[译文转载] 披着羊皮的中国军事现代化(网友评论)

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/19 17:13:07

标题: China’’s military powerModernisation in sheep’’s clothing
提示:美国"经济学人"网站博文,说美国五角大楼发表最新中国军力年度报告,喜之:中国高层无意与其它大国一争高低,一心只想搞经济,忧之:中国的军事力正在突飞猛进.如今年J-20试飞,东风--21D成军,瓦良格试水等等等等。。。美国军方忧心忡忡,担心中国些举引发地区紧张和焦虑。网民也纷纷发表看法,正文不译了,只译评论,地址是  http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2011/08/chinas-military-power?page=1
Niko Bellic wrote: Aug 26th 2011 8:28 GMT
  What else can you expect from the American’’s report other than accusations? Anyone using an aircraft a little bit more modernized than MiG 15 (1950’’s technology) and does not follow their orders, they simply consider adversary or potential enemy.
  These accusations and Chinese military modernizations are, what the Americans and more hawkish military personnels and realist scholars believe, the basis of their legitimacy for their continuing military dominance in East Asia.
  Another classic case of a Chinese idiom - your butt (where you sit, implying what careers you have) directs your brain.
  8834LWz57V wrote: Aug 26th 2011 8:41 GMT its so lame that the pentagon must make accusations of China’’s growing military power to legitimize their military influence in the pacific region.
  As far as i’’m concerned, China probably sits back and jokes ’’if America wants to police the world, hell let them burn their dollars.’’
  For the past 3000 years (except the last 300 years, China and India alone accounted for more than 50% of the world output. Yet during the height of China’’s power, it did not seek to expand beyound its current borders. Never in history has China invaded a nation beyound its immediate boundary even if it had the power to do so.
  So if China has it wants to remain peacefully ascent, according to history, I would believe so.
  Niko Bellic wrote: Aug 26th 2011 8:43 GMT Americans and those who do not understand China might perceive it as dangerous.
  For those who truly know what China has been doing in the last century, we always believe China is a bigger threat to its own citizen than to any foreign country.
  Recommend (241)PermalinkReport abuse
  PL123 wrote: Aug 26th 2011 8:45 GMT As usual: Thief cry thief!!
  American is the biggest weapons exporter, dominated world market 30,3%
  Russia---No 2 world market 23 %
  Germany----No 3 world market 11%
  France---No 4 world market 7%
  .. China---- No 7 World market 3%
  It is clear! Who is bully!!??
  jvictor1789 wrote: Aug 26th 2011 9:39 GMT I agree with 8834lw, China is a historically self-centered nation (even by name) unlikely to be imperialistic or aggressive unless carelessly forced to by others.
  And it may not be wise to start what no one knows how it could end.
  Besides, what´s the fight for? The Swiss and the Finns are doing just fine yet they have never nor will conceivably ever be so-called World Powers.
  JGradus wrote: Aug 26th 2011 9:56 GMT
  The problem is that when great power rub shoulders, friction tends to happen. The last twenty years har seen a lot less risk, simply because noone has been able to challenge the US. In a world where several powers can try to claim hegemony, the risk for war is simply bigger. Not because China is considered an "evil" state, but just because the power balance is much less safe.
  New Conservative wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:05 GMT
   I think people are blowing this out of proportion. The job of the Pentagon is to assume that everyone is a potential enemy. This goes back to the basic idea of General staffs. They sit around in peace time and make plans to fight any and all conceivable enemies so that if things get crazy, the orders are ready to be sent.
  So the report has to take a worst case scenario and than enumerate what those would be. It isn’’t saying they’’re likely.
  Recommend (177)PermalinkReport abuse
  Vanbrugh wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:24 GMT The report does make a point about regional stability. The main source of tension will be between the SE Asian countries, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan over China’’s territorial claims and strategic vision. The USA is of course worried because it will most probably be drawn into any conflict that appears in the region (partly thanks to the cold war alliance network), and thus has to do everything it can to avoid it necessitating meddling in the region.
