李显龙发言原文+翻译 驳斥国内部分媒体言论(不敢发原文 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/26 00:54:45



PM: “ World War II was a massive event for Japan…After the war, it took a long time for relations between Japan and its neighbors to come back to normal because there was not a reconciliation process that happened in Europe. In Europe, the Germans, they repudiated the Nazis, they repudiated Adolf Hitler. Every school child grows up knowing that that was a bad period, those were bad people. Germany was now into a new phase. And if you read the French textbooks or the German textbooks, you will get more or less the same story of the Second World War. Maybe not be exactly the same perspective, but basically the same story. It did not happen in Asia between Japan and its neighbours. Many years have passed. As I said just now, the strategic situation is completely different. The populations have grown up. It is a new generation. So it is not the same situation as before. In the case of Singapore, the first generation who lived through the war and the very difficult conditions when the Japanese invaded Singapore, they will never forget the experience. Every year on the anniversary of the fall of Singapore, 15th February, the old people go there to remember the relatives who died and they weep. So they will never forget. My parent’s generation will never forget until the day they die because they lived through that, they know what it was. My generation did not live through that, but we know from our fathers what it was like and their stories. If my father had been taken away, he would not have come back and I would not be here today. My uncle, my mother’s brother, was taken away and never came back. So these memories move some. My children’s generation, they don’t have those memories, not even second-hand; maybe third-hand. So we have moved on. And as a society, we have moved on. In the 1960s, there was a period when we discovered the mass graves where the civilians had been massacred in Singapore. There was an outcry. I remember the day because I saw them coming to dig up the graves next to my school. There was a big outcry, I think the Japanese government made an apology, donated some money and we built a memorial. So between Singapore and Japan, the chapter is closed. Officially, we have moved on. And we have very good relations between Singapore and Japan since then - investments, trade, cooperation in many areas. I think with other countries in Asia, you have not reached that point. Certainly with China, you are nowhere near that point. With Korea, you have not reached that point. So if you reopen the old subjects - whether it is comfort women, whether it is aggression, whether there is an apology or no apology – well, it is your prerogative to do so, but you have to consider whether this will be helpful in the context of your relations with other Asian countries and whether it is the most important thing you want to do. But that is for Japan to decide.”

(之前李显龙回忆了自己的家庭,包括祖辈对侵略历史的记忆,谈到了德国和欧洲的例子,即欧洲的和解。最后谈到新加坡和日本和解了,因为日本Japanese government made an apology, donated some money and we built a memorial,日本政府发表了道歉,捐了钱,从此日本和新加坡展开了多方面的的合作,接下来的话意思如下)但是我认为你们(指日本)和其他国家还没有达成和解。你们和中国的关系差的太远,和韩国也一样(nowhere from that point)。所以一旦提到历史问题,无论是慰安妇,侵略历史,还是道歉或者不道歉,当然你们有你们选择的权利,但是你们需要考虑你们的行为是否对于周边国家关系有利,是不是对于你们也是最重要的事情。当然,选择权在你们日本人(译者注:国际关系原则,表达意见,但不干涉内政)。

PM: “Well, we try to do that. Every generation grows up in a new environment and new circumstances. The old generation always feels ‘we want them to remember what we remember’, but the young generation did not live through those and they will have to form their own key memories. But at the same time, we hope that the most salient and relevant parts of what the older generation has learnt and seen, sometimes at great human cost, will be passed on and will be able to benefit the next generation.”
Q: “Thank you very much, Your Excellency, I very much appreciate your encouraging speech. I used to live in Singapore. I really appreciate Singapore and love Singapore. Let me ask you one thing about China. People know China is very important, I agree with you but at the same time, I have a big concern about China’s expansion to the Pacific. China has started saying that not only Okinawa, not only Senkaku, but also Okinawa is under dispute. And also, China proposed to the United States, ‘Let’s divide the Pacific Ocean – East side must belong to the US, west side belongs to China’. For that matter, I am saying that we need to cooperate with each other, with ASEAN, India, Korea and Russia to prevent China from expanding to the Pacific. So close enclosure against China may be necessary. Containment may not be, a bit too strong to do that, but close enclosure against China may be necessary to prevent such aggression. Thank you very much.”

