
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/20 16:18:42

北京(Kyodo) 中国非官方地抗议日本计划本月末庆祝皇帝Akihito 的生日在互换协会在台北, 日本的事实上外交代表机构在台湾, 外交来源星期三说。 一这样庆祝在台湾将举行12月12 日。 大约600 前导数字在政治和经济圈子, 包括台湾内阁成员和ruling 赞成独立民主党进步党的高级官员, 将出席。 一位官员在中国外交部认为协会, 是一个私有组织, 不应该主持通常举行在外交代表机构的仪式。 协会决定举行仪式以回应架置电话从日本生活那里。它上个月送了邀请。 使馆计划庆祝皇帝的生日在12月17 日。但资深中国政府官员不能出席在抗议在移动在台湾。 日本时代: 版权所有12月4, 2003 年(c)
Birthday party for Emperor in Taiwan displeases China

BEIJING (Kyodo) China has unofficially protested Japanese plans to celebrate Emperor Akihito's birthday later this month at the Interchange Association in Taipei, Japan's de facto diplomatic mission in Taiwan, diplomatic sources said Wednesday.

The first such festivities in Taiwan will be held Dec. 12.

Around 600 leading figures in political and economic circles, including Taiwanese Cabinet members and senior officials of the ruling pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, will attend.

An official at the Chinese Foreign Ministry said the association, which is a private organization, should not be hosting ceremonies that are usually held at diplomatic missions.

The association decided to hold the ceremony in response to mounting calls from Japanese living there. It sent the invitations last month.

The embassy is planning to celebrate the Emperor's birthday on Dec. 17. But senior Chinese government officials may not attend in protest at the move in Taiwan.

The Japan Times: Dec. 4, 2003

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-15 16:13:20编辑过]

北京(Kyodo) 中国非官方地抗议日本计划本月末庆祝皇帝Akihito 的生日在互换协会在台北, 日本的事实上外交代表机构在台湾, 外交来源星期三说。 一这样庆祝在台湾将举行12月12 日。 大约600 前导数字在政治和经济圈子, 包括台湾内阁成员和ruling 赞成独立民主党进步党的高级官员, 将出席。 一位官员在中国外交部认为协会, 是一个私有组织, 不应该主持通常举行在外交代表机构的仪式。 协会决定举行仪式以回应架置电话从日本生活那里。它上个月送了邀请。 使馆计划庆祝皇帝的生日在12月17 日。但资深中国政府官员不能出席在抗议在移动在台湾。 日本时代: 版权所有12月4, 2003 年(c)
Birthday party for Emperor in Taiwan displeases China

BEIJING (Kyodo) China has unofficially protested Japanese plans to celebrate Emperor Akihito's birthday later this month at the Interchange Association in Taipei, Japan's de facto diplomatic mission in Taiwan, diplomatic sources said Wednesday.

The first such festivities in Taiwan will be held Dec. 12.

Around 600 leading figures in political and economic circles, including Taiwanese Cabinet members and senior officials of the ruling pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, will attend.

An official at the Chinese Foreign Ministry said the association, which is a private organization, should not be hosting ceremonies that are usually held at diplomatic missions.

The association decided to hold the ceremony in response to mounting calls from Japanese living there. It sent the invitations last month.

The embassy is planning to celebrate the Emperor's birthday on Dec. 17. But senior Chinese government officials may not attend in protest at the move in Taiwan.

The Japan Times: Dec. 4, 2003

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-15 16:13:20编辑过]

北京 (Kyodo) 中国在日本台北 de 事实上的交换协会在台湾的外交任务这月已经非正式地日本计划庆祝皇帝 Akihito's 的生日比较迟的,外交的来源星期三说。

台湾的第一如此的欢宴将会被拿着十二月 12 日。

600 领先左右政治上的和经济的圆周身材, 包括台湾内阁成员和统治的亲独立的民主前进的宴会资深的官员,将会叁加。

一位官员在中国外交部说协会不应该是通常在外交的任务被捉住的主机租贷典礼, 是一个私人的组织。

协会决定在那里在来自日本生活的架设呼叫之后支撑典礼。 它上个月送了邀请。

大使馆在十二月 17 日正在计划庆祝皇帝的生日。 但是资深的中国政府官员在台湾的移动抗议中不可能叁加。

日本时报: 2003 年十二月 4 日