  Unfortunately there is no doubt that the SE Asian issue will only grow more problematic as china’’s military capabilities expand.
  edDjXVyYAU wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:56 GMT @PL123
  If the US is the "bully" because of its arms exports, than what are Germany and France, who export arms on a much higher per capita level. For example, Germany has just 1/4th of the US’’ population, 1/5th of its economy and just 1/36th of its landmass, yet it exports almost 40% of the level of arms as the US. The same holds true for France. So while the Germans have relinquished their own military power and probably would lose a war to a Mexican drug gang, they have no problem exporting their arms all of the world so others can kill each other.
  Recommend (97)PermalinkReport abuse
  Fabio C wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:58 GMT
  China is okay with me. The only thing that annoys me is when people try to convert me or show me the way to haven.
  That really spooks me.
  @ Fabio C
  That is the job of the church, not Chinese!!
  New Conservative wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:59 GMT @Vanbrugh
  I think Taiwan as a war starter is overblown. Both sides have a stable position and the de facto borders are mutually respected. While China could conceivably crush Taiwan if it wanted to, that’’s the worst case scenario for everyone. It would destroy Taiwan’’s economy, which would also do number on China’’s economy (Foxconn for example is Taiwanese) it would kill thousands of Chinese people on both sides of the strait and the Chinese would have to justify that kind of death toll to their own citizenry. 30 years ago when the communists were still communists and the KMT ran Taiwan under martial law, "liberation" would have been fine. Nowadays, people in China know Taiwan is rich and prosperous and would want a substantial justification for wrecking their shit. Taiwan’’s citizens have the tech know how and native mandarin abilities to make sure that people on the mainland see every single Han person killed in a chinese invasion. It would be like the US invading and killing several thousand Canadians.
  China has been committed to peaceful reintegration with the island since the 90’’s and isn’’t going to derail that. Similarly, Taiwan does great with the status quo and doesn’’t want to rock the boat either.
  A new aircraft carrier or missile doesn’’t change the status quo. China has had the capability to say "submit or die" for two decades and they haven’’t.
  Taiwan isn’’t a flashpoint with its super stable status quo and tacitly agreed upon but incredibly clear borders.
  Daniel van Loenen wrote: Aug 26th 2011 1:38 GMT
  The strength of any country’’s military is closely related to its wealth, its industrial capabilities and its population size. This means that China’’s strength will continue to grow for some decades to come. So by the way will the strength of countries like India and Indonesia.
  Instead of being alarmed everytime a non-Western country commissions a warship or develops a new missile we should work on embedding the emerging major powers in international frameworks:
  - the permanent members of the UN security counsel should reflect the situation of 2011, not of 1945. work on
  - same for IMF and Worldbank
  - there should be direct contacts between the Chiefs of Staffs of US-China, China-India and US-India.
  - it would be wise to set up a regular meeting of Asian countries to negotiate differences
  Gargantua1 wrote: Aug 26th 2011 1:45 GMT
   "It clearly shows that American strategists still don’t understand Chinese and Chinese culture. We are not Western barbarians. Generally we use culture, trade, and marriages, NOT killing and looting, to interact with other countries."
  Very racist and nationalist generalization - what about the Chinese killing and looting in Tibet? Support of the Burmese military junta, the Sudanese government, Pol Pot, the repression of Uighurs in their homeland, the exterminatin of the Lolos in southwestern China ... . When the 50 cent army droogs starting writing, the spoon fed propaganda comes thick, along with the painful writing that is almost unreadable, bordering on inarticulate.
  Dead Language wrote: Aug 26th 2011 2:15 GMT It’’s obverse that China has no intention to fight a war with U.S.,nor want to develop it’’s militay power like the Soviet Union did.Unfold the map you see the tough situation of China’’s defence, covered by nuclear crisis, Amercia military bases,and terrorist hotbeds.
  Moreover,China’’s most vital oil vessels, Malacca and Hormuz, are under the mercy of U.S.navy.
  The report is just a stupit excuse to get a little more budget.
  Chris_Malaysian wrote: Aug 26th 2011 2:45 GMT
  American got atleast 11 aircraft carrier fleets.
  Hundreds of military bases around the world.