PM: “Well, Singapore is good friends with Japan. Singapore is also good friends with China. So I do not think it is wise for me in Tokyo to criticize China, or anywhere publicly to criticize China. I think that every country in the region benefits from China’s prosperity and progress; hopes to participate in it and hopes to cultivate good relations with China.

Certainly all the ASEAN countries do so and I believe even amongst the Japanese people and Japanese companies, many would like to take advantage of the huge market and huge opportunities which China offers.Therefore, we have to work with China and China itself has to see in its own interest to develop in a peaceful way which is not threatening to its neighbors and which enables it to integrate into the global economy. I think their leaders understand this. You watch what they say to themselves. They often remind themselves that it is necessary for China to be a benign power and not to repeat the mistakes of previous powers which have tried to succeed through force of arms. And some years ago, they had a television series entitled ‘The Rise of Great Powers’ and they listed all the countries, all the great powers, over the last several centuries, starting from the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the British, the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese and showing the history of how they succeeded and when they went (to) try for expansion, it did not work. So I think at some level, they understand this. And certainly, if they are taking a long-term approach, they will make this calculation that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world, you have to make that calculation very carefully.(因此,我们需要和中国合作,也需要中国自己的努力,来确保中国在为自己争取利益和发展的同时,采取和平而不是威胁性的方式,融入世界经济的格局。我认为中国的领导人对此了如指掌。你可以看看他们的领导人平时的讲话,他们时刻提醒自己:要让中国成为一个令人尊敬的大国,不要犯历史上过于崇尚武力的国家所犯下的错误。几年前,中国有个热播的节目,叫“大国崛起”。中国人列举了很多历史上的强势国家,从葡萄牙,西班牙开始,到荷兰,英国,到美国,苏联和日本,展示这些国家尝试扩张而失足的历史。所以我认为,中国领导人明白这些国家的得与失在哪里。他们如果从长远看,应该会仔细考虑的,无论是钓鱼岛,还是南中国海,从这些地方的所得,与国际关系上的所失,他们会自己斟酌。

So I will be very careful about saying, ‘let us make a friendship amongst all the countries which are frightened of China’. I do not think that is a constructive and helpful approach. I think let us all make friends and develop constructive relations with one another in a multi-dimensional way. Not all links in Asia are centred on China, we also have cooperations between Japan and Asean, between Japan and America, between India and countries in East Asia, I see Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is visiting Japan soon. And also with the United States, which wants to make good relations with China and does not see a division in the Pacific Ocean between the two. So I would be very careful about these over-simplifications and maintain a constructive approach, encourage a constructive approach, so that we do not by our words and actions bring about the outcome we do not want. We take this position consistently. We tell this to the Japanese, we tell this to the Americans, we tell this to the Chinese. Last year, I visited Beijing. I made a speech at the Central Party School, where they send the senior cadres for training, and I explained to the audience in Mandarin why I felt that China’s wisest policy was to maintain their position of restraint and demonstrate, not just by words but also by its actions. That it works by international norms, that there is room in its international relations for win-win partnerships and relationships of mutual respect and equality. And I think the audience took my point.”
所以我个人对于“联合起来所有惧怕中国的人”这类言论是非常警觉的,我不认为这种方法有任何建设性或好处。我还是坚持多边合作的关系是最好的。并不是所有国家都是以中国为中心,事实上亚洲的关系是多样的,比如东盟和日本的关系,日本和美国的关系,印度和东亚的关系。就在这几天,Manmohan Singh 总理将会访问日本,随后会去美国。而美国恰恰是想推进和中国的关系,而不是把一个太平洋分成两半。因此,我时刻提醒自己不要把关系简单化,而是要向有建设性的方向努力,不要让我们的所作所为造成我们不想看到的结果。这也是我长久以来一直坚持的。我向日本人这样说,我向美国人也是这样说,我和中国人同样阐述我的想法。去年我去北京,参观了中央党校。。。

因为原文”但是我认为你们(指日本)和其他国家还没有达成和解。你们和中国的关系差的太远,和韩国也一样(nowhere from that point)。所以一旦提到历史问题,无论是慰安妇,侵略历史,还是道歉或者不道歉,当然你们有你们选择的权利,但是你们需要考虑你们的行为是否对于周边国家关系有利,是不是对于你们也是最重要的事情。(我说了这么多,当然)选择权在你们“,是对日本说的,


