
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/25 21:21:55
Mao ordered 1962 war to regain CPC control, Chinese strategist
ht tp://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/Mao-ordered-1962-war-to-regain-CPC-control-reveals-Ch
每日新素材,等你来认领! ht tp://ww w.ltaaa.com/translation


BEIJING: China's late strongman Mao Zedong had launched the 1962 war with India to regain control of the ruling Communist Party after the debacle of his 'Great Leap Forward' movement in which millions had perished.


This was stated by top Chinese strategist Wang Jisi, adding a new dimension to the conflict ahead of the 50th anniversary of the war on Saturday.


"The war was a tragedy. It was not necessary," Wang, Dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University and member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, told PTI here.


Wang said he differed with the perception of many Chinese political and strategic analysts that the Chinese victory ended India's claims on the border and brought about long-term peace.



"I think we need to do some research. One anecdotal story I heard was because of Mao's own fear of his position in China in 1962 that he launched a war," said Wang, who according to senior Indian diplomats was often consulted by the Chinese leadership.


"In 1962, three years after the Great Leap Forward (GLF), Mao lost power and authority. He was no longer the head of the state and he went back to the so-called second line. The explanation given to us at that time was that he was more interested in ... revolution and so on," he said ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Sino-India conflict on October 20.


GLF was a mass campaign launched by Mao to use China's vast population to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy to a modern Communist society.


The movement turned out to be a catastrophe for China as millions of people perished in violent purges weakening Mao's position as supreme leader of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) and he was sidelined.



Tansan7819 (Bangalore)
What ever the Chinia's reason,India sufferd, Let us learn from the past and All Indians should be united JaiHind


iyer ramchandran (pune mh)
I am least concerned what happened in China's internal politics that made them to "Teach Nehru a Lesson". To-day to thereisaninternal power struggle. They can still stike with greater vigour. But the main question is the humilation we suffered at their hands, I still cant forget nor forgive. One has to be 70 old to realise that deep inflicted scar, which the present generation may not feel. Even 71 war is nearly 49 years old. Our general say that we are better prepared now more than 1962. With a corrupt govt at every step, weponology is sufficiently advance or atleast equal to the Chineese with a contigency plan to fight on two fronts simulteneously. One should never discount that possibility. The will survive by eating grass, but not another defeat at the hands of Chineese. Pakistan. Are the Services personnels, Politician must be mentally prepared for the worst case senerio and progress and strengthen our economy and Armed forces. ramchandran pune

我才不在乎那时候中国国内政治发生了什么使他们要去“教训一下尼赫鲁” 。现在,他们也有内部权力斗争。但他们还是能保持旺盛的战斗力。主要问题是我们败在他们手上所受的耻辱,我始终难以介怀和原谅。要老到70岁的人才会体会到伤痕加身的切肤之痛,这是现在这一代人所不能理解的。连1971年的战争离现在已经都有49个年头了(注:指第三次印巴战争)。我们的将军说我们现在比1962年准备得更充足了。尽管每一步发展都受到腐败的政府的牵制,武器装备跟中国人比已经足够先进,或至少可以与中国人匹敌了,有能够同时在两个战线作战的预防措施。但不要忽略这种可能。部队将士可以靠吃草来生存下去,但再不能承受又一次成为中国人和基斯坦人手下败将的打击。政客们必须从思想上做最坏的打算,发展和加强我们的经济和武装力量。

ramchandran pune(回复人)

MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 14 mins ago
HINDUS ARE THE BIGGEST FOOLS IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND: -- They drink cow urine and leave their entire holy cow for Muslims and Christians to eat. -- They worship Shiva Linga which is perfectly circumcised. They scream Bharat Mata while desperately waiting for jobs and immigration under hot sun in front of Muslim and Christian nations. Their leaders loot the nation and keep their wealth in the safe hands of Jesus in Swiss banks. They gave Buddha to China and China is eating Arunachal Pradesh. -- They forced Pakistan to invent nukes which has brought KAFIRS down to their knees. They created Bangladesh free of cost and now crying they are eating Assam. Even Nepal has abandoned India and joined hands with China -- They are friends of America but Jesus had swallowed 7 NE states. -- They brag about 1.7 million strong Hindu army, nukes and missiles but watching like impotents when Buddhist Srilanka kills 4 million Tamil Hindus. -- They kill Kashmiris without knowing that they were all Brahmin Pundits once, who embraced Islam. They brag about Mahabharata and say queen Gandhari ruled Bharath from Kandhahar but all the great grand children of Gandhari and Kauravas embraced Islam and became Mehmood of Ghaznavis, Muhammad Ghouris and Talibans. Even for silly problems, they run to USA, Israel and scream "help, help" like impotents. --- Now they are pushing 300 million Muslims to create PAKISTAN-2 -- These guys are just waiting for the Badshah to rule them again for 1000 years:)