  Thousands of nuclear warhead with balistic missle.
  Deadly nuclear submarines
  Hundreds of satalite
  Terrible "track records" interfering other country domestic issues.
  Constant picking fights (wars) with small country since WW2
  And NOW American is brankrupt sitting with deadly high tech military weapon, watching Wall Street falling.
  You better be fearfull what American going to do next than China.
  Jean Michel wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:01 GMT @ JGradus, you wrote:
  "The problem is that when great power rub shoulders, friction tends to happen. The last twenty years har seen a lot less risk, simply because noone has been able to challenge the US. In a world where several powers can try to claim hegemony, the risk for war is simply bigger. Not because China is considered an "evil" state, but just because the power balance is much less safe."
  And what about the invasions of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. These were not simply risks of wars but wars and murders committed by the US armed forces. If there is an evil nation in this world, it is the US. How many millions of people have been murdered in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan?
  网友@ JGradus说什么“大国间磕磕碰碰,磨擦在所难免,过去的20年间,战争危险小很多,只是因为没人能挑战美国,世界上如果有几个国家都想称霸,战争的危险就大多了,不是因为中国被视为一个邪恶国家,而是因为寻求力量的制衡才招致越发没有安全感”
  TS2912 wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:15 GMT Military power (in any independent country) is a RESULT of economic power.
  The US has been overextended for decades... spending more money than the rest of the world (combined) in building a giant military force while cutting down on education, infrastructure & sensible economic policy.
  One has to simply look at the last 15 years to see where our priorities lie...
  #1 In the 90s, the right wing nearly brought down the government over Clinton’’s liaison with an intern
  #2 In the early part of last decade, the right wing government invaded the wrong country and spent trillions (and still keep spending into that black hole)
  #3 For the past 3 years, the right wing is hysterically going all out to remove the black president leading our country (and our black president has failed to deliver on almost anything)
  #4 Add to that the fact that the rich people control everything in our country via lobbies (unionized doctors making at least $300k as starting salary, pharma companies ripping us off, defense contractors owning the government, lawyers with a choke-hold, the rich guys paying the lowest tax rate in history).
  #5 The typical American is functionally illiterate (for the 21st century) and superstitious...
  It is just a matter of time before we go down to second place (and deservedly so).
  #1 在90年代,因为克林顿跟莱温斯基有一腿,右冀差点把政府给扳倒了。
  #2 新世纪刚过那会儿,右冀政府入侵他国,搞错了地方,丢了上万美刀(到现在还在往这个黑窟窿里砸钱)
  #3 在过去的3年里,右翼歇斯底里、全力以赴地要赶走那个黑人总统,不让他领导我们的国家。(这个黑人总统也是不争气,什么都没兑现)
  #5 典型的美国人基本上是21世纪的文盲,而且是过于迷信(自我)所以我们沦为老二只是时间问题(这也算是罪有应得)
  Roelund wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:18 GMT Nationalistic debates as to what is "fair" or "right" in terms of military size aside, any dramatic shift in the political or military status quo is dangerous, not because of the shift in power itself, but because of each side’’s reaction to it. If this rise causes the Pentagon to re-allocate US naval forces to the Pacific, or other Asian countries to prepare themselves against a contingency (whether realistic or not), then we have ourselves an arms race, which never leads to anything peaceful.
  I do wish people would stop using generalizations with the word "China": "China is outraged...". "China believes..." Really? All 1.3 billion of them? A defensive report by the Xinhua News Agency does not equate to "China", any more than a report by Voice of America equates to Barack Obama’’s personal statements.
  New Conservative wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:21 GMT @Jean Michael
  I also agree that the Chinese invasion of Vietnam in 1979 was a travesty.
  And it was done to support Khmer Rouge.
  I don’’t think the article was trying to understate or conceal the ridiculously oversized US military.
  wise man from the east wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:35 GMT
  The world indeed has much to fear from the Chinese wolf in sheep’’s clothing - it wants to make a Tibet or a Xinjiang of the rest of the world. The South East Asian countries like Philippine, Vietnam, Brunei and Indonesia are already feeling the heat of China’’s colonialist ambitions.
