. 21, 2006)- Marines from C Company, 2nd Tank Battalion, Regimental Combat Team 5 let loose with the M-1A1 Main Battle Tank's 120 mm main gun. Tankers recently fired on Camp Fallujah's Eagle Range to zero all their weapons, including lanyard firing some tanks for their first shot. Tankers said all the maintenance and care that goes into keeping the tank rolling is worth the effort when they get the chance to fire the Marine Corps' largest direct-fire weapon. 



  April 05, 2007
  Soldiers from Bravo Battery 2-5 Field Artillery fire 155 mm Paladin Howitzers at St. Barbara training area in South Korea as part of the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration exercise. 

  1st Kandak, 209th Afghan National Army soldier shakes a fighting position with a rocket propelled grenade launch Tuesday, April. 10, 2007 during combat in Sangin District area of Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan  


 Tapa VÕKi Suurtükiväegrupi lahinglaskmised 155-mm haubitsatest FH-70 A1. 
 An M-1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank from Tank Platoon, Battalion Landing Team 2/2, 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, sends a 120mm shell booming down range during live-fire training at Udairi Range, Kuwait, April 27, 2007. During the training, Tank Plt. fired 120mm main gun rounds, shot an Enhanced Marksmanship Program course of fire and practiced pistol marksmanship。

  A Soldier from the 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division fires an AT4 anti-tank weapon during training at Fort Lewis, Wash.  

 My brother sent me this last night to identify for him. I'm pretty sure its a Soviet D-30 2A18A field gun, and yes that is the muzzle blast either side of it !   


  Machine gunners with Alpha company, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division fire on enemy entrenchments during the companies combined arms training at Range 410A  


 FORT BENNING, Ga. (Army News Service, May 9, 2006)  



fanyongkai 发表于 2010-3-25 14:24



  50 calibre machine gun firing serial from Australian M113A1 Armoured Personnel Carriers on a beach in Motaikun, East Timor.
  (Date taken: 22 June 2007) 


  070626-N-4965F-018 SHOALWATER BAY, Australia (June 26, 2007) – An Australian army Soldier fires his weapon during a training exercise in support of Exercise Talisman Saber 2007 (TS07). 
  Sri Lankan troops fire a multi barrel rocket launcher aimed at Tamil Tiger targets close to Thoppigala, about 240 kilometers (150 miles) northeast of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Tuesday, July 10, 2007. 




 Sergeant William Ross is the safety superviser as infantry soldiers fire the 84mm Carl Gustav at a live fire range shoot as part of Overwatch Battle Group (West)-3 in Iraq.
  (Date taken: 27 June 2007)  


 COMBAT OUTPOST RAWAH, IRAQ – Tracer rounds from a tank light up the night as they destroy their target on the evening of Highlander Day, July 4, 2007.  Marine Corps Photo 









 U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Artagerges Davila with A Battery, 3rd Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, tosses the empty shell with an M119 Howitzer round in preparation to reload during a live fire exercise at the Warrior Range, near Kirkuk, Iraq  

  Trooper Robert Cooper from the Battle Group Reserve, which is part of the Overwatch Battle Group (West)-3, hones his skills on the Mag 58 7.62mm machine gun at a range practice in southern Iraq.
  (Date taken: 29 June 2007)  

