更新:叙利亚军队取得突破性进展,已夺取幼发拉底河大坝 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/19 19:25:31


TEHRAN (FNA)- Pro-government forces in Syria, backed up by the country's warplanes, scored another groundbreaking victory and seized control of Tishreen Dam and almost a dozen villages in the nearby regions North of Aleppo province on Saturday afternoon.
Informed sources said minutes ago that the Syrian forces came in full control over the Tishreen Dam on the Euphrates river at the border of Raqqa and Aleppo provinces.
The Syrian forces also took full control over Al-Shelash, Al-Khabr, Bir Shmal, Bir Bakkar, Abd Kileye, Tel Al-Banat, Khashkash Saghir, Khashkhash Kabir and Al-Weisi near the Dam.

Sources also said that Syrian and Russian warplanes still continue massive strikes at ISIL targets near the Dam.

On December 24, The Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) managed to free four villages in the Southern parts of Serin city in Northern Aleppo province and fully purged the ISIL terrorists from the Northeastern parts of the Tishrin dam.

The YPG operations which were carried out on Wednesday night and Thursday morning killed tens of ISIL terrorists and wounded scores of others.

"The YPG forces are 5km away from Tishrin dam itself and they are approaching the dam from the Northeast," a field source said.

The Syrian and Russian warplanes, in a joint operation, pounded the ISIL strongholds near the Tishrin dam on December 23 in preparation for the YPG operation.

"The ISIL's fortified positions near Tishrin Dam, which is over the Euphrates river at the border of Raqqa and Aleppo provinces, came under the joint combat sorties of the Syrian and Russian air forces," military sources said on Wednesday.

"Following the Syrian government forces' plan to carry out an imminent large-scale operation to end the ISIL occupation of the strategic Tishrin dam, the Syrian and Russian fighter jets targeted the headquarters and defense lines of the ISIL terrorists on both sides of the river, which claimed the lives of many militants and destroyed their military infrastructures," the sources said.

"In the meantime, the ISIL's gathering centers in al-Bab, Deir Hafer, Jrouf, Sharbeh, Jubb Ghabsheh in the Northeastern part of Aleppo province were bombed by the Russian and Syrian air fleets," they said.  

"There were no immediate reports on the possible casualties of the ISIL terrorists in the airstrikes," the sources pointed out.


TEHRAN (FNA)- Intelligence sources of the Syrian Army disclosed on Monday that the country's government forces have dispatched fresh fighters in groups to Sarrin Northeast of Aleppo province to join a large-scales operation against the ISIL strongholds Northwest of Raqqa.
"Large groups of the fresh forces have been sent to Sarrin, a town along the Euphrates river, to strengthen the government forces' operational capabilities there to carry out an imminent operation to take back the strategic Tishrin Dam and its nearby areas from the ISIL," military sources said.

The Tishrin dam was built over the Euphrates river at the border of Raqqa and Aleppo provinces.

"The Syrian government forces will definitely storm the ISIL defense lines by using their ground, navy and air forces," the sources added.

"There have been many soldiers of the Syrian navy among the newly dispatched forces to Sarrin," the sources said.

"The commanders of the Syrian air and ground forces have also held several coordinating sessions to review each other's duties and missions in the upcoming operation," the sources said.

Earlier this month, the Syrian army, National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah fighters, backed up by the Syrian and Russian warplanes, pushed back the ISIL from a long section of Aleppo-Raqqa highway after hours of fierce clashes with the militants.


TEHRAN (FNA)- Pro-government forces in Syria, backed up by the country's warplanes, scored another groundbreaking victory and seized control of Tishreen Dam and almost a dozen villages in the nearby regions North of Aleppo province on Saturday afternoon.
Informed sources said minutes ago that the Syrian forces came in full control over the Tishreen Dam on the Euphrates river at the border of Raqqa and Aleppo provinces.
The Syrian forces also took full control over Al-Shelash, Al-Khabr, Bir Shmal, Bir Bakkar, Abd Kileye, Tel Al-Banat, Khashkash Saghir, Khashkhash Kabir and Al-Weisi near the Dam.

Sources also said that Syrian and Russian warplanes still continue massive strikes at ISIL targets near the Dam.

On December 24, The Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) managed to free four villages in the Southern parts of Serin city in Northern Aleppo province and fully purged the ISIL terrorists from the Northeastern parts of the Tishrin dam.

The YPG operations which were carried out on Wednesday night and Thursday morning killed tens of ISIL terrorists and wounded scores of others.