  China is like pre WW-II Japan - it is after natural resources in other countries and continents to fuel its own growth.
  China has always been a ruthless expansionist power. Remember how China sent in troops across the Friendship Pass to teach Vietnam a lesson? Remember how China sent troops across the Himalayan pass to teach India a lesson?
  The Soviet Union has dissolved but not the Chinese Empire. Tibet and Xinjiang (comprising of a very significant proportion of land mass under Chinese Empire) can do nothing to safeguard their ancestral land from Hans who keep pouring in droves to alter the land’’s demography and secure the land for the colonialists.
  China’’s maritime designs are there for all to see. It has laid claim to Paracel and Spratly islands near the shore of smaller nations for the express purpose of claiming the entire sea lying between China and these small nations.
  China will do anything and everything to pursue its hegemonist goals - its cosy relationship with Pakistan’’s military is a good example. China has never backed away from its bull-in-china-shop policy of of enhancing Pakistan military’’s nuclear and missile capability in exchange for direct access to the Arabian sea via Gwadar port.
  China today is more dangerous than pre WW-II Japan and for much the same reasons. Its hunger for natural resources is sending it to other countries and continents. The world needs to be very wary of China’’s militarization.

标题: China’’s military powerModernisation in sheep’’s clothing
提示:美国"经济学人"网站博文,说美国五角大楼发表最新中国军力年度报告,喜之:中国高层无意与其它大国一争高低,一心只想搞经济,忧之:中国的军事力正在突飞猛进.如今年J-20试飞,东风--21D成军,瓦良格试水等等等等。。。美国军方忧心忡忡,担心中国些举引发地区紧张和焦虑。网民也纷纷发表看法,正文不译了,只译评论,地址是  http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2011/08/chinas-military-power?page=1
Niko Bellic wrote: Aug 26th 2011 8:28 GMT
  What else can you expect from the American’’s report other than accusations? Anyone using an aircraft a little bit more modernized than MiG 15 (1950’’s technology) and does not follow their orders, they simply consider adversary or potential enemy.
  These accusations and Chinese military modernizations are, what the Americans and more hawkish military personnels and realist scholars believe, the basis of their legitimacy for their continuing military dominance in East Asia.
  Another classic case of a Chinese idiom - your butt (where you sit, implying what careers you have) directs your brain.
  8834LWz57V wrote: Aug 26th 2011 8:41 GMT its so lame that the pentagon must make accusations of China’’s growing military power to legitimize their military influence in the pacific region.
  As far as i’’m concerned, China probably sits back and jokes ’’if America wants to police the world, hell let them burn their dollars.’’
  For the past 3000 years (except the last 300 years, China and India alone accounted for more than 50% of the world output. Yet during the height of China’’s power, it did not seek to expand beyound its current borders. Never in history has China invaded a nation beyound its immediate boundary even if it had the power to do so.
  So if China has it wants to remain peacefully ascent, according to history, I would believe so.
  Niko Bellic wrote: Aug 26th 2011 8:43 GMT Americans and those who do not understand China might perceive it as dangerous.
  For those who truly know what China has been doing in the last century, we always believe China is a bigger threat to its own citizen than to any foreign country.
  Recommend (241)PermalinkReport abuse
  PL123 wrote: Aug 26th 2011 8:45 GMT As usual: Thief cry thief!!
  American is the biggest weapons exporter, dominated world market 30,3%
  Russia---No 2 world market 23 %
  Germany----No 3 world market 11%
  France---No 4 world market 7%
  .. China---- No 7 World market 3%
  It is clear! Who is bully!!??
  jvictor1789 wrote: Aug 26th 2011 9:39 GMT I agree with 8834lw, China is a historically self-centered nation (even by name) unlikely to be imperialistic or aggressive unless carelessly forced to by others.
  And it may not be wise to start what no one knows how it could end.
  Besides, what´s the fight for? The Swiss and the Finns are doing just fine yet they have never nor will conceivably ever be so-called World Powers.
