
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/19 22:57:56


By 安德烈 达蒙2014 4 19

Feeding America, the US national network of food banks, released its annual report on local food insecurity Thursday, showing that there are dozens of counties throughout the US where a third of children do not get enough to eat.

“喂养美国” ,一个美国全国食品银行组织, 在星期四发布了本土食品安全年度报告,报告表明遍布美国国内几十个郡的孩子有三分之一吃不饱.

Forty-nine million people, or 16 percent of the population, lived in food insecure households in 2012, the latest year for which figures are available. This is up from 11.1 percent in 2007. The level of food insecurity among children is even worse, affecting a staggering 16 million children, or 21.6 percent.

在2012年,四千九百万人,换句话说16%的人生活在食物没有保障的家庭中,这是最新的数据。2007年才11.1%。儿童受食物没保障的影响更大, 达到了惊人的一千六百万,换言之占21.6%。

“Food insecurity is higher than at any time since the Great Depression,” said Ross Fraser, director of media relations for Feeding America, the national network of charitable food banks. “One in six Americans live at risk of hunger, as do one in five children,” he added.

“现在的食品安全保障程度是自大萧条以来最差的,” 弗雷泽·罗斯, 喂养美国——慈善食物银组织的媒体关系总监说,  “六分之一美国人以及五分之一美国儿童正面临饥饿的威胁,” 他说。

Broken down by state and county, the situation is far worse in many parts of the country. For instance, in Mississippi, 22.3 percent of the population, or almost one in four, are food insecure. So are 29 percent of children in New Mexico, nearly one third of all children.


There are sixteen states—including California, the most populous state in the country—where more than one in four children are food insecure.


Food insecurity means that a household does not “always have access to adequate amounts of food to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle,” Fraser explained to the WSWS. “Sometimes they’re either missing meals or fill their bellies with something that isn’t as nutritious as it should be, like a bowl of rice instead of a balanced meal.”

弗雷泽对WSWS(World Socialist Web Site,一个美国的网站)解释道,食物没有保障意味着一个家庭“没法保证一直能获得足够的食物来保持有活力而健康的生活方式”,“有时候他们要么吃不上一顿饭,要么就只能吃些不能保证营养的东西来填饱肚子,比方说就吃碗米饭而没法吃上营养均衡的一餐。”

“When the recession hit, the number of food insecure people skyrocketed, from about 38 million people to about 50 million,” Fraser added. “Despite the proclamation that the recession is over, what this data shows is that people are having a very tough time making ends meet and securing enough food for themselves and their families.”


Los Angeles County, the New York metropolitan area, and Cook County (which includes Chicago) had the highest numbers of food insecure people in the US. There are 1.6 million food insecure people in Los Angeles, 1.4 million in New York’s five boroughs, and 0.8 million in Cook County. Twenty-one percent of residents (more than one in five) in Wayne County, which includes Detroit, were food insecure in 2012, as were 20 percent of residents in Dallas, Texas.

洛杉矶县,纽约大都会区以及库克县(包括芝加哥), 有美国数量最大的食物无保障人群。2012年,在洛杉矶有 160万的食物无保障人群,在纽约的五个区有140万,而在库克县则有80万。在韦恩县,有21%食物无保障者(超过了五分之一),包括底特律地区。德克萨斯州达拉斯食物无保障人群是20%。

In the District of Columbia, home to the US capital, 28 percent of children live in food insecure households.


Rural poverty and hunger are pervasive. Four out of the five counties with the highest levels of food insecurity in the US were in rural Mississippi. Holmes County in the southern state reported 32 percent food insecurity, and Yazoo County reported a rate of 27 percent.


In Zavala County, Texas, 41 percent of children are food insecure. Two other counties in the US— Yuma County, Arizona and Starr County, Texas—have child food insecurity rates of 40 percent or more.

在德州的札瓦拉县, 百分之41的儿童食物得不到保障。美国的另外两个县-亚利桑那州的尤马县和德州的斯塔尔县,百分之40的儿童食物得不到保障。

While hunger is most alarmingly high in inner cities and in rural America, Fraser warned that it is by no means confined to those areas. “Hunger exists in every county in America. This is a country where great wealth exists at the same time as great poverty.” He noted the example of Loudon County, an affluent suburb of Washington DC, where the local food bank reported that demand for food assistance has quadrupled.

