
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/24 15:58:41
<p>外国人如何看待中国国力强大(转自BBC)&nbsp; </p><p>英语网友意见:<br/>  <br/>  <br/>  It will be unfair to associate China with any form of terror or fear just becos America consider her a threat,China is an out standing opportunity that any aspiring country should look onto,Democracy or commu offers no perfection for mankind,America should brave the shame to see other form of goverments works out the much talked about democracy <br/>  翻译:只因为美国认为中国是个威胁就把中国同任何形式的恐惧和担忧联系起来不公平,中国代表着机会,任何希望发展的国家都可以效仿,民主或者共产主义都不会为人类提供完美的解决办法,看到其他形式的政府能够起到预期效果,美国应该感到耻辱。 <br/>  <br/>  Richard Isibor, 尼日利亚 拉各斯 <br/>  <br/>  The PRC today is not yet a superpower, but it would be in 30-40 years. There is some chance that China in 2040 would be an aggressive superpower, but there is a greater chance that it would not be. <br/>  The empirical indicators of democratic progress are not always observable in linear dimension. For many years, South Korea and had only rudimentary indications of democratic progress.<br/>  翻译:中华人民共和国还没有变成超级大国,但是30-40年以后会。中国也可能在2040年成为一个咄咄逼人的超级大国,但是不会成为这样的可能性更大。<br/>  经验表明民主化进程不总是直线发展。多年来韩国的民主进步指标也很初级。 <br/>  <br/>  Jeff church,美国洛杉矶 <br/>  <br/>  Regarding China, if you're worried about Taiwan and Tibet, please thinking about all the colonies and territories that the western nations have occupied and are still occupying. If you're worried about human rights, look back to the ruthlessness of the colonists in the 17-19th century. Which developed nation did not go through a tumultuous past? It took America more than 100 years just to emancipate slaves! Compare that to China's less than 60 years' of independence. <br/>  翻译:关于中国,如果你担心台湾和西藏,请想象西方国家曾经占领过的,并且仍然占领的殖民地和属地,回顾一下17-19世纪殖民者的残酷。哪个发展中国家没有动乱的历史?美国花了一般多年才解放了奴隶!比较之下中国独立才有不到60年的历史。 <br/>  <br/>  Richard, 美国新泽西州 <br/>  <br/>  China has been a powerful country for the most part of the past three thousand years. China is now rising again. Why is that so surprising to people? History is the best evidence. The rise of China is just a matter of when, not if. Plus, do you want $100 jeans? Do you want $200 shoes? Do you want $3000 computers? If the answeres are NO, you'd better thank China and appreciate the benefits that it brings to your daily life. <br/>  翻译:中国在过去3000年历史中大部分时间当中都是个强大的国家。中国现在再次崛起,为什么人们会感到如此奇怪?历史是最好的证明。中国崛起只是个时间问题,而不是是否能崛起的问题。另外,你希望卖100美元一条的牛仔裤,200美元一双鞋,3000美元的电脑吗?如果不愿意,你必须要感谢中国,感谢中国为你日常生活做出的贡献。 <br/>  <br/>  Lawrence, 美国德克萨斯 <br/>  <br/>  OK. With much respect have you people been to China? Have you lived in China? Have you met and worked in China. Please don't pass comments on the news media you read. Talk about experience and facts. I am not talking about the little English teacher. I am referring to Government officials and Execs. China has a long, long way to go. It is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. <br/>  翻译:好吧,但是诸位都去过中国没有?在中国生活过没有?见过中国和在中国工作过。请不要读过媒体报道就发表评论。要谈自己的经历和事实。我不是指那些英语教师。我是指政府官员和商业经理。中国还要走很长的路。中国是世界上最腐败的国家之一。 <br/>  <br/>  Derek Allen, 英国 <br/>  <br/>  I am happy for the Chinese people that their economy, and therefore their prosperity, is growing. I am sure that they have worked very hard for it and deserve it. <br/>  However, I enjoy living in the UK and under UK/EU Law and I do not want China imposing its values (as they currently stand) on us in the future. In particular, I dislike the Chinese governments controls on religion. However, I pray that things will change there and that they become a more open minded society. <br/>  我为中国人民感到高兴,因为他们的经济增长,他们也更加繁荣。我肯定他们都很勤劳,他么应该繁荣。不过我喜欢生活在英国,生活在英国和欧盟的法律下,不喜欢将来中国把自己的价值(如目前中国的价值)强加给我们。我特别不喜欢中国政府控制宗教。不过我祈祷,希望情况会有所改变,而且中国会成为一个更加开放的社会。 <br/>  <br/>  Lee, 英国德比郡 <br/>  <br/>  As a chinese person living in the U.S, I'd much rather prefer the U.S being a world power than china. The corruption prevalent in all levels of government there is almost unimaginable. Then again, china probably won't become as powerful as people might think. Not with the state of peasant unrest (nearly every fall of a dynasty/era in china was due to peasant rebellion)and a myriad of other issues that would obstruct her rise to power. <br/>  作为生活在美国的华人,我更愿意美国成为世界强国,而不是中国。中国各级政府的腐败超乎想象。不过中国可能不会变成人们认为的那么强大,一个农面骚乱的国家不会强大(中国历代王朝结束都是因为农民反叛),一大堆其他问题也会阻碍中国成为强国。 <br/>  <br/>  Jia Li Xian, 美国 <br/>  <br/>  Why is it that whenever a country, other than the US or Western Europe, makes progress and develops economically and militarily it becomes too powerful or too influencial and has to be checked, according to Western Europe and the US?<br/>  翻译:为什么美国和西欧以外的国家,不管是哪个国家一取得进步,经济上和军力上取得发展,对美国和西欧来说,就会成为太强大,太有影响力,必须得被遏制? <br/>  <br/>  Nyakairu, 美国 <br/>  <br/>  The US has been trying to portray the Chinese as a government which doesn't respect human rights and treat people fairly. Hello! The US has tortured people across the world, Abu Graip, Guanatamo Bay, keeps people in prison without trail, abortion bans. I think you get the picture. The US should stop portraying itself as a Saint and labelling every one else as Demon.<br/>  翻译:美国一直说中国是个不尊重人权的政府,不公平对待自己的人民!喂!美国在全世界对人们用刑,伊拉克的阿布格雷布监狱,关塔那摩拘留营,不经审判拘禁人,禁止堕胎。这样你就知道大概了。美国应该停止把自己说成圣徒,把其他人说成是魔鬼。 <br/>  <br/>  mohamed ali, 英国伦敦 <br/>  <br/>  Why do people keep bashing the US when they congratulate China? We are one of China's biggest customers and our companies provide a lot of Chinese jobs. 1.3 billion customers is good news for Americans. US business is taking off over there and new Chinese customers have enabled my company to hire lots of Americans as well. Why can't this be a good thing all around? <br/>  翻译:为什么人们在祝贺中国的时候一定要谴责美国?我们是中国最大的主顾,我们的公司为中国提供了很多就业。13亿客户对美国人来说是好消息。美国商界在中国取得发展,新的中国客户让我的国家能够为美国人也提供就业。为什么这不能是对大家都有利的事情呢? <br/>  <br/>  Paula, 美国波士顿 <br/>  <br/>  People just hate China for "who knows why". China economic growth is a direct contribution of it's hard-working people. Their desire to pursue happiness and prosperity, just like everybody else in the world. Their success is not due to US or UK's permission, although it's a interdependent relationship economically, and their growth can not be stopped at like a toy car even if you think it's "too powerful"<br/>  翻译:人们不知出于什么原因,就是恨中国。