
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/25 18:27:50



Iraqi citizen Iman Al-Yassin casts her vote Friday in Sydney, Australia.

(CNN) -- As insurgents at home threatened to "wash Baghdad streets with voters' blood," Iraqi expatriates in countries around the globe began voting Friday morning in the first democratic elections in almost 50 years.


Although the voting in Iraq doesn't start until Sunday, more than 280,000 expatriates in 14 countries -- many of whom fled during Saddam Hussein's regime -- are eligible to vote over a three-day period beginning Friday.


The largest single contingent of expatriate voters is in Iran, with more than 60,000 registered. About 31,000 are registered each in Sweden and Britain; more than 25,000 are registered each in Germany and the United States.


The first to cast ballots were in Australia, where about 11,000 expatriates are registered. In Sydney, Shimon Haddad boasted to CNN that he was the first Iraqi in the world to vote, saying it was a "very happy and exciting day" for Iraqis in the country.


Haddad, manager of the city's biggest temporary polling station, said he took the opportunity to vote just before the polls opened at 7 a.m. (3 p.m. ET Thursday) because he knew he would be busy for the rest of the day. Haddad, who has lived in Australia for 33 years, said it was not difficult to determine how to vote for the candidates. He said the various Iraqi political parties had distributed brochures and had held meetings in Sydney ahead of the vote.


In a telephone interview with CNN from Sydney, Ghanim al-Shibli, Iraq's ambassador to Australia, was giddy. "This is democracy in the making. This is freedom in the making," he said. "The Iraqi people are experiencing and tasting freedom. This is something tremendous -- just give you goose pimples."


One man, a Kurdish refugee from northern Iraq, waited outside the Sydney precinct hours before the doors opened. "It is truly a historic day," he said.


The ability of Iraqis to vote in safety in Australia and elsewhere contrasts with the situation in Iraq, where Iraqi and U.S. forces are further tightening security to ensure insurgent violence does not keep people from the polls Sunday.


Insurgents are targeting police stations and warning candidates and would-be voters that their lives will be at risk if they cast ballots to choose a 275-seat transitional national assembly. A suicide car bomb exploded outside a Baghdad police station Friday, killing four people and wounding two others, an Iraqi police official said. The bomb, in an SUV, was detonated outside the al-Dora police station in southern Baghdad at about 9 a.m. (1 a.m. ET).


附图为星期五伊拉克居民伊曼亚欣在澳大利亚投票 </P>



Iraqi citizen Iman Al-Yassin casts her vote Friday in Sydney, Australia.

(CNN) -- As insurgents at home threatened to "wash Baghdad streets with voters' blood," Iraqi expatriates in countries around the globe began voting Friday morning in the first democratic elections in almost 50 years.


Although the voting in Iraq doesn't start until Sunday, more than 280,000 expatriates in 14 countries -- many of whom fled during Saddam Hussein's regime -- are eligible to vote over a three-day period beginning Friday.


The largest single contingent of expatriate voters is in Iran, with more than 60,000 registered. About 31,000 are registered each in Sweden and Britain; more than 25,000 are registered each in Germany and the United States.


The first to cast ballots were in Australia, where about 11,000 expatriates are registered. In Sydney, Shimon Haddad boasted to CNN that he was the first Iraqi in the world to vote, saying it was a "very happy and exciting day" for Iraqis in the country.


Haddad, manager of the city's biggest temporary polling station, said he took the opportunity to vote just before the polls opened at 7 a.m. (3 p.m. ET Thursday) because he knew he would be busy for the rest of the day. Haddad, who has lived in Australia for 33 years, said it was not difficult to determine how to vote for the candidates. He said the various Iraqi political parties had distributed brochures and had held meetings in Sydney ahead of the vote.


In a telephone interview with CNN from Sydney, Ghanim al-Shibli, Iraq's ambassador to Australia, was giddy. "This is democracy in the making. This is freedom in the making," he said. "The Iraqi people are experiencing and tasting freedom. This is something tremendous -- just give you goose pimples."


One man, a Kurdish refugee from northern Iraq, waited outside the Sydney precinct hours before the doors opened. "It is truly a historic day," he said.


The ability of Iraqis to vote in safety in Australia and elsewhere contrasts with the situation in Iraq, where Iraqi and U.S. forces are further tightening security to ensure insurgent violence does not keep people from the polls Sunday.