  JGradus wrote: Aug 26th 2011 9:56 GMT
  The problem is that when great power rub shoulders, friction tends to happen. The last twenty years har seen a lot less risk, simply because noone has been able to challenge the US. In a world where several powers can try to claim hegemony, the risk for war is simply bigger. Not because China is considered an "evil" state, but just because the power balance is much less safe.
  New Conservative wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:05 GMT
   I think people are blowing this out of proportion. The job of the Pentagon is to assume that everyone is a potential enemy. This goes back to the basic idea of General staffs. They sit around in peace time and make plans to fight any and all conceivable enemies so that if things get crazy, the orders are ready to be sent.
  So the report has to take a worst case scenario and than enumerate what those would be. It isn’’t saying they’’re likely.
  Recommend (177)PermalinkReport abuse
  Vanbrugh wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:24 GMT The report does make a point about regional stability. The main source of tension will be between the SE Asian countries, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan over China’’s territorial claims and strategic vision. The USA is of course worried because it will most probably be drawn into any conflict that appears in the region (partly thanks to the cold war alliance network), and thus has to do everything it can to avoid it necessitating meddling in the region.
  Unfortunately there is no doubt that the SE Asian issue will only grow more problematic as china’’s military capabilities expand.
  edDjXVyYAU wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:56 GMT @PL123
  If the US is the "bully" because of its arms exports, than what are Germany and France, who export arms on a much higher per capita level. For example, Germany has just 1/4th of the US’’ population, 1/5th of its economy and just 1/36th of its landmass, yet it exports almost 40% of the level of arms as the US. The same holds true for France. So while the Germans have relinquished their own military power and probably would lose a war to a Mexican drug gang, they have no problem exporting their arms all of the world so others can kill each other.
  Recommend (97)PermalinkReport abuse
  Fabio C wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:58 GMT
  China is okay with me. The only thing that annoys me is when people try to convert me or show me the way to haven.
  That really spooks me.
  @ Fabio C
  That is the job of the church, not Chinese!!
  New Conservative wrote: Aug 26th 2011 10:59 GMT @Vanbrugh
  I think Taiwan as a war starter is overblown. Both sides have a stable position and the de facto borders are mutually respected. While China could conceivably crush Taiwan if it wanted to, that’’s the worst case scenario for everyone. It would destroy Taiwan’’s economy, which would also do number on China’’s economy (Foxconn for example is Taiwanese) it would kill thousands of Chinese people on both sides of the strait and the Chinese would have to justify that kind of death toll to their own citizenry. 30 years ago when the communists were still communists and the KMT ran Taiwan under martial law, "liberation" would have been fine. Nowadays, people in China know Taiwan is rich and prosperous and would want a substantial justification for wrecking their shit. Taiwan’’s citizens have the tech know how and native mandarin abilities to make sure that people on the mainland see every single Han person killed in a chinese invasion. It would be like the US invading and killing several thousand Canadians.
  China has been committed to peaceful reintegration with the island since the 90’’s and isn’’t going to derail that. Similarly, Taiwan does great with the status quo and doesn’’t want to rock the boat either.
  A new aircraft carrier or missile doesn’’t change the status quo. China has had the capability to say "submit or die" for two decades and they haven’’t.
  Taiwan isn’’t a flashpoint with its super stable status quo and tacitly agreed upon but incredibly clear borders.
  Daniel van Loenen wrote: Aug 26th 2011 1:38 GMT
  The strength of any country’’s military is closely related to its wealth, its industrial capabilities and its population size. This means that China’’s strength will continue to grow for some decades to come. So by the way will the strength of countries like India and Indonesia.
  Instead of being alarmed everytime a non-Western country commissions a warship or develops a new missile we should work on embedding the emerging major powers in international frameworks:
  - the permanent members of the UN security counsel should reflect the situation of 2011, not of 1945. work on
  - same for IMF and Worldbank
  - there should be direct contacts between the Chiefs of Staffs of US-China, China-India and US-India.
  - it would be wise to set up a regular meeting of Asian countries to negotiate differences
  Gargantua1 wrote: Aug 26th 2011 1:45 GMT
   "It clearly shows that American strategists still don’t understand Chinese and Chinese culture. We are not Western barbarians. Generally we use culture, trade, and marriages, NOT killing and looting, to interact with other countries."