  ЗРПК Панцирь-С1
fanyongkai 发表于 2010-3-25 14:24

这个应该算 暴力美学了吧
回复 10# fanyongkai


  60年代中期,布尔博士在加勒比海的巴巴多斯岛上建立起一个试验场,开始了代号为“高空飞行研究计划”(HARP)的秘密使命——设计一种能够发射人造卫星的超级大炮。 为了节省研制时间,布尔博士将美国海军的两门战列舰16英寸主炮镗大口径,头尾对焊起来,同时增加类似“巴黎大炮”那样的炮管支撑衍架,最后制造出一门长达36m、口径424 mm的巨炮。为了进一步增加射程,他还设计了这门大炮专用的火箭助推增程弹丸。在随后进行的射击中,大炮成功地将 90公斤重的炮弹抛射到180 千米高的太空。后来的模拟计算表明,这门火炮理论上能够将100 公斤重的炮弹发射到4000千米远的地方,发射214 公斤重的火箭增程弹时射程达到2570千米。,重量稍轻一些的载体垂直发射则可以被送到250 千米以上的太空!这门巨炮因其试验地而被称为“巴巴多斯”大炮,它所保持的记录在身管火炮领域至今也没有对手能够打破。
  Martlet 1 它设计于1962年中期,是布尔博士为HARP计划研制的第一种火箭推进炮弹。主要用于项目可行性研究。它的外形和早期火箭一摸一样,弹体细长,尾部有四片起定心和稳定作用的木质梯形尾翼,弹体内部没有动力系统,只安装了用于指示弹道轨迹的拉烟装置和小型无线电信标仪。Martlet1全长1。78米,直径0。168米,翼展0。417米(16。4英寸),重量205千克,发射药装药量330千克,设计最大射高27千米。Martlet 1总共只生产了四发,共进行过两次射击试验,日期分别在在1963年1月12日和2月1日。
  Martlet 2 它的研制开始于1963年,用于接替Martlet1进一步展开炮射低成本轨道运载工具的可行性研究,Martlet2同样采用无动力设计,其有效载荷包括拉烟装置和磁力计、温度计、加速度计等多种传感器设备。Martlet2系列运载器包括2A、2B、2C三Martlet2C型已经很像一枚火箭种型号,每种型号又可以分为数种亚型,它们拥有相近的尺寸和外形,但是采用了不同的载荷设备和生产材料。Martlet2的弹体形状和Martlet1极为类似,但是长径比更大,弹体线型也更趋流线化,全长1。68米,直径0。13米,翼展0。417米,重量190千克,有效载荷84千克,最大射高180千米。Martlet2系列总共生产了200发,从1963年1月1日到1966年11月20日总共进行了33次发射试验,试验过程中Martlet2运载器达到了2100米/秒的初速,15000G的过载和180千米的最大射高,它所创造的多项身管火炮射击记录至今也没有被后来者打破。
  Martlet 3 在Martlet1和Martlet2系列成功的基础上,布尔博士开始向HARP计划的最终目标——炮射火箭助推运载器的方向前Martlet3A采用了次口径设计,更接近火箭进,Martlet3是他提出的第一种设计方案。Martlet3系列拥有从A到E多种的外形已经完全脱离了常规炮弹的设计形式,由细长的圆柱形弹体,和圆锥型弹头组成,尾部装有梯形固定尾翼或者可折叠的刀型尾翼,有的型号头部还装有可折叠的数据天线。Martlet3系列运载器均为单级火箭推进,各型号尺寸差别较大,其中Martlet3A的尺寸参数为:全长1。83m,直径0。18米,重量180千克,最大射高500千米时有效载荷18千克,设计最大过载12000~14000G,发射初速2100米/秒。Martlet3A计Martlet4型炮弹划开始于1963年春季,只在同年十月进行过非常有限的初期飞行测试,试验进行的并不成功,运载器最大过载仅达到5000~6000G时火箭发动机就停止了工作。后来因为HARP计划经费得不到保证,研制陷于停顿,Martlet3系列后续型号仅有设计图纸问世。但是布尔博士设计的Martlet3A运载器仍然是目前世界上最大的炮射火箭。
  Martlet 4 它是HARP计划的终极目标,一种三级火箭推进炮射运载工具。先后发展了采用固体火箭和液体火箭的两种设计方案,其中液体火箭方案的最大有效载荷达到90千克。为了装载更多的火箭燃料,Martlet4摒弃了以往Martlet系列运载器的次口径设计,首次采用全膛多级火箭推进方案,三级火箭从下往上依次称为Martlet4A、4B、4C,弹体为长圆柱结构,其中第一级火箭尾部安装有6片可折叠的刀型尾翼。Martlet4全长8。54米,直径0。42米,重量1吨,采用450千克标准M8M发射药进行发射,炮口初速达到1550米/秒,三级火箭推力分别达到67。6千牛、20。5千牛、5。39千牛,火箭入轨速度达到7653米/秒,可以将23千克的有效载荷发射到进地点425千米,远地点430千米,倾角13度的近地轨道上。Martlet4项目启动较晚,于1966年底开始研制,并在1967年早期对第一级(Martlet4A)火箭发动机进行了炮射点火今日荒岛上的“巴巴多斯”大炮试验,同年HARP计划被加拿大政府取消,Martlet4项目也不得不随之下马。

 Paratroopers fire their 155 mm howitzer from Forward Operating Base Blessing in eastern Afghanistan. The Soldiers are from 2nd Section, 2nd Platoon, Battery B, 4th Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment.  

