母亲节前后,J20 HKC,F22 BKC,美国军坛各色KC

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/17 00:02:04

1.1. 简氏
The available data supports the proposition that the J-20, once fully developed, will be a high performance stealth aircraft, arguably capable of competing in most cardinal performance parameters (i.e. speed, altitude, stealth, agility) with the United States F-22A Raptor, and superior in most if not all cardinal performance parameters against the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
If the engines deliver 40,000 – 50,000 lb class thrust performance, the J-20 will be viable as an air combat fighter, air defense interceptor and deep strike fighter. If thrust performance falls below this benchmark, the aircraft would lack the agility for close air combat, but still be very effective as an interceptor or bomber.
The strategic impact of a mature production J-20, even if limited to strike roles alone, would be profound. With sufficiently good stealth performance to defeat air defense radars in the L-band through Ku-band, the aircraft could easily penetrate all air defense systems currently deployed in Asia. Even should the aircraft be tracked by a counter-stealth radar, the high altitude supersonic cruise penetration flight profile makes it extremely difficult to engage by fighter aircraft and Surface to Air Missiles. The only fighters deployed in the Pacific Rim with the raw performance to reliably intercept a supersonic J-20 are the F-22A Raptor and Russian MiG-31 Foxhound.
The size of the J-20 and resulting fuel fraction indicate that the aircraft will be able to cover the “First Island Chain” without aerial tanker support, and with tanker support, reach targets across the “Second Island Chain” on subsonic cruise profiles. Nearer targets would be accessible on supersonic cruise profiles .
J-20 size和与此对应的载油量表明此机能覆盖第一岛链,空中加油后用亚音速能到达第二岛链。
The strategic choices available to the United States and its allies for dealing with the J-20 are very limited; such is the potency of all aircraft combining stealth and supersonic cruise capabilities. These distill down to the deployment of large numbers of F-22A Raptor fighters in the region, and the development and deployment of “counter-stealth” radars operating in the HF, VHF, and UHF radio-frequency bands. Funding for the production of the F-22A was stopped in 2009, following an intensive political effort by Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates. There is no program to fund the development and volume production of “counter-stealth” radars.

1.1. 简氏
The available data supports the proposition that the J-20, once fully developed, will be a high performance stealth aircraft, arguably capable of competing in most cardinal performance parameters (i.e. speed, altitude, stealth, agility) with the United States F-22A Raptor, and superior in most if not all cardinal performance parameters against the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
If the engines deliver 40,000 – 50,000 lb class thrust performance, the J-20 will be viable as an air combat fighter, air defense interceptor and deep strike fighter. If thrust performance falls below this benchmark, the aircraft would lack the agility for close air combat, but still be very effective as an interceptor or bomber.
The strategic impact of a mature production J-20, even if limited to strike roles alone, would be profound. With sufficiently good stealth performance to defeat air defense radars in the L-band through Ku-band, the aircraft could easily penetrate all air defense systems currently deployed in Asia. Even should the aircraft be tracked by a counter-stealth radar, the high altitude supersonic cruise penetration flight profile makes it extremely difficult to engage by fighter aircraft and Surface to Air Missiles. The only fighters deployed in the Pacific Rim with the raw performance to reliably intercept a supersonic J-20 are the F-22A Raptor and Russian MiG-31 Foxhound.
The size of the J-20 and resulting fuel fraction indicate that the aircraft will be able to cover the “First Island Chain” without aerial tanker support, and with tanker support, reach targets across the “Second Island Chain” on subsonic cruise profiles. Nearer targets would be accessible on supersonic cruise profiles .
J-20 size和与此对应的载油量表明此机能覆盖第一岛链,空中加油后用亚音速能到达第二岛链。
The strategic choices available to the United States and its allies for dealing with the J-20 are very limited; such is the potency of all aircraft combining stealth and supersonic cruise capabilities. These distill down to the deployment of large numbers of F-22A Raptor fighters in the region, and the development and deployment of “counter-stealth” radars operating in the HF, VHF, and UHF radio-frequency bands. Funding for the production of the F-22A was stopped in 2009, following an intensive political effort by Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates. There is no program to fund the development and volume production of “counter-stealth” radars.