I think with other countries in Asia, you have not reached that point。意思是你们日本和其他国家的关系差远了(这里是指着日本说的)。加上 it is your prerogative to do so, but you have to consider whether this will be helpful in the context of your relations with other Asian countries and whether it is the most important thing you want to do. that is for Japan to decide. 当然你们(日本)有你们选择的权利,但是你们需要考虑你们的行为是否对于周边国家关系有利,是不是对于你们也是最重要的事情。

如果翻译成I think for other countries in Asia, you have not reached that point。你们亚洲其他国家之间的关系差远了(比如中国,旧事重提闹哪样)。差了一个字,直接就理解为对亚洲国家(包括中国)指三道四了。

同时52楼的兄弟给我提了个醒,如果真要诛心李显龙的话,不能忘了李显龙是在日本做的演讲,对日本的历史问题导致中日韩日关系nowhere from that point,日本的不作为要负起责任, 怎么做是你们的权利,但是“你们需要考虑你们的行为是否对于周边国家关系有利”。 我个人对李没什么褒贬。我只是想说李在国际关系处理上还是比较守规矩,第一不说过头的话,“新加坡是日本的朋友,但是新加坡也是中国的朋友。所以我觉得身在东京而批评中国的话,这不是一个明智的做法。无论在何地,公然抨击中国都不是明智的选择“是意见的大前提。第二,观点强烈的时候,也能举出实例,日本和新加坡的历史,日本战后在和新加坡多方面的合作,都提到了,但是日本和中国做了什么,日本和韩国做了什么,由此引出日本要对nowhere from that point这种关系好好想想。这就是抨击,也有有力的证据。



站在中国人立场上,可能觉得意见有问题,但是李又不是中国总理,凭什么不能说几句为新加坡讨利益的话?中国09哥本哈根不也是指着欧洲说“我们已经做了,你们还没有做,你们有什么理由对我说三道四?” 这种话很提气,但也表明作为政治家,政治上已经没有达成任何建设性条约,没路可走了。


“新加坡是日本的朋友,但是新加坡也是中国的朋友。所以我觉得身在东京而批评中国的话,这不是一个明智的做法。无论在何地,公然抨击中国都不是明智的选择。我的看法是亚洲整个地区,都从中国的发展中获得了益处,都希望能和中国保持良好的关系...因此,我们需要和中国合作,也需要中国自己的努力,来确保中国在为自己争取利益和发展的同时,采取和平而不是威胁性的方式,融入世界经济的格局。我认为中国的领导人对此了如指掌。你可以看看他们的领导人平时的讲话,他们时刻提醒自己:要让中国成为一个令人尊敬的大国,不要犯历史上过于崇尚武力的国家所犯下的错误。几年前,中国有个热播的节目,叫“大国崛起”。中国人列举了很多历史上的强势国家,从葡萄牙,西班牙开始,到荷兰,英国,到美国,苏联和日本,展示这些国家尝试扩张而失足的历史。所以我认为,中国领导人明白这些国家的得与失在哪里。他们如果从长远看,应该会仔细考虑的,无论是钓鱼岛,还是南中国海,从这些地方的所得,与国际关系上的所失,他们会自己斟酌. 所以我个人对于“联合起来所有惧怕中国的人”这类言论是非常警觉的,我不认为这种方法有任何建设性或好处。我还是坚持多边合作的关系是最好的。并不是所有国家都是以中国为中心,事实上亚洲的关系是多样的,比如东盟和日本的关系,日本和美国的关系,印度和东亚的关系。就在这几天,Manmohan Singh 总理将会访问日本,随后会去美国。而美国恰恰是想推进和中国的关系,而不是把一个太平洋分成两半。因此,我时刻提醒自己不要把关系简单化,而是要向有建设性的方向努力,不要让我们的所作所为造成我们不想看到的结果。这也是我长久以来一直坚持的。我向日本人这样说,我向美国人也是这样说,我和中国人同样阐述我的想法。去年我去北京,参观了中央党校。。。”



I think their leaders understand this. You watch what they say to themselves. They often remind themselves that it is necessary for China to be a benign power and not to repeat the mistakes of previous powers which have tried to succeed through force of arms. And some years ago, they had a television series entitled ‘The Rise of Great Powers’ and they listed all the countries, all the great powers, over the last several centuries, starting from the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the British, the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese and showing the history of how they succeeded and when they went (to) try for expansion, it did not work. So I think at some level, they understand this. And certainly, if they are taking a long-term approach, they will make this calculation that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world, you have to make that calculation very carefully.


