
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/19 08:35:37
China is the United States second biggest trading partner, with trade for the year 2010 amounting to $459 billion. However, China's exports to US exceed their import by a massive $273 billion, effectively making this relationship exceptionally unhealthy.


China's arrival as major economic player has been privately attributed to its policy of distorting its financial policies, their refusal to float their currency in the open market, their selective adherence to World Trade Organization policies, their policy of subsidizing national enterprises to fight off foreign competition and their sometimes-open disregard to Intellectual Property Rights.

Set against the unhealthy US economy, unemployment and public debts, many are of the opinion that China must be pressured to conform to international trade policies. However, China is the biggest foreign lender in US, as well as the biggest subscriber of US Government bonds. Couple that with the dependence of the local American economy on cheap Chinese imports, there is a fear that playing hard ball with China might bounce back on us tenfold, severely crippling the national economy in the process. However, on the other side, keeping mum on the matter might prolong the sickness of our economy and may even be a contributing factor in its permanent death, as hard as it is to believe.

Former Speaker of the House 前众议院议长

Newt Gingrich
纽特 金里奇

China is the United States second biggest trading partner, with trade for the year 2010 amounting to $459 billion. However, China's exports to US exceed their import by a massive $273 billion, effectively making this relationship exceptionally unhealthy.


China's arrival as major economic player has been privately attributed to its policy of distorting its financial policies, their refusal to float their currency in the open market, their selective adherence to World Trade Organization policies, their policy of subsidizing national enterprises to fight off foreign competition and their sometimes-open disregard to Intellectual Property Rights.

Set against the unhealthy US economy, unemployment and public debts, many are of the opinion that China must be pressured to conform to international trade policies. However, China is the biggest foreign lender in US, as well as the biggest subscriber of US Government bonds. Couple that with the dependence of the local American economy on cheap Chinese imports, there is a fear that playing hard ball with China might bounce back on us tenfold, severely crippling the national economy in the process. However, on the other side, keeping mum on the matter might prolong the sickness of our economy and may even be a contributing factor in its permanent death, as hard as it is to believe.

Former Speaker of the House 前众议院议长

Newt Gingrich
纽特 金里奇

Newt Gingrich believes that China suppresses dissents and abuses human rights.
• He thinks that we should take steps with the people and not the government, to trade, have student exchanges and tourism.
• He said the U.S. should do anything possible to increase friendly relations with the Chinese people. We should be respectful of the government of China but encourage the people to demand their God given rights.
• He believes that we can improve China by trading with them and exposing them to the Western world of freedom.

•Newt Gringrich相信中国在镇压异见者,践踏人权。

Former Governor of New Mexico 前新墨西哥州长

Gary Johnson
加里 约翰逊

The continued trade imbalance between the two countries is a matter that concerns Johnson as it contributes to the burgeoning budget deficit. However, he acknowledges that it is a complex situation, as the very same trade balance allows the Chinese to purchase US currencies and monetary instruments that for all intents and purpose, is keeping the US economy solvent.


U.S. Representative from the State of Texas 来自德州的美国众议员

Ron Paul
罗恩 保罗

Ron Paul believes that trade with China should not be tied to human rights.
• He would not fund nuclear plants in China.

• Ron Paul认为与中国的贸易不应跟人权挂钩。

【编注:美国进出口银行(The Export-Import Bank of the United States),威斯汀豪斯电气公司(Westinghouse Electric),贝克特尔电力公司(Bechtel Power)为秦山核电站项目建设提供了资金和技术支持】

Former Governor of Massachusetts 前麻省州长

Mitt Romney
米特 罗姆尼

• Mitt Romney after his visit to china commented that China will be more of an economic competitor than the United States recognizes.
• He said the Chinese are hardworking, market oriented and smart. Even the taxes they impose in certain areas are lesser. This shows that they are competing to win.
• The US should reach out to China and charter a course that is equivalent to a free economy and a free society. This goal should be at par with those of the US.
• Answering to the question whether China was a human rights disaster Romney responded that he believes in building bridges and not walls.
• Mitt Romney spoke about the detention of a Massachusetts citizen with Chinese officials and asked for his early release.
• He stressed working with China should not be at the cost of security interests and human rights.
• He said that the US market must make sure that the Chinese markets are welcoming to US goods.
• Romney stressed the need to ensure that China respected US intellectual property rights as well as they enforce their own.
• He said China has a vested interest in a strong US economy which will buy more Chinese goods and have no intention to bury the USA.
• He believes that a healthy relationship with China will help to keep away nuclear weapons from North Korea Iran or other terrorists.
• He said one of his highest priorities will be to make China a partner for stability in the world.

•Mitt Romney访问中国之后评论道,中国将成为比美国所认识到的更强的经济竞争对手。
•Mitt Romney对麻省公民被中国官员滞留的事件发表了讲话,并要求他能尽早获释。

Former US Senator from Pennsylvania 前宾州参议员

Rick Santorum
里克 桑托勒姆

Santorum is highly critical of the current administration’s handling of China, citing the country’s perceived timidity in the face of China’s aggressive rhetoric, especially in regional matters. He believes that the country has a moral duty to battle China’s brand of ‘godless socialism’.


Matt Snyder
马特 斯奈德

China is China’s problem. If we get Americans back to work, reaffirm our sovereignty, and create a business-friendly atmosphere for investors, China will resume its position in the grand scheme of things. We don’t need to hurt the other team; we just need to help our own. "

傲慢 愚蠢 误导 噢,还有对选民的低级迎合
我感觉前洪大使上台, 会是对老美最好的选择











里克 桑托勒姆很清醒啊,这种人上台对我们是种实在的威胁
一看他们那些高高在上 对别人指指点点的态度就气不打一处来
才建国200多年 靠战争发家的暴发户装屁呀