1.2 美国网友回应
As the U.S. and its allies proved in WWII, quantity can outgun quality in a war of attrition. If China brings this technology in numbers that threaten to saturate a western defense capabilty, then where will Gates be to defend his lofty decision?

Gates can disagree all he wants. While I think this report is a bit sensational, keep in mind Sec Gates was the one who said it would be at least 2015 years before the PRC had a stealth fighter prototype and 20 years before they could field them. He's too enamored with UAVs/RPAs and his pet, the F-35.

F-22 late, overbudget. F-35 late, overbudget. Carriers, subs, space systems late, overbudget. We need to get cost & schedule under control before priding ourselves on our superior technology. The Chinese are naturally going to brag and overstate the capabilities of this fighter to a degree, but it still shows that they are moving forward. In the past 15 years the Chinese have gone from an air force that largely consisted of MiG-21 copies to producing their own 4th generation fighters. Modern AESA radars will probably be able to detect the J-20 at a moderate range but it will be quite a challenge for most SAM systems and fighters in the region to deal with. Hence the reason the Japanese and South Koreans have shown interest in procuring 5th generation fighters. This platform will be far superior to our JSF and F-22. Good old waste of money Stealth has cost us dearly. We will never catch-up with China
F-22 延期,超预算. F35 延期,超预算. 航母,潜艇,太空系统延期,超预算(lz:求科普,连这些也超?). 洋洋得意超级技术前我们必须能控制费用和进度.中国人夸大飞机的能力,但仍然显示他们在进步.过去15年,中国空军已经从主要依靠米-21山寨转向自主生产自己的4代机,现代AESA雷达可能快可以在中等距离发现J-20,但是在那个地区大多数SAM导弹系统和飞机还是难以对付,相同原因,日本和韩国已经显出自己研发5代的兴趣. 这个平台将来远比我们的JSF和F-22先进(lz:太BKC!)还象以前那样浪费,我们永远也无法追上中国. 现在我们需要多少F-22?

1. The F-22 would likely have every advantage over the J-20. Too bad we don't have more.

2.The F-35 will have to rely on its greater stealth and better sensors since it will likely be at a major disadvantage in all traditional air-to-air fighter capabilities. That should give it a first shot advantage (at least initially). So if that stealth advantage is eroded over time (better ways to detect and track) the F-35 advantage may turn to disadvantage. It is also very limited in its internal carriage capability. The bigger J-20 may have a major advantage here too. The J-20s, if it can survive the AMRAAM first shots, may be able to overwhelm the F-35s with multiple shots and disengage as needed.
2. F35将来还是要依靠它高匿踪,高航电,这对传统空空弹是难题,这样我们可以发第一蛋.所以如果这些优势随着时间没了,F-35优势就变略势,它蛋仓小,J-20蛋囊大,如果他能在我们的第一轮高级中距空空蛋AMRAAM中幸存,他蛋多就可以用干挺我们然后凯旋.

3.Another major factor to figure in is the weapons. The USAF is looking at a new air-to-air missile which could dramatically change the balance. And what role will DE weapons and new ECM techniques play in the 2025 timeframe?

4.Other factors could also be big players like whose AWACS are working, whose datalinks are working etc.

5.Still, you'd like to have the kinematic advantage, like the F-22 has, to limit the time you can be engaged/tracked, allow greater flexibility in choosing when/where to engage, and to help you disengage if required. The J-20 will likely have those advantages over the F-35. The F-35 will never have them and will likely become more and more vulnerable over time

1.2 美国网友回应
As the U.S. and its allies proved in WWII, quantity can outgun quality in a war of attrition. If China brings this technology in numbers that threaten to saturate a western defense capabilty, then where will Gates be to defend his lofty decision?

Gates can disagree all he wants. While I think this report is a bit sensational, keep in mind Sec Gates was the one who said it would be at least 2015 years before the PRC had a stealth fighter prototype and 20 years before they could field them. He's too enamored with UAVs/RPAs and his pet, the F-35.

