节目内容严重歧视亚裔 澳洲9号台将公开道歉

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节目内容严重歧视亚裔 澳洲9号台将公开道歉

2013-09-13| 16:43| 来源:澳洲新快网

澳大利亚通讯及传媒管理局(Australian Communications and Media Authority,以下简称ACMA)发现9号台(Channel Nine)的《A Current Affair》节目去年11月7日播放的一篇关于城堡山(Castle Hill)城堡商场(Castle Mall)亚洲零售商的报道违反了《商业电视行业实务守则》(Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice)的三个条款。

这篇报道与《Hills Shire Times》当月早前的一篇报道有关,讨论的是多家新零售商即将入住商场的一个新区。其中四家零售商(日用百货、肉商、海鲜店和水果市场)恰好都是由亚洲公司管理。

《Hills Shire Times》的报道没有说明零售商的种族,但《A Current Affair 》的报道则很大程度是偏向种族,称该商场是“中国的长城”。




“全是亚洲人商场”(All-Asian Mall)的报道错误地传达了以下内容:

- 亚洲专卖店几乎占据城堡山城堡商场的整个底层(事实上,16间零售店中只有4间是亚洲专卖店);

- 澳洲店主被迫为瞄准亚洲人口的新零售店让路(事实上,新零售店是因为其他商店结业后才被招入的);

- 商场的管理层计划是要强迫其他零售商搬离商场(实际计划是将他们重新安排到商场的其他地方);

- 屠户必须要搬(事实上,屠户并不受计划影响)。


- 负面地错误宣传亚裔澳人;煽动性语言和图像令人感受到来自亚裔群体的威胁;

- 语言暗示亚裔澳人不属于澳洲。

澳洲新快报节目内容严重歧视亚裔 澳洲9号台将公开道歉

2013-09-13| 16:43| 来源:澳洲新快网

澳大利亚通讯及传媒管理局(Australian Communications and Media Authority,以下简称ACMA)发现9号台(Channel Nine)的《A Current Affair》节目去年11月7日播放的一篇关于城堡山(Castle Hill)城堡商场(Castle Mall)亚洲零售商的报道违反了《商业电视行业实务守则》(Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice)的三个条款。

这篇报道与《Hills Shire Times》当月早前的一篇报道有关,讨论的是多家新零售商即将入住商场的一个新区。其中四家零售商(日用百货、肉商、海鲜店和水果市场)恰好都是由亚洲公司管理。

《Hills Shire Times》的报道没有说明零售商的种族,但《A Current Affair 》的报道则很大程度是偏向种族,称该商场是“中国的长城”。




“全是亚洲人商场”(All-Asian Mall)的报道错误地传达了以下内容:

- 亚洲专卖店几乎占据城堡山城堡商场的整个底层(事实上,16间零售店中只有4间是亚洲专卖店);

- 澳洲店主被迫为瞄准亚洲人口的新零售店让路(事实上,新零售店是因为其他商店结业后才被招入的);

- 商场的管理层计划是要强迫其他零售商搬离商场(实际计划是将他们重新安排到商场的其他地方);

- 屠户必须要搬(事实上,屠户并不受计划影响)。


- 负面地错误宣传亚裔澳人;煽动性语言和图像令人感受到来自亚裔群体的威胁;

- 语言暗示亚裔澳人不属于澳洲。

How can we address racism in the media?

大中公益网  2012年11月16日 17:49  来源:大中报记者埃里克-爱民-伍德(Eric Emin Wood)

Two years ago Maclean’s magazine, under the headline “Too Asian?”, published an article suggesting the number of Asian students at Canada’s postsecondary institutions was making students of other backgrounds nervous.

On Saturday November 10, the Solidarity Committee Against Anti-Asian Racism (SCAAAR), a group founded by the Chinese Canadian National Council (CCNC)’s Toronto chapter in response to the article, held a workshop at Ryerson University to discuss racism in the media.

这场名为“Happy ‘Too Asian’”的活动是由瑞尔森大学社会工作学院副教授戈登•潘博士组织的。演讲嘉宾包括记者黃明珍以及电视和广播名人重松哲郎(音译)。
Titled “Happy ‘Too Asian,’” the event was organized by Dr. Gordon Pon, an associate professor at Ryerson’s school of social work. Featured speakers included journalist Jan Wong and radio and television personality Tetsuro Shigematsu.

Dr. Pon told Chinese News he believes the Canadian media under-represents Canada’s racial diversity, which leads to a “systemic level of discrimination.”

“If you look at, for example, hiring and representation, especially at levels of decision-making power… you often see a structural manifestation of racism,” he said.

Several speakers, including Mr. Shigematsu, spoke at a mirror event in Vancouver, their speeches broadcast for the Toronto audience over Skype. The Toronto speeches were also recorded and broadcast over Skype for the Vancouver audience.