美国农村地区的内陆城市,饥饿的情况严重到令人吃惊的地步,但弗瑞泽警告说,这种情况绝对不限制在这些地区。“在美国的所有县镇都有饥饿的情况。美国是一个巨大财富与极度平穷同时存在的国家。” 他以劳登县作为例子,这是一个华盛顿郊区的富裕县,当地的食物银行称食物援助的需求已经增长了四倍。

The Feeding America report is based on the organization’s analysis of 2012 data published last year by the US Department of Agriculture. Other, less comprehensive surveys indicate that food insecurity has grown significantly since then. According to the US Conference of Mayors, demand for emergency food assistance in 25 major cities increased seven percent in 2013, following an increase of 22 percent in 2012.


In particular, Feeding America’s report does not take into account the impact of two consecutive cuts to food stamp benefits over the past six months. On November 1, 2013, Congress allowed emergency food stamps funding implemented in 2009 to expire, resulting in a reduction of $36 per month for a family of four. This was followed by $8.7 billion in cuts over 10 years signed by President Obama earlier this year.


The annual cut to food stamp benefits was $5 billion from the first cut alone, amounting to the entire operating budget of the Feeding America network. “It was like wiping out everything we do,” said Fraser.


Federal food stamp benefits now pay an average of $134 per month for individuals and $290 for families, or about $1.40 per person per meal. “Our food banks are where people go when they run out of food stamps,” Fraser said, noting that most people depleted their funds by the 21st of any given month.


Fraser also noted that a significant portion of people who visit the network’s food banks are employed, but do not make enough money to afford enough food. “They’re not able to make ends meet on low-wage jobs. You can’t even rent an apartment in the city limits of Chicago for what a minimum wage worker makes.”


The pervasive growth of poverty, hunger, and homelessness, is the result of the deliberate policies pursued by the ruling class since the 2008 economic crash. First under Bush and then Obama, trillions of dollars have been handed to Wall Street in the form of bank bailouts, followed by unending cuts in wages, benefits and social programs.


These measures have resulted in a historic redistribution of wealth, from the working class to the rich. Just last week, executive compensation research firm Equilar reported that the 100 top-earning CEOs in the US saw their median yearly pay increase by 9 percent in 2013, to $13.9 million each.

这些政策导致了历史性的财富重新分配,从工薪阶层到富裕阶层。于上周 由高管薪酬研究公司Equilar  发布的报告称,美国收入最高的100名首席执行官的平均年薪在2013年增长了百分之9,达到了每人1390万美元。

The US’s billionaires have seen their wealth double since 2009. The 400 richest individuals in the US now have a collective wealth of more than $2 trillion, or 400 times the annual budget of Feeding America and more than one billion times the average annual income for an individual on food stamps.

美国亿万富翁的收入自从2009年其已经增长了一倍。美国最富有的四百个人的所有财产达到了2万亿美元,是供养美国年预算的400倍,是 一个平均收入的美国人花费在食品救济券上的超过10亿倍。


rtdrury • 12 hours ago
Of course the organization Feeding America is better than elites stealing from the people. But "better than" remains the "lesser evil" because it deters/distracts us from our real agenda. Our real agenda is not to give fish but to teach to fish. This is the clear difference between power elites currently entrenched in the whitey house, and the people ourselves. As well-meaning as many are who remain connected to the liberal arm of the power structure, we really need them to wake up and get hip to the people's vision, the people's agenda, the people's movement. Universal enlightenment, solidarity, equity, justice. A complete package. No parts missing.

供养美国组织当然要比从人民那偷钱的精英们强多了。但是“强”只不过是“没那么邪恶”的意思,因为它使我们的注意力从我们真正的要关心的事情上转移开了。我们真正要做的事情不是给鱼,而是授之以渔。这就是那些在白宫立稳脚跟的权利精英者们与我们的区别。那些看似充满善意而又拥有权力的人,我们真正要做的是让他们醒过来,让他们通晓人民的视角,人民的议程,人民的行动。普世的启蒙, 团结,公平,正义。一套完整的系统,一个也不能少。

Abelli • 8 hours ago
Warehousing inmates has priority in World Leading Prisoner Land. "The pervasive growth of poverty, hunger, and homelessness" is breeding place for next generation profiling tough on crime politicians.

