
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/20 16:09:04

Tu-22M BACKFIRE Variants

■Backfire A - TU-22MO -- The first TU-22M received the designation TU-22MO but was only produced in small quantities due to inadequate performance. In February 1973 two TY-22Mo bombers were transferred to a training center.

■Backfire A - TU-22M -- The first prototype of the TU-22M was finished in July 1971. The test phase of the few TU-22M lasted four years, after which they were deployed with Soviet Naval Aviation.

■Backfire B - TU-22M2 -- The first large-scale modification of the TU-22M was the TU-22M2, which conducted first flight tests in 1973. It was equipped with NK-22 engines, had range of 5100 km and a maximum speed of 1800 km/h. It carried up to three Kh-22 air-to-surface missiles. The aircraft did not have an automatic terrain-following system but was nevertheless capable of low-level flight to overcome air defenses. In 1976, the TU-22M2 was deployed with the air force and naval airforce. A total of 211 TU-22M2 aircraft were produced at the plant Nr.23 in Kazan between 1973 and 1983. Soon after series production of the TU-22M2 began, the aircraft received new NK-23 engines to increase speed and range. The NK-23 is a booster version of the NK-22 engine, which did not achieve the expected goals.

■Backfire B - TU-22M2Ye -- Some aircraft were outfitted with new NK-25 engines and an sophisticated new flight-control system. They were designated as TU-22M2Ye, but did not achieve improved flight characteristics.

■Backfire C - TU-22M3 -- During subsequent upgrades the nose was lengthened, the air intakes changed and the maximum angle of the swept-variable geometry wings increased up to 65 degrees. The aircraft received the designation TU-22M3 and carried out its' first flight test on 20 June 1977. The TU-22M3 began operational evaluation in the late 1970s, and in 1983 it was introduced into the active inventory. Cleared of some of the shortcomings of its predecessor this aircraft soon proved its worth in service with long-range and naval aviation units. The range of the bomber was increased to 6800 km, the maximum speed up to 2300 kms/h and the payload was twice that of the Tu-22M2. The bomber is equipped with a maximum of three Kh-22 cruise missiles or up to ten Kh-15 (AS-16) short-range missiles. It can also carry nuclear bombs. In 1985 the TU-22M3 conducted high-peed flight tests at low altitude that demonstrated the capability of countering air defenses.

■Backfire - Tu-22M5 -- A modernization program for the theater-level Tu-22M3 Backfire-C bomber started in 1992, designated Tu-22M5. The upgraded aircraft are fitted with a new radar incorporating terrain avoidance capability. The upgraded Backfire carries four Kh101 subsonic cruise missiles, but its basic armament remains heavy supersonic ASMs, typically one or a maximum of three Kh-22 missiles (AS-4 Kitchen).

■Backfire - TU-22MR -- In 1985, the long-range reconnaissance aircraft TU-22MR entered service.

■Backfire - TU-22ME -- Improvement of flight and fighting characteristics continued, and in 1990 the TU-22ME was developed.

The Kuznetsov NK-25 is a turbofan engine used in the Tupolev Tu-22M strategic bomber. It can equal the NK-321 engine as one of the most powerful supersonic engines in service today. It is rated at 245 kN (50,000 lbf) thrust. The three shaft engine we call the NK-25 was designed in the years 1972-1974. It was superior to many other engines because of its improved fuel economy.

With the experience of the NK-12, NK-22 and NK-25 behind it, the Kuznetsov team was the obvious choice in 1976 to develop the engine of Aircraft 70, which became the Tu-160 strategic bomber and missile carrier (NATO name 'Blackjack'). Massively assisted by CIAM, and other national research centres, the programme at Kuibyshyev for the propulsion of this challenging aircraft was the largest in the former USSR. It was supervised by Ye M Semenov, the Chief Designer being Ye A Kuzmin. The chosen engine, the NK-32, first ran in 1980, but it was abandoned in favour of the improved derivative designated NK-321.