同时,从中国角度考虑,如果中国拿到岛屿,就不会有损失吗?所以李的陈述”无论是钓鱼岛,还是南中国海,从这些地方的所得,与国际关系上的所失,声誉啊 地位啊”没什么新意,就是阐述国际关系的正常现象。但是中国人会“他们会自己斟酌”的。为什么?因为“我认为中国的领导人对此了如指掌。你可以看看他们的领导人平时的讲话。。。”甚至自己打了保票“And certainly“。




PM: “ World War II was a massive event for Japan…After the war, it took a long time for relations between Japan and its neighbors to come back to normal because there was not a reconciliation process that happened in Europe. In Europe, the Germans, they repudiated the Nazis, they repudiated Adolf Hitler. Every school child grows up knowing that that was a bad period, those were bad people. Germany was now into a new phase. And if you read the French textbooks or the German textbooks, you will get more or less the same story of the Second World War. Maybe not be exactly the same perspective, but basically the same story. It did not happen in Asia between Japan and its neighbours. Many years have passed. As I said just now, the strategic situation is completely different. The populations have grown up. It is a new generation. So it is not the same situation as before. In the case of Singapore, the first generation who lived through the war and the very difficult conditions when the Japanese invaded Singapore, they will never forget the experience. Every year on the anniversary of the fall of Singapore, 15th February, the old people go there to remember the relatives who died and they weep. So they will never forget. My parent’s generation will never forget until the day they die because they lived through that, they know what it was. My generation did not live through that, but we know from our fathers what it was like and their stories. If my father had been taken away, he would not have come back and I would not be here today. My uncle, my mother’s brother, was taken away and never came back. So these memories move some. My children’s generation, they don’t have those memories, not even second-hand; maybe third-hand. So we have moved on. And as a society, we have moved on. In the 1960s, there was a period when we discovered the mass graves where the civilians had been massacred in Singapore. There was an outcry. I remember the day because I saw them coming to dig up the graves next to my school. There was a big outcry, I think the Japanese government made an apology, donated some money and we built a memorial. So between Singapore and Japan, the chapter is closed. Officially, we have moved on. And we have very good relations between Singapore and Japan since then - investments, trade, cooperation in many areas. I think with other countries in Asia, you have not reached that point. Certainly with China, you are nowhere near that point. With Korea, you have not reached that point. So if you reopen the old subjects - whether it is comfort women, whether it is aggression, whether there is an apology or no apology – well, it is your prerogative to do so, but you have to consider whether this will be helpful in the context of your relations with other Asian countries and whether it is the most important thing you want to do. But that is for Japan to decide.”

(之前李显龙回忆了自己的家庭,包括祖辈对侵略历史的记忆,谈到了德国和欧洲的例子,即欧洲的和解。最后谈到新加坡和日本和解了,因为日本Japanese government made an apology, donated some money and we built a memorial,日本政府发表了道歉,捐了钱,从此日本和新加坡展开了多方面的的合作,接下来的话意思如下)但是我认为你们(指日本)和其他国家还没有达成和解。你们和中国的关系差的太远,和韩国也一样(nowhere from that point)。所以一旦提到历史问题,无论是慰安妇,侵略历史,还是道歉或者不道歉,当然你们有你们选择的权利,但是你们需要考虑你们的行为是否对于周边国家关系有利,是不是对于你们也是最重要的事情。当然,选择权在你们日本人(译者注:国际关系原则,表达意见,但不干涉内政)。

