
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/19 13:58:03
https://sg.news.yahoo.com/chines ... eets-165343135.html

'Chinese police to help patrol Paris streets'


Chinese police will help patrol touristdestinations in Paris this summer after a risein muggings and attacks on Chinese tourists, a source in France's interior ministry saidTuesday.


More than one million Chinese visitors cometo Franceevery year and there have been concerns over a number of muggings and attacksagainst them.


In March last year, a group of 23 Chinesevisitors were robbed in a restaurant shortly after they landed at Paris's Charles De Gaulleairport.



Jeff • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
So the Chinese feel compelled to protecttheir citizens on holiday and the US can't (or won't) protect theirdiplomats in their embassies. The world (or the US at least) has become s differentplace indeed.


BC1358 • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
I am surprised the French would give uptheir sovereignty with no fight. I certainly wouldn't put it past Barry to allow foreign forces to come to America, givenhis distaste for his own country. I can't imagine Americans allowing such athing however.


Toby • 7 days ago ReportAbuse
i doubt the chinese police will beauthorised to use force on anyone. not even powers of arrest. there'll be legalhell in courts to convict the criminals. i think they function as eyes andears. to keep watch over their citizens and preempt any crime by checking outand talking to any suspicious characters or alert their french counterparts. ifcriminals know that chinese cops are hanging around their citizens they won'tthink that chinese tourists are like helpless chickens to be freely preyed uponby wolves like themselves. so they'll think twice before robbing them.


JackFreemind • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
It will be interesting to see how itdoes(or doesn't) go over with the French citizens. I understand that there arestories of Chinese troops being in places around the U.S., but I think ifChinese police ever openly patrolled in the U.S. of A. there would be someunpleasant confrontations to say the least(I hope that never happens as I donot advocate violence, I am simply stating the truth that Americans andespecially Vets probably wouldn't stand idly by).


MichaelBobier • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
while no mugging is a good idea but thearticle did state that 1 million people that were chinese visited paris andonly 23 of them were mugged. while i feel sorry for the 23 i highly doubt thiswarrants the use of a foreign police force to help the paris police. but of course who am i to sayanything. our soldiers have been a police force that has been shuffled toplaces where we had no business to be involved in other than the liningof thepockets of politicians paying off a debt that was owed..


CB • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
This is ridiculous. What average personwould vacation there because, "50th anniversary of the establishment ofdiplomatic ties between Paris and Beijing"

Who would travel to a place where you know you may get mugged (sounds like fearmongering). It sure is a great way to start introducing China as theworld's new Security force with the downfall of the U.S


Melvin • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
This is going to be really interesting.What happens when a Chinese cop apprehends a perp?
Oh sure we are going to be told that the Chinese Cops will not be allowed tocollar a mugger, only the French Cops will have legal authority.
So this article is basically saying French authorities are either inept orincapable, or both of policing their own country?


BrainPlumber • 7 days ago ReportAbuse
just imagine a Chinese police shot dead aFrench robber in Paris.Hell will break loose. Or you( the Chinese police) can catch the robber in thepublic but they(the French police) let them go thru the backdoor.
HK and Taiwanwho are so well fed by the Chinese tourist that they complained that there aretoo many and want their government to restrict them. Same as some idiot inS'pore. Just look at the West, will bent down and do anything as long as theChinese continue to come and spend. That is the right mentality as 'tourist'money are 100% profit.


Marco • 6 days ago ReportAbuse
Totally humiliating and disgusting.


Robert • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
The Chinese police obviously won't be givenpolice powers and they obviously won't be armed. How would they arrest anyone?Will they send pickpockets to jail in China? They're only there to act asinterpreters and assistants to high-traffic areas for Chinese tourists. They'reobviously there because the French police don't have enough Chinese speakers toassist the high number of criminal incidents against Chinese tourists. Theactual real police work will be done by French police officers who actuallyhave authority and are actually French.


dragonden • 6 days ago ReportAbuse
Was there some years back, too manyAlgerian's migrants.so problems already spread to Paris from no go towns.


WolverickWilde • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
Can't even properly police their owncapital: the French. That is embarrassing.


Azarkhan • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
Unbelievable. Are the French really thatspineless?


Dunnyveg • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
Though this story hardly says anything goodabout the French, it does show that the Chinese government is concerned aboutthe welfare of their citizens. This is in direct contrast to the West, wherenative citizens are viewed as enemies of the elites, to be turned into despisedminorities in what used to be their own countries.


FedUp • 8 days ago ReportAbuse
If king obama thinks he can do the samehere, it's not going to happen. The Chinese police would be looked upon asforeign invaders.


LookHere P@P • 7 days ago ReportAbuse
omg ! What is happening to France ?
At first, French police rape a female Canadian. (Look like in India)
Now in Franceagain, robbers target Chinese tourists. (Look like in Brazil)


Mike • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
Long ago, working overseas, I was advisedthat if I ever needed help to go to the British Embassy because they're morewilling and carry more clout than the US. Obviously nothing has changedbut only further deteriorated.


SKIPPY • 6 days ago ReportAbuse
Is France shortage of police manpowerthat she has to accept the Chinese policemen offer ? !
What happens if US, Asian and African tourists were also robbed ?
Can US, Asian and Africa also send in theirpolicemen too ? ! ! !


Leon • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
The gypsies are the real problem in france. Mysister went over to parisa few months ago and said she saw a mother and daughter team walking behindtourists waiting for the train and trying to unzip the backpacks. Those peopleare the scourge of europe.

