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Therefore, the imperfect cloak, even with its parameters deviated far from the ideal parameters, still can be made completely invisible with the monostatic detection as long as it satisfied the impedance requirement.”

Since almost all current radars belong to the monostatic class, Chen explained that this research can offer a more realistic alternative for engineers. In the future, applications of invisible cloaks could include military uses such as making planes and weapons invisible to radar, enabling the possibility of looking out walls as if they were windows, and hiding ugly factories for aesthetic reasons.
原帖由 railgun 于 2007-10-20 20:24 发表

ms最近物理学界对隐身很感兴趣阿,去年还有一个被评为nature年度十大的,用 ...


Electromagnetic Wave Interactions with a Metamaterial Cloak
Hongsheng Chen, Bae-Ian Wu, Baile Zhang, and Jin Au Kong
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 063903 (2007)
Cited 1 times
查到这个文章了,的确是浙大的Hongshen Chen。这个杂志这么牛,7点几,比我发的高一倍,大概真的是牛人了……

原帖由 红水兵 于 2007-10-20 20:56 发表

而且文章的确发表在全球顶尖的物理学杂志上。真实性已经不用怀疑 ...

原帖由 逍遥 于 2007-10-20 21:00 发表
查到这个文章了,的确是浙大的Hongshen Chen。这个杂志这么牛,7点几,比我发的高一倍,大概真的是牛人了……
原帖由 railgun 于 2007-10-20 21:10 发表



原帖由 逍遥 于 2007-10-20 21:10 发表

另外,我觉得楼主可以修改帖子名字了,呵呵。这不是一般的小杂志,虽然不一 ...
原帖由 balzac 于 2007-10-20 21:14 发表


原帖由 逍遥 于 2007-10-20 21:13 发表


原帖由 逍遥 于 2007-10-20 21:23 发表

原帖由 balzac 于 2007-10-20 21:14 发表

衣服透明化的设备早就有了:D ~

原帖由 红水兵 于 2007-10-20 21:26 发表

去就去lilybbs.net 物理系版看吧,超大不支持pdf

原帖由 逍遥 于 2007-10-20 21:23 发表

原帖由 railgun 于 2007-10-20 21:29 发表
去就去lilybbs.net 物理系版看吧,超大不支持pdf


原帖由 逍遥 于 2007-10-20 21:31 发表

week ending
PRL 99, 063903 (2007) 10 AUGUST 2007
Electromagnetic WaveInteractionswithaMetamaterial Cloak
1,2, 2 2 1,2
Hongsheng Chen, * Bae-Ian Wu, Baile Zhang, and Jin Au Kong
The Electromagnetics Academy at Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
(Received 19 January 2007; published 6 August 2007)
We establish analytically the interactions of electromagnetic wave with a general class of spherical
section is absolutely zero, but for a cloak with a specific type of loss, only the backscattering is exactly
zero, which indicates the cloak can still be rendered invisible with a monostatic (transmitter and receiver
in the same location) detection. Furthermore, we show that for a cloak with imperfect parameters the
bistatic (transmitter and receiver in different locations) scattering performance is more sensitive tot
p pt=t than nttt.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.063903 PACS numbers: 42.25.Fx, 41.20.Jb
Recently, invisibility cloaking has received much atten- lossofgenerality,weassumetheinnersphere(r<R1)has
tion [1–11]. The design process for the cloak is mostly a permittivity of1 and permeability of1. The cloak
based on a coordinate transformation [4]. An optical con- (R1 <r<R2) is a kind of rotationally uniaxial media
formal mapping method has also been used for the design characterized by
of a medium that creates perfect invisibility in the ray

