
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/26 06:35:58


所以, 美国papa的图图充分说明 大丈夫了~~大家放心~~~
Fukushima update: Recovery efforts stalled, as hotspot concerns grow - March 30, 2011

After an eventful recent few days at the Fukushima Daichii nuclear power plant, which I've reported on here, and here last night --see "Radioactivity spreads in Japan", today has seen few major developments, and the situation remains very serious. The detection of radioactive hotspots outside of the evacuation zone is a growing concern, with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) tonight confirming hotspots Northwest of the plant where radioactivity is so high as to require urgent evacuation of people in the area.

Meanwhile, authorities trying to bring the reactors at the Fukushima Daichii plant under control are still battling with the same problems that since the weekend have prevented them from even beginning the critical task of reestablishing electrical supplies to the coolant systems of the plant's reactors 1 to 3. The basements of the reactors have been flooded with radioactive water, which in reactor 2 is so radioactive – with a dose rate of 1000mSv/h – that a few hours exposure would deliver a lethal dose. The problem is that while electricity has been restored to the control rooms, the cabling that needs to be connected to get electricity to, and restart, the reactors coolant systems, is in these basements. So workers are first having to pump out and clean out the basements before work on trying to stabilize the reactors can proceed.

Efforts are also being hampered by problems on other new fronts at the plant. As I reported yesterday in Nature, radioactive water has been found in trenches, outside of the reactor buildings, and less than 70 metres from the sea shore, raising the spectre of serious contamination of the sea and groundwater in the area. The dose rates at the trench adjacent to reactor 2 is also at a potentially lethal 1000mSv/h. The trenches in question are not what most people might think of as trenches; they are several metres wide and up to 15m deep, and they are filled to the brim. Workers are trying to pump the contaminated water from the trenches, and from the basement, into holding tanks, but may soon run out of space, and so the idea is being floated of digging a new containment vessel. To add to their worries, very low levels of plutonium have been found in the soil.

Fallout hotspots
In terms of the impact of fallout from the plant, the US Department of Energy last night released updated data from its aerial monitoring of the zone. Its maps show a continuing decline of ground radioactivity since its first survey on 17–19 March due to radioactive decay of short-lived isotopes such as I-131 -- they also suggest that there has not been a significant additional dump of radioisotopes since, despite continued emissions from the plant (see maps below). Its surveys are increasingly flying further outside of the 20km compulsory evacuation zone around the plant. It's picking up levels far higher than background more than 40 km from the plant, but assessed that these levels did not warrant evacuation, but did call for greater monitoring of agriculture and food in these regions.

IAEA tonight, however, reported results from new soil monitoring in localized hotspots outside of the zone which exceeded its evacuation criteria with iodine-131 levels as high as 25 megaBq/m2, and cesium-137 levels as high as 3.7 megaBq/m2 -- these hotspot readings are *very* high, as evacuation starts being considered at around a few hundred thousand Bq/m2 (and even a few thousand Bqs/m2 exceeds recommended contamination levels for growing green leafy vegetables). This emphasizes the need for extensive local soil sampling in addition to getting the big picture of the overall zone from aerial monitoring.

The high Bq/m2 readings above are obviously well above levels requiring evacuation. Formally, limits for evacuation are based on dose rates -- measured in Sieverts -- and not on radioactivity units of Bq/m2 or Bq/kg, though obviously dose is related to both the latter. IAEA guidelines recommend temporary evacuation from zones where people risk a dose of 30mSv/month, and permanent resettlement if the lifetime dose people would be exposed to is 1Sv. For more on the relation between dose and health effects see this table from the UK Health Protection Agency).

Hotspots result from the patchy distribution of fallout, which reflects the role of wind patterns and rainfall in washing out radioisotopes to the ground, and similar hotspots were observed after the Chernobyl accident. IAEA confirmed that the same is being observed at Fukushima:

"Based on measurements of I-131 and Cs-137 in soil, sampled from 18 to 26 March in 9 municipalities at distances of 25 to 58 km from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, the total deposition of iodine-131 and cesium-137 has been calculated. The results indicate a pronounced spatial variability of the total deposition of iodine-131 and cesium-137. The average total deposition determined at these locations for iodine-131 range from 0.2 to 25 Megabecquerel per square metre and for cesium-137 from 0.02-3.7 Megabecquerel per square metre."