F-22 late, overbudget. F-35 late, overbudget. Carriers, subs, space systems late, overbudget. We need to get cost & schedule under control before priding ourselves on our superior technology. The Chinese are naturally going to brag and overstate the capabilities of this fighter to a degree, but it still shows that they are moving forward. In the past 15 years the Chinese have gone from an air force that largely consisted of MiG-21 copies to producing their own 4th generation fighters. Modern AESA radars will probably be able to detect the J-20 at a moderate range but it will be quite a challenge for most SAM systems and fighters in the region to deal with. Hence the reason the Japanese and South Koreans have shown interest in procuring 5th generation fighters. This platform will be far superior to our JSF and F-22. Good old waste of money Stealth has cost us dearly. We will never catch-up with China
F-22 延期,超预算. F35 延期,超预算. 航母,潜艇,太空系统延期,超预算(lz:求科普,连这些也超?). 洋洋得意超级技术前我们必须能控制费用和进度.中国人夸大飞机的能力,但仍然显示他们在进步.过去15年,中国空军已经从主要依靠米-21山寨转向自主生产自己的4代机,现代AESA雷达可能快可以在中等距离发现J-20,但是在那个地区大多数SAM导弹系统和飞机还是难以对付,相同原因,日本和韩国已经显出自己研发5代的兴趣. 这个平台将来远比我们的JSF和F-22先进(lz:太BKC!)还象以前那样浪费,我们永远也无法追上中国. 现在我们需要多少F-22?

1. The F-22 would likely have every advantage over the J-20. Too bad we don't have more.

2.The F-35 will have to rely on its greater stealth and better sensors since it will likely be at a major disadvantage in all traditional air-to-air fighter capabilities. That should give it a first shot advantage (at least initially). So if that stealth advantage is eroded over time (better ways to detect and track) the F-35 advantage may turn to disadvantage. It is also very limited in its internal carriage capability. The bigger J-20 may have a major advantage here too. The J-20s, if it can survive the AMRAAM first shots, may be able to overwhelm the F-35s with multiple shots and disengage as needed.
2. F35将来还是要依靠它高匿踪,高航电,这对传统空空弹是难题,这样我们可以发第一蛋.所以如果这些优势随着时间没了,F-35优势就变略势,它蛋仓小,J-20蛋囊大,如果他能在我们的第一轮高级中距空空蛋AMRAAM中幸存,他蛋多就可以用干挺我们然后凯旋.

3.Another major factor to figure in is the weapons. The USAF is looking at a new air-to-air missile which could dramatically change the balance. And what role will DE weapons and new ECM techniques play in the 2025 timeframe?

4.Other factors could also be big players like whose AWACS are working, whose datalinks are working etc.

5.Still, you'd like to have the kinematic advantage, like the F-22 has, to limit the time you can be engaged/tracked, allow greater flexibility in choosing when/where to engage, and to help you disengage if required. The J-20 will likely have those advantages over the F-35. The F-35 will never have them and will likely become more and more vulnerable over time
China is so rich these days it could build 20,000 J20s and pay cash up front. And it just gets better for every JSF we build on money loaned from China they will be able to build a J20 just with the interest
the main problem is that the U.S. is way too focused on fighting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as funding those two wars. This is causing a failure in assessing and preparing for future threats that are not related to enemies who utilize mainly on guerrilla tactics, like the mujihadeen and insurgents use in Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. needs to be preparing itself for future conflicts with rapidly developing/modernizing countries. ie.) China for example
Reading this makes me wonder about the recent USAF strategy of retrofitting F-15C’s with the latest AN/APG-63 AESA radar (V(2)&V(3)) and basing them in Kadena with the idea of using these aircraft to “spot” attacking J-20′s and directing our few Raptors to intercept them.
The aforementioned Raytheon AESA systems operate in the X-band above 1 Gigahertz L-band, meaning that they should be equally blind to the frontal stealth shaping of the J-20 even with their longer range and ability to track smaller targets.
Attached is one of the latest photos released showing a very stealth profile with design cues taken straight from the F-22/F-35. The development of the J-20 has continued with several test flights occurring recently and more detailed images coming out.
The decision to build only 187 Raptors is looking more questionable everyday....
读了这我正怀疑最近美国空军升级F-15C和最近的AN/APG-63 AESA雷达(V2,V3)的策略,把他们部署在冲绳嘉手纳,用来稍微挡J-20一下并引导我们少得可怜的猛禽拦截它们.
上述的雷神AESA系统在超过1G hz的L波段中的x波段工作,意味者对着J-20正面基本就是个瞎子,即使采用高些的波段能看到更小的东西也没用.