犯人在这个世界领先的罪犯领土上享有优先权。 “无处不在的饥饿,贫困,无家可归的人数的增长”正成为下一代人的生长土地,他们将严厉打击罪犯政客。http://www.ltaaa.com/wtfy/12964.html


By 安德烈 达蒙2014 4 19

Feeding America, the US national network of food banks, released its annual report on local food insecurity Thursday, showing that there are dozens of counties throughout the US where a third of children do not get enough to eat.

“喂养美国” ,一个美国全国食品银行组织, 在星期四发布了本土食品安全年度报告,报告表明遍布美国国内几十个郡的孩子有三分之一吃不饱.

Forty-nine million people, or 16 percent of the population, lived in food insecure households in 2012, the latest year for which figures are available. This is up from 11.1 percent in 2007. The level of food insecurity among children is even worse, affecting a staggering 16 million children, or 21.6 percent.

在2012年,四千九百万人,换句话说16%的人生活在食物没有保障的家庭中,这是最新的数据。2007年才11.1%。儿童受食物没保障的影响更大, 达到了惊人的一千六百万,换言之占21.6%。

“Food insecurity is higher than at any time since the Great Depression,” said Ross Fraser, director of media relations for Feeding America, the national network of charitable food banks. “One in six Americans live at risk of hunger, as do one in five children,” he added.

“现在的食品安全保障程度是自大萧条以来最差的,” 弗雷泽·罗斯, 喂养美国——慈善食物银组织的媒体关系总监说,  “六分之一美国人以及五分之一美国儿童正面临饥饿的威胁,” 他说。

Broken down by state and county, the situation is far worse in many parts of the country. For instance, in Mississippi, 22.3 percent of the population, or almost one in four, are food insecure. So are 29 percent of children in New Mexico, nearly one third of all children.


There are sixteen states—including California, the most populous state in the country—where more than one in four children are food insecure.


Food insecurity means that a household does not “always have access to adequate amounts of food to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle,” Fraser explained to the WSWS. “Sometimes they’re either missing meals or fill their bellies with something that isn’t as nutritious as it should be, like a bowl of rice instead of a balanced meal.”

弗雷泽对WSWS(World Socialist Web Site,一个美国的网站)解释道,食物没有保障意味着一个家庭“没法保证一直能获得足够的食物来保持有活力而健康的生活方式”,“有时候他们要么吃不上一顿饭,要么就只能吃些不能保证营养的东西来填饱肚子,比方说就吃碗米饭而没法吃上营养均衡的一餐。”

“When the recession hit, the number of food insecure people skyrocketed, from about 38 million people to about 50 million,” Fraser added. “Despite the proclamation that the recession is over, what this data shows is that people are having a very tough time making ends meet and securing enough food for themselves and their families.”


Los Angeles County, the New York metropolitan area, and Cook County (which includes Chicago) had the highest numbers of food insecure people in the US. There are 1.6 million food insecure people in Los Angeles, 1.4 million in New York’s five boroughs, and 0.8 million in Cook County. Twenty-one percent of residents (more than one in five) in Wayne County, which includes Detroit, were food insecure in 2012, as were 20 percent of residents in Dallas, Texas.

洛杉矶县,纽约大都会区以及库克县(包括芝加哥), 有美国数量最大的食物无保障人群。2012年,在洛杉矶有 160万的食物无保障人群,在纽约的五个区有140万,而在库克县则有80万。在韦恩县,有21%食物无保障者(超过了五分之一),包括底特律地区。德克萨斯州达拉斯食物无保障人群是20%。

In the District of Columbia, home to the US capital, 28 percent of children live in food insecure households.


Rural poverty and hunger are pervasive. Four out of the five counties with the highest levels of food insecurity in the US were in rural Mississippi. Holmes County in the southern state reported 32 percent food insecurity, and Yazoo County reported a rate of 27 percent.


In Zavala County, Texas, 41 percent of children are food insecure. Two other counties in the US— Yuma County, Arizona and Starr County, Texas—have child food insecurity rates of 40 percent or more.

在德州的札瓦拉县, 百分之41的儿童食物得不到保障。美国的另外两个县-亚利桑那州的尤马县和德州的斯塔尔县,百分之40的儿童食物得不到保障。

While hunger is most alarmingly high in inner cities and in rural America, Fraser warned that it is by no means confined to those areas. “Hunger exists in every county in America. This is a country where great wealth exists at the same time as great poverty.” He noted the example of Loudon County, an affluent suburb of Washington DC, where the local food bank reported that demand for food assistance has quadrupled.

