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Superstrong 'Buckypaper' Could Be Dream Material
Bill Kaczor, Associated Press

Oct. 17, 2008 -- It's called "buckypaper" and looks a lot like ordinary carbon paper, but don't be fooled by the cute name or flimsy appearance. It could revolutionize the way everything from airplanes to TVs are made.

Buckypaper is 10 times lighter but potentially 500 times stronger than steel when sheets of it are stacked and pressed together to form a composite. Unlike conventional composite materials, though, it conducts electricity like copper or silicon and disperses heat like steel or brass.

"All those things are what a lot of people in nanotechnology have been working toward as sort of Holy Grails," said Wade Adams, a scientist at Rice University.

That idea -- that there is great future promise for buckypaper and other derivatives of the ultra-tiny cylinders known as carbon nanotubes -- has been floated for years now. However, researchers at Florida State University say they have made important progress that may soon turn hype into reality.

Buckypaper is made from tube-shaped carbon molecules 50,000 times thinner than a human hair. Due to its unique properties, it is envisioned as a wondrous new material for light, energy-efficient aircraft and automobiles, more powerful computers, improved TV screens and many other products.

So far, buckypaper can be made at only a fraction of its potential strength, in small quantities and at a high price. The Florida State researchers are developing manufacturing techniques that soon may make it competitive with the best composite materials now available.

"If this thing goes into production, this very well could be a very, very game-changing or revolutionary technology to the aerospace business," said Les Kramer, chief technologist for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, which is helping fund the Florida State research.

The scientific discovery that led to buckypaper virtually came from outer space.

In 1985, British scientist Harry Kroto joined researchers at Rice for an experiment to create the same conditions that exist in a star. They wanted to find out how stars, the source of all carbon in the universe, make the element that is a main building block of life.

Everything went as planned with one exception.

"There was an extra character that turned up totally unexpected," recalled Kroto, now at Florida State heading a program that encourages the study of math, science and technology in public schools. "It was a discovery out of left field."

The surprise guest was a molecule with 60 carbon atoms shaped like a soccer ball. To Kroto, it also looked like the geodesic domes promoted by Buckminster Fuller, an architect, inventor and futurist. That inspired Kroto to name the new molecule buckminsterfullerene, or "buckyballs" for short.

For their discovery of the buckyball -- the third form of pure carbon to be discovered after graphite and diamonds -- Kroto and his Rice colleagues, Robert Curl Jr. and Richard E. Smalley, were awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1996.

Separately, Japanese physicist Sumio Iijima developed a tube-shaped variation while doing research at Arizona State University.

Researchers at Smalley's laboratory then inadvertently found that the tubes would stick together when disbursed in a liquid suspension and filtered through a fine mesh, producing a thin film -- buckypaper.

The secret of its strength is the huge surface area of each nanotube, said Ben Wang, director of Florida State's High-Performance Materials Institute.

"If you take a gram of nanotubes, just one gram, and if you unfold every tube into a graphite sheet, you can cover about two-thirds of a football field," Wang said.

Near-term uses for the buckypaper would be as electrodes for fuel cells, super capacitors and batteries, Wang said. Next in line, buckypaper could be a more efficient and lighter replacement for graphite sheets used in laptop computers to dissipate heat, which is harmful to electronics.

The long-range goal is to build planes, automobiles and other things with buckypaper composites. The military also is looking at it for use in armor plating and stealth technology.

"Our plan is perhaps in the next 12 months we'll begin maybe to have some commercial products," Wang said. "Nanotubes obviously are no longer just lab wonders. They have real world potential. It's real."这玩意儿比碳纤维更牛。中国有没有人研究?


Superstrong 'Buckypaper' Could Be Dream Material
Bill Kaczor, Associated Press

Oct. 17, 2008 -- It's called "buckypaper" and looks a lot like ordinary carbon paper, but don't be fooled by the cute name or flimsy appearance. It could revolutionize the way everything from airplanes to TVs are made.

Buckypaper is 10 times lighter but potentially 500 times stronger than steel when sheets of it are stacked and pressed together to form a composite. Unlike conventional composite materials, though, it conducts electricity like copper or silicon and disperses heat like steel or brass.