"The YPG forces are 5km away from Tishrin dam itself and they are approaching the dam from the Northeast," a field source said.

The Syrian and Russian warplanes, in a joint operation, pounded the ISIL strongholds near the Tishrin dam on December 23 in preparation for the YPG operation.

"The ISIL's fortified positions near Tishrin Dam, which is over the Euphrates river at the border of Raqqa and Aleppo provinces, came under the joint combat sorties of the Syrian and Russian air forces," military sources said on Wednesday.

"Following the Syrian government forces' plan to carry out an imminent large-scale operation to end the ISIL occupation of the strategic Tishrin dam, the Syrian and Russian fighter jets targeted the headquarters and defense lines of the ISIL terrorists on both sides of the river, which claimed the lives of many militants and destroyed their military infrastructures," the sources said.

"In the meantime, the ISIL's gathering centers in al-Bab, Deir Hafer, Jrouf, Sharbeh, Jubb Ghabsheh in the Northeastern part of Aleppo province were bombed by the Russian and Syrian air fleets," they said.  

"There were no immediate reports on the possible casualties of the ISIL terrorists in the airstrikes," the sources pointed out.


TEHRAN (FNA)- Intelligence sources of the Syrian Army disclosed on Monday that the country's government forces have dispatched fresh fighters in groups to Sarrin Northeast of Aleppo province to join a large-scales operation against the ISIL strongholds Northwest of Raqqa.
"Large groups of the fresh forces have been sent to Sarrin, a town along the Euphrates river, to strengthen the government forces' operational capabilities there to carry out an imminent operation to take back the strategic Tishrin Dam and its nearby areas from the ISIL," military sources said.

The Tishrin dam was built over the Euphrates river at the border of Raqqa and Aleppo provinces.

"The Syrian government forces will definitely storm the ISIL defense lines by using their ground, navy and air forces," the sources added.

"There have been many soldiers of the Syrian navy among the newly dispatched forces to Sarrin," the sources said.

"The commanders of the Syrian air and ground forces have also held several coordinating sessions to review each other's duties and missions in the upcoming operation," the sources said.

Earlier this month, the Syrian army, National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah fighters, backed up by the Syrian and Russian warplanes, pushed back the ISIL from a long section of Aleppo-Raqqa highway after hours of fierce clashes with the militants.

确实。这种大规模作战指挥运筹能力是演习无法模拟的。中国军队长期不打仗,指挥能力到底如何,还是未知数 ...
austrave2 发表于 2015-12-22 23:46
确实。这种大规模作战指挥运筹能力是演习无法模拟的。中国军队长期不打仗,指挥能力到底如何,还是未知数 ...
austrave2 发表于 2015-12-22 23:46
确实。这种大规模作战指挥运筹能力是演习无法模拟的。中国军队长期不打仗,指挥能力到底如何,还是未知数 ...
这种规模的战争 在中美这种国家连演习的列度估计都比不上

真在这些国家打那些连专业军事训练都没有的散兵 能有多少经验?
这种规模的战争 在中美这种国家连演习的列度估计都比不上

真在这些国家打那些连专业军事训练都没有的 ...
美帝刚参加2战那时还不是几十年没打过仗,照样虐从19世纪开始打了几 ...
whiteman 发表于 2015-12-23 01:00
我回那个人说的就是指挥能力 如果你认为不是 不如回我回的那个人

我回那个人说的就是指挥能力 如果你认为不是 不如回我回的那个人

士兵是一个更新替换的动态过程不可 ...
不仅仅是士兵,指挥系统战时见血后的心理压力不是和平时期军棋推演能模拟的。详情可以参考 安德的游戏。优秀的指挥官很有可能在实际战损的面前崩溃。
金雕008 发表于 2015-12-22 23:15
whiteman 发表于 2015-12-23 01:00


我兔 发表于 2015-12-23 01:15
现代人杀人没什么心理障碍了,都是开枪,杀人也就一个血洞而已,基本没有拼刺刀的机会。电视,游戏里也很 ...

