
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/25 07:59:48
美国人全副武装开着航母去救灾,真是个大笑话,天底下还有开航母去救灾的,到海地的士兵每人都一杆枪,你们是去救灾还是去抢劫?还是借救灾进行军事入侵?再往前 美国飓风,开着装甲车去救灾真是天大的笑话美式民主啊!
美国人及西方人永远想不明白解放军在广大人民群众中的地位!想不明白为什么不带枪去救灾!美国人全副武装开着航母去救灾,真是个大笑话,天底下还有开航母去救灾的,到海地的士兵每人都一杆枪,你们是去救灾还是去抢劫?还是借救灾进行军事入侵?再往前 美国飓风,开着装甲车去救灾真是天大的笑话美式民主啊!
茄头 发表于 2010-1-19 16:31

茄头 发表于 2010-1-19 16:31



爆米花 发表于 2010-1-19 16:32

    没报道,就不要想当然。2008 各地去了好几万防爆警察。
That's simple, they have no intention to relieve Haitians in disaster, they are going in to neutralize potential threats posed by locals against American citizens. It's a military operation to save Americans' lives.
刚刚风无意吹起 发表于 2010-1-19 16:33
现在 TG改进了 用几万防爆警察来防止趁火打劫,只突出PLA救灾。
人民网北5月18日电 《健康时报》记者赵安平、刘桥斌从北川抗灾前线发回消息
noboshi123 发表于 2010-1-19 16:38

why do you always use english? have problems with your chinese input tools?

Haiti earthquake: US paratroopers sensitive of phrases like 'occupying force'

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... ccupying-force.html
deam 发表于 2010-1-19 16:44

Nah, it's fucked up.

I'm already bored with the endless language switches in my input system.

Wear your guns on your back not your front, the American paratroopers waiting around at Port-au-Prince airport said they had been told.

The distinction may be academic for the city's three million-strong population who just want the soldiers to get out and start delivering aid but the world's richest power is clearly sensitive about phrases like "occupying force".
As been put by a British senior officer posted to Iraq, The existence of alliance in Iraq is not an occupation, it's a liberation.
“The Haitian economy is entirely dependent on foreign aid. … They produce nothing.  Zilch, zero, nada.  And it's been that way for the longest time.  You know, I have been to Haiti way back a long time ago when it was a cruise ship stop, Port-au-Prince.  And I've seen pictures of Haiti.  It is a devastatingly poor place and nothing has ever changed.”

http://www.bet.com/News/National ... E30-ADD40CBE0269%7D
US denies 'Haiti occupation'

http://english.aljazeera.net/new ... 11853210304808.html


Is US Haiti Rescue Mission An Invasion Or A Humanitarian Mission???

http://www.voxy.co.nz/politics/u ... -mission/1273/35468

deam 发表于 2010-1-19 16:37

5.12汶川治安巡逻防控、打击违法犯罪 基本上是交给了几万公安特警。他们毕竟专业,但新闻报道在出于某种目的没有 突出报道。这样就被某些别有用心的人无视了。
Now the press is showing a make-believe tendency to eat U.S. operation in Haiti alive.
noboshi123 发表于 2010-1-19 03:46


Go home US military: Haiti doesn't need anymore pain!

http://www.opednews.com/articles ... 352.html?show=votes
blueworld 发表于 2010-1-19 16:56


It's not just Haitian doctors, nurses and other first responders who are being blocked as the US takes control of the airport and uses it for evacuating foreign nationals and bring in US military, CARICOM is also blocked. Like during Katrina, there's no simultaneous rescue of rich and poor alike. It's Monday, six days after the earthquake hit and the bulk of Haiti's earthquake victims still await aid - have received no water, food, medicine, treatment or their areas sent significant search and rescue teams. The airport is being used to evacuate foreign nationals and bring in US military. These planes loaded with Haitian doctors and nurses and other first responders may have gone to the poorer areas, but are being turned back. The US has prioritized landing military and evacuating the privilege few in Haiti.
既非鬼又非人 发表于 2010-1-19 16:53

And no one dares to defy their statement openly.
No arms, no order!

Go home US military. Please. And take the UN occupation forces and the false aid NGOs with you. Take France with you and let them know Haitians want the Independence Debt back! Officially 50,000 corpses have been retrieved and the HLLN estimates are that perhaps 1/3rd of Port-au-Prince's 3 million people are dead. The US cannot provide rescue to the dead or relief to the survivors by the point of a gun. So leave.
Well you can shoot them in the mouth.

Let the 4 million Haitians in the Diaspora land in Haiti and take care of their own. Haitians doctors, nurses and public health officials hold up the public health system in New York and in Miami. We can go and give medical relief to our own in solidarity with individuals of good will, from all the races and nations, who will work directly with the Haitian government and us, the people of Haiti. Now that the US and Western countries have flown out their citizens, let us Haitians from abroad land in Haiti. Let us heal our people, our family, our homeland. Please go home President Obama, Clinton and Bush and take you're 10,000 US soldiers and your 9,000 soldiers and the NGOs and USAID with you. Kindly. Haiti doesn't need any military help or rescue. We are not in conflict with anyone. Haitians are not a violent people; history has shown that despite the media lies and racist propaganda. There's MORE violence in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, even in the United States than there is in Haiti . The Haitian civilian rescue teams who have been rescuing the earthquake victims have been doing a good job. They need our support, better equipment and supplies not Pentagon guns. Please hear us.
mhzd 发表于 2010-1-19 16:38



When the Haitians at the airport refused to give up their post to the US military, the US Southern Command went to President Preval and put a paper in front of him to sign giving them authority. Preval is NOT the Haitian government. The Prime Minister is alive and in the coming week we shall know how many of the legislators have survived. The authority given does not have the people's consent - a good indication of this is that the Haitians at the airport had to be forcibly removed. The Haitian Diaspora cannot reach their own. That's why I'm writing this to the world. Talking to the world.


When the Haitians at the airport refused to give up their post to the US military, the US Southern Command went to President Preval and put a paper in front of him to sign giving them authority. Preval is NOT the Haitian government. The Prime Minister is alive and in the coming week we shall know how many of the legislators have survived. The authority given does not have the people's consent - a good indication of this is that the Haitians at the airport had to be forcibly removed. The Haitian Diaspora cannot reach their own. That's why I'm writing this to the world. Talking to the world.

We ask every one who stand in solidarity with the nation of Haiti and the long suffering peoples of Haiti and the earthquake victims to talk to your representatives - this is a bipartisan invasion of the most fragile country at a time when its people need medical care and release from pain. How diabolical is it, that Obama sent it more pain? Talk to your representatives. They are acting in YOUR NAME. If we do not talk to them, they shall take us for fools and idiots and go ahead with their proposed genocidal plans of plunder and pillage Haiti in plain site, as opposed to how they were doing it before - behind the UN occupation and false organized benevolence. Go away please and release the airport so Haitians can land to do the necessary."