PM: “Well, we try to do that. Every generation grows up in a new environment and new circumstances. The old generation always feels ‘we want them to remember what we remember’, but the young generation did not live through those and they will have to form their own key memories. But at the same time, we hope that the most salient and relevant parts of what the older generation has learnt and seen, sometimes at great human cost, will be passed on and will be able to benefit the next generation.”
Q: “Thank you very much, Your Excellency, I very much appreciate your encouraging speech. I used to live in Singapore. I really appreciate Singapore and love Singapore. Let me ask you one thing about China. People know China is very important, I agree with you but at the same time, I have a big concern about China’s expansion to the Pacific. China has started saying that not only Okinawa, not only Senkaku, but also Okinawa is under dispute. And also, China proposed to the United States, ‘Let’s divide the Pacific Ocean – East side must belong to the US, west side belongs to China’. For that matter, I am saying that we need to cooperate with each other, with ASEAN, India, Korea and Russia to prevent China from expanding to the Pacific. So close enclosure against China may be necessary. Containment may not be, a bit too strong to do that, but close enclosure against China may be necessary to prevent such aggression. Thank you very much.”

PM: “Well, Singapore is good friends with Japan. Singapore is also good friends with China. So I do not think it is wise for me in Tokyo to criticize China, or anywhere publicly to criticize China. I think that every country in the region benefits from China’s prosperity and progress; hopes to participate in it and hopes to cultivate good relations with China.

Certainly all the ASEAN countries do so and I believe even amongst the Japanese people and Japanese companies, many would like to take advantage of the huge market and huge opportunities which China offers.Therefore, we have to work with China and China itself has to see in its own interest to develop in a peaceful way which is not threatening to its neighbors and which enables it to integrate into the global economy. I think their leaders understand this. You watch what they say to themselves. They often remind themselves that it is necessary for China to be a benign power and not to repeat the mistakes of previous powers which have tried to succeed through force of arms. And some years ago, they had a television series entitled ‘The Rise of Great Powers’ and they listed all the countries, all the great powers, over the last several centuries, starting from the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the British, the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese and showing the history of how they succeeded and when they went (to) try for expansion, it did not work. So I think at some level, they understand this. And certainly, if they are taking a long-term approach, they will make this calculation that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world, you have to make that calculation very carefully.(因此,我们需要和中国合作,也需要中国自己的努力,来确保中国在为自己争取利益和发展的同时,采取和平而不是威胁性的方式,融入世界经济的格局。我认为中国的领导人对此了如指掌。你可以看看他们的领导人平时的讲话,他们时刻提醒自己:要让中国成为一个令人尊敬的大国,不要犯历史上过于崇尚武力的国家所犯下的错误。几年前,中国有个热播的节目,叫“大国崛起”。中国人列举了很多历史上的强势国家,从葡萄牙,西班牙开始,到荷兰,英国,到美国,苏联和日本,展示这些国家尝试扩张而失足的历史。所以我认为,中国领导人明白这些国家的得与失在哪里。他们如果从长远看,应该会仔细考虑的,无论是钓鱼岛,还是南中国海,从这些地方的所得,与国际关系上的所失,他们会自己斟酌。

So I will be very careful about saying, ‘let us make a friendship amongst all the countries which are frightened of China’. I do not think that is a constructive and helpful approach. I think let us all make friends and develop constructive relations with one another in a multi-dimensional way. Not all links in Asia are centred on China, we also have cooperations between Japan and Asean, between Japan and America, between India and countries in East Asia, I see Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is visiting Japan soon. And also with the United States, which wants to make good relations with China and does not see a division in the Pacific Ocean between the two. So I would be very careful about these over-simplifications and maintain a constructive approach, encourage a constructive approach, so that we do not by our words and actions bring about the outcome we do not want. We take this position consistently. We tell this to the Japanese, we tell this to the Americans, we tell this to the Chinese. Last year, I visited Beijing. I made a speech at the Central Party School, where they send the senior cadres for training, and I explained to the audience in Mandarin why I felt that China’s wisest policy was to maintain their position of restraint and demonstrate, not just by words but also by its actions. That it works by international norms, that there is room in its international relations for win-win partnerships and relationships of mutual respect and equality. And I think the audience took my point.”
所以我个人对于“联合起来所有惧怕中国的人”这类言论是非常警觉的,我不认为这种方法有任何建设性或好处。我还是坚持多边合作的关系是最好的。并不是所有国家都是以中国为中心,事实上亚洲的关系是多样的,比如东盟和日本的关系,日本和美国的关系,印度和东亚的关系。就在这几天,Manmohan Singh 总理将会访问日本,随后会去美国。而美国恰恰是想推进和中国的关系,而不是把一个太平洋分成两半。因此,我时刻提醒自己不要把关系简单化,而是要向有建设性的方向努力,不要让我们的所作所为造成我们不想看到的结果。这也是我长久以来一直坚持的。我向日本人这样说,我向美国人也是这样说,我和中国人同样阐述我的想法。去年我去北京,参观了中央党校。。。