我兔 发表于 2015-12-23 01:15
现代人杀人没什么心理障碍了,都是开枪,杀人也就一个血洞而已,基本没有拼刺刀的机会。电视,游戏里也很 ...

whiteman 发表于 2015-12-23 01:13
不仅仅是士兵,指挥系统战时见血后的心理压力不是和平时期军棋推演能模拟的。详情可以参考 安德的游戏。 ...
说真的 你这样比较不对 美中俄欧这样的军事力量国家 打一个小国 还没有正规军事训练的

对方除了挨打什么也做不了 这种不能叫经验 比本国的演习烈度还要少

你那种经验是双方实力差不多 才能打成这样 但这种战争目前这个世界没有一支军队有这种经验
美国就算经常打杖 但这种经验的人不是老了就是死了 现在的美军是没有这种经验的
说真的 你这样比较不对 美中俄欧这样的军事力量国家 打一个小国 还没有正规军事训练的

对方除了挨打 ...
whiteman 发表于 2015-12-23 01:16
脑袋如西瓜般炸裂,断手断脚,肢体四散,内脏外流,热腾腾的血液飞溅一脸,白 ...



锻炼心理素质,那就让他们多看真实战场的 ...

前面我举过例子 安德的游戏 ,这虽然是科幻小说,但也是描绘人性,在面对真实战损和模拟战斗的不同态度。可能影响到实战时处理方式。
whiteman 发表于 2015-12-23 01:24
现代美军没经验?50年代韩战,六七十年代越战,八十年代巴拿马和格林纳达,九十年代南联盟,索马里,海湾 ...
我想问题 你说的这些经验的军人 还是现在美军的军人吗?美军士兵以前有经验是不是现在的美军士兵也有经验?

如果按你这样说 中国的军队经验也不少 比美国后期打的规模更大

有韩鲜战争 有对苏联的珍宝岛 有对印度 有对越南的反击战和海战 比美军后期虐菜的对手都要强
我想问题 你说的这些经验的军人 还是现在美军的军人吗?美军士兵以前有经验是不是现在的美军士兵也有经验? ...

我兔 发表于 2015-12-23 00:21
美帝刚参加2战那时还不是几十年没打过仗,照样虐从19世纪开始打了几 ...
whiteman 发表于 2015-12-23 02:04

首先军队是有延续传统老兵带新兵的传统,美军是连 ...
不停的用飞机炸别人 只是投弹训练 是不是中国军队去打一个小国 不停的炸就有经验了?

你之前说的经验是相同实力决战生死的战争 美国80年代后那有这种战争?
像美俄 美中这种级别对上才有这种效果 打那些小国不会有这种效果
一个成年人跑到幼儿园把所有幼儿打倒在地 这不叫有格斗经验 当然血是见到了

我们有韩鲜战争 有印度反击战 有对苏联珍宝岛争夺战 有对越反击战 不算那个南海小海战
按你的道理 我们一代传一代到现在应该是充满经验才对啊
我兔 发表于 2015-12-23 01:35

锻炼心理素质,那就让他们多看真实战场的 ...
不停的用飞机炸别人 只是投弹训练 是不是中国军队去打一个小国 不停的炸就有经验了?

你之前说的经验是 ...
你以为美军在几十年来就没有地面军队?没有以寡敌众? 红翼行动你查一下,好了不在帮你科普了,休息。
羅生門 发表于 2015-12-23 01:49
我想问题 你说的这些经验的军人 还是现在美军的军人吗?美军士兵以前有经验是不是现在的美军士兵也有经验? ...
不停的用飞机炸别人 只是投弹训练 是不是中国军队去打一个小国 不停的炸就有经验了?

你之前说的经验是 ...
whiteman 发表于 2015-12-23 02:16
你以为美军在几十年来就没有地面军队?没有以寡敌众? 红翼行动你查一下,好了不在帮你科普了,休息。
这种所谓的战争还没有美国国内的演习烈度高 我不需要你科普

你认为一个成年人打一个小孩子能有格斗经验是你的事 但不能强加于我
罗兰のMKⅡ 发表于 2015-12-23 02:12
看录像看图片是没有任何实际意义的,根本就比不上实际上一次战场所得到的,但是只要上过一次战场并幸存 ...

罗兰のMKⅡ 发表于 2015-12-23 02:17
伊拉克,阿富汗就这两场战争人家美军才打了多少年?PLA能比得上?倒是人家美军十几年前打的伊拉克战争 ...
whiteman 发表于 2015-12-23 02:19
你到底想表代什么?美军士兵换新的 就马上传授战争经验 中国的士兵换新的经验是不能传授的?


罗兰のMKⅡ 发表于 2015-12-23 02:09
美军刚参加2战的时候战绩可是很难看的,海军就不用说了,陆军你可以看刚开始在北非打的那几场,你真的 ...


罗兰のMKⅡ 发表于 2015-12-23 02:09
美军刚参加2战的时候战绩可是很难看的,海军就不用说了,陆军你可以看刚开始在北非打的那几场,你真的 ...


羅生門 发表于 2015-12-23 02:24