中国朋友们,好消息:俄国为中国打造的第二艘956EM下水啦 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/25 17:33:43
<P>ST. PETERSBURG. July 23 (Interfax) - The Severnaya Verf Ship Plant has launched the second 956 EM destroyer, built for the Chinese navy, a source in the plant told Interfax.
The first destroyer for the Chinese navy was floated on April 27, 2004. </P>
<P>The contract to build two destroyers for China was signed by the Russian military export agency, Rosoboroneksport, in January 2002. The ships were to be handed over to the Chinese side in 2005-2006. The total value of the contract is $1.4 billion. </P>
<P>In 1999 and 2000, Severnaya Verf constructed two 965E destroyers for the Chinese navy. When the contracts for their construction were signed in November 1997, its value was over $1 billion. </P>
<P>The Severnaya Verf Ship Plant was founded in 1912. The plant has built over 400 ships and vessels. The plant produces military and commercial vessels for various purposes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-24 11:55:16编辑过]
<P>ST. PETERSBURG. July 23 (Interfax) - The Severnaya Verf Ship Plant has launched the second 956 EM destroyer, built for the Chinese navy, a source in the plant told Interfax.
The first destroyer for the Chinese navy was floated on April 27, 2004. </P>
<P>The contract to build two destroyers for China was signed by the Russian military export agency, Rosoboroneksport, in January 2002. The ships were to be handed over to the Chinese side in 2005-2006. The total value of the contract is $1.4 billion. </P>
<P>In 1999 and 2000, Severnaya Verf constructed two 965E destroyers for the Chinese navy. When the contracts for their construction were signed in November 1997, its value was over $1 billion. </P>
<P>The Severnaya Verf Ship Plant was founded in 1912. The plant has built over 400 ships and vessels. The plant produces military and commercial vessels for various purposes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-24 11:55:16编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-24 13:31:46编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-24 13:35:38编辑过]
<B>以下是引用<I>yase</I>在2004-7-24 15:46:00的发言:</B>

<P>July 23 </P><P>是新消息哈</P>[em01]
<P>1   同意11楼的观点!</P><P>2   呵呵!;老萧,作战系统是一个系统的说啊!比中国所有的舰艇逗号是不负责任的说法啊!系统是很多部分组成的说啊!不是说一个子系统好就是都好!!苏联的作战系统和我们的系统结构是完全不同的!比较很牵强啊!</P>
<B>以下是引用<I>萧少侠</I>在2004-7-24 11:54:00的发言:</B>

<P>ST. PETERSBURG. July 23 (Interfax) - The Severnaya Verf Ship Plant has launched the second 956 EM destroyer, built for the Chinese navy, a source in the plant told Interfax.
The first destroyer for the Chinese navy was floated on April 27, 2004. </P>
<P>The contract to build two destroyers for China was signed by the Russian military export agency, Rosoboroneksport, in January 2002. The ships were to be handed over to the Chinese side in 2005-2006. The total value of the contract is $1.4 billion. </P>
<P>In 1999 and 2000, Severnaya Verf constructed two 965E destroyers for the Chinese navy. When the contracts for their construction were signed in November 1997, its value was over $1 billion. </P>
<P>The Severnaya Verf Ship Plant was founded in 1912. The plant has built over 400 ships and vessels. The plant produces military and commercial vessels for various purpos</P>

<P>据Severnaya Verf 船厂网传(Interfax?)消息,为中国海军建造的第二艏956EM驱逐舰已经下水。此前,第一艘于04。A.27下水。为中国建造两艘驱逐舰的合同由俄军备出口局于2002.JAN签署。军舰2005到2006交付,合同总价14亿美刀。1999-2000,Severnaya Verf 船厂为中国海军建造了两艘956E舰,合同于97。11月签署,总价10亿美刀。Severnaya Verf 1912建厂,已建造各种用途的军用民用舰船逾400艘。</P>
<B>以下是引用<I>keke</I>在2004-7-24 21:28:00的发言:</B>


<B>以下是引用<I>yase</I>在2004-7-24 15:46:00的发言:</B>

<B>以下是引用<I>萧少侠</I>在2004-7-24 16:42:00的发言:</B>


<B>以下是引用<I>keke</I>在2004-7-24 21:28:00的发言:</B>


I agree with you.
<B>以下是引用<I>萧少侠</I>在2004-7-25 15:10:00的发言:</B>

好,到2006年海军阵容就不错啦,168、169、170、171、525、040若干,039七条、四条现代、KILO八条以上?  爽!
ding, ding, ding!!!
<P>(Interfax)圣彼得堡7月23日消息:据圣彼得堡Severnaya Verf船厂(日丹诺夫船厂,现俄罗斯北方造船厂)内部消息,该船厂已经开始为中国海军建造两艘现代级956EM驱逐舰中的第二艘。为中国海军建造的第一艘956EM驱逐舰已经于2004年4月27日下水。</P><P>为中国海军建造两艘现代级956EM驱逐舰的合同是由Rosoboroneksport,俄罗斯军事出口机构于2002年1月签订,定于2005至2006年交付给中方,合同总值14亿美元。</P><P>在1999至2000年,Severnaya Verf船厂曾为中国海军建造两艘现代级956E驱逐舰,该合同于1997年11月签订时,总值超过10亿美元。</P><P>Severnaya Verf船厂成立于1912年,建造过超过四百艘舰船,可建造各种军用和民用舰船。</P>[em05]