  Very racist and nationalist generalization - what about the Chinese killing and looting in Tibet? Support of the Burmese military junta, the Sudanese government, Pol Pot, the repression of Uighurs in their homeland, the exterminatin of the Lolos in southwestern China ... . When the 50 cent army droogs starting writing, the spoon fed propaganda comes thick, along with the painful writing that is almost unreadable, bordering on inarticulate.
  Dead Language wrote: Aug 26th 2011 2:15 GMT It’’s obverse that China has no intention to fight a war with U.S.,nor want to develop it’’s militay power like the Soviet Union did.Unfold the map you see the tough situation of China’’s defence, covered by nuclear crisis, Amercia military bases,and terrorist hotbeds.
  Moreover,China’’s most vital oil vessels, Malacca and Hormuz, are under the mercy of U.S.navy.
  The report is just a stupit excuse to get a little more budget.
  Chris_Malaysian wrote: Aug 26th 2011 2:45 GMT
  American got atleast 11 aircraft carrier fleets.
  Hundreds of military bases around the world.
  Thousands of nuclear warhead with balistic missle.
  Deadly nuclear submarines
  Hundreds of satalite
  Terrible "track records" interfering other country domestic issues.
  Constant picking fights (wars) with small country since WW2
  And NOW American is brankrupt sitting with deadly high tech military weapon, watching Wall Street falling.
  You better be fearfull what American going to do next than China.
  Jean Michel wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:01 GMT @ JGradus, you wrote:
  "The problem is that when great power rub shoulders, friction tends to happen. The last twenty years har seen a lot less risk, simply because noone has been able to challenge the US. In a world where several powers can try to claim hegemony, the risk for war is simply bigger. Not because China is considered an "evil" state, but just because the power balance is much less safe."
  And what about the invasions of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. These were not simply risks of wars but wars and murders committed by the US armed forces. If there is an evil nation in this world, it is the US. How many millions of people have been murdered in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan?
  网友@ JGradus说什么“大国间磕磕碰碰,磨擦在所难免,过去的20年间,战争危险小很多,只是因为没人能挑战美国,世界上如果有几个国家都想称霸,战争的危险就大多了,不是因为中国被视为一个邪恶国家,而是因为寻求力量的制衡才招致越发没有安全感”
  TS2912 wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:15 GMT Military power (in any independent country) is a RESULT of economic power.
  The US has been overextended for decades... spending more money than the rest of the world (combined) in building a giant military force while cutting down on education, infrastructure & sensible economic policy.
  One has to simply look at the last 15 years to see where our priorities lie...
  #1 In the 90s, the right wing nearly brought down the government over Clinton’’s liaison with an intern
  #2 In the early part of last decade, the right wing government invaded the wrong country and spent trillions (and still keep spending into that black hole)
  #3 For the past 3 years, the right wing is hysterically going all out to remove the black president leading our country (and our black president has failed to deliver on almost anything)
  #4 Add to that the fact that the rich people control everything in our country via lobbies (unionized doctors making at least $300k as starting salary, pharma companies ripping us off, defense contractors owning the government, lawyers with a choke-hold, the rich guys paying the lowest tax rate in history).
  #5 The typical American is functionally illiterate (for the 21st century) and superstitious...
  It is just a matter of time before we go down to second place (and deservedly so).
  #1 在90年代,因为克林顿跟莱温斯基有一腿,右冀差点把政府给扳倒了。
  #2 新世纪刚过那会儿,右冀政府入侵他国,搞错了地方,丢了上万美刀(到现在还在往这个黑窟窿里砸钱)
  #3 在过去的3年里,右翼歇斯底里、全力以赴地要赶走那个黑人总统,不让他领导我们的国家。(这个黑人总统也是不争气,什么都没兑现)
  #5 典型的美国人基本上是21世纪的文盲,而且是过于迷信(自我)所以我们沦为老二只是时间问题(这也算是罪有应得)
  Roelund wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:18 GMT Nationalistic debates as to what is "fair" or "right" in terms of military size aside, any dramatic shift in the political or military status quo is dangerous, not because of the shift in power itself, but because of each side’’s reaction to it. If this rise causes the Pentagon to re-allocate US naval forces to the Pacific, or other Asian countries to prepare themselves against a contingency (whether realistic or not), then we have ourselves an arms race, which never leads to anything peaceful.