tracing limit [6]. The design approach in Ref. [4] startedrrtr^r^tIrrtr^r^tI;
from Maxwell’s equations, which indicated such cloaking (1)
should be effective at all frequencies. Cummeret al. dem-
onstratedthefullwavecylindricalcloakingbutwithpurely where I r^r^^^^^ ,t andt are the permittivity
numerical calculations that donot provide asmuch insight and permeability along the^ and^ direction,rr and
into the physicsas ananalytical approach [2].The analyti-rr are the permittivity and permeability along the r^
cal demonstrations reported so far are mostly in the geo- direction, and both of them are functions of r
metricalopticslimitorintheelectrostaticormagnetostatic expressions for the wave propagation inside the cloak are
limit [4–6]. Since both of the two limiting cases include firststudied.Forsourcefreecases,wedecomposethefields
approximationsinMaxwell’stheory,itisverynecessaryto into TE and TM modes (with respect to r^) by introducing
demonstrate analytically whether perfect invisibility, the scalar potentials,TM andTE:
which can be characterized by a zero cross section, is

achievable under any wavelength condition. Furthermore, BTM 5r^TM;
none of the methods reported in [4–6] provides analytical
solutions on how sensitive the nonideal cloaks are to the DTM f5 5r^TMg;i!
materialperturbationsaswellashowgoodthecloaksarein (2)
terms of bistatic scattering. BTE f5 5r^TEg;i!
In this Letter, the interactions of electromagnetic wave
with the cloaks are analytically established based on a full DTE 5r^TE:
wave Mie scattering model [12–14]. Since the cloak is
Using Eqs. (1) and (2) and after some algebraic manipula-
both anisotropic and inhomogeneous [4], the Mie scatter-
tions,wecan obtain thewave equations for and :
ing theory isextended tobeapplicable tothis special case, TM TE
and then the analytical expressions of the electromagnetic
that for an ideal cloak with the parameters specified in
Ref. [4], the total scattering cross section is absolutely
zero. Furthermore, the performance and sensitivity of the
cloak with nonideal parameters are quantitatively calcu-
lated and the physics behind the phenomenon are
Figure1showsthatanEx polarizedplanewavewithunit
amplitude, Ei xe^ , is incident upon the coated sphere
alongthez^direction.k0 !00 isthewavenumberin FIG. 1. Configuration of scattering of plane wave by a spherei!t
air. The time dependence of e is suppressed. Without coated with a cloak.
0031-9007=07=99(6)=063903(4) 063903-1 (C) 2007 The American Physical Society
week ending
PRL 99, 063903 (2007) 10 AUGUST 2007
    1 @2 1 @ @ 1 @2 cosX
cM sinTM fdn  nktrR1
2 2 2 2 2SR @r r sin @ @ r sin @ ! n
1M 1
2fnkrRgPcos; kt 0; (3) n t 1 nSR (9)
cN fdn  krR
TE n t 1
where kt !tt; (SR) denotes the anisotropic ratio of nN
the cloak, for TM wave,SRt=r, and for TE wave,fng 1
n kt r R1 Pn cos ;SRt=r. Using the separation of variables methodni2n1 p
and assuming frgh, we get h as har- where an nn1 , n 1;2;3;...,00=0,im
monic functions: h e , g as associated pMNMNMN
k ! . Tn , Tn , dn , dn , fn , and fn are
m 1 1 1
Legendre polynomials: g Pncos, and fr as the
unknown expansion coefficients.  n,n andn
solution of the following equation:
represent the Riccati-Bessel functions of the first, the@2 nn1 second, and the third kind, respectively [15]. Using
  ktSR fr 0: (4) Eq. (2), the electromagnetic fields in the three regions
2 2
@r r
can be expanded in terms of the corresponding scalar
potentials [16]. By applying the boundary conditions at
If we take the parameters suggested in [4]:t0 R , the surface, we can get four equations at r R and four
2 R1 1
2 2rR1 R2rR1rt 2 ,t0 , andrt 2 , then equations at r R2. Note that there are two equations at
r R2R1 r
r r R1 given by:
for both TE and TM modes, we getSR 2 .rR1tNNN
Therefore, the solution of Eq. (4)is
  cn  nk1R1 dn  n0fnn0 (10)1
  fr ktrR1bnktrR1; (5)tMMM
  cn  nk1R1 dn  n0fnn0: (11)1
where bn is the spherical Bessel function. From the above
analysis, we see that the solutions of Eq. (3) in the cloak We see  n0 0 andn0 is an infinite term for all
layer are composed of a superposition of Bessel functions, n 1.Sincethefieldinthehiddensphereshouldbefinite,
associatedLegendrepolynomials,andharmonicfunctions. N M
fn and fn must be kept zero. We see the field in the
hidden object is decoupled with those in the other regions.
cal surface, the incident fields are expanded in terms of
From the other four equations at the boundary of r R2,
spherical harmonics. With the solutions of Eq. (3) for the
we can calculate the following coefficients:
cloak layer, we can get the scalar potentials, respectively,
0 0
for the incident fields (r>R2), the scattered fields (r>M n 0 n t t 0 n 0 n t
  Tn (12)
0 0
R2), the internal fields (r<R1), and the fields of the cloakn0 ntt=0n0 nt
layer (R1 <r<R2), to be of the form:
0 0
   =  N n 0 n t t 0 n 0 n t

