
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/01 00:51:05

     Lockheed Gets Approval of Next F-35 Production Contract By Tony Capaccio - Jul 7, 2012

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-07-0 ... tract.html

"Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) received approval for a sixth production contract of F-35 aircraft, the Pentagon’s largest weapons program.

Undersecretary for AcquisitionFrank Kendall in a two-page Acquisition Decision Memo yesterday approved proceeding with the next contract for as many as 36 aircraft, including 23 Air Force versions, seven aircraft carrier models and six Marine Corps short-takeoff and vertical-landing models. The contract includes five for international customers.

Kendall approved a strategy that “bases aircraft procurement quantities upon development and test progress” as well as progress Lockheed Martin makes reducing the cost to retrofit aircraft to correct deficiencies uncovered in flight tests....

...Control Strategy
Under the plan, the Pentagon F-35 program office could proceed with putting under contract 25 of the 31 U.S. planes Kendall authorized. Six wouldn’t be put on contract until the Bethesda, Maryland-based company meets at least five criteria.

“This strategy provides a means to have control -- a dial -- on production that is informed by demonstrated performance against the 2012 plan,” the F-35 program manager, Vice Admiral David Venlet, told the House Armed Services Committee in May, previewing the strategy Kendall approved....

...Controlling Costs
A fifth contract remains under negotiation. Kendall wrote that his decision for the sixth contract going forward was contingent on him receiving an update on a “recommended agreement” for the fifth contract...."

IT IS COMPLICATED so best to read the entire post at the URL - tah     第六批次共有36架   

     Lockheed Gets Approval of Next F-35 Production Contract By Tony Capaccio - Jul 7, 2012

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-07-0 ... tract.html

"Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) received approval for a sixth production contract of F-35 aircraft, the Pentagon’s largest weapons program.

Undersecretary for AcquisitionFrank Kendall in a two-page Acquisition Decision Memo yesterday approved proceeding with the next contract for as many as 36 aircraft, including 23 Air Force versions, seven aircraft carrier models and six Marine Corps short-takeoff and vertical-landing models. The contract includes five for international customers.

Kendall approved a strategy that “bases aircraft procurement quantities upon development and test progress” as well as progress Lockheed Martin makes reducing the cost to retrofit aircraft to correct deficiencies uncovered in flight tests....

...Control Strategy
Under the plan, the Pentagon F-35 program office could proceed with putting under contract 25 of the 31 U.S. planes Kendall authorized. Six wouldn’t be put on contract until the Bethesda, Maryland-based company meets at least five criteria.

“This strategy provides a means to have control -- a dial -- on production that is informed by demonstrated performance against the 2012 plan,” the F-35 program manager, Vice Admiral David Venlet, told the House Armed Services Committee in May, previewing the strategy Kendall approved....

...Controlling Costs
A fifth contract remains under negotiation. Kendall wrote that his decision for the sixth contract going forward was contingent on him receiving an update on a “recommended agreement” for the fifth contract...."

IT IS COMPLICATED so best to read the entire post at the URL - tah
游呵游 发表于 2012-7-8 00:27
  36架    有5个国家的   价格暂时还没公布    大致就这意思   
蛤蟆值夜班 发表于 2012-7-8 00:36
36架    有5个国家的   价格暂时还没公布    大致就这意思
总共36架,空军型23架,海军型7架,陆战队型6架; 其中包括了国外用户的5架。美军的31架中会先生产25架,其余6架会等到Bethesda状态后再生产。 大概就是这么个意思。
三硝基甲苯 发表于 2012-7-8 06:24
总共36架,空军型23架,海军型7架,陆战队型6架; 其中包括了国外用户的5架。美军的31架中会先生产25架,其 ...
Bethesda, Maryland-based company指的就是洛马公司,不能把Bethesda单独拿出来看,这句话是说洛马公司必须要达到5个目标,才能收到31架的合同,否则,美国国防部的F-35项目办公室最多只会授出25架的合同
The contract includes five for international customers
贝尔纳多特 发表于 2012-7-8 07:16
Bethesda, Maryland-based company指的就是洛马公司,不能把Bethesda单独拿出来看,这句话是说洛马公司必 ...
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