Americans have a bad habit of lying - it's a well known cultural characteristic: the Chinese will keep quiet and the Americans will tell porkies.
As the world transitions from American to Chinese influence, the more the Chinese get used to our peculiar characteristics the better for a peaceful transition.
On a recent trip to Asia it was noticable how strong the Chinese influence already is and how much America is seen as yesterdays man. Chinese investment is everywhere

Figure Oblat is an anti-American Maoist supporter.
Dictatorship envy apparently.

If you travel as much as I do and meet as many Americans across all walks of life as I do you start to realize just how scared Americans are of China. The reason isn't the Chinese military, Americans feel powerless because they just can't compete economically. Across the continent you hear the same prayer - please god make the Chinese fail somehow. They alternate this with complaints on how unfair it is that the Chinese invest more in their industries in their education and work harder.
It will take a couple generations yet before America gets out of it's self-absorbed funk and relaise that if you don't play the game you lose. Right now the average American child wants to be a Celebrity ie grow up to be rich, lazy and stupid. It's the American dream.
China is so rich these days it could build 20,000 J20s and pay cash up front. And it just gets better for every JSF we build on money loaned from China they will be able to build a J20 just with the interest
the main problem is that the U.S. is way too focused on fighting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as funding those two wars. This is causing a failure in assessing and preparing for future threats that are not related to enemies who utilize mainly on guerrilla tactics, like the mujihadeen and insurgents use in Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. needs to be preparing itself for future conflicts with rapidly developing/modernizing countries. ie.) China for example
Reading this makes me wonder about the recent USAF strategy of retrofitting F-15C’s with the latest AN/APG-63 AESA radar (V(2)&V(3)) and basing them in Kadena with the idea of using these aircraft to “spot” attacking J-20′s and directing our few Raptors to intercept them.
The aforementioned Raytheon AESA systems operate in the X-band above 1 Gigahertz L-band, meaning that they should be equally blind to the frontal stealth shaping of the J-20 even with their longer range and ability to track smaller targets.
Attached is one of the latest photos released showing a very stealth profile with design cues taken straight from the F-22/F-35. The development of the J-20 has continued with several test flights occurring recently and more detailed images coming out.
The decision to build only 187 Raptors is looking more questionable everyday....
读了这我正怀疑最近美国空军升级F-15C和最近的AN/APG-63 AESA雷达(V2,V3)的策略,把他们部署在冲绳嘉手纳,用来稍微挡J-20一下并引导我们少得可怜的猛禽拦截它们.
上述的雷神AESA系统在超过1G hz的L波段中的x波段工作,意味者对着J-20正面基本就是个瞎子,即使采用高些的波段能看到更小的东西也没用.

Americans have a bad habit of lying - it's a well known cultural characteristic: the Chinese will keep quiet and the Americans will tell porkies.
As the world transitions from American to Chinese influence, the more the Chinese get used to our peculiar characteristics the better for a peaceful transition.
On a recent trip to Asia it was noticable how strong the Chinese influence already is and how much America is seen as yesterdays man. Chinese investment is everywhere

Figure Oblat is an anti-American Maoist supporter.
Dictatorship envy apparently.

If you travel as much as I do and meet as many Americans across all walks of life as I do you start to realize just how scared Americans are of China. The reason isn't the Chinese military, Americans feel powerless because they just can't compete economically. Across the continent you hear the same prayer - please god make the Chinese fail somehow. They alternate this with complaints on how unfair it is that the Chinese invest more in their industries in their education and work harder.
It will take a couple generations yet before America gets out of it's self-absorbed funk and relaise that if you don't play the game you lose. Right now the average American child wants to be a Celebrity ie grow up to be rich, lazy and stupid. It's the American dream.
J-20 is a boogeyman, give us wads of more cash to build our new toys, or it will come to get you

If Robert Gates thinks the global security situation doesn't warrant additional F-22's, I'm inclined to take his word for it.