中国经济增长是人民勤劳的直接结果。他们希望追求幸福和繁荣,这一点同世界其他地方的任何人都一样。他们的成功不在于美国或者英国的准许,尽管这是个互相依赖的经济关系,即使你认为中国"太强大",他们的增长也不可能被遏制。 <br/>  <br/>  Michael, 美国俄勒冈州 <br/>  <br/>  I welcome China's rise in the world and look forward to it being a counterweight to US aggresion.The economic commitment and miltary support it is giving to the new left in Latin America has really impressed me.It has human rights problems but I consider its attemps to lift 100's of millions of people in the world out of poverty a greater human rights achievment than British and US warmongering. <br/>  翻译:我欢迎中国在世界崛起,期望中国能够成为抵制美国侵略的国家。中国给拉丁美洲的经济投入和军事支持给我留下深刻印象。中国存在人权问题,但是我认为中国试图让世界上亿万人民摆脱贫困的努力是个伟大的人类成就,好过英国和美国的贩卖战争行为。 <br/>  <br/>  Adam Kane, 德国汉堡 <br/>  <br/>  Other wise there are no problems with China except that they occupy Tibet, they threaten Taiwan and they dump excessively cheap products to the markets, thus disturbing them. They consume too much raw material resources and pump very much carbon to the skies. If they could do something on these issues they would be very appreciated<br/>  翻译:中国占领西藏,威胁台湾,将廉价产品向市场倾销,扰乱市场,除此之外中国强大没有什么问题。他们使用太多的原材料资源,向天空中排放了太多的废气。 <br/>  <br/>  Istvan Hunanui, 摩尔多瓦 <br/>  <br/>  I see nothing wrong with China becoming more powerful, especially when its success is due to hard work instead of colonizing most of the world, killing the local people and robbing them of their wealth.<br/>  翻译:中国变得太强大有什么错,特别是中国强大是由于人民勤劳,而不是在世界殖民,屠杀当地人,掠夺他们的财富。 <br/>  <br/>  Matt Lee, 纽约 <br/>  <br/>  It is always a good thing to have diversity. Having China as a superpower, we'll have a more diverse viewpoint at the world stage. What we have now is a singular voice at the world stage, one nation defines what is right and what is wrong.<br/>  翻译:多元化总是好的。中国成为超级大国,世界舞台就有了更多元化的观点。世界现在是一个声音,由一个国家来决定什么是对的,什么是错的。 <br/>  <br/>  Lianwee, 加拿大蒙特利尔 <br/>  <br/>  Too powerful? What have China done to make it TOO powerful? The cheap products? The "undervalued" Yuan? Do you describe a hard-working man selling low-price staff as too powerful? I wonder why you don't raise such question?: have American become too powerful?<br/>  翻译:太强大?中国做了什么才能使自己太强大?廉价产品?被压低的人民币?你能说出卖低价产品的勤劳的人民太强大吗?我奇怪你为什么不提出这样的问题?:美国人变得太强大了吗? <br/>  <br/>  John, 英国利物浦 <br/>  <br/>  Us, Them... They are all our brothers and we should always embrace them. The growing power of fear is the underlying problem here. <br/>  翻译:我们,他们...他们是我们的兄弟,我们应该拥抱他们。恐惧力量增加才是真正的问题所在。 <br/>  <br/>  Canyon Cassidy, 美国新墨西哥州 <br/>  <br/>  中文网友评论: <br/>  <br/>  <br/>  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/>  <br/>  李斯上书秦王议逐客 <br/>  <br/>  夫物不产于秦,可宝者多;士不产于秦,而愿忠者众。今逐客以资敌国,损民以益雠,内自虚而外树怨于诸侯,求国之无危,不可得也。 <br/>  <br/>  东西并非产于美国,可当作宝物的中国低价产品却很多,人才并非生在美国,中国人愿意对美国忠心的却很多。现在美国驱逐中国客卿而帮助中国,减少美国人口而增加中国人的实力,结果在美国国内使自己虚弱,在外又增加了中国怨恨而去、反过来帮助中国的人,这样,想美国家不陷于危境是办不到的啊季 <br/>  iguana, usa <br/>  <br/>  这几段都具有中英文对照,算是洋人对中国的正面评价。跟惯洋人屁股后面跑的[宠物]该不会有[异议]吧? <br/>  打走狗, 中华 <br/>  <br/>  中国国力没那么强大,是美国把中国国力夸大化了;不说别的就提国防:中国解放军陆军武器普遍落伍,连GPS全球定位仪步兵都没有,又缺乏像美军连年实战经验,怎能与美国陆军比?