TU22-M3改装了推力更大的NK-321发动机(即“海盗 ...
mike168 发表于 2011-4-29 23:05

Tu-22M BACKFIRE Variants

■Backfire A - TU-22MO -- The first TU-22M received the designation TU-22MO but was only produced in small quantities due to inadequate performance. In February 1973 two TY-22Mo bombers were transferred to a training center.

■Backfire A - TU-22M -- The first prototype of the TU-22M was finished in July 1971. The test phase of the few TU-22M lasted four years, after which they were deployed with Soviet Naval Aviation.

■Backfire B - TU-22M2 -- The first large-scale modification of the TU-22M was the TU-22M2, which conducted first flight tests in 1973. It was equipped with NK-22 engines, had range of 5100 km and a maximum speed of 1800 km/h. It carried up to three Kh-22 air-to-surface missiles. The aircraft did not have an automatic terrain-following system but was nevertheless capable of low-level flight to overcome air defenses. In 1976, the TU-22M2 was deployed with the air force and naval airforce. A total of 211 TU-22M2 aircraft were produced at the plant Nr.23 in Kazan between 1973 and 1983. Soon after series production of the TU-22M2 began, the aircraft received new NK-23 engines to increase speed and range. The NK-23 is a booster version of the NK-22 engine, which did not achieve the expected goals.

■Backfire B - TU-22M2Ye -- Some aircraft were outfitted with new NK-25 engines and an sophisticated new flight-control system. They were designated as TU-22M2Ye, but did not achieve improved flight characteristics.

■Backfire C - TU-22M3 -- During subsequent upgrades the nose was lengthened, the air intakes changed and the maximum angle of the swept-variable geometry wings increased up to 65 degrees. The aircraft received the designation TU-22M3 and carried out its' first flight test on 20 June 1977. The TU-22M3 began operational evaluation in the late 1970s, and in 1983 it was introduced into the active inventory. Cleared of some of the shortcomings of its predecessor this aircraft soon proved its worth in service with long-range and naval aviation units. The range of the bomber was increased to 6800 km, the maximum speed up to 2300 kms/h and the payload was twice that of the Tu-22M2. The bomber is equipped with a maximum of three Kh-22 cruise missiles or up to ten Kh-15 (AS-16) short-range missiles. It can also carry nuclear bombs. In 1985 the TU-22M3 conducted high-peed flight tests at low altitude that demonstrated the capability of countering air defenses.

■Backfire - Tu-22M5 -- A modernization program for the theater-level Tu-22M3 Backfire-C bomber started in 1992, designated Tu-22M5. The upgraded aircraft are fitted with a new radar incorporating terrain avoidance capability. The upgraded Backfire carries four Kh101 subsonic cruise missiles, but its basic armament remains heavy supersonic ASMs, typically one or a maximum of three Kh-22 missiles (AS-4 Kitchen).

■Backfire - TU-22MR -- In 1985, the long-range reconnaissance aircraft TU-22MR entered service.

■Backfire - TU-22ME -- Improvement of flight and fighting characteristics continued, and in 1990 the TU-22ME was developed.

The Kuznetsov NK-25 is a turbofan engine used in the Tupolev Tu-22M strategic bomber. It can equal the NK-321 engine as one of the most powerful supersonic engines in service today. It is rated at 245 kN (50,000 lbf) thrust. The three shaft engine we call the NK-25 was designed in the years 1972-1974. It was superior to many other engines because of its improved fuel economy.

With the experience of the NK-12, NK-22 and NK-25 behind it, the Kuznetsov team was the obvious choice in 1976 to develop the engine of Aircraft 70, which became the Tu-160 strategic bomber and missile carrier (NATO name 'Blackjack'). Massively assisted by CIAM, and other national research centres, the programme at Kuibyshyev for the propulsion of this challenging aircraft was the largest in the former USSR. It was supervised by Ye M Semenov, the Chief Designer being Ye A Kuzmin. The chosen engine, the NK-32, first ran in 1980, but it was abandoned in favour of the improved derivative designated NK-321.


