即将发射的美帝同步轨道红外预警卫星SBIRS-GEO 2

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 18:45:17




Should the launch of SBIRS GEO-2 occur on time, the Atlas will rise from Space Launch Complex (SLC)-41 into early-evening Florida skies in what promises to be a spectacular sight for viewers along the Space Coast. The Russian-built RD-180 engine will roar to life, approximately 2.7 seconds before liftoff, burning liquid oxygen and a refined form of rocket-grade kerosene, known as “RP-1,” and producing 860,000 pounds of thrust. Climb-out from SLC-41 will commence at T+1.1 seconds, and the avionics of the Centaur upper stage will command a pitch, roll, and yaw maneuver to establish the vehicle onto the proper flight azimuth, following an easterly trajectory to inject SBIRS GEO-2 into orbit.

The Pentagon’s SBIRS GEO-2 mission will be launched atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V 401 rocket. Photo Credit: Jason Rhian
In total, the RD-180 will burn for a little over four minutes, shutting down at T+243 seconds, to be followed by the separation of the 41-foot-long Centaur and attached payload. To support the deployment of SBIRS GEO-2 into its correct orbital “slot,” the upper stage will perform two lengthy firings of its 22,300-pound-thrust RL-10A engine. The first, lasting 11 minutes, will place the combo into a “parking” orbit, after which the two-piece payload fairing will be jettisoned, exposing the satellite to the space environment for the first time. A nine-minute coasting phase will be followed by a second burn, lasting nearly four minutes, and a 15-minute coast. Assuming an on-time liftoff, SBIRS GEO-2 will be released from the Centaur to begin its mission about 43 minutes after leaving Cape Canaveral.


Should the launch of SBIRS GEO-2 occur on time, the Atlas will rise from Space Launch Complex (SLC)-41 into early-evening Florida skies in what promises to be a spectacular sight for viewers along the Space Coast. The Russian-built RD-180 engine will roar to life, approximately 2.7 seconds before liftoff, burning liquid oxygen and a refined form of rocket-grade kerosene, known as “RP-1,” and producing 860,000 pounds of thrust. Climb-out from SLC-41 will commence at T+1.1 seconds, and the avionics of the Centaur upper stage will command a pitch, roll, and yaw maneuver to establish the vehicle onto the proper flight azimuth, following an easterly trajectory to inject SBIRS GEO-2 into orbit.

The Pentagon’s SBIRS GEO-2 mission will be launched atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V 401 rocket. Photo Credit: Jason Rhian
In total, the RD-180 will burn for a little over four minutes, shutting down at T+243 seconds, to be followed by the separation of the 41-foot-long Centaur and attached payload. To support the deployment of SBIRS GEO-2 into its correct orbital “slot,” the upper stage will perform two lengthy firings of its 22,300-pound-thrust RL-10A engine. The first, lasting 11 minutes, will place the combo into a “parking” orbit, after which the two-piece payload fairing will be jettisoned, exposing the satellite to the space environment for the first time. A nine-minute coasting phase will be followed by a second burn, lasting nearly four minutes, and a 15-minute coast. Assuming an on-time liftoff, SBIRS GEO-2 will be released from the Centaur to begin its mission about 43 minutes after leaving Cape Canaveral.
jwcq 发表于 2013-3-16 15:00


  A)采用双探测器模式     高轨卫星上配有扫描型和凝视型2种红外探测器,低轨卫星上配有捕获探测器和凝视探测器。各类卫星上的2种探测器分工协作,共同完成探测任务。
  B)扫描速率和灵敏度成倍提高     位于地球静止轨道的预警卫星,无论是扫描速率还是灵敏度都将比DSP-1卫星提高10倍以上。
  C)精确的跟踪和定位能力     高轨卫星可探测导弹的助推段,低轨卫星能够继续跟踪导弹飞行中段和再入段,且具有识别假目标的能力,因此可以提供精确的发射位置和落点预报。
  D)较好地解决了虚警和漏警问题     如果是导弹发出的辐射,由于导弹的运动,会使高轨卫星上的凝视型红外探测器的一连串敏感单元依次发出信号,,根据这些信号就可以推断出导弹的飞行方向和速度;如果是地面固定红外源产生的辐射,则只有与地面源相对应的那些敏感元件不断发出信号,容易加以排除,避免产生虚警。对高空云层反射的太阳光和地面强烈的红外辐射源,新型卫星也有很好的识别能力。新型卫星的高速扫描能力和高灵敏度对解决漏警问题的重要性不言而喻。

     E)数据处理能力增强     卫星上增加了星上信息处理系统,增强了数据处理和报告能力,相应的地面站的数据处理能力也得到了很大的提高,为拦截部队提供了更长的预警时间。

     F)与反导系统紧密结合     低轨卫星能提供反导防御系统所需的目标跟踪、识别和杀伤评估,拦截弹能够根据低轨卫星的跟踪数据发射和修正,还能够引导陆基和海基雷达跟踪目标,增加其探测跟踪能力,能把反导防御系统的防御区域增加3~5倍。

(2)组网方式     新型卫星系统有别于DSP预警卫星系统的单一地球同步轨道,采用高轨与低轨结合的方式。其地球同步轨道卫星用于探测导弹飞行的助推段,低轨卫星用于跟踪导弹飞行中段和再入段,大椭圆轨道卫星能够覆盖两极地区,实现全球覆盖。3种轨道卫星组网,分工协作,将提供更为强大的预警能力。
a13937114111 发表于 2013-3-16 16:09
a13937114111 发表于 2013-3-16 13:41

Should the launch o ...



美国发射最新导弹预警卫星SBIRS GEO-2


[本站2013年3月20日报道]   洛克希德·马丁公司建造的第二个“天基红外系统”(SBIRS)“地球同步轨道”航天器(GEO-2)已于3月19日搭乘“宇宙神”-4火箭从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地发射升空。




洛克希德·马丁公司的“天基红外系统”合同包括4个HEO有效载荷,4颗GEO卫星和用于接收、处理和分发红外任务数据的地面资产。“天基红外系统”团队已开始为第五和第六颗GEO卫星采购长周期零部件。 HEO有效载荷和第一颗GEO卫星已经发射进入轨道。

“天基红外系统”团队由美国空军太空与导弹系统中心的太空红外系统指挥部领导。洛克希德·马丁公司是“天基红外系统”的主承包商,诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司负责效载荷集成。美国空军太空司令部管理运行“天基红外系统”。(中国航天系统科学与工程研究院 张肇瑞 侯丹)