I still say the timing of the Chinese military's 'release' of information on this aircraft is extremely suspect given the F-22 is about to end production in November. It seems to me if they were wanting to field an aircraft who's only counter would be the F-22, it would make a lot more sense to keep it under wraps until production of the F-22 is over as opposed to before when we could simply flip a legislative switch and buy more F-22s.
I personally think the Chinese are simply trying to at the very least get us to spend money on defense we don't need to, or to spend on things we don't need in hopes we don't spend on things they are concerned about.

We need to focus our efforts on economic health and strategic R&D in disruptive technologies

The Chinese have NO experience whatsoever maintaining a RAM coating on a production/deployed aircraft. When they get it, wake me up. When they develop from scratch their own production fighter engine, again, wake me up.

China would never attack America!!! It would be insane the peace loving people of china simply all wish for puppies and kittens and have never EVER invaded another country! (which is basicly true except for-oh never mind they have had quite a history of that)
Ignoring that. What happens when they sell say a J-20 type fighter to say Iran, Venezuela, and others? Or SAMs capable of shooting down F-35's which really arent equiped to deal with it.
In 1939 the US front line fighter was no match for the german. By 1946 germany was one big european korean penensula.
I don't under stand why he totally discounts the F-35
1. The F-35 still has a significant RCS advantage over the J-20. The J-20 will have issues in the egrees because the rear isn't stealthy.
2. So you have a aircraft with enough fuel to reach close to 2000 miles out and is the size of the F-111 But it will turn greater than a F-22? That heavy of a plane simply wont beat the F-35 trying to out turn it at 9G.
3. How can you sneak past the F-35 F-22 screen when you don't know where they
4. F-35s will be networked so once 1 planes sees a engine plume, Missile plume or anything else, every F-35 in theater will know it.
5. How will the Chinese all of a sudden come up with a 50,000LB engine when they haven't even mastered the stolen Russian engine design? Note how the F-22 is only 35,000+ of thrust per engine. Now you need enough engine power to make something the size of A F-111 out turn and burn that.
A old fighter jock once said " I can make the plane go fast, Have a heavy load, or go farther, but I cant make it do all three" This is the issue with the J-20. Its not gonna go fast, carry a 5000lb load, go 2000 miles out, then dog fight, and come home. It has to give up something.
1.F35还是明显比J-20 RCS小,J-20还会出问题,它后部不匿踪
2. 你有油可以飞2000公里,大小和f111差不多,比F22大?9G的推重比无法让这个重型机打败F-35.
3. 你不知道F-35,F-22在哪里,你能溜走?
4. F-35s已经联网,如果一架机看到一个发动机或者导弹角,战场的其他F-35就知道
5. 中国如何突然就能有50,000磅发动机,他们甚至没有掌握从毛子那里顺来的发动机设计?注意F-22每个发动机才35,000+.你需要够大的发动机才能推起象F111这样大的JJ.(lz:靠我们J-20有这样大?)