  Tn (13)
cosX 0 0
i 1n0 ntt=0n0 nt a  k rPcos;
TM n n 0 n
(6) i =
sinXM t 0
i 1
  dn a (14) a  k rPcos; n 0 0
TE n n 0 n  =
!0 n n 0 n t t 0 n 0 n t
i =N t 0
  dn an 0 0 ; (15)
cosX n 0 n t 0 t n 0 n t
sM 1 a Tnk rPcos;
TM n n 0 n
! p
n where0 k0R2,t ktR2R1, andtt=t.If
R2 R2
sinX (7)t ,t , thent ,t .
sN 1 0 R2R1 0 R2R1 0 0 a Tnk rPcos;
TE n n 0 n
!0 n Using the Wronskians for the spherical pairs of solutions,
the above four equations are simplified to be:MNM tN t

  Tn Tn 0;dn an;dn an:
intM 100 cn  k rPcos;
TM n 1 n
n (16)
intN 1 It is very interesting to see that the scattering coefficients, cn  k rPcos;
TE n 1 n
!0 n TMN
n andTn ,areequaltozero.Theexactlyzeroscattered
week ending
PRL 99, 063903 (2007) 10 AUGUST 2007

10 tan( )=0.01
1.5 δ
z 0 0 10
-1 -10
-1 0 1
x x
FIG. 2 (color online). Ex field distribution and Poynting vec- 10  
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
tors due to an Ex polarized plane wave incidence onto an ideal
Scattering angle (degree)
cloak with R1 0:50 and R20.
FIG. 3 (color online). Normalized differential cross sections
field indicates the reflectionless behavior of the perfect for a cloak (R1 0:50, R20) with a specified loss tangent
cloak [4]. It should be noted that our mathematical dem- introduced in each component of the permittivity and perme-
onstration is applicable to any wavelength condition. ability. The inset shows the Ex field for the case of tan 0:1.
Figure 2 shows the calculated electric fields and the
Poynting vectors due to an Ex polarized plane wave inci-MN
Tn Tn , andnnj180], which is very
dence onto a cloak with R1 0:50 and R20 (0
different from conventional scattering from regular parti-
denotes the wavelength in free space). We see that the
cles [12]. The calculated field distribution in the xz plane
hidden object is completely hide from the waves, corrob-
for the spherical cloak with tan 0:1 (Fig. 3, inset) is
orating the effectiveness of the cloak proposed in [4].
similar to the simulation results of a cylindrical cloak with
There is no on-axis ray problem [4] here since the
the same type of loss [2]. However, our analytical calcu-
Poynting power becomes zero as the field penetrate deep
lation showsthat only the spherical cloak in this particular
into the cloak [2].
lossy case exhibits exactly zero backscattering. This
The most interesting thing is that Eqs. (12)–(15)give
unique property of the spherical cloak indicates the
further information. For example, it is known that loss is
cloaked object can stillcompletely hide from amonostatic
often an important issue. When the electric and magnetic
loss tangents are introduced, the scattering coefficients radar detection.MN Since the constitutive parameters for a perfect cloak are
Tn and Tn become nonzero. In Fig. 3, we plot the
very difficult to realize, nonideal material parameters are
bistatic scattering as a function of the scattering angle
more often used in the measurements [1,2]. Hence, it is
for the loss tangent of 0.01, 0.1, and 1, respectively. The
vertical axis represents the normalized differential cross
2 2
