家教杂说”之九十七:《盖茨限制女儿用电脑玩游戏的时间 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/19 18:36:53


微软公司奠基人盖茨以女儿为活招牌,推销微软新的电脑游戏皮纳塔乐园(Viva Pinata)。但他表示要对女儿使用电脑玩游戏的时间做出限制。

盖茨二十一日在加拿大渥太华的一个商业大会上说:“她开始变得热衷于使用电脑,开始接触好些电脑游戏,包括在Xbox 360中运行的皮纳塔乐园。在游戏中,玩者得照顾好自己建立的园地。她有时候会在园地里耗上两三个小时。”



微软公司奠基人盖茨以女儿为活招牌,推销微软新的电脑游戏皮纳塔乐园(Viva Pinata)。但他表示要对女儿使用电脑玩游戏的时间做出限制。

盖茨二十一日在加拿大渥太华的一个商业大会上说:“她开始变得热衷于使用电脑,开始接触好些电脑游戏,包括在Xbox 360中运行的皮纳塔乐园。在游戏中,玩者得照顾好自己建立的园地。她有时候会在园地里耗上两三个小时。”



作者:NBC新闻  Rehema Ellis


    当三年级的29个学生进入教室时,老师Allysun Sokolowski边念着每个学生的名字边和他们握手。这对她很容易,因为在加利福尼亚的Los Altos学校,她就认识这些孩子了。







   “我关心的是,如果说我们需要科技来帮助学生,我们就忽视了一个事实,那就是,能帮助学生的是好老师和好的教学。” 华德福数学老师Lisa Babinet说。


    “我不认为我们会落后,因为这并不意味着我们就不是科技的一部分。” 高二学生Isabelle Senteno说。“我们是科技的一部分,我们只是不在课堂上使用罢了。”

    高一学生Jack Pelose刚从一所大量使用科技的学校转到华德福学校,他说他发现了不在课堂上使用电脑的好处。“自从我到这来,我的字写得好多了,”他说。






   “如果你站在教室后面观察每个屏幕,至少一半都停在Facebook上。” Waheed说几乎所有其他学生都在课堂上用笔记本电脑打字。

   “华德福教育给你一个基础说‘好,我可以把手机放在包里。我可以和一个人交谈半小时。我不需要一直都挂在网上。’” Waheed说。“个人之间的连接比你将要收到的下一条短信更有持久性,这点更可贵。”


    “我不认为任何人要争论科技的价值和电脑的使用,” Muneer Waheed说。“我们不 会倒退。这就是未来。”



The Waldorf Way: Silicon Valley school eschewstechnology

By Rehema Ellis
NBC News

From the moment you walk into theWaldorf School of the Peninsula there are clear signs that something differentis happening.

Allysun Sokolowski, a third-gradeteacher,  greets each one of her 29 students by name and shakes their handas they enter the classroom. It's easy for her because she's known these kidsat the Los Altos, Calif., school for a while.

"I've been teaching the samechildren from first grade, second grade and now we're in third grade. And Iwill teach these children all the way through eighth grade," she said.

It's the Waldorf way.

Teachers establish a strong bondwith students. As a result, Waldorf teachers quickly point out there's no need for tests or grades.

"I don't need grades to knowhow well they're doing," said Sokolowski. "I know their strengths, Iknow their weaknesses. I know what will be hard for them and where they willshine. I'm their teacher with a capital't.'"

The intense student-teacherconnection might help explain why students from elementary to high school arethriving. The school boasts a nearly perfect graduation rate.

Despite being in the heart ofSilicon Valley, Waldorf students are not caught up in the gadget frenzy thathas consumed so many other school children nationwide. Computers are not usedin the elementary school and they are used sparingly at the high school level.Teachers say they're not anti-technology, but, as they put it, they're just infavor of healthy education.

"I'm concerned that if we saywe need technology to engage students we're missing the fact that what engagesstudents is good teachers and good teaching," said Lisa Babinet, a Waldorfmath teacher.

I asked a group of high school students if they missed having computers andiPads as part of their lessons they all emphatically said "No."

"I don't think we're gonna be left behind at all because it's not likewe're not a part of technology at all," said sophomore Isabelle Senteno."We are a part of it, we just don't incorporate it in the lessons."

Jack Pelose, a freshman who transferred to Waldorf from a school that used alot of technology, said he noticed the benefits of not using computers inclass. "My cursive has gotten a lot better since I've been here," hesaid.

"Everything about technology is so easy to pick up and use nowadays,"added senior Zach Wurtz . "The companies design it so anyone can use itwhen they choose to."

The students talked about being annoyed sometimes when they hang out withfriends who are not Waldorf students, who spend a lot of time on socialnetworking sites and texting.

One Waldorf student said he sometimes has to ask his friends to put down thegadgets so they can just talk.

And if you're wondering, like I did, how the Waldorf education translates inthe outside world, Laila Waheed, a graduate now in her first year of college,offered some insight.

Waheed, 18, has a laptop but never takes it to lectures. She takes notes byhand -- like she did at Waldorf -- and she later transfers her notes intoher computer. It's a form of studying, she said.

"If you stood at the back of the classroom and looked at every screen,at least half of them would be on Facebook," Waheed said of all the otherstudents who are typing awayon their laptops during lectures.

"A Waldorf education gives you a foundation to say, 'OK, I can put myphone in my bag. I can have a half-an-hour conversation with a person. I don'tneed to be totally connected all the time,'" Waheed said. "And that'smore valuable for making personal connections that will last longer than thenext text you're going to get."

It sounds like something a Waldorf student would say. But it’s also asentiment echoed by her father, an engineer manager at Cisco.

"I don't think anyone is debating the value of technology and the useof computers," Muneer Waheed said. "There is no going back. This isthe future."

But he and his wife have been clear about wanting the mostly technology-freezone that Waldorf provides for their two children.

"They need the environment and the foundation to develop and get theircore values -- the love of education and their own passion," he said."That's what's going to stay with them. The computer is just a tool."
精灵07323 发表于 2013-11-18 15:48
超级大的营 发表于 2013-11-16 21:41


超级大的营 发表于 2013-11-18 21:38