
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/19 21:40:37

地址: http://news.yahoo.com/china-spacecraft-launches-key-mission-xinhua-023326400.html;_ylt=AnTfWqpK8Xq.XUZlOI61lNus0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNtZ2w0MTh1BG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBGUARwa2cDOGQxNmNiMjAtMTI1ZS0zOWYzLWIyMjEtYTc4YjEwNDBmMDdiBHBvcwMxMwRzZWMDdG9wX3N0b3J5BHZlcgMwY2E1NTNlMi0wNTk0LTExZTEtYWNhYS1mYmU2NzlhODI4M2U-;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

Chinese people are generally humble workers, they do not brag nor trash-talk about other people, and they do hold a positive outlook for the U.S.
Why can't we congratulate them and let's live on this planet together?


It is incredible that one country is going alone in exploring the universe, with the kind of program that has been participated with almost all the developed countries. It is unprecedented, considering 30 years ago, the country was dirt poor. No other country on the earth can replicate the progress China has made.

While China is rising, U.S. military spending has been rising too (all in billion $$$), thanks to George W Bush:

2000 311
2001 307
2002 328
2003 404
2004 455
2005 495
2006 565
2007 640
2008 730
2009 810


2000 311
2001 307
2002 328
2003 404
2004 455
2005 495
2006 565
2007 640
2008 730
2009 810

Congratulations, China! Best wishes for your space program.

In 1963 Kennedy put a goal in place to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. We beat that goal. I am 60 years old and that is the only long term goal I can think of that we have made, while in China, a goal oriented country, is beating us to a pulp economically and eventually in space. I am proud of China, I am ashamed of my own country for losing our ability to plan for our future.

"Oh yeah, China, you are so cool, good job and I give you a sweet kiss......" said iTalon
Oh yeah,中国,你真酷,干得好,给你一个热吻。。。iTalon说。

Just FYI: One thing the article didn't mention is that the team in charge of Shenzhou VIII launch has an average age of 33, while the team in charge of Tiangong-1 launch has an average age of 31.

"a delicate manoeuvre that the Russians and Americans successfully completed in the 1960s." cannot be compared to this unmanned auto docking. Only Russian is capable of unmanned docking, no other country does so far. On 30 October 1967, the first automated docking of Soyuz unmanned spacecraft took place.

地址: http://news.yahoo.com/china-spacecraft-launches-key-mission-xinhua-023326400.html;_ylt=AnTfWqpK8Xq.XUZlOI61lNus0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNtZ2w0MTh1BG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBGUARwa2cDOGQxNmNiMjAtMTI1ZS0zOWYzLWIyMjEtYTc4YjEwNDBmMDdiBHBvcwMxMwRzZWMDdG9wX3N0b3J5BHZlcgMwY2E1NTNlMi0wNTk0LTExZTEtYWNhYS1mYmU2NzlhODI4M2U-;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

Chinese people are generally humble workers, they do not brag nor trash-talk about other people, and they do hold a positive outlook for the U.S.
Why can't we congratulate them and let's live on this planet together?


It is incredible that one country is going alone in exploring the universe, with the kind of program that has been participated with almost all the developed countries. It is unprecedented, considering 30 years ago, the country was dirt poor. No other country on the earth can replicate the progress China has made.

While China is rising, U.S. military spending has been rising too (all in billion $$$), thanks to George W Bush:

2000 311
2001 307
2002 328
2003 404
2004 455
2005 495
2006 565
2007 640
2008 730
2009 810


2000 311
2001 307
2002 328
2003 404
2004 455
2005 495
2006 565
2007 640
2008 730
2009 810

Congratulations, China! Best wishes for your space program.

In 1963 Kennedy put a goal in place to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. We beat that goal. I am 60 years old and that is the only long term goal I can think of that we have made, while in China, a goal oriented country, is beating us to a pulp economically and eventually in space. I am proud of China, I am ashamed of my own country for losing our ability to plan for our future.

"Oh yeah, China, you are so cool, good job and I give you a sweet kiss......" said iTalon
Oh yeah,中国,你真酷,干得好,给你一个热吻。。。iTalon说。

Just FYI: One thing the article didn't mention is that the team in charge of Shenzhou VIII launch has an average age of 33, while the team in charge of Tiangong-1 launch has an average age of 31.

"a delicate manoeuvre that the Russians and Americans successfully completed in the 1960s." cannot be compared to this unmanned auto docking. Only Russian is capable of unmanned docking, no other country does so far. On 30 October 1967, the first automated docking of Soyuz unmanned spacecraft took place.

台巴子们情何以堪~ 又能打击一下它们脆弱的心灵了
黑暗执政官 发表于 2011-11-3 09:33
台巴子们情何以堪~ 又能打击一下它们脆弱的心灵了
1号马甲 发表于 2011-11-3 09:32
黑暗执政官 发表于 2011-11-3 09:33
台巴子们情何以堪~ 又能打击一下它们脆弱的心灵了
黑暗执政官 发表于 2011-11-3 09:33
台巴子们情何以堪~ 又能打击一下它们脆弱的心灵了
黑暗执政官 发表于 2011-11-3 09:33
台巴子们情何以堪~ 又能打击一下它们脆弱的心灵了

It kind of makes sense that the Chinese be the first to land on Mars, the "Red Planet".

we will see these coming more and more. West started Industrial revolution, while East Asia is catching up. East Asia, including China, Koea, Japan, is the most hardworking and intelligent (google IQ map image), it is only the matter of time they surpass West on technology. check the math test score in any of US high school, which race is highest? not white.