"All those things are what a lot of people in nanotechnology have been working toward as sort of Holy Grails," said Wade Adams, a scientist at Rice University.

That idea -- that there is great future promise for buckypaper and other derivatives of the ultra-tiny cylinders known as carbon nanotubes -- has been floated for years now. However, researchers at Florida State University say they have made important progress that may soon turn hype into reality.

Buckypaper is made from tube-shaped carbon molecules 50,000 times thinner than a human hair. Due to its unique properties, it is envisioned as a wondrous new material for light, energy-efficient aircraft and automobiles, more powerful computers, improved TV screens and many other products.

So far, buckypaper can be made at only a fraction of its potential strength, in small quantities and at a high price. The Florida State researchers are developing manufacturing techniques that soon may make it competitive with the best composite materials now available.

"If this thing goes into production, this very well could be a very, very game-changing or revolutionary technology to the aerospace business," said Les Kramer, chief technologist for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, which is helping fund the Florida State research.

The scientific discovery that led to buckypaper virtually came from outer space.

In 1985, British scientist Harry Kroto joined researchers at Rice for an experiment to create the same conditions that exist in a star. They wanted to find out how stars, the source of all carbon in the universe, make the element that is a main building block of life.

Everything went as planned with one exception.

"There was an extra character that turned up totally unexpected," recalled Kroto, now at Florida State heading a program that encourages the study of math, science and technology in public schools. "It was a discovery out of left field."

The surprise guest was a molecule with 60 carbon atoms shaped like a soccer ball. To Kroto, it also looked like the geodesic domes promoted by Buckminster Fuller, an architect, inventor and futurist. That inspired Kroto to name the new molecule buckminsterfullerene, or "buckyballs" for short.

For their discovery of the buckyball -- the third form of pure carbon to be discovered after graphite and diamonds -- Kroto and his Rice colleagues, Robert Curl Jr. and Richard E. Smalley, were awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1996.

Separately, Japanese physicist Sumio Iijima developed a tube-shaped variation while doing research at Arizona State University.

Researchers at Smalley's laboratory then inadvertently found that the tubes would stick together when disbursed in a liquid suspension and filtered through a fine mesh, producing a thin film -- buckypaper.

The secret of its strength is the huge surface area of each nanotube, said Ben Wang, director of Florida State's High-Performance Materials Institute.

"If you take a gram of nanotubes, just one gram, and if you unfold every tube into a graphite sheet, you can cover about two-thirds of a football field," Wang said.

Near-term uses for the buckypaper would be as electrodes for fuel cells, super capacitors and batteries, Wang said. Next in line, buckypaper could be a more efficient and lighter replacement for graphite sheets used in laptop computers to dissipate heat, which is harmful to electronics.

The long-range goal is to build planes, automobiles and other things with buckypaper composites. The military also is looking at it for use in armor plating and stealth technology.

"Our plan is perhaps in the next 12 months we'll begin maybe to have some commercial products," Wang said. "Nanotubes obviously are no longer just lab wonders. They have real world potential. It's real."


  报道说,buckypaper的缺点在于造价昂贵,目前只能在实验室中小批量生产,而且在强度等方面还没有达到理想的程度。科研人员因此希望能尽快完善生产技术,使buckypaper的生产成本迅速降低,尽快达到与目前最好的合成材料竞争的程度。 (责任编辑:马涛


中国科学院成都有机化学研究所,现大量供应各种规格碳纳米管。包括: 单壁碳纳米管 8-15nm多壁碳纳米管,纳米碳管 10-20nm多壁碳纳米管,纳米碳管 20-30nm多壁碳纳米管,纳米碳管 30-50nm多壁碳纳米管,纳米碳管 >50nm多壁碳纳米管,纳米碳管 羟基化碳纳米管,纳米碳管 羧基化碳纳米管,纳米碳管 水溶性的碳纳米管,纳米碳管~~~ 价格优惠,欢迎来电咨询
原帖由 超级邮箱 于 2009-1-8 11:08 发表

其实这种东西现在已经有了,我国也有,这就是前一段时间“纳米碳管”技术,纳米碳管具有多项优异性能,有终极纤维之称(UltimateJibe ...

