
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 15:44:37
是英文的.主要是让你们看看我给外国人写的东西. 注意黑体字(这些字在实际的报告中确实以黑体字出现)

The assignment about “Greening Your Home”

        In the university, we students have to learn how to study and LIVE together. Chairman Mao told us: “We are from all around of the 5 lakes and 4 oceans, for the same goal, we are walking on the same path.” Yes, indeed, we are not only walking on the same path, we all live in the SAME HOUSE. I live in this house with another 3 of students from MAC, and not only we have to co operate with each other on the studying business, we also have to adjust our ways of living to keep the others happy. NOW, they are making me very unhappy, since they WASTE too much. I tried to talk to them for a couple of times, but none of them have some good ideas to eliminate the waste problems around the house.
        Chairman Mao told us: “We ourselves have to work with our own hands to produce the clothes and food for ourselves.” This great saving task has fallen on the shoulders of this environmental engineering student’s, ME. Soon, I had worked a series of plans to deal with the waste problems around the house in 3 major waste sources. .......

能看懂就看吧.都是简单英文.是英文的.主要是让你们看看我给外国人写的东西. 注意黑体字(这些字在实际的报告中确实以黑体字出现)

The assignment about “Greening Your Home”

        In the university, we students have to learn how to study and LIVE together. Chairman Mao told us: “We are from all around of the 5 lakes and 4 oceans, for the same goal, we are walking on the same path.” Yes, indeed, we are not only walking on the same path, we all live in the SAME HOUSE. I live in this house with another 3 of students from MAC, and not only we have to co operate with each other on the studying business, we also have to adjust our ways of living to keep the others happy. NOW, they are making me very unhappy, since they WASTE too much. I tried to talk to them for a couple of times, but none of them have some good ideas to eliminate the waste problems around the house.
        Chairman Mao told us: “We ourselves have to work with our own hands to produce the clothes and food for ourselves.” This great saving task has fallen on the shoulders of this environmental engineering student’s, ME. Soon, I had worked a series of plans to deal with the waste problems around the house in 3 major waste sources. .......

Chairman Mao 哈哈 伟大领袖...满赛...:D
把主席语录翻成这样...佩服...:L :D
这个好贴 我不水了 闪
原帖由 轩辕苹果 于 2007-2-27 13:00 发表
这个好贴 我不水了 闪

We are from all around of the 5 lakes and 4 oceans, for the same goal, we are walking on the same path.”

原帖由 哈萨克雄鹰 于 2007-2-27 13:05 发表

后面就是正式的了.就前面是这样写的.我非常习惯在我写的论文里放"毛主席教导我们说...." 这是我文章的一大特色.就是去年我上"战争研究"这门课里.
:L 我居然看懂了~
原帖由 红豆耨耨 于 2007-2-27 13:55 发表
:L 我居然看懂了~

:L 不容易啊
自己动手丰衣足食啊.....;P 哈鹰的mm工程也要抓紧