印度人是人类有史以来最大的傻瓜: -- 他们喝牛尿,却将整头圣牛留给MSL和基督教徒吃。 -- 他们信奉的湿婆林伽是个被割了包皮的。他们口中呼喊着“印度之母”的名字,却又绝望地在烈日下向MSL和基督教国家求职和移民。他们的领导人偷了整个国家然后将财富交到瑞士银行信奉基督教的人的手中保管。他们将如来佛交给中国,中国正在吞并阿鲁纳恰尔邦(注:中国藏南地区)。 -- 他们迫使巴基斯坦人发明原子弹,巴基斯坦人用它来让异教徒(注:意指信印度教的人)臣服。他们免费创立了孟加拉国,现在又在哭喊着孟加拉人要吞并阿萨姆邦。连尼泊尔也背弃印度跟中国牵起手来了 ——他们都是美国的朋友,但基督教已经吞并了东北7邦。(注:指东北7邦主要信基督教) --   他们夸口有170万印度大军、原子弹、导弹,可是当看到信奉佛教的斯里兰卡屠杀400万印度裔泰米尔人时全都蔫了。-- 他们自己在屠杀克什米尔人的时候却不知道克什米尔人曾经是最高贵的婆罗门,只不过是改信YSL教了。他们吹捧《摩呵婆罗多》,说Gandhari女王从坎大哈统治Bharath,但Gandhari和Kauravas的子孙后代都改信YSL,变成了迦色尼王朝的马哈默德,古尔王朝的穆罕默德和塔利班。即便是鸡毛蒜皮的事,他们都会马上怯了,跑去美国、以色列大叫“救命,救命”。-- 现在他们又逼着3亿MSL去成立第二个巴基斯坦 -- 这些人真是迫不及待等着一位大汗降临再统治他们1000年。:)



Himalayan Warrior (Darjelling) 24 mins ago
If China would not have attacked in 1962 , India would have been less prepared to deal with Pakistan's 1965 war. This 1962 war was an eye opening and in some way blessing in disguise. India would not have won 1972 war overwhelmingly without lessons learnt from 1962 debacle.

如果1962年中国没有发起攻击,印度在就不能进行充分的准备在1965年与巴基斯坦打仗。1962年的战争惊醒了印度,从某种程度上讲是因祸得福了。 没有1962年大败所得来的教训,印度是不会取得1972年战争的

MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 27 mins ago
WHY NOT INDO-CHINA FEDERATION FOR REGIONAL PEACE AND PROSPERITY? --- Let's look at the geopolitical situation. USA is bankrupt and has become a toothless tiger. It can NOT afford war on terror any more in Afghan and packing off. To save it's skin, it will abandon India any time like an unwanted concubine. Every nation has the right to do the right thing in their own national interest -- We don't have friends in our neighborhood. All are enemies, including China. Our neighbors are weak and they want a powerful BIG BROTHER to survive. They do not see any value in us and we also know very well that they love to hate us as much as we love to hate them --- Pakistan is in deep sh*t. But the reality is, it's a nation of 200 million people and it's NOT going to evaporate into thin air. Nobody loves a weak and poor man any more. Every one loves power and wealth. Even the wife will abandon and go with the man who can give her better life. There is a greater possibility that our neighbors (Pak BD SL Afghan) may form a federation with China very soon. If that happens, all 55 OIC Muslim nations will join hands with China, we will be left all alone and all our dreams will come to a halt --- China is not a saint to miss this golden opportunity for which it has been working silently since 1970. Honestly, we look awkward in front of China and our neighbors feel proud to align with China. We have to gracefully accept the might of China, forget the past, look into our strength and weakness, and go for INDO-CHINA federation to bring better life for 3.5 billion people.

