美女兔兔视频翻唱-love love love

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 19:00:02
<P><B><FONT color=#ff0000></FONT></B></P>[RM=480,360,true]http://www.woogood.net/041218ilil1i/flash123/nvhai/3love.rm[/RM]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-4 17:14:56编辑过]
<P><B><FONT color=#ff0000></FONT></B></P>[RM=480,360,true]http://www.woogood.net/041218ilil1i/flash123/nvhai/3love.rm[/RM]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-4 17:14:56编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-28 13:57:02编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-28 13:59:38编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-4 17:14:16编辑过]
唱地很好。。。哈哈 就是长地。。。那个。。。。。。。。
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>sweety5434</I>在2005-3-5 11:41:00的发言:</B>
唱地很好。。。哈哈 就是长地。。。那个。。。。。。。。</DIV>
<DIV class=quote> </DIV>长的不是太差吧
<P>[mp=420,320,1]http://movies.skyhits.com/MainProgram/FilmSrc.asp?FilmID=610[/mp]</P><P>不说你不知道,蔡依林『城堡』专辑中的「Love Love Love」,正是翻唱自俄罗斯叁人女子团体-圣女天团(Nu Virgos)的首支主打歌「Stop! Stop! Stop!」。不同於蔡依林的可爱风情,圣女天团在原曲MV中,可是从每一根头发到每一片脚指甲、从骨子里每一枚DNA到脸上每一个毛细孔,都骚到最高点呢!

  没有看过圣女天团首支主打歌「Stop Stop Stop」MV的人,也许很难体会叁位团员Anya、Vera和Nadya的媚有多狠!这麽说吧,看过她们MV的人,从头到尾眼中都只有她们叁人,姣好身材不停舞动的身影。


  但这支叁点都没露,却在亚洲多国遭到禁播,原来叁位美女,是以华丽美艳的内衣外穿造型,加上半透半遮掩的纱裙披挂上阵,那种不露比露还骚到骨子里的情境,就High得保守亚洲各国电剪局皮皮挫,於是圣女天团的MV制作团队们,只好连忙赶制一支安全版MV,给亚洲所有媒体。</P><P><B><FONT size=+1><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT></FONT></B>

歌手:virgos 专辑:<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT>

</P><P><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT>:

no i didn't trust him but he rushed me to feel
tried me mesmerize to me with his all sex appeal
told me everything that i was longing to hear
shine and handsome my souvenir

and then all of sudden i have fallen in love
he would put me down but i still place him above

tired of searching for the love that still lives in him
given my everything like a souvenir

given up my heart in the name of the memory
fallen down like rain he could feel every drop

now i know have have the courage to tell him
tell him to <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT>

given up my heart in the name of the memory
fallen down like rain he could taste every drop

now i know have have the courage to tell him
tell him to <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT>stop

i抳e become invisible i melt away at night
dreams for once so colorful become black and white

loving once so wonderful is no longer here
so i'll keep this feeling like a souvenir

given up my heart in the name of the memory
fallen down like rain he could feel every drop

now i know have have the courage to tell him
tell him to <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">stop!</FONT>