 A retiring Leopard Tank from 1st Armoured fires its final rounds for the Australian Army while an M1A1 Abrams Tank waits for its turn at the Mount Bundy Training Area in the Northern Territory.
  (Date taken: 09 July 2007)  

  A retiring Leopard Tank from 1st Armoured Regiment fires its final rounds for the Australian Army at the Mount Bundy Training Area in the Northern Territory.
  (Date taken: 09 July 2007)

 August 16, 2007
  Firing teams Gunny and Storm from the 2nd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division fire a M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzer at insurgents Iraq's Diyala River Valley in support of Operation Lightning Hammer, which was just underway when the rounds were launched late into the night, Aug. 13.  Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army
  August 18, 2007
  Мирная миссия-2007 Подготовка. Сухопутная часть. 
 August 18, 2007
  Мирная миссия-2007 Подготовка. Сухопутная часть. 



  Cavalry scouts fire a Javelin anti-armour missile during Exercise Chong Ju.
  (Date taken: 23 August 2007) 
 Soliders fire a Javelin anti-armour missile during Exercise Chong Ju.  (Date taken: 23 August 2007)
  An Australian Abrams M1A1 AIM-Main Battle Tank fires its 120mm main armament at enemy positions during Exercise CHONG JU.
  (Date taken: 23 August 2007)
 The Australian Abrams M1A1 AIM-Main Battle Tank from Puckpunyal-based Support Squadron, School of Armour engages an enemy position during Exercise CHONG JU at the Puckapunyal Military Training Area.
  (Date taken: 23 August 2007)

  (Aug. 22, 2007) – Builder Constructionman Apprentice Jonathan Dibiasi lights up the night sky with the M2 .50-caliber machine gun while Steelworker Constructionman Apprentice Steven A. Amador provides cover with his M16 during a field exercise. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4 is deployed to Guam in support of construction requirements for Pacific Command. U.S. Air Force photo
 September 06, 2007
  A howitzer shakes the ground.

  A Soldier assigned to the 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, from Fort Lewis, Wash., fires an AT-4 at a structure containing bomb-making materials Sept. 8, south of Baqubah, Iraq

 Marines with the 24th MEU practice firing their anti-armor weapons Sept. 5, 2007

  An Abrams tank from Darwin-based 1st Armoured Regiment fires at targets from alongside a gunline of 155mm M198 Howitzers from 8/12 Medium Regiment for a Combat Training Centre Heavy Battlegroup activity at the Cultana Training Area in South Australia.
  (Date taken: 12 September 2007)
 A 155 mm howitzer fires at a target in eastern Afghanistan. The howitzer is crewed by paratroopers from the 2nd Battalion, 321st Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, 
  A squadron of Leopard tanks engage targets at the Mount Bundey Training Area in the Northern Territory. 
 Leopard tanks from 1st Armoured Regiment conducting a live firing serial during Exercise Predators Strike at El Alamein Army Camp, Cultana, South Australia.
  (Date taken: 14 March 2007) 
  Soldiers from 142nd Fires Brigade and C Battery, 2nd Battalion, 4th Field Artillery Regiment, fire a Multiple Launch Rocket System in support of 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Sept. 12. The units serve as part of Task Force Lightning, operating from Contingency Operating Base Speicher, near Tikrit, Iraq. 


 Marines from Spartan Battery, 5/11 conduct one of their final fire missions with the M198 howitzer at the Quackenbush training area Sept. 13.  Photo submitted 09/21/2007 Taken by Lance Cpl. Nicholas M. Dunn


  HADITHAH DAM, Iraq– A sailor with Riverine Squadron 1, Riverine Group 1, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command, in support of Regimental Combat Team 2, performs a batteries release using a GAU-17 machine gun during a crew served weapons re-qualification.
  Photo submitted 09/26/2007

  Afghan National Army soldiers fire the Australian inservice rifle.
  (Date taken: 07 September 2007) 

  MUNSTER, Germany -The concussion from the 120 mm canon on the Leopard 2A6M blows smoke and dust into the air