TU22-M3改装了推力更大的NK-321发动机(即“海盗 ...
mike168 发表于 2011-4-29 23:05
TU22 - M3的逆火轰炸机和其 发动机

图- 22M回火变种

■逆火甲 - 恩- 22MO - 第一图- 22M收到指定恩- 22MO但只有不足表现在适当的小批量生产。 1973年2月二青衣- 22Mo轰炸机被转移到一个培训中心。

■逆火甲 - 图- 22M - 该图- 22M第一架原型机完成于1971年7月。 少数人的图- 22M测试阶段历时4年,之后他们与苏联海军航空兵部署。

■回火乙 - 涂- 22平方米 - 第一个大规模的图- 22M的修改是图- 22平方米,其中在1973年进行首次飞行试验。 这是装备与NK - 22发动机,有5100公里,距离为1800公里/小时的最高速度 它携带最多三个的Kh - 22空对空对地导弹。 这架飞机没有自动地形跟踪系统,但尽管如此,低水平飞行能力克服空防。 1976年,图- 22平方米的部署空军和海军空军。 阿涂211 - 22平方米,共生产飞机在1973年至1983年在喀山厂Nr.23。 之后不久系列图- 22平方米的生产开始了,飞机收到新的NK - 23发动机以提高速度和范围。 的NK - 23是的NK - 22发动机,并没有达到预期的目标推进器的版本。

■回火乙 - 涂- 22M2Ye - 有些飞机配备了新的NK - 25发动机和先进的新的飞行控制系统。 被指定为议员,22M2Ye,但并没有达到改善飞行特性。

■逆火的C - 图- 22M3 - 在随后的鼻子被延长升级,改变进气口和掠翼的最大角度可变几何上升到65度。 这架飞机收到的指定图- 22M3,并进行了对20 1977年6月首次试飞。 该图- 22M3开始于20世纪70年代后期作战评估,并于1983年,它被引入到活动清单。 其前任的一些缺点很快就证明这架飞机清零与远程航空兵和海军服务它的价值。 该轰炸机范围增加至6800公里,最高时速达2300公里/小时,有效载荷两倍的Tu - 22平方米。 轰炸机是配备了三的Kh - 22巡航导弹的最大或最多十个的Kh - 15(的AS - 16)短程导弹。 它也可以携带核弹。 1985年,图- 22M3进行低空高尿飞行测试,证明了反防空能力。

■逆火 - 图- 22M5 - 一个战区级图- 22M3逆火- C的轰炸机现代化计划始于1992年,指定的图- 22M5。 升级后的飞机正以崭新的结合地形回避能力雷达。 升级后的回火有四个Kh101亚音速巡航导弹,但其基本装备超音速ASMs仍然沉重,通常是一个或一对三的Kh - 22导弹(配合AS - 4厨房)的最大值。

■逆火 - 涂- 22MR - 在1985年,远程侦察机涂- 22MR进入服役。

■逆火 - 涂- 22ME - 飞行和作战特点不断改进,并于1990年的TU - 22ME的开发。

在库兹涅佐夫的NK - 25是某型涡扇发动机的图波列夫图- 22M战略轰炸机使用。 它可以平等作为最强大的超音速今天在服务引擎之一的NK - 321发动机。 它的额定功率为245千牛(50000磅)的推力。 这三个轴发动机,我们呼吁的NK - 25是在1972-1974年设计的。 这是由于其优越的燃油经济性提高许多其他引擎。

随着的NK - 12和NK - 22和NK - 25背后的经验,库兹涅佐夫队在1976年明显的选择,发展70飞机,成为图-160战略轰炸机和导弹运载器(北约名称发动机'二十一点')。 大规模协助中信国际资产管理,和其他国家研究中心,在Kuibyshyev为这一具有挑战性的飞机推进计划是前苏联最大的。 它是由叶呒谢苗诺夫监督,首席设计师库兹明被叶啊。 所选择的发动机,的NK - 32,第一次运行在1980年,但它是在指定的NK - 321衍生摒弃,取而代之的改善。
毛子真是断档了 断档啊断档。。
毛子真是断档了 断档啊断档。。