为了地区的和平与繁荣,为什么不构建印度-中国联盟? -- 从地缘政治形势看,美国已破产变成了一只没有牙齿的老虎。它无法承受起在阿富汗的反恐战争开始卷铺盖走人了。为了挽回局势,它不得不像对待失宠的妾侍一样放弃印度。每个国家都有权去做符合自己国家利益的事 - 我们周边没有朋友。全部都是敌人,包括中国在内。我们的邻邦都是弱国,他们需要一个强势的老大来确保自己的生存。他们看不到我们的价值,我们也很清楚他们最恨我们,就像我们也最恨他们一样。 -- 巴基斯坦的麻烦很大。但我们得面对现实,它是一个拥有2亿人口的国家,也不会凭空消失。嫌弃贫穷软弱,追逐权力财富是人之天性。日子过不好,媳妇跟人跑。我们的邻国(巴基斯坦、孟加拉、斯里兰卡、阿富汗)十分有可能很快会跟中国结成同盟。这种事要是发生了,55个伊斯兰会议组织成员国将与中国联手,我们将会变成孤家寡人,我们的梦想就此停滞。 -- 中国不是个君子去坐失良机的,这个机会他们从1970年开始就悄悄在等待了。说实话,中国一直看我们不顺眼,我们的邻国以与中国为伍而傲。为了35亿人民的福祉,我们必须大度的接受中国的强大,摒弃前嫌,审视自身的优缺点,支持构建印度-中国联盟。

MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 29 mins ago
THE FEDERATION OF INDIA HAS FAILED MISERABLY AND HAS CREATED WORLD's LARGEST SLUMS AND 700 MILLION HALF NAKED FAKIRS -- India is standing on the brink of 5 major civil wars --- It's simultaneously facing food scarcity civil war due to overpopulation, regional, caste, corruption, and Hindu-Muslim civil war --- HOW LONG BHARAT MATA CAN SURVIVE AS ONE NATION BY BLAMING PAKISTAN AND MUSLIMS FOR ALL HER FAILURES?
印度的联邦制已经一败涂地,制造出世界最大的贫民窟和7亿衣不蔽体的贫民 -- 印度正处在5场大规模内战的边缘 - 它正同时面对由人口过多引起的争夺食物的内战,地区间的内战,种姓之间的内战,腐败与反腐败的内战,以及印度教与MSL之间的内战。如果只会将她所有的失败都归咎于巴基斯坦和MSL,祖国印度离分崩离析还有多久?

MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 30 mins ago
FORGET CHINA. INDIAN ARMY CAN NOT SAVE BHARAT MATA FROM IMPENDING FOOD SCARCITY CIVIL WAR -- 1.2 billion population, growing at the rate of 30 million per year is the biggest threat for India.

不要再念叨中国了。印度军队是无法在迫在眉睫的争夺食物的内战中拯救印度母亲的 - 以每年3000万的速度在增加的12亿人口,是印度最大的威胁。


MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 32 mins ago
IF CHINA WANTS, IT CAN EASILY BREAK INDIA --- Many states are eagerly waiting to join Chinese federation. No Indian is going to sing the song of Bharat Mata with an empty stomach, any more.


pukar (Saipan)
war will kill innocent.its doesn't make sense.we dont need to be stupid to involve in.lets move forward for peace.we need peace not war.indian/chinese/americans/pakistanti or else.we are all human being. we must united to solve problems not war.who is the responsible for killing innocents such as kids etc etc.???? vande matram
战争(除了)让无辜之人罹难,没有任何意义。我们不需要被愚蠢的卷入战争。让我们一起奔向和平吧。我们需要的是和平而不是战争。印度人、中国人、美国人、巴勒斯坦人还有其他人,我们都是人类。我们必须联合起来去解决问题而不是通过战争解决问题。谁该为杀害包括孩子等在内的无辜的人负责???(最后一个vande matram貌似是一个歌手的名字)
pcs18 (India)
quite obvious. he was in control at that time???
VIKASH (maine usa)
The average people of the world are used and killed by the millions because of men like him ! No human is capable of ruling over the same species humans.... or this is what happens time after time! This is also prove positive of evolution of a species and no man created gods of testosterone controlling anything! When millions and millions of humans are used as ponds for the use of a single human or small group of humans then it shows life is not controlled by a loving man created god!....the millions and millions would want to be seen, know and heard but no one did or does!
Mao ordered 1962 war to regain CPC control, Chinese strategist
ht tp://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/Mao-ordered-1962-war-to-regain-CPC-control-reveals-Ch
每日新素材,等你来认领! ht tp://ww w.ltaaa.com/translation


BEIJING: China's late strongman Mao Zedong had launched the 1962 war with India to regain control of the ruling Communist Party after the debacle of his 'Great Leap Forward' movement in which millions had perished.


This was stated by top Chinese strategist Wang Jisi, adding a new dimension to the conflict ahead of the 50th anniversary of the war on Saturday.


