
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/23 15:20:41
<P>   两天前吾还是一地道的潜水员,在水区潜水的时候看到了某MM正雄姿英发,辛勤耕耘。其所到帖处,无不灰飞烟灭,飞沙走石,猫狗不宁,惊起一滩欧鸬。</P>
<P>   好一道靓丽风景!</P>
<P>   吾拍案惊奇,这不是正我心中的英雄吗?此时,吾心中做了一个伟大的决定:向MM学习灌水之精髓!于是,于是我决定转业,从此抛弃潜水员的头衔,加如了浩浩荡荡的灌水大军。</P>
<P>    可能是上有天意,吾与MM心有灵犀,配合默契,顿时打遍天下无敌手,哈哈……狂笑一下。在这种默契中,我们成立了传说中的一分教,并被MM寄于厚望,担任副教主要职。从此,教主与副教主吾开始鼻翼双飞,闯荡江湖。不日,灌的正酣之时,半路杀出个XX省长,企图收买吾加入“海龟”派,被吾意正严词的拒绝,于是怀恨在心,口出狂言,出言不逊,极度蔑视家侮辱我一分教,吾与教主大人那容他如此目中无人,愤然反击,并在正义人士XXX(此处不便透露)的鼎立协助之下像痛打落水狗一样把他清理掉,尽管他试图反抗,其间甚至拿出党章国法吓唬我们,哼哼,我们何等人也,火眼金金,立刻将他照了个原型,此省长只好灰溜溜离去,哈哈哈哈……狂笑……</P>
<P>    就在我们高歌猛进之时,一股无形而强大的压力迎面而来,这股压力超乎我的想象,身处水区像身处异次元空间,随时有可能万劫不复。吾没有选择的余地,万般无奈之下,吾决定暂时“隐退”。但是吾此刻要挣臂高呼,为了灌水人的真理挣臂高呼:灌水无罪,回帖有理!</P>
<P>               Walk away</P>
<P>Is this masquerade finally over<br>Can we put down the roles that we've played so many times<br>Is this really the final curtain<br>The end of the play<br>Or will we just dance this dance<br>we've danced again and again and again<br>Once again I walk away<br>There's no turning back this time baby<br>Once again I walk away<br>With every step I leave you behind me<br>Once again I walk away<br>Determined this time you'll be sorry<br>Once again I walk away<br>But if you ask me you know that I'd stay</P>
<P>If we put out the sun and stopped it from shining<br>Girl we both know<br>We still couldn't be anymore in the dark<br>Ooh there's no flashlight<br>There's no insight<br>As hard as we try<br>Ooh we keep running round in circles<br>Time after time, hello, goodbye<br>Once again I walk away<br>There's no turning back this time baby<br>Once again I walk away<br>With every step I leave you behind me<br>Once again I walk away<br>Determined this time you'll be sorry<br>Once again I walk away<br>But if you ask me you know that I'd stay</P>
<P>Is this really the final curtain<br>The end of the play<br>Or will we just dance this dance<br>we've danced again and again and again<br>Once again I walk away<br>There's no turning back this time baby<br>Once again I walk away<br>With every step I leave you behind me<br>Once again I walk away</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-21 21:30:32编辑过]
<P>   两天前吾还是一地道的潜水员,在水区潜水的时候看到了某MM正雄姿英发,辛勤耕耘。其所到帖处,无不灰飞烟灭,飞沙走石,猫狗不宁,惊起一滩欧鸬。</P>
<P>   好一道靓丽风景!</P>
<P>   吾拍案惊奇,这不是正我心中的英雄吗?此时,吾心中做了一个伟大的决定:向MM学习灌水之精髓!于是,于是我决定转业,从此抛弃潜水员的头衔,加如了浩浩荡荡的灌水大军。</P>
<P>    可能是上有天意,吾与MM心有灵犀,配合默契,顿时打遍天下无敌手,哈哈……狂笑一下。在这种默契中,我们成立了传说中的一分教,并被MM寄于厚望,担任副教主要职。从此,教主与副教主吾开始鼻翼双飞,闯荡江湖。不日,灌的正酣之时,半路杀出个XX省长,企图收买吾加入“海龟”派,被吾意正严词的拒绝,于是怀恨在心,口出狂言,出言不逊,极度蔑视家侮辱我一分教,吾与教主大人那容他如此目中无人,愤然反击,并在正义人士XXX(此处不便透露)的鼎立协助之下像痛打落水狗一样把他清理掉,尽管他试图反抗,其间甚至拿出党章国法吓唬我们,哼哼,我们何等人也,火眼金金,立刻将他照了个原型,此省长只好灰溜溜离去,哈哈哈哈……狂笑……</P>
<P>    就在我们高歌猛进之时,一股无形而强大的压力迎面而来,这股压力超乎我的想象,身处水区像身处异次元空间,随时有可能万劫不复。吾没有选择的余地,万般无奈之下,吾决定暂时“隐退”。但是吾此刻要挣臂高呼,为了灌水人的真理挣臂高呼:灌水无罪,回帖有理!</P>
<P>               Walk away</P>
<P>Is this masquerade finally over<br>Can we put down the roles that we've played so many times<br>Is this really the final curtain<br>The end of the play<br>Or will we just dance this dance<br>we've danced again and again and again<br>Once again I walk away<br>There's no turning back this time baby<br>Once again I walk away<br>With every step I leave you behind me<br>Once again I walk away<br>Determined this time you'll be sorry<br>Once again I walk away<br>But if you ask me you know that I'd stay</P>
<P>If we put out the sun and stopped it from shining<br>Girl we both know<br>We still couldn't be anymore in the dark<br>Ooh there's no flashlight<br>There's no insight<br>As hard as we try<br>Ooh we keep running round in circles<br>Time after time, hello, goodbye<br>Once again I walk away<br>There's no turning back this time baby<br>Once again I walk away<br>With every step I leave you behind me<br>Once again I walk away<br>Determined this time you'll be sorry<br>Once again I walk away<br>But if you ask me you know that I'd stay</P>
<P>Is this really the final curtain<br>The end of the play<br>Or will we just dance this dance<br>we've danced again and again and again<br>Once again I walk away<br>There's no turning back this time baby<br>Once again I walk away<br>With every step I leave you behind me<br>Once again I walk away</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-21 21:30:32编辑过]