美国农村地区的内陆城市,饥饿的情况严重到令人吃惊的地步,但弗瑞泽警告说,这种情况绝对不限制在这些地区。“在美国的所有县镇都有饥饿的情况。美国是一个巨大财富与极度平穷同时存在的国家。” 他以劳登县作为例子,这是一个华盛顿郊区的富裕县,当地的食物银行称食物援助的需求已经增长了四倍。

The Feeding America report is based on the organization’s analysis of 2012 data published last year by the US Department of Agriculture. Other, less comprehensive surveys indicate that food insecurity has grown significantly since then. According to the US Conference of Mayors, demand for emergency food assistance in 25 major cities increased seven percent in 2013, following an increase of 22 percent in 2012.


In particular, Feeding America’s report does not take into account the impact of two consecutive cuts to food stamp benefits over the past six months. On November 1, 2013, Congress allowed emergency food stamps funding implemented in 2009 to expire, resulting in a reduction of $36 per month for a family of four. This was followed by $8.7 billion in cuts over 10 years signed by President Obama earlier this year.


The annual cut to food stamp benefits was $5 billion from the first cut alone, amounting to the entire operating budget of the Feeding America network. “It was like wiping out everything we do,” said Fraser.


Federal food stamp benefits now pay an average of $134 per month for individuals and $290 for families, or about $1.40 per person per meal. “Our food banks are where people go when they run out of food stamps,” Fraser said, noting that most people depleted their funds by the 21st of any given month.


Fraser also noted that a significant portion of people who visit the network’s food banks are employed, but do not make enough money to afford enough food. “They’re not able to make ends meet on low-wage jobs. You can’t even rent an apartment in the city limits of Chicago for what a minimum wage worker makes.”


The pervasive growth of poverty, hunger, and homelessness, is the result of the deliberate policies pursued by the ruling class since the 2008 economic crash. First under Bush and then Obama, trillions of dollars have been handed to Wall Street in the form of bank bailouts, followed by unending cuts in wages, benefits and social programs.


These measures have resulted in a historic redistribution of wealth, from the working class to the rich. Just last week, executive compensation research firm Equilar reported that the 100 top-earning CEOs in the US saw their median yearly pay increase by 9 percent in 2013, to $13.9 million each.

这些政策导致了历史性的财富重新分配,从工薪阶层到富裕阶层。于上周 由高管薪酬研究公司Equilar  发布的报告称,美国收入最高的100名首席执行官的平均年薪在2013年增长了百分之9,达到了每人1390万美元。

The US’s billionaires have seen their wealth double since 2009. The 400 richest individuals in the US now have a collective wealth of more than $2 trillion, or 400 times the annual budget of Feeding America and more than one billion times the average annual income for an individual on food stamps.

美国亿万富翁的收入自从2009年其已经增长了一倍。美国最富有的四百个人的所有财产达到了2万亿美元,是供养美国年预算的400倍,是 一个平均收入的美国人花费在食品救济券上的超过10亿倍。


rtdrury • 12 hours ago
Of course the organization Feeding America is better than elites stealing from the people. But "better than" remains the "lesser evil" because it deters/distracts us from our real agenda. Our real agenda is not to give fish but to teach to fish. This is the clear difference between power elites currently entrenched in the whitey house, and the people ourselves. As well-meaning as many are who remain connected to the liberal arm of the power structure, we really need them to wake up and get hip to the people's vision, the people's agenda, the people's movement. Universal enlightenment, solidarity, equity, justice. A complete package. No parts missing.

供养美国组织当然要比从人民那偷钱的精英们强多了。但是“强”只不过是“没那么邪恶”的意思,因为它使我们的注意力从我们真正的要关心的事情上转移开了。我们真正要做的事情不是给鱼,而是授之以渔。这就是那些在白宫立稳脚跟的权利精英者们与我们的区别。那些看似充满善意而又拥有权力的人,我们真正要做的是让他们醒过来,让他们通晓人民的视角,人民的议程,人民的行动。普世的启蒙, 团结,公平,正义。一套完整的系统,一个也不能少。

Abelli • 8 hours ago
Warehousing inmates has priority in World Leading Prisoner Land. "The pervasive growth of poverty, hunger, and homelessness" is breeding place for next generation profiling tough on crime politicians.

犯人在这个世界领先的罪犯领土上享有优先权。 “无处不在的饥饿,贫困,无家可归的人数的增长”正成为下一代人的生长土地,他们将严厉打击罪犯政客。