Insurgents are targeting police stations and warning candidates and would-be voters that their lives will be at risk if they cast ballots to choose a 275-seat transitional national assembly. A suicide car bomb exploded outside a Baghdad police station Friday, killing four people and wounding two others, an Iraqi police official said. The bomb, in an SUV, was detonated outside the al-Dora police station in southern Baghdad at about 9 a.m. (1 a.m. ET).


附图为星期五伊拉克居民伊曼亚欣在澳大利亚投票 </P>
<P>  国际先驱导报文章 伊拉克过渡国民议会选举是战后伊拉克政治重建的重要内容和必要程序,尽管大选前的安全局势并不适宜选举,但大选筹备工作仍在一幅幅血腥画面中展开。布什和阿拉维临时政府不惜代价,决意把大选搞成既成事实。 </P>
<P>  美国强权干预的选举</P>
<P>  几乎没人怀疑,伊拉克的什叶派穆斯林将占据275名议员中的多数席位。因为什叶派穆斯林占全国人口的60%以上,不论采取哪种选举方式,他们都将取得多数议席。但这并不意味着什叶派真正当家做主,也不预示着在未来的议会或临时政府中什叶派真正能掌握实权,更不等于它能在真正意义上行使国家主权。</P>
<P>  此外,美国也绝不会允许大选选出亲伊朗的国民议会。伊拉克什叶派与伊朗的什叶派相互支持或串联,建立一个神权制度,一直是美国的大忌。美国早在2002年初就已把伊朗列为了三大“邪恶轴心”国之一,必欲除之而后快。在这次大选前后,美国密切地注意着伊朗的动向,严禁伊朗插手伊拉克大选,谨防伊朗在背后与什叶派串通一气,搞小动作。【转自铁血 <a href="http://www.tiexue.net" target="_blank" >http://www.tiexue.net</A>】</P>
<P>  即使什叶派有望当选议长和总理,其背后也将会大有文章。本土派的什叶派穆斯林与“海归派”的什叶派穆斯林有很大区别,本土派很大程度上可以代表维护什叶派穆斯林的利益,而海归派的什叶派则不然,由于他们常年生活在海外,与国内穆斯林的感情交流很少,在国内根基不牢靠,其中许多人有美英情报机构的背景,靠美国支持上台执政的什叶派必然要保证美国的利益。伊拉克依然是美国领导的联军的占领国,选举不可避免地带有美国强权干预背景。</P>
<P>  过渡国民议会只能是个橡皮图章</P>
<P>  在美国主导下的伊政治重建,即使产生了经过“民选”的国民议会和政府,也不足以增强伊拉克人的执政能力。未来过渡国民议会究竟在政治上能发挥多大作用,其前景显然并不被广泛看好。在美国领导的联军占领下,伊拉克依然是个无主权国家,仅驻伊美军就达15万之众,伊拉克人至今还不能自主决定国家重大事务,在这种特定背景下,人们有理由怀疑,能否选出一个拥有主权的国民议会?</P>
<P>  伊大选原本是由美国操纵,美国的意图绝不是为伊拉克人着想,它决不允许国民议会享有真正的独立主权和立法权,履行其职责,未来国民议会只能是一个虚设的国家权力机构,授权有限,只是美国使用的一个政治工具。</P>
<P>  其实,美国对限制议会的权力早有准备,在2004年6月28日向伊拉克移交主权之前,就已签发了100多项法律条令,完全剥夺了伊拉克的立法权。无论成立伊拉克临时政府或国民议会,都不能影响美国对伊控制权。</P>
<P>  什叶派与逊尼派矛盾在所难免</P>
<P>  在伊拉克什叶派的历史上,他们一直处于受虐待、受压制、遭凌辱境况,自从第四任哈里发阿里公元661年去世后,一千多年以来,什叶派在与逊尼派争夺权力中,从未获得过胜利,如今时来运转,彻底翻身“当家做主”,从受压迫地位一跃成为领导阶层。而逊尼派的权力和地位却一落千丈,失去了昔日的统治权,所获得的议会席位不足以与什叶派竞争,其政治前途将十分暗淡。这种巨大的反差状况只能预示着今后两者的权力争夺将趋激烈。
<P>又一个伪政府快要粉墨登场</P><P>类比汪伪政府 这个又会如何</P>
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<i>超级密码</i>在2005-1-29 1:03:38的发言:</B>