"The war was a tragedy. It was not necessary," Wang, Dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University and member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, told PTI here.


Wang said he differed with the perception of many Chinese political and strategic analysts that the Chinese victory ended India's claims on the border and brought about long-term peace.



"I think we need to do some research. One anecdotal story I heard was because of Mao's own fear of his position in China in 1962 that he launched a war," said Wang, who according to senior Indian diplomats was often consulted by the Chinese leadership.


"In 1962, three years after the Great Leap Forward (GLF), Mao lost power and authority. He was no longer the head of the state and he went back to the so-called second line. The explanation given to us at that time was that he was more interested in ... revolution and so on," he said ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Sino-India conflict on October 20.


GLF was a mass campaign launched by Mao to use China's vast population to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy to a modern Communist society.


The movement turned out to be a catastrophe for China as millions of people perished in violent purges weakening Mao's position as supreme leader of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) and he was sidelined.



Tansan7819 (Bangalore)
What ever the Chinia's reason,India sufferd, Let us learn from the past and All Indians should be united JaiHind


iyer ramchandran (pune mh)
I am least concerned what happened in China's internal politics that made them to "Teach Nehru a Lesson". To-day to thereisaninternal power struggle. They can still stike with greater vigour. But the main question is the humilation we suffered at their hands, I still cant forget nor forgive. One has to be 70 old to realise that deep inflicted scar, which the present generation may not feel. Even 71 war is nearly 49 years old. Our general say that we are better prepared now more than 1962. With a corrupt govt at every step, weponology is sufficiently advance or atleast equal to the Chineese with a contigency plan to fight on two fronts simulteneously. One should never discount that possibility. The will survive by eating grass, but not another defeat at the hands of Chineese. Pakistan. Are the Services personnels, Politician must be mentally prepared for the worst case senerio and progress and strengthen our economy and Armed forces. ramchandran pune

我才不在乎那时候中国国内政治发生了什么使他们要去“教训一下尼赫鲁” 。现在,他们也有内部权力斗争。但他们还是能保持旺盛的战斗力。主要问题是我们败在他们手上所受的耻辱,我始终难以介怀和原谅。要老到70岁的人才会体会到伤痕加身的切肤之痛,这是现在这一代人所不能理解的。连1971年的战争离现在已经都有49个年头了(注:指第三次印巴战争)。我们的将军说我们现在比1962年准备得更充足了。尽管每一步发展都受到腐败的政府的牵制,武器装备跟中国人比已经足够先进,或至少可以与中国人匹敌了,有能够同时在两个战线作战的预防措施。但不要忽略这种可能。部队将士可以靠吃草来生存下去,但再不能承受又一次成为中国人和基斯坦人手下败将的打击。政客们必须从思想上做最坏的打算,发展和加强我们的经济和武装力量。

ramchandran pune(回复人)

MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 14 mins ago
HINDUS ARE THE BIGGEST FOOLS IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND: -- They drink cow urine and leave their entire holy cow for Muslims and Christians to eat. -- They worship Shiva Linga which is perfectly circumcised. They scream Bharat Mata while desperately waiting for jobs and immigration under hot sun in front of Muslim and Christian nations. Their leaders loot the nation and keep their wealth in the safe hands of Jesus in Swiss banks. They gave Buddha to China and China is eating Arunachal Pradesh. -- They forced Pakistan to invent nukes which has brought KAFIRS down to their knees. They created Bangladesh free of cost and now crying they are eating Assam. Even Nepal has abandoned India and joined hands with China -- They are friends of America but Jesus had swallowed 7 NE states. -- They brag about 1.7 million strong Hindu army, nukes and missiles but watching like impotents when Buddhist Srilanka kills 4 million Tamil Hindus. -- They kill Kashmiris without knowing that they were all Brahmin Pundits once, who embraced Islam. They brag about Mahabharata and say queen Gandhari ruled Bharath from Kandhahar but all the great grand children of Gandhari and Kauravas embraced Islam and became Mehmood of Ghaznavis, Muhammad Ghouris and Talibans. Even for silly problems, they run to USA, Israel and scream "help, help" like impotents. --- Now they are pushing 300 million Muslims to create PAKISTAN-2 -- These guys are just waiting for the Badshah to rule them again for 1000 years:)