美国军方太高估中国啦!060420 <br/>  毓纶, 台湾省FongYuan</p><p>外国人如何看待中国国力强大(转自BBC)&nbsp; </p><p>英语网友意见:<br/>  <br/>  <br/>  It will be unfair to associate China with any form of terror or fear just becos America consider her a threat,China is an out standing opportunity that any aspiring country should look onto,Democracy or commu offers no perfection for mankind,America should brave the shame to see other form of goverments works out the much talked about democracy <br/>  翻译:只因为美国认为中国是个威胁就把中国同任何形式的恐惧和担忧联系起来不公平,中国代表着机会,任何希望发展的国家都可以效仿,民主或者共产主义都不会为人类提供完美的解决办法,看到其他形式的政府能够起到预期效果,美国应该感到耻辱。 <br/>  <br/>  Richard Isibor, 尼日利亚 拉各斯 <br/>  <br/>  The PRC today is not yet a superpower, but it would be in 30-40 years. There is some chance that China in 2040 would be an aggressive superpower, but there is a greater chance that it would not be. <br/>  The empirical indicators of democratic progress are not always observable in linear dimension. For many years, South Korea and had only rudimentary indications of democratic progress.<br/>  翻译:中华人民共和国还没有变成超级大国,但是30-40年以后会。中国也可能在2040年成为一个咄咄逼人的超级大国,但是不会成为这样的可能性更大。<br/>  经验表明民主化进程不总是直线发展。多年来韩国的民主进步指标也很初级。 <br/>  <br/>  Jeff church,美国洛杉矶 <br/>  <br/>  Regarding China, if you're worried about Taiwan and Tibet, please thinking about all the colonies and territories that the western nations have occupied and are still occupying. If you're worried about human rights, look back to the ruthlessness of the colonists in the 17-19th century. Which developed nation did not go through a tumultuous past? It took America more than 100 years just to emancipate slaves! Compare that to China's less than 60 years' of independence. <br/>  翻译:关于中国,如果你担心台湾和西藏,请想象西方国家曾经占领过的,并且仍然占领的殖民地和属地,回顾一下17-19世纪殖民者的残酷。哪个发展中国家没有动乱的历史?美国花了一般多年才解放了奴隶!比较之下中国独立才有不到60年的历史。 <br/>  <br/>  Richard, 美国新泽西州 <br/>  <br/>  China has been a powerful country for the most part of the past three thousand years. China is now rising again. Why is that so surprising to people? History is the best evidence. The rise of China is just a matter of when, not if. Plus, do you want $100 jeans? Do you want $200 shoes? Do you want $3000 computers? If the answeres are NO, you'd better thank China and appreciate the benefits that it brings to your daily life. <br/>  翻译:中国在过去3000年历史中大部分时间当中都是个强大的国家。中国现在再次崛起,为什么人们会感到如此奇怪?历史是最好的证明。中国崛起只是个时间问题,而不是是否能崛起的问题。另外,你希望卖100美元一条的牛仔裤,200美元一双鞋,3000美元的电脑吗?如果不愿意,你必须要感谢中国,感谢中国为你日常生活做出的贡献。 <br/>  <br/>  Lawrence, 美国德克萨斯 <br/>  <br/>  OK. With much respect have you people been to China? Have you lived in China? Have you met and worked in China. Please don't pass comments on the news media you read. Talk about experience and facts. I am not talking about the little English teacher. I am referring to Government officials and Execs. China has a long, long way to go. It is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. <br/>  翻译:好吧,但是诸位都去过中国没有?在中国生活过没有?见过中国和在中国工作过。请不要读过媒体报道就发表评论。要谈自己的经历和事实。我不是指那些英语教师。我是指政府官员和商业经理。中国还要走很长的路。中国是世界上最腐败的国家之一。 <br/>  <br/>  Derek Allen, 英国 <br/>  <br/>  I am happy for the Chinese people that their economy, and therefore their prosperity, is growing. I am sure that they have worked very hard for it and deserve it. <br/>  However, I enjoy living in the UK and under UK/EU Law and I do not want China imposing its values (as they currently stand) on us in the future. In particular, I dislike the Chinese governments controls on religion. However, I pray that things will change there and that they become a more open minded society. <br/>  我为中国人民感到高兴,因为他们的经济增长,他们也更加繁荣。我肯定他们都很勤劳,他么应该繁荣。不过我喜欢生活在英国,生活在英国和欧盟的法律下,不喜欢将来中国把自己的价值(如目前中国的价值)强加给我们。我特别不喜欢中国政府控制宗教。不过我祈祷,希望情况会有所改变,而且中国会成为一个更加开放的社会。 <br/>  <br/>  Lee, 英国德比郡 <br/>  <br/>  As a chinese person living in the U.S, I'd much rather prefer the U.S being a world power than china. The corruption prevalent in all levels of government there is almost unimaginable. Then again, china probably won't become as powerful as people might think. Not with the state of peasant unrest (nearly every fall of a dynasty/era in china was due to peasant rebellion)and a myriad of other issues that would obstruct her rise to power. <br/>  作为生活在美国的华人,我更愿意美国成为世界强国,而不是中国。中国各级政府的腐败超乎想象。不过中国可能不会变成人们认为的那么强大,一个农面骚乱的国家不会强大(中国历代王朝结束都是因为农民反叛),一大堆其他问题也会阻碍中国成为强国。 <br/>  <br/>  Jia Li Xian, 美国 <br/>  <br/>  Why is it that whenever a country, other than the US or Western Europe, makes progress and develops economically and militarily it becomes too powerful or too influencial and has to be checked, according to Western Europe and the US?<br/>  翻译:为什么美国和西欧以外的国家,不管是哪个国家一取得进步,经济上和军力上取得发展,对美国和西欧来说,就会成为太强大,太有影响力,必须得被遏制? <br/>  <br/>  Nyakairu, 美国 <br/>  <br/>  The US has been trying to portray the Chinese as a government which doesn't respect human rights and treat people fairly. Hello! The US has tortured people across the world, Abu Graip, Guanatamo Bay, keeps people in prison without trail, abortion bans. I think you get the picture. The US should stop portraying itself as a Saint and labelling every one else as Demon.<br/>  翻译:美国一直说中国是个不尊重人权的政府,不公平对待自己的人民!喂!美国在全世界对人们用刑,伊拉克的阿布格雷布监狱,关塔那摩拘留营,不经审判拘禁人,禁止堕胎。这样你就知道大概了。美国应该停止把自己说成圣徒,把其他人说成是魔鬼。 <br/>  <br/>  mohamed ali, 英国伦敦 <br/>  <br/>  Why do people keep bashing the US when they congratulate China? We are one of China's biggest customers and our companies provide a lot of Chinese jobs. 1.3 billion customers is good news for Americans. US business is taking off over there and new Chinese customers have enabled my company to hire lots of Americans as well. Why can't this be a good thing all around? <br/>  翻译:为什么人们在祝贺中国的时候一定要谴责美国?我们是中国最大的主顾,我们的公司为中国提供了很多就业。13亿客户对美国人来说是好消息。美国商界在中国取得发展,新的中国客户让我的国家能够为美国人也提供就业。为什么这不能是对大家都有利的事情呢? <br/>  <br/>  Paula, 美国波士顿 <br/>  <br/>  People just hate China for "who knows why". China economic growth is a direct contribution of it's hard-working people. Their desire to pursue happiness and prosperity, just like everybody else in the world. Their success is not due to US or UK's permission, although it's a interdependent relationship economically, and their growth can not be stopped at like a toy car even if you think it's "too powerful"<br/>  翻译:人们不知出于什么原因,就是恨中国。