I'm amazed at the short memories of all of you folks. For four weeks during the Libyan involvement by the US, several of us asked where are the F-22's and for four weeks we got a different answers, all lies.
At least one of those lies came directly off the lips of General Norton Schwartz, a General who wants to become the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I don't see how President Obama can appoint a general that is so dumb as to lie about something like this that even the village idiot know will come out into the public domain.
This is a creditability issue. The public must be able to believe there senior military officer is being honest and upfront with them, unless the lie is told regarding an obvious issue of National Security, the O2 system problem with an the F-22 as embarrassing to the manufacturer as it is, is not a National Security issue, but simply an effort to cover up a screw up by Lockheed Martin. General Schwartz obviously can't tell the difference between covering Lockheed's six and is not a National Security issue.
至少一个从诺顿·施瓦兹直接出来,这人想成为下任参谋长联席会议主席,我想不通总统可以提名一个愚蠢和撒谎的人,他以为全地球人都是傻子。这是诚信问题, 公众必须能够相信他们面前高级军官,除非被高子这个一个国家安全问题,氧气系统真丢人,这不是国家安全问题,仅仅是掩盖洛克希德马丁干的好事?
They said the problem extends to other aircraft. I'm guessing that this is more of an issue with the F-22 because it flies higher than others types.
China is so rich these days it could build 20,000 J20s and pay cash up front. And it just gets better for every JSF we build on money loaned from China they will be able to build a J20 just with the interest
the main problem is that the U.S. is way too focused on fighting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as funding those two wars. This is causing a failure in assessing and preparing for future threats that are not related to enemies who utilize mainly on guerrilla tactics, like the mujihadeen and insurgents use in Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. needs to be preparing itself for future conflicts with rapidly developing/modernizing countries. ie.) China for example
Reading this makes me wonder about the recent USAF strategy of retrofitting F-15C’s with the latest AN/APG-63 AESA radar (V(2)&V(3)) and basing them in Kadena with the idea of using these aircraft to “spot” attacking J-20′s and directing our few Raptors to intercept them.
The aforementioned Raytheon AESA systems operate in the X-band above 1 Gigahertz L-band, meaning that they should be equally blind to the frontal stealth shaping of the J-20 even with their longer range and ability to track smaller targets.
Attached is one of the latest photos released showing a very stealth profile with design cues taken straight from the F-22/F-35. The development of the J-20 has continued with several test flights occurring recently and more detailed images coming out.
The decision to build only 187 Raptors is looking more questionable everyday....
读了这我正怀疑最近美国空军升级F-15C和最近的AN/APG-63 AESA雷达(V2,V3)的策略,把他们部署在冲绳嘉手纳,用来稍微挡J-20一下并引导我们少得可怜的猛禽拦截它们.
上述的雷神AESA系统在超过1G hz的L波段中的x波段工作,意味者对着J-20正面基本就是个瞎子,即使采用高些的波段能看到更小的东西也没用.

Americans have a bad habit of lying - it's a well known cultural characteristic: the Chinese will keep quiet and the Americans will tell porkies.
As the world transitions from American to Chinese influence, the more the Chinese get used to our peculiar characteristics the better for a peaceful transition.
On a recent trip to Asia it was noticable how strong the Chinese influence already is and how much America is seen as yesterdays man. Chinese investment is everywhere

Figure Oblat is an anti-American Maoist supporter.
Dictatorship envy apparently.

If you travel as much as I do and meet as many Americans across all walks of life as I do you start to realize just how scared Americans are of China. The reason isn't the Chinese military, Americans feel powerless because they just can't compete economically. Across the continent you hear the same prayer - please god make the Chinese fail somehow. They alternate this with complaints on how unfair it is that the Chinese invest more in their industries in their education and work harder.
It will take a couple generations yet before America gets out of it's self-absorbed funk and relaise that if you don't play the game you lose. Right now the average American child wants to be a Celebrity ie grow up to be rich, lazy and stupid. It's the American dream.


pkfe 发表于 2011-5-19 15:51


China is so rich these days it could build 20,000 J20s and pay cash up front. And it just gets better for every JSF we build on money loaned from China they will be able to build a J20 just with the interest
the main problem is that the U.S. is way too focused on fighting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as funding those two wars. This is causing a failure in assessing and preparing for future threats that are not related to enemies who utilize mainly on guerrilla tactics, like the mujihadeen and insurgents use in Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. needs to be preparing itself for future conflicts with rapidly developing/modernizing countries. ie.) China for example
Reading this makes me wonder about the recent USAF strategy of retrofitting F-15C’s with the latest AN/APG-63 AESA radar (V(2)&V(3)) and basing them in Kadena with the idea of using these aircraft to “spot” attacking J-20′s and directing our few Raptors to intercept them.
The aforementioned Raytheon AESA systems operate in the X-band above 1 Gigahertz L-band, meaning that they should be equally blind to the frontal stealth shaping of the J-20 even with their longer range and ability to track smaller targets.
Attached is one of the latest photos released showing a very stealth profile with design cues taken straight from the F-22/F-35. The development of the J-20 has continued with several test flights occurring recently and more detailed images coming out.
The decision to build only 187 Raptors is looking more questionable everyday....
读了这我正怀疑最近美国空军升级F-15C和最近的AN/APG-63 AESA雷达(V2,V3)的策略,把他们部署在冲绳嘉手纳,用来稍微挡J-20一下并引导我们少得可怜的猛禽拦截它们.
上述的雷神AESA系统在超过1G hz的L波段中的x波段工作,意味者对着J-20正面基本就是个瞎子,即使采用高些的波段能看到更小的东西也没用.