因为原文”但是我认为你们(指日本)和其他国家还没有达成和解。你们和中国的关系差的太远,和韩国也一样(nowhere from that point)。所以一旦提到历史问题,无论是慰安妇,侵略历史,还是道歉或者不道歉,当然你们有你们选择的权利,但是你们需要考虑你们的行为是否对于周边国家关系有利,是不是对于你们也是最重要的事情。(我说了这么多,当然)选择权在你们“,是对日本说的,


I think with other countries in Asia, you have not reached that point。意思是你们日本和其他国家的关系差远了(这里是指着日本说的)。加上 it is your prerogative to do so, but you have to consider whether this will be helpful in the context of your relations with other Asian countries and whether it is the most important thing you want to do. that is for Japan to decide. 当然你们(日本)有你们选择的权利,但是你们需要考虑你们的行为是否对于周边国家关系有利,是不是对于你们也是最重要的事情。

如果翻译成I think for other countries in Asia, you have not reached that point。你们亚洲其他国家之间的关系差远了(比如中国,旧事重提闹哪样)。差了一个字,直接就理解为对亚洲国家(包括中国)指三道四了。

同时52楼的兄弟给我提了个醒,如果真要诛心李显龙的话,不能忘了李显龙是在日本做的演讲,对日本的历史问题导致中日韩日关系nowhere from that point,日本的不作为要负起责任, 怎么做是你们的权利,但是“你们需要考虑你们的行为是否对于周边国家关系有利”。 我个人对李没什么褒贬。我只是想说李在国际关系处理上还是比较守规矩,第一不说过头的话,“新加坡是日本的朋友,但是新加坡也是中国的朋友。所以我觉得身在东京而批评中国的话,这不是一个明智的做法。无论在何地,公然抨击中国都不是明智的选择“是意见的大前提。第二,观点强烈的时候,也能举出实例,日本和新加坡的历史,日本战后在和新加坡多方面的合作,都提到了,但是日本和中国做了什么,日本和韩国做了什么,由此引出日本要对nowhere from that point这种关系好好想想。这就是抨击,也有有力的证据。



站在中国人立场上,可能觉得意见有问题,但是李又不是中国总理,凭什么不能说几句为新加坡讨利益的话?中国09哥本哈根不也是指着欧洲说“我们已经做了,你们还没有做,你们有什么理由对我说三道四?” 这种话很提气,但也表明作为政治家,政治上已经没有达成任何建设性条约,没路可走了。


“新加坡是日本的朋友,但是新加坡也是中国的朋友。所以我觉得身在东京而批评中国的话,这不是一个明智的做法。无论在何地,公然抨击中国都不是明智的选择。我的看法是亚洲整个地区,都从中国的发展中获得了益处,都希望能和中国保持良好的关系...因此,我们需要和中国合作,也需要中国自己的努力,来确保中国在为自己争取利益和发展的同时,采取和平而不是威胁性的方式,融入世界经济的格局。我认为中国的领导人对此了如指掌。你可以看看他们的领导人平时的讲话,他们时刻提醒自己:要让中国成为一个令人尊敬的大国,不要犯历史上过于崇尚武力的国家所犯下的错误。几年前,中国有个热播的节目,叫“大国崛起”。中国人列举了很多历史上的强势国家,从葡萄牙,西班牙开始,到荷兰,英国,到美国,苏联和日本,展示这些国家尝试扩张而失足的历史。所以我认为,中国领导人明白这些国家的得与失在哪里。他们如果从长远看,应该会仔细考虑的,无论是钓鱼岛,还是南中国海,从这些地方的所得,与国际关系上的所失,他们会自己斟酌. 所以我个人对于“联合起来所有惧怕中国的人”这类言论是非常警觉的,我不认为这种方法有任何建设性或好处。我还是坚持多边合作的关系是最好的。并不是所有国家都是以中国为中心,事实上亚洲的关系是多样的,比如东盟和日本的关系,日本和美国的关系,印度和东亚的关系。就在这几天,Manmohan Singh 总理将会访问日本,随后会去美国。而美国恰恰是想推进和中国的关系,而不是把一个太平洋分成两半。因此,我时刻提醒自己不要把关系简单化,而是要向有建设性的方向努力,不要让我们的所作所为造成我们不想看到的结果。这也是我长久以来一直坚持的。我向日本人这样说,我向美国人也是这样说,我和中国人同样阐述我的想法。去年我去北京,参观了中央党校。。。”