We should actually be close friends with China. I know many chinese and for the most part I find them to be honest hardworking people.

Well done China well done.Congratulations. Keep up the good work for the progress of all humanity.

My take-away from this story is that China is relentlessly advancing, while we're giving up on anything that doesn't make a big profit for a few big shots. They have a government that wants to advance their country, we have one that instead wants to advance wealthy individuals at the expense of the rest. Advancement vs. greed. Sad, very sad.
我从中认识到的是中国无情地进步,我们则在放弃这种不能带来巨大利润的发射。他们是国家意志想要提升这个国家,而我们则是每个人都想要提升自己的财富不惜牺牲其他利益。进步Vs. 贪婪,悲催,灰常悲催!

It kind of makes sense that the Chinese be the first to land on Mars, the "Red Planet".

we will see these coming more and more. West started Industrial revolution, while East Asia is catching up. East Asia, including China, Koea, Japan, is the most hardworking and intelligent (google IQ map image), it is only the matter of time they surpass West on technology. check the math test score in any of US high school, which race is highest? not white.

We should actually be close friends with China. I know many chinese and for the most part I find them to be honest hardworking people.

Well done China well done.Congratulations. Keep up the good work for the progress of all humanity.

My take-away from this story is that China is relentlessly advancing, while we're giving up on anything that doesn't make a big profit for a few big shots. They have a government that wants to advance their country, we have one that instead wants to advance wealthy individuals at the expense of the rest. Advancement vs. greed. Sad, very sad.
我从中认识到的是中国无情地进步,我们则在放弃这种不能带来巨大利润的发射。他们是国家意志想要提升这个国家,而我们则是每个人都想要提升自己的财富不惜牺牲其他利益。进步Vs. 贪婪,悲催,灰常悲催!
黑暗执政官 发表于 2011-11-3 09:33
台巴子们情何以堪~ 又能打击一下它们脆弱的心灵了
v0v0v0v 发表于 2011-11-3 09:31
黑暗执政官 发表于 2011-11-3 09:33
台巴子们情何以堪~ 又能打击一下它们脆弱的心灵了
黑暗执政官 发表于 2011-11-3 09:33
台巴子们情何以堪~ 又能打击一下它们脆弱的心灵了
玄真子 发表于 2011-11-3 09:59
疆域孤鹰 发表于 2011-11-3 09:43

First of all congratulation to the Chinese accomplishment in space.

To sum up the difference-

Chinese and China strive for nation's pride, prestige, and accomplishment.

Americans and US strive for everyman/woman for him/herself and material self indulgence. NO nation's pride and prestige.

BTW everyone in the US with money to spend try to outdo each other.






They are very patient. They take the long, long range view of things as opposed to our Instant Gratification Module we have developed. They will keep growing stronger and smarter, and bigger. While we in our ego mode go the way of the old British Empire, the one the Sun now does set on....

Ego & Arrogance. Human Nature. We are not the first and we wont be the last. Do not learn from history and all that . It is true. One can watch it happening.


The problem is our country's focus. In the Golden Age of America (1950's - 1960's), science and technology was cool. Children grew up wanting to be a scientist or an inventor. Today, kids are idiots who want to be rappers and basketball players. We need to make education cool again. Stop focusing on social issues, media, and entertainment and start focusing again on what really matters: math, science, and technology.

First of all congratulation to the Chinese accomplishment in space.

To sum up the difference-

Chinese and China strive for nation's pride, prestige, and accomplishment.

Americans and US strive for everyman/woman for him/herself and material self indulgence. NO nation's pride and prestige.

BTW everyone in the US with money to spend try to outdo each other.






They are very patient. They take the long, long range view of things as opposed to our Instant Gratification Module we have developed. They will keep growing stronger and smarter, and bigger. While we in our ego mode go the way of the old British Empire, the one the Sun now does set on....

Ego & Arrogance. Human Nature. We are not the first and we wont be the last. Do not learn from history and all that . It is true. One can watch it happening.


The problem is our country's focus. In the Golden Age of America (1950's - 1960's), science and technology was cool. Children grew up wanting to be a scientist or an inventor. Today, kids are idiots who want to be rappers and basketball players. We need to make education cool again. Stop focusing on social issues, media, and entertainment and start focusing again on what really matters: math, science, and technology.
v0v0v0v 发表于 2011-11-3 09:31

要严厉打击媒体上一些低俗 腐化人民意志的破烂玩意。
要推崇文艺工作者, 不能再让戏子丑态影响大众 。
pzkilo 发表于 2011-11-3 09:49

晕啊,MD现在都不敢乱说十年了。。。屡次失误。。。另外,航天科技,现在当下暂时。。难道WW更厉害。。。!!!? 谦虚点吧,就当你厉害~ 中国就是和追赶。。。那简直动力无穷!!!乐趣无穷!!!
黑暗执政官 发表于 2011-11-3 10:07

其实三哥已经有了对接技术, 只是人家不想实施而已