Americans have a bad habit of lying - it's a well known cultural characteristic: the Chinese will keep quiet and the Americans will tell porkies.
As the world transitions from American to Chinese influence, the more the Chinese get used to our peculiar characteristics the better for a peaceful transition.
On a recent trip to Asia it was noticable how strong the Chinese influence already is and how much America is seen as yesterdays man. Chinese investment is everywhere

Figure Oblat is an anti-American Maoist supporter.
Dictatorship envy apparently.

If you travel as much as I do and meet as many Americans across all walks of life as I do you start to realize just how scared Americans are of China. The reason isn't the Chinese military, Americans feel powerless because they just can't compete economically. Across the continent you hear the same prayer - please god make the Chinese fail somehow. They alternate this with complaints on how unfair it is that the Chinese invest more in their industries in their education and work harder.
It will take a couple generations yet before America gets out of it's self-absorbed funk and relaise that if you don't play the game you lose. Right now the average American child wants to be a Celebrity ie grow up to be rich, lazy and stupid. It's the American dream.

China is so rich these days it could build 20,000 J20s and pay cash up front. And it just gets better for every JSF we build on money loaned from China they will be able to build a J20 just with the interest
the main problem is that the U.S. is way too focused on fighting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as funding those two wars. This is causing a failure in assessing and preparing for future threats that are not related to enemies who utilize mainly on guerrilla tactics, like the mujihadeen and insurgents use in Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. needs to be preparing itself for future conflicts with rapidly developing/modernizing countries. ie.) China for example
Reading this makes me wonder about the recent USAF strategy of retrofitting F-15C’s with the latest AN/APG-63 AESA radar (V(2)&V(3)) and basing them in Kadena with the idea of using these aircraft to “spot” attacking J-20′s and directing our few Raptors to intercept them.
The aforementioned Raytheon AESA systems operate in the X-band above 1 Gigahertz L-band, meaning that they should be equally blind to the frontal stealth shaping of the J-20 even with their longer range and ability to track smaller targets.
Attached is one of the latest photos released showing a very stealth profile with design cues taken straight from the F-22/F-35. The development of the J-20 has continued with several test flights occurring recently and more detailed images coming out.
The decision to build only 187 Raptors is looking more questionable everyday....
读了这我正怀疑最近美国空军升级F-15C和最近的AN/APG-63 AESA雷达(V2,V3)的策略,把他们部署在冲绳嘉手纳,用来稍微挡J-20一下并引导我们少得可怜的猛禽拦截它们.
上述的雷神AESA系统在超过1G hz的L波段中的x波段工作,意味者对着J-20正面基本就是个瞎子,即使采用高些的波段能看到更小的东西也没用.

Americans have a bad habit of lying - it's a well known cultural characteristic: the Chinese will keep quiet and the Americans will tell porkies.
As the world transitions from American to Chinese influence, the more the Chinese get used to our peculiar characteristics the better for a peaceful transition.
On a recent trip to Asia it was noticable how strong the Chinese influence already is and how much America is seen as yesterdays man. Chinese investment is everywhere

Figure Oblat is an anti-American Maoist supporter.
Dictatorship envy apparently.

If you travel as much as I do and meet as many Americans across all walks of life as I do you start to realize just how scared Americans are of China. The reason isn't the Chinese military, Americans feel powerless because they just can't compete economically. Across the continent you hear the same prayer - please god make the Chinese fail somehow. They alternate this with complaints on how unfair it is that the Chinese invest more in their industries in their education and work harder.
It will take a couple generations yet before America gets out of it's self-absorbed funk and relaise that if you don't play the game you lose. Right now the average American child wants to be a Celebrity ie grow up to be rich, lazy and stupid. It's the American dream.
乌拉咪咪 发表于 2011-5-19 15:59

    是的 所以美帝还是个很可怕的核要值得研究的敌人。。
山寨美帝体系是必不可少的,很好的学习模板。。不管航母船型 还是航母运作体系。






回复 24# camo

pkfe 发表于 2011-5-19 15:33