I think their leaders understand this. You watch what they say to themselves. They often remind themselves that it is necessary for China to be a benign power and not to repeat the mistakes of previous powers which have tried to succeed through force of arms. And some years ago, they had a television series entitled ‘The Rise of Great Powers’ and they listed all the countries, all the great powers, over the last several centuries, starting from the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the British, the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese and showing the history of how they succeeded and when they went (to) try for expansion, it did not work. So I think at some level, they understand this. And certainly, if they are taking a long-term approach, they will make this calculation that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world, you have to make that calculation very carefully.


同时,从中国角度考虑,如果中国拿到岛屿,就不会有损失吗?所以李的陈述”无论是钓鱼岛,还是南中国海,从这些地方的所得,与国际关系上的所失,声誉啊 地位啊”没什么新意,就是阐述国际关系的正常现象。但是中国人会“他们会自己斟酌”的。为什么?因为“我认为中国的领导人对此了如指掌。你可以看看他们的领导人平时的讲话。。。”甚至自己打了保票“And certainly“。






And certainly, if they are taking a long-term approach, they will make this calculation that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world如果中国拿到钓鱼岛或者南中国海,中国就会失去在周边和世界上的名声与地位!), you have to make that calculation very carefully.






And certainly, if they are taking a long-term approach, they will make this calculation that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world如果中国拿到钓鱼岛或者南中国海,中国就会失去在周边和世界上的名声与地位!), you have to make that calculation very carefully.

铁蓑 发表于 2013-8-23 21:23

And certainly,可以肯定的是, if they are taking a long-term approach,(如果中国领导人做长远打算的话) they will make this calculation that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world(如果句子太长,你可以分开读,whether...whether是个假设并列,你不要断章取义认为是“如果中国拿到钓鱼岛或者南中国海,中国就会失去在周边和世界上的地位”那是后面的句子,此句是“无论是钓鱼岛,还是南中国海,从这些地方的所得,与国际关系上的所失,他们会自己斟酌者。。。注意看是”他们会自己斟酌“,本段的意思是”中国领导人会考虑到的“,因为前面说了,是基于李对中国的理解,你们日本人不要把中国人想的太简单,因为:
You watch what they say to themselves. They often remind themselves that it is necessary for China to be a benign power and not to repeat the mistakes of previous powers which have tried to succeed through force of arms. And some years ago, they had a television series entitled ‘The Rise of Great Powers’ and they listed all the countries, all the great powers, over the last several centuries, starting from the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the British, the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese and showing the history of how they succeeded and when they went (to) try for expansion, it did not work. So I think at some level, they understand this.


And certainly,可以肯定的是, if they are taking a long-term approach,(如果中国领导人做长远打算的话) they will make this calculation that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world(如果句子太长,你可以分开读,whether...whether是个假设并列,你不要断章取义认为是“如果中国拿到钓鱼岛或者南中国海,中国就会失去在周边和世界上的地位”那是后面的句子,此句是“无论是钓鱼岛,还是南中国海,从这些地方的所得,与国际关系上的所失,他们会自己斟酌者。。。注意看是”他们会自己斟酌“,本段的意思是”中国领导人会考虑到的“,因为前面说了,是基于李对中国的理解,你们日本人不要把中国人想的太简单,因为:
You watch what they say to themselves. They often remind themselves that it is necessary for China to be a benign power and not to repeat the mistakes of previous powers which have tried to succeed through force of arms. And some years ago, they had a television series entitled ‘The Rise of Great Powers’ and they listed all the countries, all the great powers, over the last several centuries, starting from the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the British, the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese and showing the history of how they succeeded and when they went (to) try for expansion, it did not work. So I think at some level, they understand this.