On the coastal front, increased radioactivity near sea discharge points from the reactors was reported earlier this week by IAEA, citing Japanese data showing 74,000 Bq/l of I-131 and 12,000 Bq/l of Cs-134. Yesterday it reported,however, that levels had fallen to 11,000 and 1,900 respectively. Recommended maximum coastal discharges from nuclear power plants are typically lower than 4,000 Bq/l. Press reports today suggested that levels had increased again, though no concentrations in Bequerels were given. As IAEA rightly points out, however, reported levels could fluctuate considerably depending on discharge rates and the prevailing currents, so short-term changes in marine data should perhaps be taken with a pinch of salt.
福岛更新:恢复工作停滞不前,作为热点关注成长 - 2011年3月30日

经过忙碌的最近几天在福岛Daichii核电厂,我已经在这里报道,昨晚在这里 - 见“日本放射性散布”,今天已经看到一些重大发展,形势仍然十分严峻。对疏散区外的放射性热点检测正日益受到关注,与国际原子能总署(IAEA)今晚证实该工厂是如此之高放射性的地方,以要求在该地区人民的紧急疏散热点西北。

与此同时,当局试图把在福岛Daichii控制植物的反应堆仍在争夺相同的问题,自上周末以来已阻止甚至开始重塑电气用品到植物的反应堆1至3冷却系统中的关键任务他们。该反应堆已被水淹没的地下室与放射性水,在反应器等放射性2 - 兼对1000mSv剂量率/小时 - 这几个小时将一个接触提供一个致命的剂量。问题是,虽然电力已经恢复到控制室里,需要的布线连接到获得电力,并重新启动,反应堆冷却剂系统,在这些地下室的。因此,工人首先不得不抽出前清理工作的地下室,就是要稳定反应堆可以继续进行。

目前还正在努力通过在阻碍植物的其他问题,新的战线。正如我昨天在Nature报道,放射性物质的水已被发现在壕沟,外面的反应堆厂房,不到70米的海边,提高海洋和该地区的地下水受到严重污染的幽灵。在海沟附近反应堆2剂量率也处于潜在的致命1000mSv /小时发现有问题的战壕都不是一般人可能会认为是战壕,他们是数米到15米宽,深,他们得满满的边缘。工人们试图将泵从战壕被污染的水,从地下室,为控股坦克,但可能很快用完了空间,这样的想法正在挖一个新的容器的浮动。为了增加他们的担心,非常低的水平的钚已发现在土壤中。

鉴于后果从植物的影响而言,美国能源部昨晚公布从它的区域空中监测的最新数据。其地图显示,自第一次调查持续下降的地面辐射3月17-19日因如i - 131短寿命同位素放射性衰变 - 他们还认为,有没有一个显着的放射性同位素额外转储以来,尽管从工厂继续排放(见下图)。它的进一步调查,越来越多地飞行20公里左右的植物区外强制撤离。它的复苏水平远远高于背景40多公里的从植物高,但这些评估水平没有保证疏散,但没有更多地在这些地区的农业和食品监测的呼吁。

国际原子能机构今晚,然而,报告在局部热点的新土壤监测结果,从区外超出碘- 131水平的撤离标准,高达25 megaBq/m2,和铯-137含量高达3.7 megaBq/m2高 - 这些热点读数* *非常高,开始被疏散大约几十万Bq/m2(甚至几千元Bqs/m2增长超过建议绿叶蔬菜的污染程度)审议。这强调除了获得了从空中监测整个区域的大图片中的广泛当地土壤取样的需要。

高Bq/m2读数明显高于上述要求撤离的水平。在形式上,疏散限制剂量率的基础上 - 在Sieverts测量 - 而不是对Bq/m2或贝放射性单位/公斤,虽然明显的剂量有关,无论是后者。国际原子能机构指引建议暂时疏散区,人们面临一系列30mSv/month剂量,并永久定居的人,如果剂量的一生将面临的是1Sv。有关剂量和健康效应之间的关系更看到这个来自英国健康保护局表)。


“基于的I - 131和CS - 137的测量土壤,直辖市抽取9月18日至3月26日25至五十八公里距离从福岛核电厂,碘- 131共沉积和铯137的计算。结果表明了明显的碘-131,总沉积的空间变异性铯137。平均总沉积物在碘- 131的范围从0.2至25平方米Megabecquerel这些位置确定和铯137 0.02-3.7 Megabecquerel每平方米。“

在沿海方面,增加了近据报道,从本周早些时候,原子能机构的核反应堆放射性海排污口,称显示74,000贝可/升的I - 131和12000贝可/的铯一百三十四升日本数据。昨天该公司报告,但是,水平已经下降到11000和1900分别。建议的最大的核电站沿海排放通常低于4000贝可/升今日新闻报道表明,水平出现了再次增加,但在Bequerels没有给出浓度。由于原子能机构正确地指出,然而,报告水平可能大幅波动取决于放电率和当时的水流,海洋数据,以便在短期内改变也许应该用少许盐采取的。