  I do wish people would stop using generalizations with the word "China": "China is outraged...". "China believes..." Really? All 1.3 billion of them? A defensive report by the Xinhua News Agency does not equate to "China", any more than a report by Voice of America equates to Barack Obama’’s personal statements.
  New Conservative wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:21 GMT @Jean Michael
  I also agree that the Chinese invasion of Vietnam in 1979 was a travesty.
  And it was done to support Khmer Rouge.
  I don’’t think the article was trying to understate or conceal the ridiculously oversized US military.
  wise man from the east wrote: Aug 26th 2011 3:35 GMT
  The world indeed has much to fear from the Chinese wolf in sheep’’s clothing - it wants to make a Tibet or a Xinjiang of the rest of the world. The South East Asian countries like Philippine, Vietnam, Brunei and Indonesia are already feeling the heat of China’’s colonialist ambitions.
  China is like pre WW-II Japan - it is after natural resources in other countries and continents to fuel its own growth.
  China has always been a ruthless expansionist power. Remember how China sent in troops across the Friendship Pass to teach Vietnam a lesson? Remember how China sent troops across the Himalayan pass to teach India a lesson?
  The Soviet Union has dissolved but not the Chinese Empire. Tibet and Xinjiang (comprising of a very significant proportion of land mass under Chinese Empire) can do nothing to safeguard their ancestral land from Hans who keep pouring in droves to alter the land’’s demography and secure the land for the colonialists.
  China’’s maritime designs are there for all to see. It has laid claim to Paracel and Spratly islands near the shore of smaller nations for the express purpose of claiming the entire sea lying between China and these small nations.
  China will do anything and everything to pursue its hegemonist goals - its cosy relationship with Pakistan’’s military is a good example. China has never backed away from its bull-in-china-shop policy of of enhancing Pakistan military’’s nuclear and missile capability in exchange for direct access to the Arabian sea via Gwadar port.
  China today is more dangerous than pre WW-II Japan and for much the same reasons. Its hunger for natural resources is sending it to other countries and continents. The world needs to be very wary of China’’s militarization.
国外的SB是越来越多了 尤其是最后一个
霞思无忧 发表于 2012-10-16 21:36
建议那些老 ...
jstdswz 发表于 2012-10-16 21:47
和大宝 发表于 2012-10-16 22:11
和大宝 发表于 2012-10-16 22:11

tang-yh 发表于 2012-10-16 22:52
WillSiegKane 发表于 2012-10-16 22:59
jstdswz 发表于 2012-10-16 21:47
trillions 是万亿来自: iPhone客户端
jstdswz 发表于 2012-10-16 22:57
20多年前的一个胡总= =!
这个嘛,八十年代有两个二货主政帝都最大的四合院旁边那个新华门里面的地方。其中一个是叫姓古月的,后来 ...
jstdswz 发表于 2012-10-16 21:47
yang1147 发表于 2012-10-17 00:37
噬无者 发表于 2012-10-17 00:15
过度的民族包容还真不是个好现象 参考唐朝
1912141460 发表于 2012-10-17 01:41
说中国镇压XZ XJ的那些老外  真不知道是怎么想的   就一个达赖 一个热  在外面随便忽悠几个讲座他们也能信? ...
它们自己被洗脑了 还非说别人
jstdswz 发表于 2012-10-16 21:47
要真是这就行了 不过并非如此
红花舵主 发表于 2012-10-17 01:14
百年改土归流 一朝改流归土,井啊井啊
他们越是无理批评指责, 就说明我们做的事情对他们的猥琐欲望造成了伤害, 也就进一步说明我们的决策方向性正确.

举世誉之而不加劝, 举世非之而不加沮.