石库门 发表于 2013-8-23 21:31
And certainly,可以肯定的是, if they are taking a long-term approach,(如果中国领导人做长 ...


1)you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world 你怎么不敢翻译出来?

2)what you gain on, 这里的 gain 明明是夺取的意思,也就是说“中国夺取钓鱼岛或者南中国海”,你却“粉饰性”翻译成“所得”,意欲何为?


石库门 发表于 2013-8-23 21:31
And certainly,可以肯定的是, if they are taking a long-term approach,(如果中国领导人做长 ...


1)you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world 你怎么不敢翻译出来?

2)what you gain on, 这里的 gain 明明是夺取的意思,也就是说“中国夺取钓鱼岛或者南中国海”,你却“粉饰性”翻译成“所得”,意欲何为?



告诉你一个捷径吧,搂主,要想每天看50篇英文专业文献而不费劲,最大的秘诀就是抓关键词.那么大的Senkakus你看不见阿,用这个词还不能说明新加坡立场么?什么脑袋阿,如果支持中国立场,第一个会做的就是尊重中国领土命名权,应该用Diao Yu islands或者用Diaoyu Islands


石库门 发表于 2013-8-23 21:31
And certainly,可以肯定的是, if they are taking a long-term approach,(如果中国领导人做长 ...

they(中国领导人) will (将会)make(做) this calculation(考虑、计算)                       那么中国领导人考虑什么呢

that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, (无论是钓鱼岛,还是在南中国海 温良恭捡让你把这部分遗漏了, whether whether是或者 或者的意思, 你看我翻译成无论还是 还算贴切吧)
what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, (在钓鱼岛或者南海问题上的所得)
but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world (在国际关系上的所失)


这段 是接在“新加坡是日本的朋友,但是新加坡也是中国的朋友。所以我觉得身在东京而批评中国的话,这不是一个明智的做法。无论在何地,公然抨击中国都不是明智的选择。我的看法是亚洲整个地区,都从中国的发展中获得了益处,都希望能和中国保持良好的关系。”这个大前提下的。“


they(中国领导人) will (将会)make(做) this calculation(考虑、计算)                       那么中国领导人考虑什么呢

that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, (无论是钓鱼岛,还是在南中国海 温良恭捡让你把这部分遗漏了, whether whether是或者 或者的意思, 你看我翻译成无论还是 还算贴切吧)
what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, (在钓鱼岛或者南海问题上的所得)
but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world (在国际关系上的所失)


这段 是接在“新加坡是日本的朋友,但是新加坡也是中国的朋友。所以我觉得身在东京而批评中国的话,这不是一个明智的做法。无论在何地,公然抨击中国都不是明智的选择。我的看法是亚洲整个地区,都从中国的发展中获得了益处,都希望能和中国保持良好的关系。”这个大前提下的。“


国务顾问 发表于 2013-8-23 21:39

李显龙要中国领导人考虑的,无 ...



名字就能表明态度,文字狱吧。 龙就必须是long, dragon就必须死是不是。 这瓶酒叫石库门,这是什么态度?
石库门 发表于 2013-8-23 21:45
they(中国领导人) will (将会)make(做) this calculation(考虑、计算)                       那么 ...


石库门 发表于 2013-8-23 21:45
they(中国领导人) will (将会)make(做) this calculation(考虑、计算)                       那么 ...

石库门 发表于 2013-8-23 21:45
they(中国领导人) will (将会)make(做) this calculation(考虑、计算)                       那么 ...

石库门 发表于 2013-8-23 21:50
名字就能表明态度,文字狱吧。 龙就必须是long, dragon就必须死是不是。 这瓶酒叫石库门,这是什么态度?


And certainly,If they are taking a long-term approach后面巴啦啦把一堆。前台词的理解就是中国如果在钓鱼岛和南海不识相点,你们就是短视,会失去国际地位。
打个比方,楼主养了个儿子,随他姓石库,结果有天别人把小孩接走了不肯还,说那是他家的孩子,姓朱,楼主正 ...
体育老师 LZ的英语是不是你教的