中国经济增长是人民勤劳的直接结果。他们希望追求幸福和繁荣,这一点同世界其他地方的任何人都一样。他们的成功不在于美国或者英国的准许,尽管这是个互相依赖的经济关系,即使你认为中国"太强大",他们的增长也不可能被遏制。 <br/>  <br/>  Michael, 美国俄勒冈州 <br/>  <br/>  I welcome China's rise in the world and look forward to it being a counterweight to US aggresion.The economic commitment and miltary support it is giving to the new left in Latin America has really impressed me.It has human rights problems but I consider its attemps to lift 100's of millions of people in the world out of poverty a greater human rights achievment than British and US warmongering. <br/>  翻译:我欢迎中国在世界崛起,期望中国能够成为抵制美国侵略的国家。中国给拉丁美洲的经济投入和军事支持给我留下深刻印象。中国存在人权问题,但是我认为中国试图让世界上亿万人民摆脱贫困的努力是个伟大的人类成就,好过英国和美国的贩卖战争行为。 <br/>  <br/>  Adam Kane, 德国汉堡 <br/>  <br/>  Other wise there are no problems with China except that they occupy Tibet, they threaten Taiwan and they dump excessively cheap products to the markets, thus disturbing them. They consume too much raw material resources and pump very much carbon to the skies. If they could do something on these issues they would be very appreciated<br/>  翻译:中国占领西藏,威胁台湾,将廉价产品向市场倾销,扰乱市场,除此之外中国强大没有什么问题。他们使用太多的原材料资源,向天空中排放了太多的废气。 <br/>  <br/>  Istvan Hunanui, 摩尔多瓦 <br/>  <br/>  I see nothing wrong with China becoming more powerful, especially when its success is due to hard work instead of colonizing most of the world, killing the local people and robbing them of their wealth.<br/>  翻译:中国变得太强大有什么错,特别是中国强大是由于人民勤劳,而不是在世界殖民,屠杀当地人,掠夺他们的财富。 <br/>  <br/>  Matt Lee, 纽约 <br/>  <br/>  It is always a good thing to have diversity. Having China as a superpower, we'll have a more diverse viewpoint at the world stage. What we have now is a singular voice at the world stage, one nation defines what is right and what is wrong.<br/>  翻译:多元化总是好的。中国成为超级大国,世界舞台就有了更多元化的观点。世界现在是一个声音,由一个国家来决定什么是对的,什么是错的。 <br/>  <br/>  Lianwee, 加拿大蒙特利尔 <br/>  <br/>  Too powerful? What have China done to make it TOO powerful? The cheap products? The "undervalued" Yuan? Do you describe a hard-working man selling low-price staff as too powerful? I wonder why you don't raise such question?: have American become too powerful?<br/>  翻译:太强大?中国做了什么才能使自己太强大?廉价产品?被压低的人民币?你能说出卖低价产品的勤劳的人民太强大吗?我奇怪你为什么不提出这样的问题?:美国人变得太强大了吗? <br/>  <br/>  John, 英国利物浦 <br/>  <br/>  Us, Them... They are all our brothers and we should always embrace them. The growing power of fear is the underlying problem here. <br/>  翻译:我们,他们...他们是我们的兄弟,我们应该拥抱他们。恐惧力量增加才是真正的问题所在。 <br/>  <br/>  Canyon Cassidy, 美国新墨西哥州 <br/>  <br/>  中文网友评论: <br/>  <br/>  <br/>  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/>  <br/>  李斯上书秦王议逐客 <br/>  <br/>  夫物不产于秦,可宝者多;士不产于秦,而愿忠者众。今逐客以资敌国,损民以益雠,内自虚而外树怨于诸侯,求国之无危,不可得也。 <br/>  <br/>  东西并非产于美国,可当作宝物的中国低价产品却很多,人才并非生在美国,中国人愿意对美国忠心的却很多。现在美国驱逐中国客卿而帮助中国,减少美国人口而增加中国人的实力,结果在美国国内使自己虚弱,在外又增加了中国怨恨而去、反过来帮助中国的人,这样,想美国家不陷于危境是办不到的啊季 <br/>  iguana, usa <br/>  <br/>  这几段都具有中英文对照,算是洋人对中国的正面评价。跟惯洋人屁股后面跑的[宠物]该不会有[异议]吧? <br/>  打走狗, 中华 <br/>  <br/>  中国国力没那么强大,是美国把中国国力夸大化了;不说别的就提国防:中国解放军陆军武器普遍落伍,连GPS全球定位仪步兵都没有,又缺乏像美军连年实战经验,怎能与美国陆军比?美国军方太高估中国啦!060420 <br/>  毓纶, 台湾省FongYuan</p>