jS1j jS2j quantitatively affect the performance of the cloak. We
sections, 2 2 , 2 2 , where S1 and S2 are defined
k R k R
0 2 0 2
calculate the normalized scattering cross section Qsca
by [12]:
2 PM 2N 2
2 n2n1jTn j jTn j ast changes underk R
X2n1MN 0 2
  S1TnnTnn; three cases: (Case I) keept0 RR constant; (Case
nn1 2 1
n p
(17) II) keep the impedancett=t0 constant; and
X2n1MN q
tt R2
S2TnnTnn: (Case III) keep the refractive index nt
00 R2 R1
constant. The results are shown in Fig. 4(a), where the
In the above two equationsn andn are related to horizontal axist is normalized by the ideal parameter
Pncos R2
the associated Legendre functions byn sin0 R .Weseethat whent isequal totheideal parame-
2 R1
andn d ,respectively[15].Fortheconfigu- ter, the correspondingt in the three cases are all equal to
ration shown in Fig. 1, S1 and S2 represent the0 R , and Qsca is equal to 0, meaning the cloak is
2 R1
scattering patterns in the yz and xz planes, respectively.
perfect. Whent slightly changed from the ideal parame-M
ThetwocurvesofS1andS2overlapbecauseTn ter, Qsca in Case I and Case II increase from zero moreN
Tn .FromFig.3weseethatthescattered powerincreases rapidlythanthatinCaseIII.ThisisbecauseinCaseIII,the
as the loss increases. A more interesting phenomenon is refractive index is kept constant, and the direction of
that the backscattering magnitude is always zero [because Poynting vector inside the cloak is mostly close to the
week ending
PRL 99, 063903 (2007) 10 AUGUST 2007

(a)5 0,andthematerial parameters inthehiddenobject giveno
case I contribution to the outside field. If some perturbations are
case II introduced in the relationship of the radial and transverse
case III
material parameters, the solution of Eqs. (4) should be
revisited, and the interaction of the outside field with the
Qsca hidden object cannot be omitted.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated the interactions of
the electromagnetic wave with the cloaks by rigorously
solving Maxwell equations in the spherical coordinate
system. The fields and bistatic scattering cross section of

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 a general class of cloaks (ideal and nonideal) have been
t quantitatively solved by the full wave scattering method.
The physics behind the invisibility of the cloak has been
1 interpreted. Our method was shown to be computational
efficient, which is very useful for cloak design and
0.5 applications.
This work was supported by the Chinese NSF under
z0 Grant No. 60531020, the China PSF under Grant
No. 20060390331, and the ONR under Contract
No. N00014-01-1-0713.
-1 0 1
*Corresponding author.
FIG. 4 (color online). (a) Normalized scattering cross section
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R2 [2] S.A. Cummer et al., Phys. Rev. E 74, 036621 (2006).
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2 R1
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:victory: :victory:
原帖由 zwgy20 于 2007-10-20 21:50 发表
简单的说就是通过材料的分子级微结 ...


原帖由 zwgy20 于 2007-10-20 21:50 发表
简单的说就是通过材料的分子级微结 ...
原帖由 railgun 于 2007-10-20 22:04 发表

原帖由 zwgy20 于 2007-10-20 21:50 发表