Mr. Shigematsu, the first non-white host of a CBC Radio program and a former writer on CBC Television’s This Hour Has 22 Minutes, joked that he was hired by CBC because he sounded white but his name had enough syllables to meet the station’s diversity quota.

当《22 分钟》当时的主要演员里克•默瑟退出该节目时,重松先生被邀请替代这个著名的喜剧演员所饰演的“Rants”环节。重松先生告诉观众说,他最终没能保住这个职位,因为虽然他听起来像白人,但他看起来却是亚洲人的模样,使得新斯科舍省(《22 分钟》制作的所在省份)的观众产生“认知失调”。
When former 22 Minutes star Rick Mercer left the show, Mr. Shigematsu was invited to take over the comedian’s famed “Rants” segment. Mr. Shigematsu told the audience he lost the position because although he sounded white, he looked Asian, leading to “cognitive dissonance” for viewers in Nova Scotia, 22 Minutes’ home province.

黃女士发言的话题是她为了回应2006年发生于蒙特利尔道森学院的枪击事件而在《环球邮报》上发表的一篇文章所引发的余波。她在该文中写道:“肇事者都不是‘pure laine’,即‘纯法裔’。在其他地方,谈论种族的‘纯洁性’是一件令人反感的事。唯独在魁北克是例外。”
Ms. Wong gave a speech about the fallout from a Globe and Mail article she wrote in response to the 2006 shooting at Montreal’s Dawson College. She included the line, “the perpetrator was not pure laine, the argot for a ‘pure’ francophone. Elsewhere, to talk of racial ‘purity’ is repugnant. Not in Quebec.”

“After the article ran, I got these e-mails flooding into my Globe and Mail inbox. ‘Sick fucking communist cunt.’ ‘Piece of shit bitch.’ ‘Go back to China. Your children are half-breeds,’” Ms. Wong told the audience.

She also showed everyone some editorial cartoons, which consistently linked Ms. Wong with Chinese food, depicted her with buck teeth, and in one case implied that Chinese people eat dog and cat meat.

“Racism is a workplace hazard for visible minority journalists. And I don’t think we recognize that enough in this country,” she said. “We like to think that we’re a rainbow nation, that this doesn’t happen.”

“I’m not saying that Asians themselves aren’t racist and prejudiced, because many of us are,” she said. “It’s up to us always to fight it wherever we see it.”

Indeed, the Mandarin language contains more than its share of racial slurs, including “yáng guǐzi,” meaning “Foreign devil”; Rìběn gǒu, literally “Japanese dogs”; “èr guǐzi,” meaning “second devils,” referring to Koreans; “hēiguǐ,” meaning “Black devil”; and “Yìndù ā sān,” or “third child,” an ethnic slur against Indians that implies lower-class status.

“I don’t want anyone to go away from this thinking that Asians are the only ones under attack and we’re perfect,” Ms Wong later told Chinese News. “Every group has racists in it, and where does it come from? It evolves from ethnic stereotyping within each culture, and a lack of interaction with other groups.”

Karen Sun was the leader of CCNC’s Toronto chapter when the “Too Asian?” story broke. She told the audience that CCNC had been founded in response to a 1979 segment on CTV’s W5 newsmagazine called “Campus Giveaways.”

“Campus Giveaways” implied that foreign-born students, especially those from China, were taking the place of native-born (i.e. white) Canadians at universities across Canada.

“A number of the faculties they talked about, like pharmacy and engineering, weren’t actually accepting any overseas students, so everyone was a resident or citizen of Canada,” Ms. Sun later told Chinese News. “They weren’t recognizing Asian faces as being Canadian.”

May Lui, interim director of CCNC’s Toronto chapter, said the conference was important because many issues raised by CCNC’s founding, including racism in the media and racism against Asians, are still ongoing.

“It’s important that we get together across communities and resist in positive ways,” she said.

With her olive skin and brown hair, Binish Ahmed was conspicuous among the conference’s predominantly East Asian audience. When asked by Chinese News what attracted her to the conference, she said she helped organize it.

“There’s solidarity between communities that face oppression and marginalization and discrimination,” she said.

Ms. Ahmed said that race was rarely discussed during her undergraduate studies. But “we’re still seeing it, we’re still thinking it, and therefore we need to talk about it, and recognize our own prejudices,” she said.

For example, “I have a family member who’s interested in journalism,” she said. “She’s from the same part of the world as me. She wanted to host a south Asian TV program, but they refused to let her participate because they said she didn’t look south Asian enough.”

When Chinese News asked Ms. Lui if she believes racism in ethnic media can be an issue, she said that it’s not as relevant a problem as racism in the mainstream media.

“The Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star’s circulation in Toronto and Canada are huge,” she said. “CBC, CTV, and other online sources are the legitimate sources of news. These are all white dominated.”

“Oppressive issues within racialized communities are absolutely an issue,” she continued, “but in terms of scope and range and influence they certainly are not anywhere near the Toronto Star, or the Globe, or even the National Post or the Sun.”