印度人是人类有史以来最大的傻瓜: -- 他们喝牛尿,却将整头圣牛留给MSL和基督教徒吃。 -- 他们信奉的湿婆林伽是个被割了包皮的。他们口中呼喊着“印度之母”的名字,却又绝望地在烈日下向MSL和基督教国家求职和移民。他们的领导人偷了整个国家然后将财富交到瑞士银行信奉基督教的人的手中保管。他们将如来佛交给中国,中国正在吞并阿鲁纳恰尔邦(注:中国藏南地区)。 -- 他们迫使巴基斯坦人发明原子弹,巴基斯坦人用它来让异教徒(注:意指信印度教的人)臣服。他们免费创立了孟加拉国,现在又在哭喊着孟加拉人要吞并阿萨姆邦。连尼泊尔也背弃印度跟中国牵起手来了 ——他们都是美国的朋友,但基督教已经吞并了东北7邦。(注:指东北7邦主要信基督教) --   他们夸口有170万印度大军、原子弹、导弹,可是当看到信奉佛教的斯里兰卡屠杀400万印度裔泰米尔人时全都蔫了。-- 他们自己在屠杀克什米尔人的时候却不知道克什米尔人曾经是最高贵的婆罗门,只不过是改信YSL教了。他们吹捧《摩呵婆罗多》,说Gandhari女王从坎大哈统治Bharath,但Gandhari和Kauravas的子孙后代都改信YSL,变成了迦色尼王朝的马哈默德,古尔王朝的穆罕默德和塔利班。即便是鸡毛蒜皮的事,他们都会马上怯了,跑去美国、以色列大叫“救命,救命”。-- 现在他们又逼着3亿MSL去成立第二个巴基斯坦 -- 这些人真是迫不及待等着一位大汗降临再统治他们1000年。:)



Himalayan Warrior (Darjelling) 24 mins ago
If China would not have attacked in 1962 , India would have been less prepared to deal with Pakistan's 1965 war. This 1962 war was an eye opening and in some way blessing in disguise. India would not have won 1972 war overwhelmingly without lessons learnt from 1962 debacle.

如果1962年中国没有发起攻击,印度在就不能进行充分的准备在1965年与巴基斯坦打仗。1962年的战争惊醒了印度,从某种程度上讲是因祸得福了。 没有1962年大败所得来的教训,印度是不会取得1972年战争的

MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 27 mins ago
WHY NOT INDO-CHINA FEDERATION FOR REGIONAL PEACE AND PROSPERITY? --- Let's look at the geopolitical situation. USA is bankrupt and has become a toothless tiger. It can NOT afford war on terror any more in Afghan and packing off. To save it's skin, it will abandon India any time like an unwanted concubine. Every nation has the right to do the right thing in their own national interest -- We don't have friends in our neighborhood. All are enemies, including China. Our neighbors are weak and they want a powerful BIG BROTHER to survive. They do not see any value in us and we also know very well that they love to hate us as much as we love to hate them --- Pakistan is in deep sh*t. But the reality is, it's a nation of 200 million people and it's NOT going to evaporate into thin air. Nobody loves a weak and poor man any more. Every one loves power and wealth. Even the wife will abandon and go with the man who can give her better life. There is a greater possibility that our neighbors (Pak BD SL Afghan) may form a federation with China very soon. If that happens, all 55 OIC Muslim nations will join hands with China, we will be left all alone and all our dreams will come to a halt --- China is not a saint to miss this golden opportunity for which it has been working silently since 1970. Honestly, we look awkward in front of China and our neighbors feel proud to align with China. We have to gracefully accept the might of China, forget the past, look into our strength and weakness, and go for INDO-CHINA federation to bring better life for 3.5 billion people.

为了地区的和平与繁荣,为什么不构建印度-中国联盟? -- 从地缘政治形势看,美国已破产变成了一只没有牙齿的老虎。它无法承受起在阿富汗的反恐战争开始卷铺盖走人了。为了挽回局势,它不得不像对待失宠的妾侍一样放弃印度。每个国家都有权去做符合自己国家利益的事 - 我们周边没有朋友。全部都是敌人,包括中国在内。我们的邻邦都是弱国,他们需要一个强势的老大来确保自己的生存。他们看不到我们的价值,我们也很清楚他们最恨我们,就像我们也最恨他们一样。 -- 巴基斯坦的麻烦很大。但我们得面对现实,它是一个拥有2亿人口的国家,也不会凭空消失。嫌弃贫穷软弱,追逐权力财富是人之天性。日子过不好,媳妇跟人跑。我们的邻国(巴基斯坦、孟加拉、斯里兰卡、阿富汗)十分有可能很快会跟中国结成同盟。这种事要是发生了,55个伊斯兰会议组织成员国将与中国联手,我们将会变成孤家寡人,我们的梦想就此停滞。 -- 中国不是个君子去坐失良机的,这个机会他们从1970年开始就悄悄在等待了。说实话,中国一直看我们不顺眼,我们的邻国以与中国为伍而傲。为了35亿人民的福祉,我们必须大度的接受中国的强大,摒弃前嫌,审视自身的优缺点,支持构建印度-中国联盟。

MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 29 mins ago
THE FEDERATION OF INDIA HAS FAILED MISERABLY AND HAS CREATED WORLD's LARGEST SLUMS AND 700 MILLION HALF NAKED FAKIRS -- India is standing on the brink of 5 major civil wars --- It's simultaneously facing food scarcity civil war due to overpopulation, regional, caste, corruption, and Hindu-Muslim civil war --- HOW LONG BHARAT MATA CAN SURVIVE AS ONE NATION BY BLAMING PAKISTAN AND MUSLIMS FOR ALL HER FAILURES?
印度的联邦制已经一败涂地,制造出世界最大的贫民窟和7亿衣不蔽体的贫民 -- 印度正处在5场大规模内战的边缘 - 它正同时面对由人口过多引起的争夺食物的内战,地区间的内战,种姓之间的内战,腐败与反腐败的内战,以及印度教与MSL之间的内战。如果只会将她所有的失败都归咎于巴基斯坦和MSL,祖国印度离分崩离析还有多久?

MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 30 mins ago
FORGET CHINA. INDIAN ARMY CAN NOT SAVE BHARAT MATA FROM IMPENDING FOOD SCARCITY CIVIL WAR -- 1.2 billion population, growing at the rate of 30 million per year is the biggest threat for India.

不要再念叨中国了。印度军队是无法在迫在眉睫的争夺食物的内战中拯救印度母亲的 - 以每年3000万的速度在增加的12亿人口,是印度最大的威胁。


MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 32 mins ago
IF CHINA WANTS, IT CAN EASILY BREAK INDIA --- Many states are eagerly waiting to join Chinese federation. No Indian is going to sing the song of Bharat Mata with an empty stomach, any more.


pukar (Saipan)
war will kill innocent.its doesn't make sense.we dont need to be stupid to involve in.lets move forward for peace.we need peace not war.indian/chinese/americans/pakistanti or else.we are all human being. we must united to solve problems not war.who is the responsible for killing innocents such as kids etc etc.???? vande matram
战争(除了)让无辜之人罹难,没有任何意义。我们不需要被愚蠢的卷入战争。让我们一起奔向和平吧。我们需要的是和平而不是战争。印度人、中国人、美国人、巴勒斯坦人还有其他人,我们都是人类。我们必须联合起来去解决问题而不是通过战争解决问题。谁该为杀害包括孩子等在内的无辜的人负责???(最后一个vande matram貌似是一个歌手的名字)
pcs18 (India)
quite obvious. he was in control at that time???
VIKASH (maine usa)
The average people of the world are used and killed by the millions because of men like him ! No human is capable of ruling over the same species humans.... or this is what happens time after time! This is also prove positive of evolution of a species and no man created gods of testosterone controlling anything! When millions and millions of humans are used as ponds for the use of a single human or small group of humans then it shows life is not controlled by a loving man created god!....the millions and millions would want to be seen, know and heard but no one did or does!
... ...烦不烦?
hiwayman 发表于 2012-10-24 08:16
咋说呢。。。有些时候媒体的各种分析让我想起小学到高中的语文老师,一两个字能说道一大篇各种寓意暗示,有时把原作者也忽悠地一愣一愣的。来自: iPhone客户端
老酒鬼 发表于 2012-10-24 08:13



wangpeng0207 发表于 2012-10-24 10:21

发表过很多文章,记得也听过他的讲座。。。。。。。。。。但是, ...
毛做的坏事太多。本人的评价是三分功 七分过。
MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 30 mins ago
FORGET CHINA. INDIAN ARMY CAN NOT SAVE BHARAT MATA FROM IMPENDING FOOD SCARCITY CIVIL WAR -- 1.2 billion population, growing at the rate of 30 million per year is the biggest threat for India.

不要再念叨中国了。印度军队是无法在迫在眉睫的争夺食物的内战中拯救印度母亲的 - 以每年3000万的速度在增加的12亿人口,是印度最大的威胁。


Aurora6666 发表于 2012-10-24 15:14