吉普赛人是法国的问题所在。我妹妹几个月前去了一趟巴黎,她说一对母女总走在等待火车的旅客后面,找机会下手。这些人才是欧洲的祸害。https://sg.news.yahoo.com/chines ... eets-165343135.html

'Chinese police to help patrol Paris streets'


Chinese police will help patrol touristdestinations in Paris this summer after a risein muggings and attacks on Chinese tourists, a source in France's interior ministry saidTuesday.


More than one million Chinese visitors cometo Franceevery year and there have been concerns over a number of muggings and attacksagainst them.


In March last year, a group of 23 Chinesevisitors were robbed in a restaurant shortly after they landed at Paris's Charles De Gaulleairport.



Jeff • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
So the Chinese feel compelled to protecttheir citizens on holiday and the US can't (or won't) protect theirdiplomats in their embassies. The world (or the US at least) has become s differentplace indeed.


BC1358 • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
I am surprised the French would give uptheir sovereignty with no fight. I certainly wouldn't put it past Barry to allow foreign forces to come to America, givenhis distaste for his own country. I can't imagine Americans allowing such athing however.


Toby • 7 days ago ReportAbuse
i doubt the chinese police will beauthorised to use force on anyone. not even powers of arrest. there'll be legalhell in courts to convict the criminals. i think they function as eyes andears. to keep watch over their citizens and preempt any crime by checking outand talking to any suspicious characters or alert their french counterparts. ifcriminals know that chinese cops are hanging around their citizens they won'tthink that chinese tourists are like helpless chickens to be freely preyed uponby wolves like themselves. so they'll think twice before robbing them.


JackFreemind • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
It will be interesting to see how itdoes(or doesn't) go over with the French citizens. I understand that there arestories of Chinese troops being in places around the U.S., but I think ifChinese police ever openly patrolled in the U.S. of A. there would be someunpleasant confrontations to say the least(I hope that never happens as I donot advocate violence, I am simply stating the truth that Americans andespecially Vets probably wouldn't stand idly by).


MichaelBobier • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
while no mugging is a good idea but thearticle did state that 1 million people that were chinese visited paris andonly 23 of them were mugged. while i feel sorry for the 23 i highly doubt thiswarrants the use of a foreign police force to help the paris police. but of course who am i to sayanything. our soldiers have been a police force that has been shuffled toplaces where we had no business to be involved in other than the liningof thepockets of politicians paying off a debt that was owed..


CB • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
This is ridiculous. What average personwould vacation there because, "50th anniversary of the establishment ofdiplomatic ties between Paris and Beijing"

Who would travel to a place where you know you may get mugged (sounds like fearmongering). It sure is a great way to start introducing China as theworld's new Security force with the downfall of the U.S


Melvin • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
This is going to be really interesting.What happens when a Chinese cop apprehends a perp?
Oh sure we are going to be told that the Chinese Cops will not be allowed tocollar a mugger, only the French Cops will have legal authority.
So this article is basically saying French authorities are either inept orincapable, or both of policing their own country?


BrainPlumber • 7 days ago ReportAbuse
just imagine a Chinese police shot dead aFrench robber in Paris.Hell will break loose. Or you( the Chinese police) can catch the robber in thepublic but they(the French police) let them go thru the backdoor.
HK and Taiwanwho are so well fed by the Chinese tourist that they complained that there aretoo many and want their government to restrict them. Same as some idiot inS'pore. Just look at the West, will bent down and do anything as long as theChinese continue to come and spend. That is the right mentality as 'tourist'money are 100% profit.


Marco • 6 days ago ReportAbuse
Totally humiliating and disgusting.


Robert • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
The Chinese police obviously won't be givenpolice powers and they obviously won't be armed. How would they arrest anyone?Will they send pickpockets to jail in China? They're only there to act asinterpreters and assistants to high-traffic areas for Chinese tourists. They'reobviously there because the French police don't have enough Chinese speakers toassist the high number of criminal incidents against Chinese tourists. Theactual real police work will be done by French police officers who actuallyhave authority and are actually French.


dragonden • 6 days ago ReportAbuse
Was there some years back, too manyAlgerian's migrants.so problems already spread to Paris from no go towns.


WolverickWilde • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
Can't even properly police their owncapital: the French. That is embarrassing.


Azarkhan • 10 days ago ReportAbuse
Unbelievable. Are the French really thatspineless?


Dunnyveg • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
Though this story hardly says anything goodabout the French, it does show that the Chinese government is concerned aboutthe welfare of their citizens. This is in direct contrast to the West, wherenative citizens are viewed as enemies of the elites, to be turned into despisedminorities in what used to be their own countries.


FedUp • 8 days ago ReportAbuse
If king obama thinks he can do the samehere, it's not going to happen. The Chinese police would be looked upon asforeign invaders.


LookHere P@P • 7 days ago ReportAbuse
omg ! What is happening to France ?
At first, French police rape a female Canadian. (Look like in India)
Now in Franceagain, robbers target Chinese tourists. (Look like in Brazil)


Mike • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
Long ago, working overseas, I was advisedthat if I ever needed help to go to the British Embassy because they're morewilling and carry more clout than the US. Obviously nothing has changedbut only further deteriorated.


SKIPPY • 6 days ago ReportAbuse
Is France shortage of police manpowerthat she has to accept the Chinese policemen offer ? !
What happens if US, Asian and African tourists were also robbed ?
Can US, Asian and Africa also send in theirpolicemen too ? ! ! !


Leon • 9 days ago ReportAbuse
The gypsies are the real problem in france. Mysister went over to parisa few months ago and said she saw a mother and daughter team walking behindtourists waiting for the train and trying to unzip the backpacks. Those peopleare the scourge of europe.