这玩意国内也有研究小组做的,但是这个东西离实用还早呢,:Q ,价格可是相当的贵啊!
;P 性能很好,价格比黄金贵,等于没说一样
碳纳米管材料,每公斤几百万。;P ;P

巴克纸  据10月20日报道,一种特殊的碳纳米管薄层极可能成为未来广泛使用的重要制造材料,这种薄层看起来非常像通常的碳纤维纸,人们也把它叫做“巴克纸”。但不要被它可爱的名字和薄薄的外表所欺骗,它实际上是一种革命性的材料,是用仅有人的头发五万分之一重量的分子制造的,是纳米技术优势的重要体现。
  巴克纸具有许多无与伦比的特性。它重量轻,硬度高。与同样体积的钢相比,它只有十分之一的重量;如果把巴克纸叠起来压紧,形成一种复合材料,它要比钢硬500倍。但巴克纸具有不同于传统复合材料的特点,它能象硅或铜那样导电,也能象钢和黄铜那样散热。莱斯大学的科学家Wade Adams说:“对于纳米技术行业的人来说,这些特性就象是耶稣的圣杯一样重要。” 由于巴克纸的独有特性,它被视为制作既轻巧又节能的产品的理想材料,它可以用于生产飞行器、汽车、更快的计算机、质量更好的电视屏幕等等产品。
  运用巴克纸和其它衍生产品制造产品,这种想法已经有一段时间了。但现在生产的巴克纸仅有其理论硬度的几十分之一,而且生产量小,价格昂贵。佛罗里达州立大学的研究者表示,他们正在开发有关生产技术,并在这方面取得了重要进展,很快就可以把设想变成现实,使巴克纸能够现在的复合材料相媲美。洛克希德马丁导弹与火控公司的首席技术师Les Kramer说;“如果这种材料能够投入生产,这对于航空工业来说,绝对是一个革命性的、改变行业格局的技术。”洛克希德公司目前也正在资助佛罗里达州立大学研究所的有关研究工作。
  巴克纸不是寻常之物,它的诞生跟外太空有不解之缘。1985年,英国科学家Harry Kroto加入莱斯大学的研究团队,进行碳研究的有关实验,希望能找出为什么碳是所有生命基本元素的原因。由于宇宙中所有的碳都来自于恒星,研究队伍试图在实验室中创造出与恒星同样的环境,寻找恒星是如何生成碳的。所有的实验都按计划进行,但出现了一个意外情况。Kroto说:“在实验中我们发现了一个新的现像,这是完全出乎意料的,这是一个以前从未探索过的领域。”这个不期而遇的“客人”具有象足球一样的形体,由一个分子和60个原子组成。对于Kroto而言,它就象巴克明斯特-福勒描述的“大地穹形”。福勒是著名的建筑家、发明家和未来学家。这给了Kroto灵感,他把这个新的分子形体命名为巴克明斯特富勒烯,简称为“巴克球”。发现巴克球意义非常重大,因为这是继石墨和金刚石之后,世界上所发现的第三种纯碳。Kroto和他的同事Robert Curl Jr.、Richard E. Smalley因此获得了1996年诺贝尔化学奖。与此同时,日本物理学家饭岛澄男在亚利桑那大学做实验时,也独立发现了一个管状的变体。后来,Smalley实验室的研究人员在实验中,不经意地发现该管状体在液体悬浮液中散开后能够黏在一起,在经过一种细筛孔过滤后,就形成了一个薄层――巴克纸。佛罗里达大学高级材料学院主任Ben Wang说,巴克纸具有惊人的硬度是因为每个纳米碳管的表面积非常大。Wang说:“如果你拿了一克的纳米碳管,只要一克,然后你把每个碳管展开,它可以覆盖三分之二的足球场。” 但科学家们在实验中发现了一个影响巴克纸硬度的问题,那就是碳管粘合的角度非常古怪,从而降低了巴克纸的硬度。Wang和他的研究人员找到了一个解决办法:把碳管放到强磁场里,这样绝大多数的碳管就按一个方向排列,因此就提高了黏合的力量。另外还有一个问题是这些碳管极其光滑,很难用环氧基树脂把它们黏合在一起。研究人员正在想办法在碳管的表层制造一些缺损,以此提高黏合度。