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书院小师叔 2015-12-24 11:00
  POCATELLO — Last week, Dalene Bowden, a food service worker at Irving Middle School, was placed on leave after she gave a free hot lunch to a 12-year-old girl who said she was hungry and didn’t have any money.
  POCATELLO当地消息——上周,Irving中学的食堂员工Dalene Bowden被开除了,原因是她给一个没钱吃饭的12岁小女孩免费打了份热乎乎的午饭。
  Bowden has now received a registered letter from the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District informing her that she has been fired.
  The brief, one-page letter was signed by District 25 Director of Human Resources Susan Petit. It states that Bowden was dismissed due to her theft of school district property and inaccurate transactions when ordering, receiving and serving food.
  这份直截了当的辞退信只有一页,是由25学区人力资源部的经理Susan Petit签发的。信上说,Bowden被炒的原因是偷窃学区财产以及在给学生打饭时的不正当行为。
  Bowden’s story garnered hundreds of comments on social media and an online petition was launched Saturday demanding that Bowden be reinstated as a lunch lady at Irving.
  Bowden said she offered to pay for the 1.70 lunch, but her supervisor rejected her offer. And she was placed on termination leave last Tuesday pending a meeting with the District 25 School Board.
  District School Board member Jacob Gertsch declined to comment on Bowden’s termination Monday, calling it a personnel matter. And administrators could not be reached.
  周一,学区董事会成员Jacob Gertsch拒绝对辞退Bowden一事发表意见,只说辞退她是因为个人问题。并且记者至今未与能其他管理层人员取得联系。
  “This is just breaking my heart,” Bowden said. “And they couldn’t even bother to put my check in with the letter.”
  - b4 ]7 M! W" Z0 u
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  The letter states that Bowden will be paid within 10 days.
  1 j2 X0 M) ` D
  % I) [2 D1 F. U3 h1 x! P8 w
  3 r; U' p+ b! D
  Raushelle Guzman, of Pocatello, started an online petition hoping to convince the district to rehire Bowden. As of Monday, more than 1,800 people had signed the online petition.
  1 M" g \# {+ g# ~
  Pocatello城的Raushelle Guzman在网上发起了请愿活动,希望能说服学区重新雇用Bowden大妈。到周一为止,已经有1800人在请愿书上签名。
  ! m4 i/ y1 t" B0 C
  Guzman said she doesn’t know Bowden, but she does have two children who attend District 25 schools.
  , S! B ]: C0 k4 K ]8 I/ z
  " o* h0 O+ _( n4 V8 n/ n! c& _
  “I think (Bowden) did the right thing and I think we need to make sure that every child that wants lunch can have lunch,” Guzman said. “I think the district’s policy needs to be changed. We do not need to humiliate or demean any child or worker in that situation. Students must be provided with an adequate meal.”
  Bowden has worked for District 25 for the past three years and said she’s never been written up or reprimanded for her job performance. But she said she did receive a verbal warning once for giving a student a free cookie.
  ( y; C2 k5 ^9 \5 t
  : G% Z' e8 d7 j) H
  ( e4 r6 ?, s1 D C" q
  She plans to seek legal counsel regarding the termination letter accusing her of theft.
  & l, y2 d9 \7 A/ `. m: i2 J
  + m6 t) B/ l" J" ]4 P1 p8 q# T
  “I broke the rules, but I offered to pay for the meal and I don’t think I deserved to lose my job over it,” Bowden said.
  6 |% s0 J/ r) t, a
  Last week, Interim Superintendent Douglas Howell said District 25 works to make sure children who live in economica食堂大妈因给穷学生打了份免费的饭而被开除!!(转载)
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书院小师叔 2015-12-24 11:00
  POCATELLO — Last week, Dalene Bowden, a food service worker at Irving Middle School, was placed on leave after she gave a free hot lunch to a 12-year-old girl who said she was hungry and didn’t have any money.
  POCATELLO当地消息——上周,Irving中学的食堂员工Dalene Bowden被开除了,原因是她给一个没钱吃饭的12岁小女孩免费打了份热乎乎的午饭。
  Bowden has now received a registered letter from the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District informing her that she has been fired.
  The brief, one-page letter was signed by District 25 Director of Human Resources Susan Petit. It states that Bowden was dismissed due to her theft of school district property and inaccurate transactions when ordering, receiving and serving food.
  这份直截了当的辞退信只有一页,是由25学区人力资源部的经理Susan Petit签发的。信上说,Bowden被炒的原因是偷窃学区财产以及在给学生打饭时的不正当行为。
  Bowden’s story garnered hundreds of comments on social media and an online petition was launched Saturday demanding that Bowden be reinstated as a lunch lady at Irving.
  Bowden said she offered to pay for the 1.70 lunch, but her supervisor rejected her offer. And she was placed on termination leave last Tuesday pending a meeting with the District 25 School Board.
  District School Board member Jacob Gertsch declined to comment on Bowden’s termination Monday, calling it a personnel matter. And administrators could not be reached.
  周一,学区董事会成员Jacob Gertsch拒绝对辞退Bowden一事发表意见,只说辞退她是因为个人问题。并且记者至今未与能其他管理层人员取得联系。
  “This is just breaking my heart,” Bowden said. “And they couldn’t even bother to put my check in with the letter.”
  - b4 ]7 M! W" Z0 u
  2 ^- y: ^0 [1 ]) n# Y, s& n
  4 p- x" { Z( i2 Y7 R
  The letter states that Bowden will be paid within 10 days.
  1 j2 X0 M) ` D
  % I) [2 D1 F. U3 h1 x! P8 w
  3 r; U' p+ b! D
  Raushelle Guzman, of Pocatello, started an online petition hoping to convince the district to rehire Bowden. As of Monday, more than 1,800 people had signed the online petition.
  1 M" g \# {+ g# ~
  Pocatello城的Raushelle Guzman在网上发起了请愿活动,希望能说服学区重新雇用Bowden大妈。到周一为止,已经有1800人在请愿书上签名。
  ! m4 i/ y1 t" B0 C
  Guzman said she doesn’t know Bowden, but she does have two children who attend District 25 schools.
  , S! B ]: C0 k4 K ]8 I/ z
  " o* h0 O+ _( n4 V8 n/ n! c& _
  “I think (Bowden) did the right thing and I think we need to make sure that every child that wants lunch can have lunch,” Guzman said. “I think the district’s policy needs to be changed. We do not need to humiliate or demean any child or worker in that situation. Students must be provided with an adequate meal.”
  Bowden has worked for District 25 for the past three years and said she’s never been written up or reprimanded for her job performance. But she said she did receive a verbal warning once for giving a student a free cookie.
  ( y; C2 k5 ^9 \5 t
  : G% Z' e8 d7 j) H
  ( e4 r6 ?, s1 D C" q
  She plans to seek legal counsel regarding the termination letter accusing her of theft.
  & l, y2 d9 \7 A/ `. m: i2 J
  + m6 t) B/ l" J" ]4 P1 p8 q# T
  “I broke the rules, but I offered to pay for the meal and I don’t think I deserved to lose my job over it,” Bowden said.
  6 |% s0 J/ r) t, a
  Last week, Interim Superintendent Douglas Howell said District 25 works to make sure children who live in economica

远方123 发表于 2015-12-24 14:31
看见标题,很兴奋的进来,准备回复我想好的段子,顺便再开个马甲说相声,结果看见是英文,另我大失所望。   ...
远方123 发表于 2015-12-24 14:31
看见标题,很兴奋的进来,准备回复我想好的段子,顺便再开个马甲说相声,结果看见是英文,另我大失所望。   ...


国内高校这种情况都不算事,忘记带卡了,或者卡里没钱了,阿姨先给发一份饭。或者刚接过饭时饭撒了,阿姨重 ...

做好事 自己掏钱随便去哪买一份  然后给她就是了,善意也好 施舍也好,起码谁掏钱谁做主么。


劫‘富’济贫是不是犯罪?如果不是哪就太好了,哥几个抄家伙都去去银行   咱自己一毛钱都不留,给贫困阶级送温暖去。


做好事 自己掏钱随便去哪买一份  然后给她就是了,善意也好 施舍也好,起码谁掏钱谁做主么。


劫‘富’济贫是不是犯罪?如果不是哪就太好了,哥几个抄家伙都去去银行   咱自己一毛钱都不留,给贫困阶级送温暖去。

ZRZDQB2011 发表于 2015-12-25 08:47
做好事 自己掏钱给她买一份就是了,善意也好 施舍也好,起码谁掏钱谁做主么。

用不是自己的东西做好事? ...

她还没决定回去工作,“如果我回去工作后,”她写道。 “下一次遇到一个饿孩子,我该怎么办?”

School Offers Job To Cafeteria Worker It Fired For Feeding Needy Student

But Dalene Bowden doesn't know if she should go back to the lunchroom.
12/24/2015 05:48 pm ET    Michael McLaughlin
Reporter, The Huffington Post

An Idaho school district has offered to rehire a cafeteria worker it fired last week, apparently for giving free food to a needy student.

"In the spirit of the holidays, Superintendent Howell advises that the District has been in communication with Ms. Bowden extending an opportunity for her to return to employment with the District," the statement reportedly said.

It appears that the district may not have handled this face-saving measure properly, though. Bowden wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday that no one from the school has spoken to her about employment and that she isn't sure if she would feel comfortable working there again.

"If I take my job back I feel i will be walking on eggshells with the school district. Nothing is going to be the same," she wrote. "What do I do the next time a kid is hungry?"

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/en ... ccae4b0b958f6595a8a

ZRZDQB2011 发表于 2015-12-25 08:47
做好事 自己掏钱随便去哪买一份  然后给她就是了,善意也好 施舍也好,起码谁掏钱谁做主么。

用不是自己 ...

Bowden said she offered to pay for the meal, but that her supervisor was still displeased.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/en ... ccae4b0b958f6595a8a

Bowden said she offered to pay for th ...
lightsun7 发表于 2015-12-26 05:35

Bowden said she offered to pay for th ...
1、先把东西给舍出去  被发现才这么说   (如果这样,说愿意付钱 被开也是情理内)

2、先宣称愿意付钱,老板不同意,仍然把东西舍出去?  (何必呢?东家都不同意这么你这么干,还硬要舍?真要做好事 一个电话 让外卖小哥送个5.8$的超大汉堡来  赶上优惠还能免费送杯可乐加冰~~   如果这样还被开了,全社会要问候东家全家  都没人说个‘不’字   他真不算人了)
02bx 发表于 2015-12-26 23:45